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Created December 29, 2014 20:50
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elixir stuff
talk about actor model
- run in their own process
- have a message inbox
- send messages to it, it does work, and then it replies with the result
- sound like an OO object?
- state is hidden from outside world
- each actor handles one message at a time (isolation)
- concurrency by spinning up LOTS of actors that send messages to each other
- run as many processes in parallel as you have cores
- actor will be preempted on I/O or too much CPU, so that’s how you get concurrency
- erlang has 1st class support for communicating with processes across machines
- a “cluster” is made up of multiple machines
- processes are distributed across them
- transparent to application where processes are running
- remember that node philosophy of letting it crash?
- erlang/elixir are the same!
- except, you restart an erlang process, not the entire server
- one process can’t bring down another unless explicitly linked
- not terribly fast at running any one process
- smaller community
- different way of organizing applications
Sample application:
- used TTM’s live teaching application as inspiration
- started rewriting the entire node application for this talk, but it was too big
- pared it down to two apps that simulate students and teachers sending messages to each other
- students connect and go into a queue
- teachers can talk to up to 5 students at a time
- teachers and students exchange 50 messages each
- then the teacher ends the session
- how fast can we service all the students in the queue?
- as an aside, if you are building a real-time application this kind of stress test is guaranteed to identify lots of race conditions between client and server.
- for example, a student joining, subscribing to events, but teacher fired events before the server acknowledged the subscription
Architecture of application:
- Express, node 0.10.34, faye 1.0
- used faye because that’s what we use at TTM
- experimented with as well
- Erlang 17, Elixir 1.0.2, Phoenix 0.8-dev (master)
- node client to act as students/teachers
- different adapters for faye/phoenix WebSocket API
- Can run students/teachers in same process or in separate processes
Basic sequence diagram:
- Teacher and students connect to a “presence” channel
- Teacher tries to add a student as long as they have room
- If a student is available, both are sent a message to join a private chat room
- when both have joined room, teacher sends the first message
- Teacher and student ping/pong messages until each has sent 50
- Teacher terminates the chat
- Student disconnects
- Teacher tries to grab another student
Look at some code!
- Phoenix
- Student Roster module
- Basic elixir modules
- immutable, show how one would use it in IEX
- Show Student Roster Server module
- Explain that this is making an actor
- Explain call vs. cast
- Show subset of boilerplate version
- Show ExActor version
- could never do that in Erlang. Elixir makes this kind of metaprogramming possible.
- Show Channels
- Pattern matching
- Node
- Show “Channels”
- Show “models”
- Explain drawbacks
have to think in moregi coarse APIs
use exactor to get rid of boilerplate
10 teachers, 1000 students, 100 messages per chat (50 student, 50 teacher):
node: (1 core): 41s
node: (split teacher and student)): 41s
jelixir: (all cores) 31s
elixir: (all cores, split teacher and student) 22
elixir (1 core): 58s
elixir (1 core, split): 51s
both on client: 1m21
teacher on server: 41
student on server: 46
both on client: 1m46
teacher on server: 1m17
student on server: 1m44
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