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Created December 18, 2020 22:27
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  • Save sefeng211/9ac627bd08436b1a91eb7af1ab2c76c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sefeng211/9ac627bd08436b1a91eb7af1ab2c76c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/AudioParamMapBinding.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/AudioParamMapBinding.cpp
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> }
> already_AddRefed<AudioParam>
> Get(mozilla::dom::AudioParamMap* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::AudioParamMap>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> RefPtr<mozilla::dom::AudioParam> rvalDecl;
> static_assert(IsRefcounted<mozilla::dom::AudioParam>::value, "We can only store refcounted classes.");
> {
> // Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
> nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::AudioParam, mozilla::dom::AudioParam>(result, rvalDecl, cx);
> if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> }
> return rvalDecl.forget();
Common subdirectories: ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/_cache and ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/_cache
Common subdirectories: ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/.deps and ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/.deps
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/Makefile ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/Makefile
< topobjdir := /home/sefeng/.local/workspace/mozilla/.build/gamma-debug-old
> topobjdir := /home/sefeng/.local/workspace/mozilla/.build/gamma-debug
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/MIDIInputMapBinding.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/MIDIInputMapBinding.cpp
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> }
> already_AddRefed<MIDIInput>
> Get(mozilla::dom::MIDIInputMap* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::MIDIInputMap>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> RefPtr<mozilla::dom::MIDIInput> rvalDecl;
> static_assert(IsRefcounted<mozilla::dom::MIDIInput>::value, "We can only store refcounted classes.");
> {
> // Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
> nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::MIDIInput, mozilla::dom::MIDIInput>(result, rvalDecl, cx);
> if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> }
> return rvalDecl.forget();
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/MIDIOutputMapBinding.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/MIDIOutputMapBinding.cpp
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> }
> already_AddRefed<MIDIOutput>
> Get(mozilla::dom::MIDIOutputMap* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::MIDIOutputMap>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> RefPtr<mozilla::dom::MIDIOutput> rvalDecl;
> static_assert(IsRefcounted<mozilla::dom::MIDIOutput>::value, "We can only store refcounted classes.");
> {
> // Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
> nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::MIDIOutput, mozilla::dom::MIDIOutput>(result, rvalDecl, cx);
> if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> }
> return rvalDecl.forget();
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/PrototypeList.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/PrototypeList.cpp
< static const char table[] = "ANGLE_instanced_arrays" "\0" "AbortController" "\0" "AbortSignal" "\0" "AbstractRange" "\0" "AccessibleNode" "\0" "Addon" "\0" "AddonEvent" "\0" "AddonInstall" "\0" "AddonManager" "\0" "AnalyserNode" "\0" "Animation" "\0" "AnimationEffect" "\0" "AnimationEvent" "\0" "AnimationPlaybackEvent" "\0" "AnimationTimeline" "\0" "AnonymousContent" "\0" "Attr" "\0" "AudioBuffer" "\0" "AudioBufferSourceNode" "\0" "AudioContext" "\0" "AudioDestinationNode" "\0" "AudioListener" "\0" "AudioNode" "\0" "AudioParam" "\0" "AudioParamMap" "\0" "AudioProcessingEvent" "\0" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "\0" "AudioTrack" "\0" "AudioTrackList" "\0" "AudioWorklet" "\0" "AudioWorkletGlobalScope" "\0" "AudioWorkletNode" "\0" "AudioWorkletProcessor" "\0" "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" "\0" "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" "\0" "AuthenticatorResponse" "\0" "BarProp" "\0" "BaseAudioContext" "\0" "BatteryManager" "\0" "BeforeUnloadEvent" "\0" "BiquadFilterNode" "\0" "Blob" "\0" "BlobEvent" "\0" "BroadcastChannel" "\0" "BrowsingContext" "\0" "BrowsingContextGroup" "\0" "CDATASection" "\0" "CSS2Properties" "\0" "CSSAnimation" "\0" "CSSConditionRule" "\0" "CSSCounterStyleRule" "\0" "CSSFontFaceRule" "\0" "CSSFontFeatureValuesRule" "\0" "CSSGroupingRule" "\0" "CSSImportRule" "\0" "CSSKeyframeRule" "\0" "CSSKeyframesRule" "\0" "CSSMediaRule" "\0" "CSSMozDocumentRule" "\0" "CSSNamespaceRule" "\0" "CSSPageRule" "\0" "CSSPseudoElement" "\0" "CSSRule" "\0" "CSSRuleList" "\0" "CSSStyleDeclaration" "\0" "CSSStyleRule" "\0" "CSSStyleSheet" "\0" "CSSSupportsRule" "\0" "CSSTransition" "\0" "Cache" "\0" "CacheStorage" "\0" "CallbackDebuggerNotification" "\0" "CanonicalBrowsingContext" "\0" "CanvasCaptureMediaStream" "\0" "CanvasGradient" "\0" "CanvasPattern" "\0" "CanvasRenderingContext2D" "\0" "CaretPosition" "\0" "CaretStateChangedEvent" "\0" "ChannelMergerNode" "\0" "ChannelSplitterNode" "\0" "ChannelWrapper" "\0" "CharacterData" "\0" "CheckerboardReportService" "\0" "ChildProcessMessageManager" "\0" "ChildSHistory" "\0" "ChromeMessageBroadcaster" "\0" "ChromeMessageSender" "\0" "ChromeNodeList" "\0" "ChromeWorker" "\0" "Client" "\0" "Clients" "\0" "Clipboard" "\0" "ClipboardEvent" "\0" "ClonedErrorHolder" "\0" "CloseEvent" "\0" "CommandEvent" "\0" "Comment" "\0" "CompositionEvent" "\0" "ConsoleInstance" "\0" "ConstantSourceNode" "\0" "ContentFrameMessageManager" "\0" "ContentProcessMessageManager" "\0" "ConvolverNode" "\0" "CreateOfferRequest" "\0" "Credential" "\0" "CredentialsContainer" "\0" "Crypto" "\0" "CryptoKey" "\0" "CustomElementRegistry" "\0" "CustomEvent" "\0" "DOMException" "\0" "DOMImplementation" "\0" "DOMLocalization" "\0" "DOMMatrix" "\0" "DOMMatrixReadOnly" "\0" "DOMParser" "\0" "DOMPoint" "\0" "DOMPointReadOnly" "\0" "DOMQuad" "\0" "DOMRect" "\0" "DOMRectList" "\0" "DOMRectReadOnly" "\0" "DOMRequest" "\0" "DOMStringList" "\0" "DOMStringMap" "\0" "DOMTokenList" "\0" "DataTransfer" "\0" "DataTransferItem" "\0" "DataTransferItemList" "\0" "DebuggerNotification" "\0" "DebuggerNotificationObserver" "\0" "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope" "\0" "DelayNode" "\0" "DeprecationReportBody" "\0" "DeviceAcceleration" "\0" "DeviceLightEvent" "\0" "DeviceMotionEvent" "\0" "DeviceOrientationEvent" "\0" "DeviceProximityEvent" "\0" "DeviceRotationRate" "\0" "Directory" "\0" "Document" "\0" "DocumentFragment" "\0" "DocumentL10n" "\0" "DocumentTimeline" "\0" "DocumentType" "\0" "DominatorTree" "\0" "DragEvent" "\0" "DynamicsCompressorNode" "\0" "EXT_blend_minmax" "\0" "EXT_color_buffer_float" "\0" "EXT_color_buffer_half_float" "\0" "EXT_disjoint_timer_query" "\0" "EXT_float_blend" "\0" "EXT_frag_depth" "\0" "EXT_sRGB" "\0" "EXT_shader_texture_lod" "\0" "EXT_texture_compression_bptc" "\0" "EXT_texture_compression_rgtc" "\0" "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" "\0" "EXT_texture_norm16" "\0" "Element" "\0" "ElementInternals" "\0" "ErrorEvent" "\0" "Event" "\0" "EventCallbackDebuggerNotification" "\0" "EventSource" "\0" "EventTarget" "\0" "Exception" "\0" "ExtendableEvent" "\0" "ExtendableMessageEvent" "\0" "External" "\0" "FeaturePolicy" "\0" "FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody" "\0" "FetchEvent" "\0" "FetchObserver" "\0" "File" "\0" "FileList" "\0" "FileReader" "\0" "FileReaderSync" "\0" "FileSystem" "\0" "FileSystemDirectoryEntry" "\0" "FileSystemDirectoryReader" "\0" "FileSystemEntry" "\0" "FileSystemFileEntry" "\0" "Flex" "\0" "FlexItemValues" "\0" "FlexLineValues" "\0" "FluentBundle" "\0" "FluentPattern" "\0" "FluentResource" "\0" "FocusEvent" "\0" "FontFace" "\0" "FontFaceSet" "\0" "FontFaceSetIterator" "\0" "FontFaceSetLoadEvent" "\0" "FormData" "\0" "FormDataEvent" "\0" "FormDataIterator" "\0" "FrameCrashedEvent" "\0" "FrameLoader" "\0" "GPU" "\0" "GPUAdapter" "\0" "GPUBindGroup" "\0" "GPUBindGroupLayout" "\0" "GPUBuffer" "\0" "GPUCanvasContext" "\0" "GPUCommandBuffer" "\0" "GPUCommandEncoder" "\0" "GPUComputePassEncoder" "\0" "GPUComputePipeline" "\0" "GPUDevice" "\0" "GPUDeviceLostInfo" "\0" "GPUFence" "\0" "GPUOutOfMemoryError" "\0" "GPUPipelineLayout" "\0" "GPUQueue" "\0" "GPURenderBundle" "\0" "GPURenderBundleEncoder" "\0" "GPURenderPassEncoder" "\0" "GPURenderPipeline" "\0" "GPUSampler" "\0" "GPUShaderModule" "\0" "GPUSwapChain" "\0" "GPUTexture" "\0" "GPUTextureView" "\0" "GPUUncapturedErrorEvent" "\0" "GPUValidationError" "\0" "GainNode" "\0" "Gamepad" "\0" "GamepadAxisMoveEvent" "\0" "GamepadButton" "\0" "GamepadButtonEvent" "\0" "GamepadEvent" "\0" "GamepadHapticActuator" "\0" "GamepadLightIndicator" "\0" "GamepadPose" "\0" "GamepadServiceTest" "\0" "GamepadTouch" "\0" "Geolocation" "\0" "GeolocationCoordinates" "\0" "GeolocationPosition" "\0" "GeolocationPositionError" "\0" "GetUserMediaRequest" "\0" "GleanCategory" "\0" "GleanImpl" "\0" "Grid" "\0" "GridArea" "\0" "GridDimension" "\0" "GridLine" "\0" "GridLines" "\0" "GridTrack" "\0" "GridTracks" "\0" "HTMLAllCollection" "\0" "HTMLAnchorElement" "\0" "HTMLAreaElement" "\0" "HTMLAudioElement" "\0" "HTMLBRElement" "\0" "HTMLBaseElement" "\0" "HTMLBodyElement" "\0" "HTMLButtonElement" "\0" "HTMLCanvasElement" "\0" "HTMLCollection" "\0" "HTMLDListElement" "\0" "HTMLDataElement" "\0" "HTMLDataListElement" "\0" "HTMLDetailsElement" "\0" "HTMLDialogElement" "\0" "HTMLDirectoryElement" "\0" "HTMLDivElement" "\0" "HTMLDocument" "\0" "HTMLElement" "\0" "HTMLEmbedElement" "\0" "HTMLFieldSetElement" "\0" "HTMLFontElement" "\0" "HTMLFormControlsCollection" "\0" "HTMLFormElement" "\0" "HTMLFrameElement" "\0" "HTMLFrameSetElement" "\0" "HTMLHRElement" "\0" "HTMLHeadElement" "\0" "HTMLHeadingElement" "\0" "HTMLHtmlElement" "\0" "HTMLIFrameElement" "\0" "HTMLImageElement" "\0" "HTMLInputElement" "\0" "HTMLLIElement" "\0" "HTMLLabelElement" "\0" "HTMLLegendElement" "\0" "HTMLLinkElement" "\0" "HTMLMapElement" "\0" "HTMLMarqueeElement" "\0" "HTMLMediaElement" "\0" "HTMLMenuElement" "\0" "HTMLMenuItemElement" "\0" "HTMLMetaElement" "\0" "HTMLMeterElement" "\0" "HTMLModElement" "\0" "HTMLOListElement" "\0" "HTMLObjectElement" "\0" "HTMLOptGroupElement" "\0" "HTMLOptionElement" "\0" "HTMLOptionsCollection" "\0" "HTMLOutputElement" "\0" "HTMLParagraphElement" "\0" "HTMLParamElement" "\0" "HTMLPictureElement" "\0" "HTMLPreElement" "\0" "HTMLProgressElement" "\0" "HTMLQuoteElement" "\0" "HTMLScriptElement" "\0" "HTMLSelectElement" "\0" "HTMLSlotElement" "\0" "HTMLSourceElement" "\0" "HTMLSpanElement" "\0" "HTMLStyleElement" "\0" "HTMLTableCaptionElement" "\0" "HTMLTableCellElement" "\0" "HTMLTableColElement" "\0" "HTMLTableElement" "\0" "HTMLTableRowElement" "\0" "HTMLTableSectionElement" "\0" "HTMLTemplateElement" "\0" "HTMLTextAreaElement" "\0" "HTMLTimeElement" "\0" "HTMLTitleElement" "\0" "HTMLTrackElement" "\0" "HTMLUListElement" "\0" "HTMLUnknownElement" "\0" "HTMLVideoElement" "\0" "HashChangeEvent" "\0" "Headers" "\0" "HeadersIterator" "\0" "HeapSnapshot" "\0" "HiddenPluginEvent" "\0" "History" "\0" "IDBCursor" "\0" "IDBCursorWithValue" "\0" "IDBDatabase" "\0" "IDBFactory" "\0" "IDBFileHandle" "\0" "IDBFileRequest" "\0" "IDBIndex" "\0" "IDBKeyRange" "\0" "IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange" "\0" "IDBMutableFile" "\0" "IDBObjectStore" "\0" "IDBOpenDBRequest" "\0" "IDBRequest" "\0" "IDBTransaction" "\0" "IDBVersionChangeEvent" "\0" "IIRFilterNode" "\0" "IdleDeadline" "\0" "ImageBitmap" "\0" "ImageBitmapRenderingContext" "\0" "ImageCapture" "\0" "ImageCaptureError" "\0" "ImageCaptureErrorEvent" "\0" "ImageData" "\0" "ImageDocument" "\0" "InputEvent" "\0" "InspectorFontFace" "\0" "InstallTriggerImpl" "\0" "IntersectionObserver" "\0" "IntersectionObserverEntry" "\0" "IntlUtils" "\0" "JSProcessActorChild" "\0" "JSProcessActorParent" "\0" "JSWindowActorChild" "\0" "JSWindowActorParent" "\0" "KeyboardEvent" "\0" "KeyframeEffect" "\0" "LegacyMozTCPSocket" "\0" "Localization" "\0" "Location" "\0" "MIDIAccess" "\0" "MIDIConnectionEvent" "\0" "MIDIInput" "\0" "MIDIInputMap" "\0" "MIDIMessageEvent" "\0" "MIDIOutput" "\0" "MIDIOutputMap" "\0" "MIDIPort" "\0" "MOZ_debug" "\0" "MatchGlob" "\0" "MatchPattern" "\0" "MatchPatternSet" "\0" "MathMLElement" "\0" "MediaCapabilities" "\0" "MediaCapabilitiesInfo" "\0" "MediaController" "\0" "MediaDeviceInfo" "\0" "MediaDevices" "\0" "MediaElementAudioSourceNode" "\0" "MediaEncryptedEvent" "\0" "MediaError" "\0" "MediaKeyError" "\0" "MediaKeyMessageEvent" "\0" "MediaKeySession" "\0" "MediaKeyStatusMap" "\0" "MediaKeyStatusMapIterator" "\0" "MediaKeySystemAccess" "\0" "MediaKeys" "\0" "MediaList" "\0" "MediaMetadata" "\0" "MediaQueryList" "\0" "MediaQueryListEvent" "\0" "MediaRecorder" "\0" "MediaRecorderErrorEvent" "\0" "MediaSession" "\0" "MediaSource" "\0" "MediaStream" "\0" "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" "\0" "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" "\0" "MediaStreamError" "\0" "MediaStreamEvent" "\0" "MediaStreamTrack" "\0" "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" "\0" "MediaStreamTrackEvent" "\0" "MerchantValidationEvent" "\0" "MessageBroadcaster" "\0" "MessageChannel" "\0" "MessageEvent" "\0" "MessageListenerManager" "\0" "MessagePort" "\0" "MessageSender" "\0" "MimeType" "\0" "MimeTypeArray" "\0" "MouseEvent" "\0" "MouseScrollEvent" "\0" "MozCanvasPrintState" "\0" "MozDocumentMatcher" "\0" "MozDocumentObserver" "\0" "MozQueryInterface" "\0" "MozSharedMap" "\0" "MozSharedMapChangeEvent" "\0" "MozSharedMapIterator" "\0" "MozStorageAsyncStatementParams" "\0" "MozStorageStatementParams" "\0" "MozStorageStatementRow" "\0" "MozWritableSharedMap" "\0" "MutationEvent" "\0" "MutationObserver" "\0" "MutationRecord" "\0" "NamedNodeMap" "\0" "Navigator" "\0" "NetworkInformation" "\0" "Node" "\0" "NodeIterator" "\0" "NodeList" "\0" "Notification" "\0" "NotificationEvent" "\0" "NotifyPaintEvent" "\0" "OES_element_index_uint" "\0" "OES_fbo_render_mipmap" "\0" "OES_standard_derivatives" "\0" "OES_texture_float" "\0" "OES_texture_float_linear" "\0" "OES_texture_half_float" "\0" "OES_texture_half_float_linear" "\0" "OES_vertex_array_object" "\0" "OVR_multiview2" "\0" "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" "\0" "OfflineAudioContext" "\0" "OfflineResourceList" "\0" "OffscreenCanvas" "\0" "OnlyForUseInConstructor" "\0" "OscillatorNode" "\0" "PageTransitionEvent" "\0" "PaintRequest" "\0" "PaintRequestList" "\0" "PaintWorkletGlobalScope" "\0" "PannerNode" "\0" "ParentProcessMessageManager" "\0" "Path2D" "\0" "PaymentAddress" "\0" "PaymentMethodChangeEvent" "\0" "PaymentRequest" "\0" "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" "\0" "PaymentResponse" "\0" "PeerConnectionImpl" "\0" "PeerConnectionObserver" "\0" "Performance" "\0" "PerformanceEntry" "\0" "PerformanceEntryEvent" "\0" "PerformanceMark" "\0" "PerformanceMeasure" "\0" "PerformanceNavigation" "\0" "PerformanceNavigationTiming" "\0" "PerformanceObserver" "\0" "PerformanceObserverEntryList" "\0" "PerformancePaintTiming" "\0" "PerformanceResourceTiming" "\0" "PerformanceServerTiming" "\0" "PerformanceTiming" "\0" "PeriodicWave" "\0" "PermissionStatus" "\0" "Permissions" "\0" "PlacesBookmark" "\0" "PlacesBookmarkAddition" "\0" "PlacesBookmarkRemoved" "\0" "PlacesEvent" "\0" "PlacesVisit" "\0" "PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper" "\0" "Plugin" "\0" "PluginArray" "\0" "PluginCrashedEvent" "\0" "PointerEvent" "\0" "PopStateEvent" "\0" "PopupBlockedEvent" "\0" "PopupPositionedEvent" "\0" "PositionStateEvent" "\0" "PrecompiledScript" "\0" "Presentation" "\0" "PresentationAvailability" "\0" "PresentationConnection" "\0" "PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent" "\0" "PresentationConnectionCloseEvent" "\0" "PresentationConnectionList" "\0" "PresentationReceiver" "\0" "PresentationRequest" "\0" "ProcessMessageManager" "\0" "ProcessingInstruction" "\0" "ProgressEvent" "\0" "PromiseNativeHandler" "\0" "PromiseRejectionEvent" "\0" "PublicKeyCredential" "\0" "PushEvent" "\0" "PushManager" "\0" "PushManagerImpl" "\0" "PushMessageData" "\0" "PushSubscription" "\0" "PushSubscriptionOptions" "\0" "RTCCertificate" "\0" "RTCDTMFSender" "\0" "RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent" "\0" "RTCDataChannel" "\0" "RTCDataChannelEvent" "\0" "RTCDtlsTransport" "\0" "RTCIceCandidate" "\0" "RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar" "\0" "RTCPeerConnection" "\0" "RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent" "\0" "RTCPeerConnectionStatic" "\0" "RTCRtpReceiver" "\0" "RTCRtpSender" "\0" "RTCRtpTransceiver" "\0" "RTCSessionDescription" "\0" "RTCStatsReport" "\0" "RTCTrackEvent" "\0" "RadioNodeList" "\0" "Range" "\0" "Report" "\0" "ReportBody" "\0" "ReportingObserver" "\0" "Request" "\0" "ResizeObserver" "\0" "ResizeObserverEntry" "\0" "ResizeObserverSize" "\0" "Response" "\0" "SVGAElement" "\0" "SVGAngle" "\0" "SVGAnimateElement" "\0" "SVGAnimateMotionElement" "\0" "SVGAnimateTransformElement" "\0" "SVGAnimatedAngle" "\0" "SVGAnimatedBoolean" "\0" "SVGAnimatedEnumeration" "\0" "SVGAnimatedInteger" "\0" "SVGAnimatedLength" "\0" "SVGAnimatedLengthList" "\0" "SVGAnimatedNumber" "\0" "SVGAnimatedNumberList" "\0" "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" "\0" "SVGAnimatedRect" "\0" "SVGAnimatedString" "\0" "SVGAnimatedTransformList" "\0" "SVGAnimationElement" "\0" "SVGCircleElement" "\0" "SVGClipPathElement" "\0" "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" "\0" "SVGDefsElement" "\0" "SVGDescElement" "\0" "SVGElement" "\0" "SVGEllipseElement" "\0" "SVGFEBlendElement" "\0" "SVGFEColorMatrixElement" "\0" "SVGFEComponentTransferElement" "\0" "SVGFECompositeElement" "\0" "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" "\0" "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" "\0" "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" "\0" "SVGFEDistantLightElement" "\0" "SVGFEDropShadowElement" "\0" "SVGFEFloodElement" "\0" "SVGFEFuncAElement" "\0" "SVGFEFuncBElement" "\0" "SVGFEFuncGElement" "\0" "SVGFEFuncRElement" "\0" "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" "\0" "SVGFEImageElement" "\0" "SVGFEMergeElement" "\0" "SVGFEMergeNodeElement" "\0" "SVGFEMorphologyElement" "\0" "SVGFEOffsetElement" "\0" "SVGFEPointLightElement" "\0" "SVGFESpecularLightingElement" "\0" "SVGFESpotLightElement" "\0" "SVGFETileElement" "\0" "SVGFETurbulenceElement" "\0" "SVGFilterElement" "\0" "SVGForeignObjectElement" "\0" "SVGGElement" "\0" "SVGGeometryElement" "\0" "SVGGradientElement" "\0" "SVGGraphicsElement" "\0" "SVGImageElement" "\0" "SVGLength" "\0" "SVGLengthList" "\0" "SVGLineElement" "\0" "SVGLinearGradientElement" "\0" "SVGMPathElement" "\0" "SVGMarkerElement" "\0" "SVGMaskElement" "\0" "SVGMatrix" "\0" "SVGMetadataElement" "\0" "SVGNumber" "\0" "SVGNumberList" "\0" "SVGPathElement" "\0" "SVGPathSeg" "\0" "SVGPathSegArcAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegArcRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegClosePath" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" "\0" "SVGPathSegList" "\0" "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" "\0" "SVGPathSegMovetoRel" "\0" "SVGPatternElement" "\0" "SVGPoint" "\0" "SVGPointList" "\0" "SVGPolygonElement" "\0" "SVGPolylineElement" "\0" "SVGPreserveAspectRatio" "\0" "SVGRadialGradientElement" "\0" "SVGRect" "\0" "SVGRectElement" "\0" "SVGSVGElement" "\0" "SVGScriptElement" "\0" "SVGSetElement" "\0" "SVGStopElement" "\0" "SVGStringList" "\0" "SVGStyleElement" "\0" "SVGSwitchElement" "\0" "SVGSymbolElement" "\0" "SVGTSpanElement" "\0" "SVGTextContentElement" "\0" "SVGTextElement" "\0" "SVGTextPathElement" "\0" "SVGTextPositioningElement" "\0" "SVGTitleElement" "\0" "SVGTransform" "\0" "SVGTransformList" "\0" "SVGUseElement" "\0" "SVGViewElement" "\0" "Sanitizer" "\0" "Screen" "\0" "ScreenLuminance" "\0" "ScreenOrientation" "\0" "ScriptProcessorNode" "\0" "ScrollAreaEvent" "\0" "ScrollViewChangeEvent" "\0" "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" "\0" "Selection" "\0" "ServiceWorker" "\0" "ServiceWorkerContainer" "\0" "ServiceWorkerGlobalScope" "\0" "ServiceWorkerRegistration" "\0" "ShadowRoot" "\0" "SharedWorker" "\0" "SharedWorkerGlobalScope" "\0" "SimpleGestureEvent" "\0" "SourceBuffer" "\0" "SourceBufferList" "\0" "SpeechGrammar" "\0" "SpeechGrammarList" "\0" "SpeechRecognition" "\0" "SpeechRecognitionAlternative" "\0" "SpeechRecognitionError" "\0" "SpeechRecognitionEvent" "\0" "SpeechRecognitionResult" "\0" "SpeechRecognitionResultList" "\0" "SpeechSynthesis" "\0" "SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent" "\0" "SpeechSynthesisEvent" "\0" "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" "\0" "SpeechSynthesisVoice" "\0" "StaticRange" "\0" "StereoPannerNode" "\0" "Storage" "\0" "StorageEvent" "\0" "StorageManager" "\0" "StreamFilter" "\0" "StreamFilterDataEvent" "\0" "StructuredCloneHolder" "\0" "StructuredCloneTester" "\0" "StyleSheet" "\0" "StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent" "\0" "StyleSheetList" "\0" "SubmitEvent" "\0" "SubtleCrypto" "\0" "SyncMessageSender" "\0" "TCPServerSocket" "\0" "TCPServerSocketEvent" "\0" "TCPSocket" "\0" "TCPSocketErrorEvent" "\0" "TCPSocketEvent" "\0" "TestAttributesOnTypes" "\0" "TestCEReactionsInterface" "\0" "TestCImplementedInterface" "\0" "TestCImplementedInterface2" "\0" "TestChildInterface" "\0" "TestConstructorForFuncInterface" "\0" "TestConstructorForPrefInterface" "\0" "TestConstructorForSCInterface" "\0" "TestCppKeywordNamedMethodsInterface" "\0" "TestDeprecatedInterface" "\0" "TestExampleInterface" "\0" "TestExampleProxyInterface" "\0" "TestExampleThrowingConstructorInterface" "\0" "TestExampleWorkerInterface" "\0" "TestFuncConstructorForDifferentFuncInterface" "\0" "TestFuncConstructorForInterface" "\0" "TestFunctions" "\0" "TestHTMLConstructorInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedAndNamedGetterAndSetterInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedAndNamedGetterInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedAndNamedSetterInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedGetterAndSetterAndNamedGetterInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedGetterInterface" "\0" "TestIndexedSetterInterface" "\0" "TestInterface" "\0" "TestInterfaceIterableDouble" "\0" "TestInterfaceIterableDoubleIterator" "\0" "TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion" "\0" "TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnionIterator" "\0" "TestInterfaceIterableSingle" "\0" "TestInterfaceJS" "\0" "TestInterfaceJSMaplike" "\0" "TestInterfaceMaplike" "\0" "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject" "\0" "TestInterfaceSetlike" "\0" "TestInterfaceSetlikeNode" "\0" "TestInterfaceWithPromiseConstructorArg" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface2" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface3" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface4" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface5" "\0" "TestJSImplInterface6" "\0" "TestJSImplNoInterfaceObject" "\0" "TestNamedDeleterInterface" "\0" "TestNamedDeleterWithRetvalInterface" "\0" "TestNamedGetterInterface" "\0" "TestNamedSetterInterface" "\0" "TestNonWrapperCacheInterface" "\0" "TestParentInterface" "\0" "TestPrefChromeOnlySCFuncConstructorForInterface" "\0" "TestPrefConstructorForDifferentPrefInterface" "\0" "TestPrefConstructorForInterface" "\0" "TestRenamedInterface" "\0" "TestSCConstructorForInterface" "\0" "TestSecureContextInterface" "\0" "TestThrowingConstructorInterface" "\0" "TestWorkerExposedInterface" "\0" "TestingDeprecatedInterface" "\0" "Text" "\0" "TextClause" "\0" "TextDecoder" "\0" "TextEncoder" "\0" "TextMetrics" "\0" "TextTrack" "\0" "TextTrackCue" "\0" "TextTrackCueList" "\0" "TextTrackList" "\0" "TimeEvent" "\0" "TimeRanges" "\0" "Touch" "\0" "TouchEvent" "\0" "TouchList" "\0" "TrackEvent" "\0" "TransceiverImpl" "\0" "TransitionEvent" "\0" "TreeColumn" "\0" "TreeColumns" "\0" "TreeContentView" "\0" "TreeWalker" "\0" "U2F" "\0" "UDPMessageEvent" "\0" "UDPSocket" "\0" "UIEvent" "\0" "URL" "\0" "URLSearchParams" "\0" "URLSearchParamsIterator" "\0" "UserProximityEvent" "\0" "VRDisplay" "\0" "VRDisplayCapabilities" "\0" "VRDisplayEvent" "\0" "VREyeParameters" "\0" "VRFieldOfView" "\0" "VRFrameData" "\0" "VRMockController" "\0" "VRMockDisplay" "\0" "VRPose" "\0" "VRServiceTest" "\0" "VRStageParameters" "\0" "VTTCue" "\0" "VTTRegion" "\0" "ValidityState" "\0" "VideoPlaybackQuality" "\0" "VideoTrack" "\0" "VideoTrackList" "\0" "VisualViewport" "\0" "WEBGL_color_buffer_float" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc" "\0" "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb" "\0" "WEBGL_debug_renderer_info" "\0" "WEBGL_debug_shaders" "\0" "WEBGL_depth_texture" "\0" "WEBGL_draw_buffers" "\0" "WEBGL_explicit_present" "\0" "WEBGL_lose_context" "\0" "WaveShaperNode" "\0" "WebExtensionContentScript" "\0" "WebExtensionPolicy" "\0" "WebGL2RenderingContext" "\0" "WebGLActiveInfo" "\0" "WebGLBuffer" "\0" "WebGLContextEvent" "\0" "WebGLFramebuffer" "\0" "WebGLProgram" "\0" "WebGLQuery" "\0" "WebGLRenderbuffer" "\0" "WebGLRenderingContext" "\0" "WebGLSampler" "\0" "WebGLShader" "\0" "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" "\0" "WebGLSync" "\0" "WebGLTexture" "\0" "WebGLTransformFeedback" "\0" "WebGLUniformLocation" "\0" "WebGLVertexArrayObject" "\0" "WebSocket" "\0" "WheelEvent" "\0" "Window" "\0" "WindowClient" "\0" "WindowContext" "\0" "WindowGlobalChild" "\0" "WindowGlobalParent" "\0" "WindowRoot" "\0" "Worker" "\0" "WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope" "\0" "WorkerGlobalScope" "\0" "WorkerLocation" "\0" "WorkerNavigator" "\0" "Worklet" "\0" "WorkletGlobalScope" "\0" "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface" "\0" "XMLDocument" "\0" "XMLHttpRequest" "\0" "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" "\0" "XMLHttpRequestUpload" "\0" "XMLSerializer" "\0" "XPathEvaluator" "\0" "XPathExpression" "\0" "XPathResult" "\0" "XRBoundedReferenceSpace" "\0" "XRFrame" "\0" "XRInputSource" "\0" "XRInputSourceArray" "\0" "XRInputSourceEvent" "\0" "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent" "\0" "XRPose" "\0" "XRReferenceSpace" "\0" "XRReferenceSpaceEvent" "\0" "XRRenderState" "\0" "XRRigidTransform" "\0" "XRSession" "\0" "XRSessionEvent" "\0" "XRSpace" "\0" "XRSystem" "\0" "XRView" "\0" "XRViewerPose" "\0" "XRViewport" "\0" "XRWebGLLayer" "\0" "XSLTProcessor" "\0" "XULCommandEvent" "\0" "XULElement" "\0" "XULFrameElement" "\0" "XULMenuElement" "\0" "XULPopupElement" "\0" "XULTextElement" "\0" "XULTreeElement" "\0" "mozRTCIceCandidate" "\0" "mozRTCPeerConnection" "\0" "mozRTCSessionDescription";
< static const uint16_t indices[] = { 0, 23, 39, 51, 65, 80, 86, 97, 110, 123, 136, 146, 162, 177, 200, 218, 235, 240, 252, 274, 287, 308, 322, 332, 343, 357, 378, 403, 414, 429, 442, 466, 483, 505, 536, 569, 591, 599, 616, 631, 649, 666, 671, 681, 698, 714, 735, 748, 763, 776, 793, 813, 829, 854, 870, 884, 900, 917, 930, 949, 966, 978, 995, 1003, 1015, 1035, 1048, 1062, 1078, 1092, 1098, 1111, 1140, 1165, 1190, 1205, 1219, 1244, 1258, 1281, 1299, 1319, 1334, 1348, 1374, 1401, 1415, 1440, 1460, 1475, 1488, 1495, 1503, 1513, 1528, 1546, 1557, 1570, 1578, 1595, 1611, 1630, 1657, 1686, 1700, 1719, 1730, 1751, 1758, 1768, 1790, 1802, 1815, 1833, 1849, 1859, 1877, 1887, 1896, 1913, 1921, 1929, 1941, 1957, 1968, 1982, 1995, 2008, 2021, 2038, 2059, 2080, 2109, 2136, 2146, 2168, 2187, 2204, 2222, 2245, 2266, 2285, 2295, 2304, 2321, 2334, 2351, 2364, 2378, 2388, 2411, 2428, 2451, 2479, 2504, 2520, 2535, 2544, 2567, 2596, 2625, 2656, 2675, 2683, 2700, 2711, 2717, 2751, 2763, 2775, 2785, 2801, 2824, 2833, 2847, 2880, 2891, 2905, 2910, 2919, 2930, 2945, 2956, 2981, 3007, 3023, 3043, 3048, 3063, 3078, 3091, 3105, 3120, 3131, 3140, 3152, 3172, 3193, 3202, 3216, 3233, 3251, 3263, 3267, 3278, 3291, 3310, 3320, 3337, 3354, 3372, 3394, 3413, 3423, 3441, 3450, 3470, 3488, 3497, 3513, 3536, 3557, 3575, 3586, 3602, 3615, 3626, 3641, 3665, 3684, 3693, 3701, 3722, 3736, 3755, 3768, 3790, 3812, 3824, 3843, 3856, 3868, 3891, 3911, 3936, 3956, 3970, 3980, 3985, 3994, 4008, 4017, 4027, 4037, 4048, 4066, 4084, 4100, 4117, 4131, 4147, 4163, 4181, 4199, 4214, 4231, 4247, 4267, 4286, 4304, 4325, 4340, 4353, 4365, 4382, 4402, 4418, 4445, 4461, 4478, 4498, 4512, 4528, 4547, 4563, 4581, 4598, 4615, 4629, 4646, 4664, 4680, 4695, 4714, 4731, 4747, 4767, 4783, 4800, 4815, 4832, 4850, 4870, 4888, 4910, 4928, 4949, 4966, 4985, 5000, 5020, 5037, 5055, 5073, 5089, 5107, 5123, 5140, 5164, 5185, 5205, 5222, 5242, 5266, 5286, 5306, 5322, 5339, 5356, 5373, 5392, 5409, 5425, 5433, 5449, 5462, 5480, 5488, 5498, 5517, 5529, 5540, 5554, 5569, 5578, 5590, 5613, 5628, 5643, 5660, 5671, 5686, 5708, 5722, 5735, 5747, 5775, 5788, 5806, 5829, 5839, 5853, 5864, 5882, 5901, 5922, 5948, 5958, 5978, 5999, 6018, 6038, 6052, 6067, 6086, 6099, 6108, 6119, 6139, 6149, 6162, 6179, 6190, 6204, 6213, 6223, 6233, 6246, 6262, 6276, 6294, 6316, 6332, 6348, 6361, 6389, 6409, 6420, 6434, 6455, 6471, 6489, 6515, 6536, 6546, 6556, 6570, 6585, 6605, 6619, 6643, 6656, 6668, 6680, 6712, 6739, 6756, 6773, 6790, 6822, 6844, 6868, 6887, 6902, 6915, 6938, 6950, 6964, 6973, 6987, 6998, 7015, 7035, 7054, 7074, 7092, 7105, 7129, 7150, 7181, 7207, 7230, 7251, 7265, 7282, 7297, 7310, 7320, 7339, 7344, 7357, 7366, 7379, 7397, 7414, 7437, 7459, 7484, 7502, 7527, 7550, 7580, 7604, 7619, 7647, 7667, 7687, 7703, 7727, 7742, 7762, 7775, 7792, 7816, 7827, 7855, 7862, 7877, 7902, 7917, 7943, 7959, 7978, 8001, 8013, 8030, 8052, 8068, 8087, 8109, 8137, 8157, 8186, 8209, 8235, 8259, 8277, 8290, 8307, 8319, 8334, 8357, 8379, 8391, 8403, 8429, 8436, 8448, 8467, 8480, 8494, 8512, 8533, 8552, 8570, 8583, 8608, 8631, 8668, 8701, 8728, 8749, 8769, 8791, 8813, 8827, 8848, 8870, 8890, 8900, 8912, 8928, 8944, 8961, 8985, 9000, 9014, 9037, 9052, 9072, 9089, 9105, 9134, 9152, 9178, 9202, 9217, 9230, 9248, 9270, 9285, 9299, 9313, 9319, 9326, 9337, 9355, 9363, 9378, 9398, 9417, 9426, 9438, 9447, 9465, 9489, 9516, 9533, 9552, 9575, 9594, 9612, 9634, 9652, 9674, 9705, 9721, 9739, 9764, 9784, 9801, 9820, 9856, 9871, 9886, 9897, 9915, 9933, 9957, 9987, 10009, 10036, 10064, 10092, 10117, 10140, 10158, 10176, 10194, 10212, 10230, 10255, 10273, 10291, 10313, 10336, 10355, 10378, 10407, 10429, 10446, 10469, 10486, 10510, 10522, 10541, 10560, 10579, 10595, 10605, 10619, 10634, 10659, 10675, 10692, 10707, 10717, 10736, 10746, 10760, 10775, 10786, 10803, 10820, 10840, 10866, 10892, 10924, 10956, 10986, 11016, 11052, 11088, 11108, 11138, 11168, 11188, 11216, 11244, 11259, 11279, 11299, 11317, 11326, 11339, 11357, 11376, 11399, 11424, 11432, 11447, 11461, 11478, 11492, 11507, 11521, 11537, 11554, 11571, 11587, 11609, 11624, 11643, 11669, 11685, 11698, 11715, 11729, 11744, 11754, 11761, 11777, 11795, 11815, 11831, 11853, 11882, 11892, 11906, 11929, 11954, 11980, 11991, 12004, 12028, 12047, 12060, 12077, 12091, 12109, 12127, 12156, 12179, 12202, 12226, 12254, 12270, 12296, 12317, 12342, 12363, 12375, 12392, 12400, 12413, 12428, 12441, 12463, 12485, 12507, 12518, 12555, 12570, 12582, 12595, 12613, 12629, 12650, 12660, 12680, 12695, 12717, 12742, 12768, 12795, 12814, 12846, 12878, 12908, 12944, 12968, 12989, 13015, 13055, 13082, 13127, 13159, 13173, 13202, 13246, 13281, 13316, 13366, 13393, 13420, 13434, 13462, 13498, 13531, 13572, 13600, 13616, 13639, 13660, 13687, 13708, 13733, 13772, 13792, 13813, 13834, 13855, 13876, 13897, 13925, 13951, 13987, 14012, 14037, 14066, 14086, 14134, 14179, 14211, 14232, 14262, 14289, 14322, 14349, 14376, 14381, 14392, 14404, 14416, 14428, 14438, 14451, 14468, 14482, 14492, 14503, 14509, 14520, 14530, 14541, 14557, 14573, 14584, 14596, 14612, 14623, 14627, 14643, 14653, 14661, 14665, 14681, 14705, 14724, 14734, 14756, 14771, 14787, 14801, 14813, 14830, 14844, 14851, 14865, 14883, 14890, 14900, 14914, 14935, 14946, 14961, 14976, 15001, 15031, 15060, 15090, 15121, 15151, 15186, 15212, 15232, 15252, 15271, 15294, 15313, 15328, 15354, 15373, 15396, 15412, 15424, 15442, 15459, 15472, 15483, 15501, 15523, 15536, 15548, 15575, 15585, 15598, 15621, 15642, 15665, 15675, 15686, 15693, 15706, 15720, 15738, 15757, 15768, 15775, 15801, 15819, 15834, 15850, 15858, 15877, 15916, 15928, 15943, 15969, 15990, 16004, 16019, 16035, 16047, 16071, 16079, 16093, 16112, 16131, 16157, 16164, 16181, 16203, 16217, 16234, 16244, 16259, 16267, 16276, 16283, 16296, 16307, 16320, 16334, 16350, 16361, 16377, 16392, 16408, 16423, 16438, 16457, 16478 };
< static_assert(16503 <= UINT16_MAX, "string table overflow!");
> static const char table[] = "ANGLE_instanced_arrays" "\0" "AbortController" "\0" "AbortSignal" "\0" "AbstractRange" "\0" "AccessibleNode" "\0" "Addon" "\0" "AddonEvent" "\0" "AddonInstall" "\0" "AddonManager" "\0" "AnalyserNode" "\0" "Animation" "\0" "AnimationEffect" "\0" "AnimationEvent" "\0" "AnimationPlaybackEvent" "\0" "AnimationTimeline" "\0" "AnonymousContent" "\0" "Attr" "\0" "AudioBuffer" "\0" "AudioBufferSourceNode" "\0" "AudioContext" "\0" "AudioDestinationNode" "\0" "AudioListener" "\0" "AudioNode" "\0" "AudioParam" "\0" "AudioParamMap" "\0" "AudioProcessingEvent" "\0" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "\0" "AudioTrack" "\0" "AudioTrackList" "\0" "AudioWorklet" "\0" "AudioWorkletGlobalScope" "\0" "AudioWorkletNode" "\0" "AudioWorkletProcessor" "\0" "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" "\0" "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" "\0" "AuthenticatorResponse" "\0" "BarProp" "\0" "BaseAudioContext" "\0" "BatteryManager" "\0" "BeforeUnloadEvent" "\0" "BiquadFilterNode" "\0" "Blob" "\0" 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"Window" "\0" "WindowClient" "\0" "WindowContext" "\0" "WindowGlobalChild" "\0" "WindowGlobalParent" "\0" "WindowRoot" "\0" "Worker" "\0" "WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope" "\0" "WorkerGlobalScope" "\0" "WorkerLocation" "\0" "WorkerNavigator" "\0" "Worklet" "\0" "WorkletGlobalScope" "\0" "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface" "\0" "XMLDocument" "\0" "XMLHttpRequest" "\0" "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" "\0" "XMLHttpRequestUpload" "\0" "XMLSerializer" "\0" "XPathEvaluator" "\0" "XPathExpression" "\0" "XPathResult" "\0" "XRBoundedReferenceSpace" "\0" "XRFrame" "\0" "XRInputSource" "\0" "XRInputSourceArray" "\0" "XRInputSourceEvent" "\0" "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent" "\0" "XRPose" "\0" "XRReferenceSpace" "\0" "XRReferenceSpaceEvent" "\0" "XRRenderState" "\0" "XRRigidTransform" "\0" "XRSession" "\0" "XRSessionEvent" "\0" "XRSpace" "\0" "XRSystem" "\0" "XRView" "\0" "XRViewerPose" "\0" "XRViewport" "\0" "XRWebGLLayer" "\0" "XSLTProcessor" "\0" "XULCommandEvent" "\0" "XULElement" "\0" "XULFrameElement" 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> static const uint16_t indices[] = { 0, 23, 39, 51, 65, 80, 86, 97, 110, 123, 136, 146, 162, 177, 200, 218, 235, 240, 252, 274, 287, 308, 322, 332, 343, 357, 378, 403, 414, 429, 442, 466, 483, 505, 536, 569, 591, 599, 616, 631, 649, 666, 671, 681, 698, 714, 735, 748, 763, 776, 793, 813, 829, 854, 870, 884, 900, 917, 930, 949, 966, 978, 995, 1003, 1015, 1035, 1048, 1062, 1078, 1092, 1098, 1111, 1140, 1165, 1190, 1205, 1219, 1244, 1258, 1281, 1299, 1319, 1334, 1348, 1374, 1401, 1415, 1440, 1460, 1475, 1488, 1495, 1503, 1513, 1528, 1546, 1557, 1570, 1578, 1595, 1611, 1630, 1657, 1686, 1700, 1719, 1730, 1751, 1758, 1768, 1790, 1802, 1815, 1833, 1849, 1859, 1877, 1887, 1896, 1913, 1921, 1929, 1941, 1957, 1968, 1982, 1995, 2008, 2021, 2038, 2059, 2080, 2109, 2136, 2146, 2168, 2187, 2204, 2222, 2245, 2266, 2285, 2295, 2304, 2321, 2334, 2351, 2364, 2378, 2388, 2411, 2428, 2451, 2479, 2504, 2520, 2535, 2544, 2567, 2596, 2625, 2656, 2675, 2683, 2700, 2711, 2717, 2751, 2763, 2775, 2785, 2801, 2824, 2833, 2847, 2880, 2891, 2905, 2910, 2919, 2930, 2945, 2956, 2981, 3007, 3023, 3043, 3048, 3063, 3078, 3091, 3105, 3120, 3131, 3140, 3152, 3172, 3193, 3202, 3216, 3233, 3251, 3263, 3267, 3278, 3291, 3310, 3320, 3337, 3354, 3372, 3394, 3413, 3423, 3441, 3450, 3470, 3488, 3497, 3513, 3536, 3557, 3575, 3586, 3602, 3615, 3626, 3641, 3665, 3684, 3693, 3701, 3722, 3736, 3755, 3768, 3790, 3812, 3824, 3843, 3856, 3868, 3891, 3911, 3936, 3956, 3970, 3980, 3985, 3994, 4008, 4017, 4027, 4037, 4048, 4066, 4084, 4100, 4117, 4131, 4147, 4163, 4181, 4199, 4214, 4231, 4247, 4267, 4286, 4304, 4325, 4340, 4353, 4365, 4382, 4402, 4418, 4445, 4461, 4478, 4498, 4512, 4528, 4547, 4563, 4581, 4598, 4615, 4629, 4646, 4664, 4680, 4695, 4714, 4731, 4747, 4767, 4783, 4800, 4815, 4832, 4850, 4870, 4888, 4910, 4928, 4949, 4966, 4985, 5000, 5020, 5037, 5055, 5073, 5089, 5107, 5123, 5140, 5164, 5185, 5205, 5222, 5242, 5266, 5286, 5306, 5322, 5339, 5356, 5373, 5392, 5409, 5425, 5433, 5449, 5462, 5480, 5488, 5498, 5517, 5529, 5540, 5554, 5569, 5578, 5590, 5613, 5628, 5643, 5660, 5671, 5686, 5708, 5722, 5735, 5747, 5775, 5788, 5806, 5829, 5839, 5853, 5864, 5882, 5901, 5922, 5948, 5958, 5978, 5999, 6018, 6038, 6052, 6067, 6086, 6099, 6108, 6119, 6139, 6149, 6162, 6179, 6190, 6204, 6213, 6223, 6233, 6246, 6262, 6276, 6294, 6316, 6332, 6348, 6361, 6389, 6409, 6420, 6434, 6455, 6471, 6489, 6515, 6536, 6546, 6556, 6570, 6585, 6605, 6619, 6643, 6656, 6668, 6680, 6712, 6739, 6756, 6773, 6790, 6822, 6844, 6868, 6887, 6902, 6915, 6938, 6950, 6964, 6973, 6987, 6998, 7015, 7035, 7054, 7074, 7092, 7105, 7129, 7150, 7181, 7207, 7230, 7251, 7265, 7282, 7297, 7310, 7320, 7339, 7344, 7357, 7366, 7379, 7397, 7414, 7437, 7459, 7484, 7502, 7527, 7550, 7580, 7604, 7619, 7647, 7667, 7687, 7703, 7727, 7742, 7762, 7775, 7792, 7816, 7827, 7855, 7862, 7877, 7902, 7917, 7943, 7959, 7978, 8001, 8013, 8030, 8052, 8068, 8087, 8109, 8137, 8157, 8186, 8209, 8235, 8259, 8277, 8290, 8307, 8319, 8334, 8357, 8379, 8391, 8403, 8429, 8436, 8448, 8467, 8480, 8494, 8512, 8533, 8552, 8570, 8583, 8608, 8631, 8668, 8701, 8728, 8749, 8769, 8791, 8813, 8827, 8848, 8870, 8890, 8900, 8912, 8928, 8944, 8961, 8985, 9000, 9014, 9037, 9052, 9072, 9089, 9105, 9134, 9152, 9178, 9202, 9217, 9230, 9248, 9270, 9285, 9299, 9313, 9319, 9326, 9337, 9355, 9363, 9378, 9398, 9417, 9426, 9438, 9447, 9465, 9489, 9516, 9533, 9552, 9575, 9594, 9612, 9634, 9652, 9674, 9705, 9721, 9739, 9764, 9784, 9801, 9820, 9856, 9871, 9886, 9897, 9915, 9933, 9957, 9987, 10009, 10036, 10064, 10092, 10117, 10140, 10158, 10176, 10194, 10212, 10230, 10255, 10273, 10291, 10313, 10336, 10355, 10378, 10407, 10429, 10446, 10469, 10486, 10510, 10522, 10541, 10560, 10579, 10595, 10605, 10619, 10634, 10659, 10675, 10692, 10707, 10717, 10736, 10746, 10760, 10775, 10786, 10803, 10820, 10840, 10866, 10892, 10924, 10956, 10986, 11016, 11052, 11088, 11108, 11138, 11168, 11188, 11216, 11244, 11259, 11279, 11299, 11317, 11326, 11339, 11357, 11376, 11399, 11424, 11432, 11447, 11461, 11478, 11492, 11507, 11521, 11537, 11554, 11571, 11587, 11609, 11624, 11643, 11669, 11685, 11698, 11715, 11729, 11744, 11754, 11761, 11777, 11795, 11815, 11831, 11853, 11882, 11892, 11906, 11929, 11954, 11980, 11991, 12004, 12028, 12047, 12060, 12077, 12091, 12109, 12127, 12156, 12179, 12202, 12226, 12254, 12270, 12296, 12317, 12342, 12363, 12375, 12392, 12400, 12413, 12428, 12441, 12463, 12485, 12507, 12518, 12555, 12570, 12582, 12595, 12613, 12629, 12650, 12660, 12680, 12695, 12717, 12742, 12768, 12795, 12814, 12846, 12878, 12908, 12944, 12968, 12989, 13015, 13055, 13082, 13127, 13159, 13173, 13202, 13246, 13281, 13316, 13366, 13393, 13420, 13434, 13462, 13498, 13531, 13572, 13600, 13616, 13639, 13660, 13689, 13716, 13737, 13762, 13801, 13821, 13842, 13863, 13884, 13905, 13926, 13954, 13980, 14016, 14041, 14066, 14095, 14115, 14163, 14208, 14240, 14261, 14291, 14318, 14351, 14378, 14405, 14410, 14421, 14433, 14445, 14457, 14467, 14480, 14497, 14511, 14521, 14532, 14538, 14549, 14559, 14570, 14586, 14602, 14613, 14625, 14641, 14652, 14656, 14672, 14682, 14690, 14694, 14710, 14734, 14753, 14763, 14785, 14800, 14816, 14830, 14842, 14859, 14873, 14880, 14894, 14912, 14919, 14929, 14943, 14964, 14975, 14990, 15005, 15030, 15060, 15089, 15119, 15150, 15180, 15215, 15241, 15261, 15281, 15300, 15323, 15342, 15357, 15383, 15402, 15425, 15441, 15453, 15471, 15488, 15501, 15512, 15530, 15552, 15565, 15577, 15604, 15614, 15627, 15650, 15671, 15694, 15704, 15715, 15722, 15735, 15749, 15767, 15786, 15797, 15804, 15830, 15848, 15863, 15879, 15887, 15906, 15945, 15957, 15972, 15998, 16019, 16033, 16048, 16064, 16076, 16100, 16108, 16122, 16141, 16160, 16186, 16193, 16210, 16232, 16246, 16263, 16273, 16288, 16296, 16305, 16312, 16325, 16336, 16349, 16363, 16379, 16390, 16406, 16421, 16437, 16452, 16467, 16486, 16507 };
> static_assert(16532 <= UINT16_MAX, "string table overflow!");
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/RegisterBindings.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/RegisterBindings.cpp
< const uint32_t WebIDLGlobalNameHash::sCount = 811;
> const uint32_t WebIDLGlobalNameHash::sCount = 812;
< /* 11648 */ "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject\0"
< /* 11675 */ "TestInterfaceSetlike\0"
< /* 11696 */ "TestInterfaceSetlikeNode\0"
< /* 11721 */ "TestingDeprecatedInterface\0"
< /* 11748 */ "Text\0"
< /* 11753 */ "TextClause\0"
< /* 11764 */ "TextDecoder\0"
< /* 11776 */ "TextEncoder\0"
< /* 11788 */ "TextMetrics\0"
< /* 11800 */ "TextTrack\0"
< /* 11810 */ "TextTrackCue\0"
< /* 11823 */ "TextTrackCueList\0"
< /* 11840 */ "TextTrackList\0"
< /* 11854 */ "TimeEvent\0"
< /* 11864 */ "TimeRanges\0"
< /* 11875 */ "Touch\0"
< /* 11881 */ "TouchEvent\0"
< /* 11892 */ "TouchList\0"
< /* 11902 */ "TrackEvent\0"
< /* 11913 */ "TransceiverImpl\0"
< /* 11929 */ "TransitionEvent\0"
< /* 11945 */ "TreeColumn\0"
< /* 11956 */ "TreeColumns\0"
< /* 11968 */ "TreeContentView\0"
< /* 11984 */ "TreeWalker\0"
< /* 11995 */ "U2F\0"
< /* 11999 */ "UDPMessageEvent\0"
< /* 12015 */ "UDPSocket\0"
< /* 12025 */ "UIEvent\0"
< /* 12033 */ "URL\0"
< /* 12037 */ "webkitURL\0"
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< /* 12063 */ "UserInteraction\0"
< /* 12079 */ "UserProximityEvent\0"
< /* 12098 */ "VRDisplay\0"
< /* 12108 */ "VRDisplayCapabilities\0"
< /* 12130 */ "VRDisplayEvent\0"
< /* 12145 */ "VREyeParameters\0"
< /* 12161 */ "VRFieldOfView\0"
< /* 12175 */ "VRFrameData\0"
< /* 12187 */ "VRMockController\0"
< /* 12204 */ "VRMockDisplay\0"
< /* 12218 */ "VRPose\0"
< /* 12225 */ "VRServiceTest\0"
< /* 12239 */ "VRStageParameters\0"
< /* 12257 */ "VTTCue\0"
< /* 12264 */ "VTTRegion\0"
< /* 12274 */ "ValidityState\0"
< /* 12288 */ "VideoPlaybackQuality\0"
< /* 12309 */ "VideoTrack\0"
< /* 12320 */ "VideoTrackList\0"
< /* 12335 */ "VisualViewport\0"
< /* 12350 */ "WaveShaperNode\0"
< /* 12365 */ "WebExtensionContentScript\0"
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< /* 12786 */ "WindowGlobalParent\0"
< /* 12805 */ "WindowRoot\0"
< /* 12816 */ "Worker\0"
< /* 12823 */ "Worklet\0"
< /* 12831 */ "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface\0"
< /* 12870 */ "XMLDocument\0"
< /* 12882 */ "XMLHttpRequest\0"
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< /* 12923 */ "XMLHttpRequestUpload\0"
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< /* 12973 */ "XPathExpression\0"
< /* 12989 */ "XPathResult\0"
< /* 13001 */ "XRBoundedReferenceSpace\0"
< /* 13025 */ "XRFrame\0"
< /* 13033 */ "XRInputSource\0"
< /* 13047 */ "XRInputSourceArray\0"
< /* 13066 */ "XRInputSourceEvent\0"
< /* 13085 */ "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent\0"
< /* 13111 */ "XRPose\0"
< /* 13118 */ "XRReferenceSpace\0"
< /* 13135 */ "XRReferenceSpaceEvent\0"
< /* 13157 */ "XRRenderState\0"
< /* 13171 */ "XRRigidTransform\0"
< /* 13188 */ "XRSession\0"
< /* 13198 */ "XRSessionEvent\0"
< /* 13213 */ "XRSpace\0"
< /* 13221 */ "XRSystem\0"
< /* 13230 */ "XRView\0"
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< /* 13250 */ "XRViewport\0"
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< /* 13288 */ "XULCommandEvent\0"
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< /* 13315 */ "XULFrameElement\0"
< /* 13331 */ "XULMenuElement\0"
< /* 13346 */ "XULPopupElement\0"
< /* 13362 */ "XULTextElement\0"
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< /* 13392 */ "console\0"
< /* 13400 */ "mozRTCIceCandidate\0"
< /* 13419 */ "mozRTCPeerConnection\0"
< /* 13440 */ "mozRTCSessionDescription\0";
> /* 11648 */ "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject\0"
> /* 11677 */ "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject\0"
> /* 11704 */ "TestInterfaceSetlike\0"
> /* 11725 */ "TestInterfaceSetlikeNode\0"
> /* 11750 */ "TestingDeprecatedInterface\0"
> /* 11777 */ "Text\0"
> /* 11782 */ "TextClause\0"
> /* 11793 */ "TextDecoder\0"
> /* 11805 */ "TextEncoder\0"
> /* 11817 */ "TextMetrics\0"
> /* 11829 */ "TextTrack\0"
> /* 11839 */ "TextTrackCue\0"
> /* 11852 */ "TextTrackCueList\0"
> /* 11869 */ "TextTrackList\0"
> /* 11883 */ "TimeEvent\0"
> /* 11893 */ "TimeRanges\0"
> /* 11904 */ "Touch\0"
> /* 11910 */ "TouchEvent\0"
> /* 11921 */ "TouchList\0"
> /* 11931 */ "TrackEvent\0"
> /* 11942 */ "TransceiverImpl\0"
> /* 11958 */ "TransitionEvent\0"
> /* 11974 */ "TreeColumn\0"
> /* 11985 */ "TreeColumns\0"
> /* 11997 */ "TreeContentView\0"
> /* 12013 */ "TreeWalker\0"
> /* 12024 */ "U2F\0"
> /* 12028 */ "UDPMessageEvent\0"
> /* 12044 */ "UDPSocket\0"
> /* 12054 */ "UIEvent\0"
> /* 12062 */ "URL\0"
> /* 12066 */ "webkitURL\0"
> /* 12076 */ "URLSearchParams\0"
> /* 12092 */ "UserInteraction\0"
> /* 12108 */ "UserProximityEvent\0"
> /* 12127 */ "VRDisplay\0"
> /* 12137 */ "VRDisplayCapabilities\0"
> /* 12159 */ "VRDisplayEvent\0"
> /* 12174 */ "VREyeParameters\0"
> /* 12190 */ "VRFieldOfView\0"
> /* 12204 */ "VRFrameData\0"
> /* 12216 */ "VRMockController\0"
> /* 12233 */ "VRMockDisplay\0"
> /* 12247 */ "VRPose\0"
> /* 12254 */ "VRServiceTest\0"
> /* 12268 */ "VRStageParameters\0"
> /* 12286 */ "VTTCue\0"
> /* 12293 */ "VTTRegion\0"
> /* 12303 */ "ValidityState\0"
> /* 12317 */ "VideoPlaybackQuality\0"
> /* 12338 */ "VideoTrack\0"
> /* 12349 */ "VideoTrackList\0"
> /* 12364 */ "VisualViewport\0"
> /* 12379 */ "WaveShaperNode\0"
> /* 12394 */ "WebExtensionContentScript\0"
> /* 12420 */ "WebExtensionPolicy\0"
> /* 12439 */ "WebGL2RenderingContext\0"
> /* 12462 */ "WebGLActiveInfo\0"
> /* 12478 */ "WebGLBuffer\0"
> /* 12490 */ "WebGLContextEvent\0"
> /* 12508 */ "WebGLFramebuffer\0"
> /* 12525 */ "WebGLProgram\0"
> /* 12538 */ "WebGLQuery\0"
> /* 12549 */ "WebGLRenderbuffer\0"
> /* 12567 */ "WebGLRenderingContext\0"
> /* 12589 */ "WebGLSampler\0"
> /* 12602 */ "WebGLShader\0"
> /* 12614 */ "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat\0"
> /* 12641 */ "WebGLSync\0"
> /* 12651 */ "WebGLTexture\0"
> /* 12664 */ "WebGLTransformFeedback\0"
> /* 12687 */ "WebGLUniformLocation\0"
> /* 12708 */ "WebGLVertexArrayObject\0"
> /* 12731 */ "WebSocket\0"
> /* 12741 */ "WebrtcGlobalInformation\0"
> /* 12765 */ "WheelEvent\0"
> /* 12776 */ "Window\0"
> /* 12783 */ "WindowContext\0"
> /* 12797 */ "WindowGlobalChild\0"
> /* 12815 */ "WindowGlobalParent\0"
> /* 12834 */ "WindowRoot\0"
> /* 12845 */ "Worker\0"
> /* 12852 */ "Worklet\0"
> /* 12860 */ "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface\0"
> /* 12899 */ "XMLDocument\0"
> /* 12911 */ "XMLHttpRequest\0"
> /* 12926 */ "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget\0"
> /* 12952 */ "XMLHttpRequestUpload\0"
> /* 12973 */ "XMLSerializer\0"
> /* 12987 */ "XPathEvaluator\0"
> /* 13002 */ "XPathExpression\0"
> /* 13018 */ "XPathResult\0"
> /* 13030 */ "XRBoundedReferenceSpace\0"
> /* 13054 */ "XRFrame\0"
> /* 13062 */ "XRInputSource\0"
> /* 13076 */ "XRInputSourceArray\0"
> /* 13095 */ "XRInputSourceEvent\0"
> /* 13114 */ "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent\0"
> /* 13140 */ "XRPose\0"
> /* 13147 */ "XRReferenceSpace\0"
> /* 13164 */ "XRReferenceSpaceEvent\0"
> /* 13186 */ "XRRenderState\0"
> /* 13200 */ "XRRigidTransform\0"
> /* 13217 */ "XRSession\0"
> /* 13227 */ "XRSessionEvent\0"
> /* 13242 */ "XRSpace\0"
> /* 13250 */ "XRSystem\0"
> /* 13259 */ "XRView\0"
> /* 13266 */ "XRViewerPose\0"
> /* 13279 */ "XRViewport\0"
> /* 13290 */ "XRWebGLLayer\0"
> /* 13303 */ "XSLTProcessor\0"
> /* 13317 */ "XULCommandEvent\0"
> /* 13333 */ "XULElement\0"
> /* 13344 */ "XULFrameElement\0"
> /* 13360 */ "XULMenuElement\0"
> /* 13375 */ "XULPopupElement\0"
> /* 13391 */ "XULTextElement\0"
> /* 13406 */ "XULTreeElement\0"
> /* 13421 */ "console\0"
> /* 13429 */ "mozRTCIceCandidate\0"
> /* 13448 */ "mozRTCPeerConnection\0"
> /* 13469 */ "mozRTCSessionDescription\0";
< /* mNameOffset */ 4493, // "HTMLOutputElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOutputElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOutputElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7078, // "ParentProcessMessageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ParentProcessMessageManager,
> /* mCreate */ ParentProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ParentProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11788, // "TextMetrics"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextMetrics,
< /* mCreate */ TextMetrics_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 165, // "AnimationEffect"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationEffect,
> /* mCreate */ AnimationEffect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AnimationEffect_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5275, // "IIRFilterNode"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3520, // "GleanCategory"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IIRFilterNode,
< /* mCreate */ IIRFilterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IIRFilterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GleanCategory,
> /* mCreate */ GleanCategory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GleanCategory_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9322, // "SVGFEDistantLightElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDistantLightElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEDistantLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5907, // "MediaDeviceInfo"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaDeviceInfo,
> /* mCreate */ MediaDeviceInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaDeviceInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3837, // "HTMLDetailsElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4549, // "HTMLPictureElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDetailsElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDetailsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLPictureElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLPictureElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3003, // "GPUOutOfMemoryError"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUOutOfMemoryError,
< /* mCreate */ GPUOutOfMemoryError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUOutOfMemoryError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7262, // "Performance"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7640, // "PlacesEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Performance,
< /* mCreate */ Performance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9406, // "SVGFEFuncBElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncBElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncBElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4805, // "HTMLTableRowElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableRowElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableRowElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11384, // "TCPServerSocket"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPServerSocket,
< /* mCreate */ TCPServerSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TCPServerSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 1378, // "ChildSHistory"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChildSHistory,
< /* mCreate */ ChildSHistory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChildSHistory_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7239, // "PeerConnectionObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PeerConnectionObserver,
< /* mCreate */ PeerConnectionObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PeerConnectionObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1296, // "ChannelWrapper"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelWrapper,
> /* mCreate */ ChannelWrapper_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChannelWrapper_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5907, // "MediaDeviceInfo"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaDeviceInfo,
< /* mCreate */ MediaDeviceInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaDeviceInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6229, // "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 31,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3549, // "GridArea"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridArea,
< /* mCreate */ GridArea_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridArea_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8447, // "RTCRtpSender"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpSender,
> /* mCreate */ RTCRtpSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7002, // "OscillatorNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OscillatorNode,
< /* mCreate */ OscillatorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ OscillatorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5047, // "History"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::History,
> /* mCreate */ History_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2099, // "DelayNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DelayNode,
< /* mCreate */ DelayNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DelayNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2166, // "DeviceOrientationEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceOrientationEvent,
> /* mCreate */ DeviceOrientationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DeviceOrientationEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12747, // "Window"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Window,
< /* mCreate */ Window_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5096, // "IDBFactory"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFactory,
> /* mCreate */ IDBFactory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 306, // "AudioDestinationNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioDestinationNode,
< /* mCreate */ AudioDestinationNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioDestinationNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6105, // "MediaMetadata"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaMetadata,
> /* mCreate */ MediaMetadata_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaMetadata_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10794, // "webkitSpeechGrammar"
> /* mNameOffset */ 13217, // "XRSession"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSession,
> /* mCreate */ XRSession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRSession_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 10874, // "webkitSpeechRecognition"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognition,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 2099, // "DelayNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DelayNode,
> /* mCreate */ DelayNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DelayNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 8026, // "PresentationRequest"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammar,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationRequest,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8824, // "SVGAnimatedLength"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedLength,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedLength_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10463, // "SVGViewElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGViewElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGViewElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2732, // "FormDataEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10228, // "SVGStringList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FormDataEvent,
< /* mCreate */ FormDataEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FormDataEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStringList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGStringList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11748, // "Text"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Text,
< /* mCreate */ Text_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11431, // "TCPSocketErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocketErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TCPSocketErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TCPSocketErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1196, // "CanvasRenderingContext2D"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasRenderingContext2D,
> /* mCreate */ CanvasRenderingContext2D_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7274, // "PerformanceEntry"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9699, // "SVGFilterElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceEntry,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFilterElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFilterElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1069, // "Cache"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Cache,
< /* mCreate */ Cache_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Cache_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12379, // "WaveShaperNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WaveShaperNode,
> /* mCreate */ WaveShaperNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WaveShaperNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11588, // "TestInterfaceJS"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12028, // "UDPMessageEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceJS,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceJS_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceJS_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UDPMessageEvent,
> /* mCreate */ UDPMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ UDPMessageEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8382, // "RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent,
< /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1088, // "CallbackDebuggerNotification"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CallbackDebuggerNotification,
> /* mCreate */ CallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1972, // "DOMStringMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMStringMap,
< /* mCreate */ DOMStringMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12860, // "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface"
> /* mNameLength */ 38,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface,
> /* mCreate */ WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2598, // "FlexItemValues"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FlexItemValues,
< /* mCreate */ FlexItemValues_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FlexItemValues_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4922, // "HTMLTrackElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTrackElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTrackElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 877, // "CSSKeyframesRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8331, // "RTCDtlsTransport"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSKeyframesRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSKeyframesRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDtlsTransport,
> /* mCreate */ RTCDtlsTransport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCDtlsTransport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2573, // "FileSystemFileEntry"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemFileEntry,
< /* mCreate */ FileSystemFileEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2475, // "FileList"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileList,
> /* mCreate */ FileList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8348, // "RTCIceCandidate"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCIceCandidate,
< /* mCreate */ RTCIceCandidate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCIceCandidate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8567, // "ReportingObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ReportingObserver,
> /* mCreate */ ReportingObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ReportingObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12622, // "WebGLTexture"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLTexture,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLTexture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLTexture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13250, // "XRSystem"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSystem,
> /* mCreate */ XRSystem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRSystem_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11984, // "TreeWalker"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeWalker,
< /* mCreate */ TreeWalker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5145, // "IDBKeyRange"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBKeyRange,
> /* mCreate */ IDBKeyRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6918, // "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OfflineAudioCompletionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4849, // "HTMLTemplateElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTemplateElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTemplateElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 9699, // "SVGFilterElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFilterElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFilterElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6482, // "MessageSender"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageSender,
> /* mCreate */ MessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9101, // "SVGDescElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGDescElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGDescElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11942, // "TransceiverImpl"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TransceiverImpl,
> /* mCreate */ TransceiverImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TransceiverImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6447, // "MessageListenerManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageListenerManager,
< /* mCreate */ MessageListenerManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MessageListenerManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7757, // "PopStateEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopStateEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PopStateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3128, // "GPUSampler"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5744, // "MIDIOutput"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUSampler,
< /* mCreate */ GPUSampler_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUSampler_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIOutput,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIOutput_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIOutput_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1258, // "ChannelMergerNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelMergerNode,
< /* mCreate */ ChannelMergerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChannelMergerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11041, // "SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13261, // "XRWebGLLayer"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRWebGLLayer,
< /* mCreate */ XRWebGLLayer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRWebGLLayer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 351, // "AudioParam"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioParam,
> /* mCreate */ AudioParam_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioParam_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5964, // "MediaEncryptedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaEncryptedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaEncryptedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10182, // "SVGScriptElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGScriptElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGScriptElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3687, // "HTMLBRElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBRElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLBRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4222, // "HTMLLegendElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLegendElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLLegendElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11892, // "TouchList"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TouchList,
< /* mCreate */ TouchList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TouchList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 6305, // "MediaStreamTrack"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrack,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10213, // "SVGStopElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStopElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGStopElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3320, // "GamepadButtonEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7810, // "PositionStateEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadButtonEvent,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadButtonEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadButtonEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PositionStateEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PositionStateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PositionStateEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5396, // "ImageDocument"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageDocument,
< /* mCreate */ ImageDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ImageDocument_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12159, // "VRDisplayEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplayEvent,
> /* mCreate */ VRDisplayEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRDisplayEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12161, // "VRFieldOfView"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRFieldOfView,
< /* mCreate */ VRFieldOfView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRFieldOfView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2593, // "Flex"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Flex,
> /* mCreate */ Flex_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Flex_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 790, // "CSSFontFaceRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSFontFaceRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSFontFaceRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7050, // "PaintRequestList"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaintRequestList,
> /* mCreate */ PaintRequestList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1235, // "CaretStateChangedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CaretStateChangedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ CaretStateChangedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CaretStateChangedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5065, // "IDBCursorWithValue"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBCursorWithValue,
> /* mCreate */ IDBCursorWithValue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12187, // "VRMockController"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRMockController,
< /* mCreate */ VRMockController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRMockController_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12952, // "XMLHttpRequestUpload"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequestUpload,
> /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequestUpload_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequestUpload_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9937, // "SVGMatrix"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMatrix,
< /* mCreate */ SVGMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9976, // "SVGNumberList"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGNumberList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGNumberList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8046, // "PrioEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PrioEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ PrioEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PrioEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4343, // "HTMLMetaElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMetaElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMetaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 13400, // "mozRTCIceCandidate"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCIceCandidate,
< /* mCreate */ mozRTCIceCandidate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ mozRTCIceCandidate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11985, // "TreeColumns"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeColumns,
> /* mCreate */ TreeColumns_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TreeColumns_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3277, // "Gamepad"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Gamepad,
< /* mCreate */ Gamepad_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Gamepad_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7744, // "PointerEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PointerEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PointerEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PointerEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2331, // "ElementInternals"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5210, // "IDBOpenDBRequest"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ElementInternals,
< /* mCreate */ ElementInternals_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ElementInternals_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBOpenDBRequest,
> /* mCreate */ IDBOpenDBRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1789, // "DOMImplementation"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMImplementation,
< /* mCreate */ DOMImplementation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4825, // "HTMLTableSectionElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableSectionElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableSectionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5289, // "IOUtils"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IOUtils,
< /* mCreate */ IOUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IOUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7329, // "PerformanceMeasure"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceMeasure,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceMeasure_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12635, // "WebGLTransformFeedback"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLTransformFeedback,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLTransformFeedback_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLTransformFeedback_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9659, // "SVGFETileElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFETileElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFETileElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8478, // "RTCSessionDescription"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCSessionDescription,
< /* mCreate */ RTCSessionDescription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCSessionDescription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8408, // "RTCPeerConnectionStatic"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnectionStatic,
> /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnectionStatic_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnectionStatic_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12365, // "WebExtensionContentScript"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebExtensionContentScript,
< /* mCreate */ WebExtensionContentScript_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebExtensionContentScript_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8187, // "PushManagerImpl"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushManagerImpl,
> /* mCreate */ PushManagerImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PushManagerImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5227, // "IDBRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBRequest,
< /* mCreate */ IDBRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10047, // "SVGPointList"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPointList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPointList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2865, // "GPUColorWrite"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUColorWrite,
< /* mCreate */ GPUColorWrite_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUColorWrite_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8593, // "ResizeObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserver,
> /* mCreate */ ResizeObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3023, // "GPUPipelineLayout"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUPipelineLayout,
< /* mCreate */ GPUPipelineLayout_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUPipelineLayout_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13095, // "XRInputSourceEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourceEvent,
> /* mCreate */ XRInputSourceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9014, // "SVGCircleElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGCircleElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGCircleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8904, // "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio"
> /* mNameLength */ 30,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1985, // "DOMTokenList"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMTokenList,
< /* mCreate */ DOMTokenList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5454, // "InstallTriggerImpl"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InstallTriggerImpl,
> /* mCreate */ InstallTriggerImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ InstallTriggerImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9922, // "SVGMaskElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMaskElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGMaskElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 10794, // "webkitSpeechGrammar"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammar,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5651, // "Localization"
> /* mNameOffset */ 105, // "AddonManager"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Localization,
< /* mCreate */ Localization_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Localization_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonManager,
> /* mCreate */ AddonManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AddonManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12989, // "XPathResult"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathResult,
< /* mCreate */ XPathResult_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4471, // "HTMLOptionsCollection"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionsCollection,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionsCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 955, // "CSSPseudoElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10419, // "SVGTransformList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSPseudoElement,
< /* mCreate */ CSSPseudoElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CSSPseudoElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7470, // "PerformanceResourceTiming"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceResourceTiming,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceResourceTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTransformList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTransformList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1012, // "CSSStyleRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSStyleRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7706, // "Plugin"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Plugin,
> /* mCreate */ Plugin_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13066, // "XRInputSourceEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10345, // "SVGTextPathElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourceEvent,
< /* mCreate */ XRInputSourceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 3701, // "HTMLBaseElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBaseElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLBaseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextPathElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTextPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3601, // "GridTracks"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridTracks,
< /* mCreate */ GridTracks_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridTracks_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 341, // "AudioNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioNode,
> /* mCreate */ AudioNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7640, // "PlacesEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2470, // "File"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::File,
> /* mCreate */ File_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12823, // "Worklet"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Worklet,
< /* mCreate */ Worklet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Worklet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12687, // "WebGLUniformLocation"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLUniformLocation,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLUniformLocation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLUniformLocation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1055, // "CSSTransition"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSTransition,
< /* mCreate */ CSSTransition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CSSTransition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1833, // "WebKitCSSMatrix"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrix,
> /* mCreate */ DOMMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrix_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7595, // "PlacesBookmarkAddition"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesBookmarkAddition,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesBookmarkAddition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesBookmarkAddition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9864, // "SVGLinearGradientElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLinearGradientElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGLinearGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3452, // "GeolocationCoordinates"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationCoordinates,
< /* mCreate */ GeolocationCoordinates_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GeolocationCoordinates_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5253, // "IDBVersionChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBVersionChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ IDBVersionChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1531, // "CommandEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CommandEvent,
< /* mCreate */ CommandEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CommandEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11499, // "TestInterfaceIterableDouble"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableDouble,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableDouble_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableDouble_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13135, // "XRReferenceSpaceEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRReferenceSpaceEvent,
< /* mCreate */ XRReferenceSpaceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRReferenceSpaceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9608, // "SVGFESpecularLightingElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFESpecularLightingElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFESpecularLightingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6879, // "NodeList"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NodeList,
< /* mCreate */ NodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12741, // "WebrtcGlobalInformation"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebrtcGlobalInformation,
> /* mCreate */ WebrtcGlobalInformation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebrtcGlobalInformation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4015, // "HTMLFormElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFormElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLFormElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4426, // "HTMLOptGroupElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptGroupElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOptGroupElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13033, // "XRInputSource"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSource,
< /* mCreate */ XRInputSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRInputSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 461, // "AudioWorkletNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioWorkletNode,
> /* mCreate */ AudioWorkletNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioWorkletNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5238, // "IDBTransaction"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBTransaction,
< /* mCreate */ IDBTransaction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12338, // "VideoTrack"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoTrack,
> /* mCreate */ VideoTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VideoTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6288, // "MediaStreamEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2848, // "GPUCanvasContext"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCanvasContext,
> /* mCreate */ GPUCanvasContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUCanvasContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5136, // "IDBIndex"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBIndex,
< /* mCreate */ IDBIndex_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 13186, // "XRRenderState"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRRenderState,
> /* mCreate */ XRRenderState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRRenderState_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9424, // "SVGFEFuncGElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncGElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8515, // "RTCTrackEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCTrackEvent,
> /* mCreate */ RTCTrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCTrackEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3183, // "GPUTexture"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTexture,
< /* mCreate */ GPUTexture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUTexture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1378, // "ChildSHistory"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChildSHistory,
> /* mCreate */ ChildSHistory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChildSHistory_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5297, // "IdleDeadline"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IdleDeadline,
< /* mCreate */ IdleDeadline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IdleDeadline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3572, // "GridLine"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridLine,
> /* mCreate */ GridLine_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridLine_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2670, // "FocusEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FocusEvent,
< /* mCreate */ FocusEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12815, // "WindowGlobalParent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowGlobalParent,
> /* mCreate */ WindowGlobalParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WindowGlobalParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1725, // "Crypto"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Crypto,
< /* mCreate */ Crypto_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7220, // "PeerConnectionImpl"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PeerConnectionImpl,
> /* mCreate */ PeerConnectionImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PeerConnectionImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 397, // "AudioScheduledSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioScheduledSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ AudioScheduledSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5195, // "IDBObjectStore"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBObjectStore,
> /* mCreate */ IDBObjectStore_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10228, // "SVGStringList"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStringList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGStringList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11782, // "TextClause"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextClause,
> /* mCreate */ TextClause_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TextClause_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13111, // "XRPose"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRPose,
< /* mCreate */ XRPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11234, // "StructuredCloneHolder"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StructuredCloneHolder,
> /* mCreate */ StructuredCloneHolder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StructuredCloneHolder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11913, // "TransceiverImpl"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TransceiverImpl,
< /* mCreate */ TransceiverImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TransceiverImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12731, // "WebSocket"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebSocket,
> /* mCreate */ WebSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1886, // "DOMPointReadOnly"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMPointReadOnly,
< /* mCreate */ DOMPointReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMPointReadOnly_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3320, // "GamepadButtonEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadButtonEvent,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadButtonEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadButtonEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4426, // "HTMLOptGroupElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptGroupElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOptGroupElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10078, // "SVGPolylineElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPolylineElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPolylineElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4168, // "Image"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4151, // "HTMLImageElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13274, // "XSLTProcessor"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XSLTProcessor,
< /* mCreate */ XSLTProcessor_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12317, // "VideoPlaybackQuality"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoPlaybackQuality,
> /* mCreate */ VideoPlaybackQuality_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VideoPlaybackQuality_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11278, // "StyleSheet"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheet,
> /* mCreate */ StyleSheet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6095, // "MediaList"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaList,
< /* mCreate */ MediaList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4620, // "HTMLScriptElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLScriptElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLScriptElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11999, // "UDPMessageEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UDPMessageEvent,
< /* mCreate */ UDPMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ UDPMessageEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1531, // "CommandEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CommandEvent,
> /* mCreate */ CommandEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CommandEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8882, // "SVGAnimatedNumberList"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedNumberList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedNumberList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12076, // "URLSearchParams"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URLSearchParams,
> /* mCreate */ URLSearchParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11604, // "TestInterfaceJSMaplike"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceJSMaplike,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceJSMaplike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceJSMaplike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1693, // "Credential"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Credential,
> /* mCreate */ Credential_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Credential_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11256, // "StructuredCloneTester"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StructuredCloneTester,
< /* mCreate */ StructuredCloneTester_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StructuredCloneTester_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12845, // "Worker"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Worker,
> /* mCreate */ Worker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Worker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12015, // "UDPSocket"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11921, // "TouchList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UDPSocket,
< /* mCreate */ UDPSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ UDPSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TouchList,
> /* mCreate */ TouchList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TouchList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6119, // "MediaQueryList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaQueryList,
< /* mCreate */ MediaQueryList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5704, // "MIDIInput"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIInput,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIInput_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIInput_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10199, // "SVGSetElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSetElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGSetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10275, // "SVGSymbolElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSymbolElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGSymbolElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 60, // "AccessibleNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AccessibleNode,
< /* mCreate */ AccessibleNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AccessibleNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 2723, // "FormData"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FormData,
< /* mCreate */ FormData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7067, // "PannerNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PannerNode,
> /* mCreate */ PannerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PannerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13346, // "XULPopupElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11588, // "TestInterfaceJS"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULPopupElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULPopupElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULPopupElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceJS,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceJS_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceJS_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4191, // "HTMLLIElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLIElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLLIElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3210, // "GPUTextureView"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTextureView,
> /* mCreate */ GPUTextureView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUTextureView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10078, // "SVGPolylineElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6400, // "MessageBroadcaster"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPolylineElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPolylineElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageBroadcaster,
> /* mCreate */ MessageBroadcaster_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MessageBroadcaster_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2423, // "FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody"
< /* mNameLength */ 32,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody,
< /* mCreate */ FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10856, // "SpeechRecognition"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognition,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10168, // "SVGSVGElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSVGElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGSVGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9809, // "SVGImageElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGImageElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5008, // "Headers"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Headers,
< /* mCreate */ Headers_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8628, // "ResizeObserverSize"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserverSize,
> /* mCreate */ ResizeObserverSize_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserverSize_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9637, // "SVGFESpotLightElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFESpotLightElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFESpotLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6692, // "MozStorageStatementParams"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageStatementParams,
> /* mCreate */ MozStorageStatementParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozStorageStatementParams_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8408, // "RTCPeerConnectionStatic"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnectionStatic,
< /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnectionStatic_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnectionStatic_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13076, // "XRInputSourceArray"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourceArray,
> /* mCreate */ XRInputSourceArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourceArray_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11041, // "SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12054, // "UIEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UIEvent,
> /* mCreate */ UIEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12944, // "XMLSerializer"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLSerializer,
< /* mCreate */ XMLSerializer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8864, // "SVGAnimatedNumber"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedNumber,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedNumber_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7138, // "PaymentMethodChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentMethodChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PaymentMethodChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PaymentMethodChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 564, // "BarProp"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BarProp,
> /* mCreate */ BarProp_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 237, // "AnonymousContent"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnonymousContent,
< /* mCreate */ AnonymousContent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AnonymousContent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1055, // "CSSTransition"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSTransition,
> /* mCreate */ CSSTransition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CSSTransition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1075, // "CacheStorage"
> /* mNameOffset */ 740, // "CSSAnimation"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CacheStorage,
< /* mCreate */ CacheStorage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CacheStorage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSAnimation,
> /* mCreate */ CSSAnimation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CSSAnimation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7810, // "PositionStateEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PositionStateEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PositionStateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PositionStateEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11648, // "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7496, // "PerformanceServerTiming"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceServerTiming,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceServerTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PerformanceServerTiming_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8478, // "RTCSessionDescription"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCSessionDescription,
> /* mCreate */ RTCSessionDescription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCSessionDescription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3170, // "GPUSwapChain"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUSwapChain,
< /* mCreate */ GPUSwapChain_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUSwapChain_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7106, // "Path2D"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Path2D,
> /* mCreate */ Path2D_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Path2D_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11171, // "StorageEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StorageEvent,
< /* mCreate */ StorageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8529, // "RadioNodeList"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RadioNodeList,
> /* mCreate */ RadioNodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4889, // "HTMLTimeElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTimeElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTimeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3681, // "Audio"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAudioElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLAudioElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5673, // "MIDIAccess"
> /* mNameOffset */ 13333, // "XULElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIAccess,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIAccess_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIAccess_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8026, // "PresentationRequest"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6547, // "MozCanvasPrintState"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationRequest,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 9388, // "SVGFEFuncAElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncAElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncAElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 1142, // "CanvasCaptureMediaStream"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasCaptureMediaStream,
< /* mCreate */ CanvasCaptureMediaStream_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CanvasCaptureMediaStream_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 1167, // "CanvasGradient"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasGradient,
< /* mCreate */ CanvasGradient_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozCanvasPrintState,
> /* mCreate */ MozCanvasPrintState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozCanvasPrintState_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 34, // "AbortSignal"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbortSignal,
< /* mCreate */ AbortSignal_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11113, // "SpeechSynthesisVoice"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisVoice,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisVoice_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisVoice_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4975, // "HTMLVideoElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4905, // "HTMLTitleElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLVideoElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLVideoElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTitleElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTitleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5831, // "MediaCapabilities"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaCapabilities,
< /* mCreate */ MediaCapabilities_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaCapabilities_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11627, // "TestInterfaceMaplike"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplike,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceMaplike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceMaplike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10213, // "SVGStopElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStopElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGStopElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9031, // "SVGClipPathElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGClipPathElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGClipPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11875, // "Touch"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Touch,
< /* mCreate */ Touch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Touch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 293, // "AudioContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioContext,
> /* mCreate */ AudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1833, // "WebKitCSSMatrix"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrix,
< /* mCreate */ DOMMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrix_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5714, // "MIDIInputMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIInputMap,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIInputMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIInputMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 992, // "CSSStyleDeclaration"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleDeclaration,
< /* mCreate */ CSSStyleDeclaration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2531, // "FileSystemDirectoryReader"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemDirectoryReader,
> /* mCreate */ FileSystemDirectoryReader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 271, // "AudioBufferSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioBufferSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ AudioBufferSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioBufferSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6447, // "MessageListenerManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageListenerManager,
> /* mCreate */ MessageListenerManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MessageListenerManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12973, // "XPathExpression"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathExpression,
< /* mCreate */ XPathExpression_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3784, // "HTMLDListElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDListElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12033, // "URL"
< /* mNameLength */ 3,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URL,
< /* mCreate */ URL_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 955, // "CSSPseudoElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSPseudoElement,
> /* mCreate */ CSSPseudoElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CSSPseudoElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13221, // "XRSystem"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSystem,
< /* mCreate */ XRSystem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRSystem_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7291, // "PerformanceEntryEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceEntryEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceEntryEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PerformanceEntryEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7568, // "Permissions"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7713, // "PluginArray"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Permissions,
< /* mCreate */ Permissions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PluginArray,
> /* mCreate */ PluginArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 105, // "AddonManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonManager,
< /* mCreate */ AddonManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AddonManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 2189, // "DeviceProximityEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceProximityEvent,
< /* mCreate */ DeviceProximityEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DeviceProximityEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 2323, // "Element"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Element,
< /* mCreate */ Element_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 770, // "CSSCounterStyleRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSCounterStyleRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSCounterStyleRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10689, // "SessionStoreUtils"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SessionStoreUtils,
< /* mCreate */ SessionStoreUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SessionStoreUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 4768, // "HTMLTableColElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5580, // "JSWindowActorParent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableColElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableColElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSWindowActorParent,
> /* mCreate */ JSWindowActorParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ JSWindowActorParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4511, // "HTMLParagraphElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLParagraphElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLParagraphElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5727, // "MIDIMessageEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIMessageEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIMessageEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8585, // "Request"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Request,
< /* mCreate */ Request_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4992, // "HashChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HashChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ HashChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12573, // "WebGLShader"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLShader,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLShader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLShader_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 1296, // "ChannelWrapper"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelWrapper,
< /* mCreate */ ChannelWrapper_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChannelWrapper_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1069, // "Cache"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Cache,
> /* mCreate */ Cache_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Cache_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12391, // "WebExtensionPolicy"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11466, // "TelemetryStopwatch"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebExtensionPolicy,
< /* mCreate */ WebExtensionPolicy_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebExtensionPolicy_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TelemetryStopwatch,
> /* mCreate */ TelemetryStopwatch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TelemetryStopwatch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8935, // "SVGAnimatedRect"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedRect,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11527, // "TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion"
> /* mNameLength */ 32,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6085, // "MediaKeys"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1477, // "Clipboard"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeys,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeys_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Clipboard,
> /* mCreate */ Clipboard_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Clipboard_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12108, // "VRDisplayCapabilities"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplayCapabilities,
< /* mCreate */ VRDisplayCapabilities_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRDisplayCapabilities_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5363, // "ImageCaptureErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageCaptureErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ImageCaptureErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ImageCaptureErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10718, // "SharedWorker"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SharedWorker,
< /* mCreate */ SharedWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10511, // "ScreenOrientation"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScreenOrientation,
> /* mCreate */ ScreenOrientation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11113, // "SpeechSynthesisVoice"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisVoice,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisVoice_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisVoice_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 2348, // "ErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6376, // "MerchantValidationEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MerchantValidationEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MerchantValidationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MerchantValidationEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1117, // "CanonicalBrowsingContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanonicalBrowsingContext,
< /* mCreate */ CanonicalBrowsingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CanonicalBrowsingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6288, // "MediaStreamEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 341, // "AudioNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioNode,
< /* mCreate */ AudioNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3050, // "GPURenderBundle"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderBundle,
> /* mCreate */ GPURenderBundle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPURenderBundle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8608, // "ResizeObserverEntry"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8155, // "PublicKeyCredential"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserverEntry,
< /* mCreate */ ResizeObserverEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserverEntry_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PublicKeyCredential,
> /* mCreate */ PublicKeyCredential_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PublicKeyCredential_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5386, // "ImageData"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageData,
< /* mCreate */ ImageData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 806, // "CSSFontFeatureValuesRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSFontFeatureValuesRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSFontFeatureValuesRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12585, // "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2732, // "FormDataEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FormDataEvent,
> /* mCreate */ FormDataEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FormDataEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3440, // "Geolocation"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Geolocation,
< /* mCreate */ Geolocation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3128, // "GPUSampler"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUSampler,
> /* mCreate */ GPUSampler_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUSampler_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4205, // "HTMLLabelElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 687, // "BrowsingContextGroup"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BrowsingContextGroup,
> /* mCreate */ BrowsingContextGroup_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ BrowsingContextGroup_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 327, // "AudioListener"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioListener,
> /* mCreate */ AudioListener_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioListener_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 6901, // "NotifyPaintEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLabelElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLLabelElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NotifyPaintEvent,
> /* mCreate */ NotifyPaintEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ NotifyPaintEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5600, // "KeyEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyEvent,
< /* mCreate */ KeyEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7847, // "Presentation"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Presentation,
> /* mCreate */ Presentation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Presentation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3396, // "GamepadPose"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadPose,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6776, // "MutationObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MutationObserver,
> /* mCreate */ MutationObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8556, // "ReportBody"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3183, // "GPUTexture"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ReportBody,
< /* mCreate */ ReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTexture,
> /* mCreate */ GPUTexture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUTexture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8460, // "RTCRtpTransceiver"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpTransceiver,
< /* mCreate */ RTCRtpTransceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpTransceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12478, // "WebGLBuffer"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLBuffer,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2955, // "GPUDevice"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUDevice,
< /* mCreate */ GPUDevice_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUDevice_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11400, // "TCPServerSocketEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPServerSocketEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TCPServerSocketEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TCPServerSocketEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12897, // "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,
< /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10750, // "SourceBuffer"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SourceBuffer,
> /* mCreate */ SourceBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SourceBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2290, // "DragEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5439, // "InspectorUtils"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InspectorUtils,
> /* mCreate */ InspectorUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ InspectorUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 3534, // "GleanImpl"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DragEvent,
< /* mCreate */ DragEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GleanImpl,
> /* mCreate */ GleanImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GleanImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13419, // "mozRTCPeerConnection"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCPeerConnection,
< /* mCreate */ mozRTCPeerConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ mozRTCPeerConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10549, // "ScrollAreaEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScrollAreaEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ScrollAreaEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11146, // "StereoPannerNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StereoPannerNode,
< /* mCreate */ StereoPannerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StereoPannerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5817, // "MathMLElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MathMLElement,
> /* mCreate */ MathMLElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5195, // "IDBObjectStore"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBObjectStore,
< /* mCreate */ IDBObjectStore_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11171, // "StorageEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StorageEvent,
> /* mCreate */ StorageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13250, // "XRViewport"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRViewport,
< /* mCreate */ XRViewport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRViewport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1807, // "DOMLocalization"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMLocalization,
> /* mCreate */ DOMLocalization_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMLocalization_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12786, // "WindowGlobalParent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1075, // "CacheStorage"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CacheStorage,
> /* mCreate */ CacheStorage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CacheStorage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 5673, // "MIDIAccess"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIAccess,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIAccess_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIAccess_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 4939, // "HTMLUListElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLUListElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLUListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 3249, // "GPUValidationError"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowGlobalParent,
< /* mCreate */ WindowGlobalParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WindowGlobalParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUValidationError,
> /* mCreate */ GPUValidationError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUValidationError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4638, // "HTMLSelectElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9442, // "SVGFEFuncRElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSelectElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLSelectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncRElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4117, // "HTMLHtmlElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHtmlElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLHtmlElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11852, // "TextTrackCueList"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackCueList,
> /* mCreate */ TextTrackCueList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9990, // "SVGPathElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPathElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11341, // "SubmitEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SubmitEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SubmitEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2475, // "FileList"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileList,
< /* mCreate */ FileList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 622, // "BiquadFilterNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BiquadFilterNode,
> /* mCreate */ BiquadFilterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ BiquadFilterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10707, // "ShadowRoot"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ShadowRoot,
< /* mCreate */ ShadowRoot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11829, // "TextTrack"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrack,
> /* mCreate */ TextTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1958, // "DOMStringList"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5107, // "IDBFileHandle"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMStringList,
< /* mCreate */ DOMStringList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFileHandle,
> /* mCreate */ IDBFileHandle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9086, // "SVGDefsElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGDefsElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGDefsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4031, // "HTMLFrameElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFrameElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7680, // "PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12567, // "WebGLRenderingContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLRenderingContext,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10529, // "ScriptProcessorNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScriptProcessorNode,
< /* mCreate */ ScriptProcessorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ScriptProcessorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5473, // "IntersectionObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IntersectionObserver,
> /* mCreate */ IntersectionObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IntersectionObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 589, // "BatteryManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BatteryManager,
< /* mCreate */ BatteryManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ BatteryManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4889, // "HTMLTimeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTimeElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTimeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1823, // "DOMMatrix"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrix,
< /* mCreate */ DOMMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrix_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 847, // "CSSImportRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSImportRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSImportRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11675, // "TestInterfaceSetlike"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceSetlike,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceSetlike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceSetlike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8058, // "ProcessMessageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProcessMessageManager,
> /* mCreate */ ProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1417, // "ChromeMessageSender"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeMessageSender,
< /* mCreate */ ChromeMessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChromeMessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1258, // "ChannelMergerNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelMergerNode,
> /* mCreate */ ChannelMergerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChannelMergerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 478, // "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse"
< /* mNameLength */ 30,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorAssertionResponse,
< /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorAssertionResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorAssertionResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9163, // "SVGFEColorMatrixElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEColorMatrixElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEColorMatrixElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2148, // "DeviceMotionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceMotionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ DeviceMotionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DeviceMotionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3452, // "GeolocationCoordinates"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationCoordinates,
> /* mCreate */ GeolocationCoordinates_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GeolocationCoordinates_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2229, // "DocumentFragment"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentFragment,
< /* mCreate */ DocumentFragment_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10406, // "SVGTransform"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTransform,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTransform_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10663, // "ServiceWorkerRegistration"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorkerRegistration,
< /* mCreate */ ServiceWorkerRegistration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorkerRegistration_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13448, // "mozRTCPeerConnection"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCPeerConnection,
> /* mCreate */ mozRTCPeerConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ mozRTCPeerConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1392, // "ChromeMessageBroadcaster"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeMessageBroadcaster,
< /* mCreate */ ChromeMessageBroadcaster_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChromeMessageBroadcaster_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7680, // "PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13171, // "XRRigidTransform"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRRigidTransform,
< /* mCreate */ XRRigidTransform_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRRigidTransform_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8951, // "SVGAnimatedString"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedString,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedString_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2070, // "DebuggerNotificationObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DebuggerNotificationObserver,
< /* mCreate */ DebuggerNotificationObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DebuggerNotificationObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8311, // "RTCDataChannelEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDataChannelEvent,
> /* mCreate */ RTCDataChannelEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCDataChannelEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5047, // "History"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::History,
< /* mCreate */ History_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8805, // "SVGAnimatedInteger"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedInteger,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedInteger_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11366, // "SyncMessageSender"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SyncMessageSender,
< /* mCreate */ SyncMessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SyncMessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3285, // "GamepadAxisMoveEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadAxisMoveEvent,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadAxisMoveEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadAxisMoveEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2411, // "EventTarget"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventTarget,
< /* mCreate */ EventTarget_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4240, // "HTMLLinkElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLinkElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLLinkElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5923, // "MediaDevices"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaDevices,
< /* mCreate */ MediaDevices_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaDevices_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9485, // "SVGFEImageElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEImageElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11431, // "TCPSocketErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocketErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TCPSocketErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TCPSocketErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7163, // "PaymentRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentRequest,
> /* mCreate */ PaymentRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PaymentRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5473, // "IntersectionObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IntersectionObserver,
< /* mCreate */ IntersectionObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IntersectionObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12602, // "WebGLShader"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLShader,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLShader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLShader_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8203, // "PushSubscription"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushSubscription,
< /* mCreate */ PushSubscription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PushSubscription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6519, // "MouseEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MouseEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MouseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6229, // "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 31,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7595, // "PlacesBookmarkAddition"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesBookmarkAddition,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesBookmarkAddition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesBookmarkAddition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 165, // "AnimationEffect"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationEffect,
< /* mCreate */ AnimationEffect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AnimationEffect_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 753, // "CSSConditionRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSConditionRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSConditionRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 13001, // "XRBoundedReferenceSpace"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRBoundedReferenceSpace,
< /* mCreate */ XRBoundedReferenceSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRBoundedReferenceSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5289, // "IOUtils"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IOUtils,
> /* mCreate */ IOUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IOUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1998, // "DataTransfer"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransfer,
< /* mCreate */ DataTransfer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3988, // "HTMLFormControlsCollection"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFormControlsCollection,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLFormControlsCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8567, // "ReportingObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ReportingObserver,
< /* mCreate */ ReportingObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ReportingObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1764, // "CustomEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CustomEvent,
> /* mCreate */ CustomEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 13237, // "XRViewerPose"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRViewerPose,
< /* mCreate */ XRViewerPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRViewerPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12364, // "VisualViewport"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VisualViewport,
> /* mCreate */ VisualViewport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2276, // "DominatorTree"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DominatorTree,
< /* mCreate */ DominatorTree_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DominatorTree_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10495, // "ScreenLuminance"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScreenLuminance,
> /* mCreate */ ScreenLuminance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ScreenLuminance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2965, // "GPUDeviceLostInfo"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUDeviceLostInfo,
< /* mCreate */ GPUDeviceLostInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUDeviceLostInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10927, // "SpeechRecognitionError"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionError,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10364, // "SVGTextPositioningElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextPositioningElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTextPositioningElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11421, // "TCPSocket"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocket,
> /* mCreate */ TCPSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TCPSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 13018, // "XPathResult"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathResult,
> /* mCreate */ XPathResult_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5322, // "ImageBitmapRenderingContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageBitmapRenderingContext,
< /* mCreate */ ImageBitmapRenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3817, // "HTMLDataListElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDataListElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDataListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8259, // "RTCDTMFSender"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3687, // "HTMLBRElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDTMFSender,
< /* mCreate */ RTCDTMFSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBRElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLBRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12433, // "WebGLActiveInfo"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLActiveInfo,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLActiveInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLActiveInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2681, // "FontFace"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFace,
> /* mCreate */ FontFace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FontFace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2456, // "FetchObserver"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12783, // "WindowContext"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FetchObserver,
< /* mCreate */ FetchObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FetchObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowContext,
> /* mCreate */ WindowContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WindowContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4905, // "HTMLTitleElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 13200, // "XRRigidTransform"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTitleElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTitleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRRigidTransform,
> /* mCreate */ XRRigidTransform_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRRigidTransform_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3225, // "GPUUncapturedErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUUncapturedErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ GPUUncapturedErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUUncapturedErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11353, // "SubtleCrypto"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SubtleCrypto,
> /* mCreate */ SubtleCrypto_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SubtleCrypto_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2495, // "FileSystem"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystem,
< /* mCreate */ FileSystem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12127, // "VRDisplay"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplay,
> /* mCreate */ VRDisplay_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRDisplay_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7885, // "PresentationConnection"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnection,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5238, // "IDBTransaction"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBTransaction,
> /* mCreate */ IDBTransaction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4620, // "HTMLScriptElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLScriptElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLScriptElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 644, // "BlobEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BlobEvent,
> /* mCreate */ BlobEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4240, // "HTMLLinkElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLinkElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLLinkElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5755, // "MIDIOutputMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIOutputMap,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIOutputMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIOutputMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9966, // "SVGNumber"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGNumber,
< /* mCreate */ SVGNumber_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6419, // "MessageChannel"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageChannel,
> /* mCreate */ MessageChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6888, // "Notification"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Notification,
< /* mCreate */ Notification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Notification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4672, // "HTMLSourceElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSourceElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLSourceElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6322, // "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 31,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3440, // "Geolocation"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Geolocation,
> /* mCreate */ Geolocation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3895, // "HTMLDivElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5121, // "IDBFileRequest"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDivElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDivElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFileRequest,
> /* mCreate */ IDBFileRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12496, // "WebGLProgram"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLProgram,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLProgram_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLProgram_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7757, // "PopStateEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopStateEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PopStateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5801, // "MatchPatternSet"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchPatternSet,
> /* mCreate */ MatchPatternSet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MatchPatternSet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2263, // "DocumentType"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentType,
< /* mCreate */ DocumentType_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6741, // "MozWritableSharedMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozWritableSharedMap,
> /* mCreate */ MozWritableSharedMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozWritableSharedMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3988, // "HTMLFormControlsCollection"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFormControlsCollection,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLFormControlsCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4391, // "HTMLOListElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOListElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 639, // "Blob"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Blob,
< /* mCreate */ Blob_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6918, // "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OfflineAudioCompletionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1544, // "Comment"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Comment,
< /* mCreate */ Comment_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1012, // "CSSStyleRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSStyleRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3139, // "GPUShaderModule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11384, // "TCPServerSocket"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUShaderModule,
< /* mCreate */ GPUShaderModule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUShaderModule_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPServerSocket,
> /* mCreate */ TCPServerSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TCPServerSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6354, // "MediaStreamTrackEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrackEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2229, // "DocumentFragment"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentFragment,
> /* mCreate */ DocumentFragment_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6793, // "MutationRecord"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9101, // "SVGDescElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MutationRecord,
< /* mCreate */ MutationRecord_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGDescElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGDescElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3664, // "HTMLAudioElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAudioElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLAudioElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6168, // "MediaRecorderErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaRecorderErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaRecorderErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5727, // "MIDIMessageEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIMessageEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIMessageEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5664, // "Location"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Location,
> /* mCreate */ Location_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4343, // "HTMLMetaElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMetaElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMetaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6154, // "MediaRecorder"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaRecorder,
> /* mCreate */ MediaRecorder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9370, // "SVGFEFloodElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFloodElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEFloodElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2070, // "DebuggerNotificationObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DebuggerNotificationObserver,
> /* mCreate */ DebuggerNotificationObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DebuggerNotificationObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2879, // "GPUCommandBuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCommandBuffer,
< /* mCreate */ GPUCommandBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUCommandBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1569, // "ConsoleInstance"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConsoleInstance,
> /* mCreate */ ConsoleInstance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ConsoleInstance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11840, // "TextTrackList"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackList,
< /* mCreate */ TextTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4376, // "HTMLModElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLModElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLModElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3041, // "GPUQueue"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUQueue,
< /* mCreate */ GPUQueue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUQueue_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3544, // "Grid"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Grid,
> /* mCreate */ Grid_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Grid_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3801, // "HTMLDataElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDataElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDataElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 992, // "CSSStyleDeclaration"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleDeclaration,
> /* mCreate */ CSSStyleDeclaration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6192, // "MediaSession"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaSession,
< /* mCreate */ MediaSession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaSession_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10689, // "SessionStoreUtils"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SessionStoreUtils,
> /* mCreate */ SessionStoreUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SessionStoreUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 721, // "CSS"
< /* mNameLength */ 3,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSS,
< /* mCreate */ CSS_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9543, // "SVGFEMorphologyElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMorphologyElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEMorphologyElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12098, // "VRDisplay"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1823, // "DOMMatrix"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplay,
< /* mCreate */ VRDisplay_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRDisplay_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrix,
> /* mCreate */ DOMMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrix_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7204, // "PaymentResponse"
> /* mNameOffset */ 18, // "AbortController"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentResponse,
< /* mCreate */ PaymentResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PaymentResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7067, // "PannerNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PannerNode,
< /* mCreate */ PannerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PannerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbortController,
> /* mCreate */ AbortController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8116, // "PromiseDebugging"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2246, // "DocumentTimeline"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PromiseDebugging,
< /* mCreate */ PromiseDebugging_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PromiseDebugging_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 12025, // "UIEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UIEvent,
< /* mCreate */ UIEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentTimeline,
> /* mCreate */ DocumentTimeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DocumentTimeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6946, // "OfflineAudioContext"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5520, // "JSProcessActorChild"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OfflineAudioContext,
< /* mCreate */ OfflineAudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ OfflineAudioContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSProcessActorChild,
> /* mCreate */ JSProcessActorChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ JSProcessActorChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 155, // "Animation"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Animation,
< /* mCreate */ Animation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5600, // "KeyEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyEvent,
> /* mCreate */ KeyEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 926, // "CSSNamespaceRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4788, // "HTMLTableElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSNamespaceRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSNamespaceRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2992, // "GPUMapMode"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUMapMode,
< /* mCreate */ GPUMapMode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUMapMode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 13085, // "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourcesChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ XRInputSourcesChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourcesChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10950, // "SpeechRecognitionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13118, // "XRReferenceSpace"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRReferenceSpace,
< /* mCreate */ XRReferenceSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRReferenceSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9990, // "SVGPathElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPathElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 13230, // "XRView"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRView,
< /* mCreate */ XRView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12013, // "TreeWalker"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeWalker,
> /* mCreate */ TreeWalker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6482, // "MessageSender"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2456, // "FetchObserver"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageSender,
< /* mCreate */ MessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FetchObserver,
> /* mCreate */ FetchObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FetchObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5520, // "JSProcessActorChild"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSProcessActorChild,
< /* mCreate */ JSProcessActorChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ JSProcessActorChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1674, // "CreateOfferRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CreateOfferRequest,
> /* mCreate */ CreateOfferRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CreateOfferRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8220, // "PushSubscriptionOptions"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushSubscriptionOptions,
< /* mCreate */ PushSubscriptionOptions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PushSubscriptionOptions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5396, // "ImageDocument"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageDocument,
> /* mCreate */ ImageDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ImageDocument_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7398, // "PerformanceObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceObserver,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PerformanceObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6192, // "MediaSession"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaSession,
> /* mCreate */ MediaSession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaSession_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8155, // "PublicKeyCredential"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PublicKeyCredential,
< /* mCreate */ PublicKeyCredential_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PublicKeyCredential_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3733, // "HTMLButtonElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLButtonElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLButtonElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5849, // "MediaCapabilitiesInfo"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaCapabilitiesInfo,
< /* mCreate */ MediaCapabilitiesInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaCapabilitiesInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7568, // "Permissions"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Permissions,
> /* mCreate */ Permissions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1552, // "CompositionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CompositionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ CompositionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8244, // "RTCCertificate"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCCertificate,
> /* mCreate */ RTCCertificate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCCertificate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8695, // "SVGAnimateMotionElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateMotionElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateMotionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 155, // "Animation"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Animation,
> /* mCreate */ Animation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1025, // "CSSStyleSheet"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleSheet,
< /* mCreate */ CSSStyleSheet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9370, // "SVGFEFloodElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFloodElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEFloodElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5310, // "ImageBitmap"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageBitmap,
< /* mCreate */ ImageBitmap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11958, // "TransitionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TransitionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TransitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12288, // "VideoPlaybackQuality"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoPlaybackQuality,
< /* mCreate */ VideoPlaybackQuality_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VideoPlaybackQuality_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6624, // "MozSharedMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozSharedMap,
> /* mCreate */ MozSharedMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozSharedMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13213, // "XRSpace"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSpace,
< /* mCreate */ XRSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2495, // "FileSystem"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystem,
> /* mCreate */ FileSystem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 259, // "AudioBuffer"
> /* mNameOffset */ 980, // "CSSRuleList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioBuffer,
< /* mCreate */ AudioBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 4271, // "HTMLMarqueeElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMarqueeElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMarqueeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSRuleList,
> /* mCreate */ CSSRuleList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5936, // "MediaElementAudioSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaElementAudioSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ MediaElementAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaElementAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 10750, // "SourceBuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SourceBuffer,
< /* mCreate */ SourceBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SourceBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1903, // "DOMQuad"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMQuad,
> /* mCreate */ DOMQuad_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMQuad_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8864, // "SVGAnimatedNumber"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedNumber,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedNumber_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10145, // "SVGRect"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRect,
> /* mCreate */ SVGRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1604, // "ContentFrameMessageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ContentFrameMessageManager,
< /* mCreate */ ContentFrameMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ContentFrameMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1585, // "ConstantSourceNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConstantSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ ConstantSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ConstantSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9585, // "SVGFEPointLightElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEPointLightElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEPointLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2780, // "GPUAdapter"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUAdapter,
> /* mCreate */ GPUAdapter_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUAdapter_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11184, // "StorageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StorageManager,
< /* mCreate */ StorageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StorageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 237, // "AnonymousContent"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnonymousContent,
> /* mCreate */ AnonymousContent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AnonymousContent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10973, // "SpeechRecognitionResult"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionResult,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionResult_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionResult_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6888, // "Notification"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Notification,
> /* mCreate */ Notification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Notification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 448, // "AudioWorklet"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioWorklet,
< /* mCreate */ AudioWorklet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioWorklet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9566, // "SVGFEOffsetElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEOffsetElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEOffsetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5157, // "IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange,
< /* mCreate */ IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2804, // "GPUBindGroupLayout"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBindGroupLayout,
> /* mCreate */ GPUBindGroupLayout_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUBindGroupLayout_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8782, // "SVGAnimatedEnumeration"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedEnumeration,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedEnumeration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7017, // "PageTransitionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PageTransitionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PageTransitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1221, // "CaretPosition"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CaretPosition,
< /* mCreate */ CaretPosition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4956, // "HTMLUnknownElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLUnknownElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLUnknownElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6168, // "MediaRecorderErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaRecorderErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaRecorderErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4446, // "HTMLOptionElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2641, // "FluentPattern"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1660, // "ConvolverNode"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentPattern,
< /* mCreate */ FluentPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FluentPattern_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 11823, // "TextTrackCueList"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackCueList,
< /* mCreate */ TextTrackCueList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConvolverNode,
> /* mCreate */ ConvolverNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ConvolverNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10406, // "SVGTransform"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTransform,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTransform_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12293, // "VTTRegion"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VTTRegion,
> /* mCreate */ VTTRegion_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VTTRegion_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7829, // "PrecompiledScript"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PrecompiledScript,
< /* mCreate */ PrecompiledScript_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PrecompiledScript_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12926, // "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,
> /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7017, // "PageTransitionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PageTransitionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PageTransitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4256, // "HTMLMapElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMapElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMapElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3544, // "Grid"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Grid,
< /* mCreate */ Grid_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Grid_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12174, // "VREyeParameters"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VREyeParameters,
> /* mCreate */ VREyeParameters_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VREyeParameters_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8628, // "ResizeObserverSize"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserverSize,
< /* mCreate */ ResizeObserverSize_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserverSize_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 142, // "AnalyserNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnalyserNode,
> /* mCreate */ AnalyserNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AnalyserNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9740, // "SVGGElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2557, // "FileSystemEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemEntry,
> /* mCreate */ FileSystemEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4825, // "HTMLTableSectionElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableSectionElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableSectionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 46, // "AbstractRange"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbstractRange,
> /* mCreate */ AbstractRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2896, // "GPUCommandEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCommandEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ GPUCommandEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUCommandEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13259, // "XRView"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRView,
> /* mCreate */ XRView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2804, // "GPUBindGroupLayout"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBindGroupLayout,
< /* mCreate */ GPUBindGroupLayout_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUBindGroupLayout_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12834, // "WindowRoot"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowRoot,
> /* mCreate */ WindowRoot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WindowRoot_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4068, // "HTMLHRElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHRElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLHRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 10997, // "SpeechRecognitionResultList"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionResultList,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionResultList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionResultList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3210, // "GPUTextureView"
> /* mNameOffset */ 60, // "AccessibleNode"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTextureView,
< /* mCreate */ GPUTextureView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUTextureView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AccessibleNode,
> /* mCreate */ AccessibleNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AccessibleNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2593, // "Flex"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Flex,
< /* mCreate */ Flex_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Flex_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7418, // "PerformanceObserverEntryList"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceObserverEntryList,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceObserverEntryList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PerformanceObserverEntryList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11945, // "TreeColumn"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeColumn,
< /* mCreate */ TreeColumn_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TreeColumn_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7829, // "PrecompiledScript"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PrecompiledScript,
> /* mCreate */ PrecompiledScript_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PrecompiledScript_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8746, // "SVGAnimatedAngle"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedAngle,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedAngle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1919, // "DOMRectList"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRectList,
> /* mCreate */ DOMRectList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8549, // "Report"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Report,
< /* mCreate */ Report_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Report_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 10763, // "SourceBufferList"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2131, // "DeviceLightEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SourceBufferList,
< /* mCreate */ SourceBufferList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SourceBufferList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceLightEvent,
> /* mCreate */ DeviceLightEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DeviceLightEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10047, // "SVGPointList"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPointList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPointList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7520, // "PerformanceTiming"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceTiming,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12274, // "ValidityState"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ValidityState,
< /* mCreate */ ValidityState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 397, // "AudioScheduledSourceNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioScheduledSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ AudioScheduledSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11995, // "U2F"
< /* mNameLength */ 3,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::U2F,
< /* mCreate */ U2F_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ U2F_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4174, // "HTMLInputElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLInputElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLInputElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11648, // "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceMaplikeObject_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceMaplikeObject_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10020, // "SVGPatternElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPatternElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPatternElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5714, // "MIDIInputMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIInputMap,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIInputMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIInputMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2598, // "FlexItemValues"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FlexItemValues,
> /* mCreate */ FlexItemValues_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FlexItemValues_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9050, // "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 35,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9825, // "SVGLength"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLength,
> /* mCreate */ SVGLength_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7668, // "PlacesVisit"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesVisit,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesVisit_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesVisit_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8203, // "PushSubscription"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushSubscription,
> /* mCreate */ PushSubscription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PushSubscription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12410, // "WebGL2RenderingContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGL2RenderingContext,
< /* mCreate */ WebGL2RenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGL2RenderingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5540, // "JSProcessActorParent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSProcessActorParent,
> /* mCreate */ JSProcessActorParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ JSProcessActorParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8994, // "SVGAnimationElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4869, // "HTMLTextAreaElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimationElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimationElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 7706, // "Plugin"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Plugin,
< /* mCreate */ Plugin_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTextAreaElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTextAreaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11421, // "TCPSocket"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocket,
< /* mCreate */ TCPSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TCPSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10973, // "SpeechRecognitionResult"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionResult,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionResult_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionResult_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4471, // "HTMLOptionsCollection"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionsCollection,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionsCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7860, // "PresentationAvailability"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationAvailability,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationAvailability_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationAvailability_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5891, // "MediaController"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaController,
< /* mCreate */ MediaController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaController_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7725, // "PluginCrashedEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PluginCrashedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PluginCrashedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PluginCrashedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1196, // "CanvasRenderingContext2D"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasRenderingContext2D,
< /* mCreate */ CanvasRenderingContext2D_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9014, // "SVGCircleElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGCircleElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGCircleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3427, // "GamepadTouch"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadTouch,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadTouch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadTouch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13054, // "XRFrame"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRFrame,
> /* mCreate */ XRFrame_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRFrame_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6547, // "MozCanvasPrintState"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozCanvasPrintState,
< /* mCreate */ MozCanvasPrintState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozCanvasPrintState_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6009, // "MediaKeyMessageEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyMessageEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeyMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5016, // "HeapSnapshot"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6434, // "MessageEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HeapSnapshot,
< /* mCreate */ HeapSnapshot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ HeapSnapshot_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7163, // "PaymentRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentRequest,
< /* mCreate */ PaymentRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PaymentRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4290, // "HTMLMediaElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMediaElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMediaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 604, // "BeforeUnloadEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BeforeUnloadEvent,
< /* mCreate */ BeforeUnloadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4205, // "HTMLLabelElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLabelElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLLabelElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2780, // "GPUAdapter"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUAdapter,
< /* mCreate */ GPUAdapter_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUAdapter_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2764, // "FrameLoader"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FrameLoader,
> /* mCreate */ FrameLoader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FrameLoader_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10626, // "ServiceWorker"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorker,
< /* mCreate */ ServiceWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 542, // "AuthenticatorResponse"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorResponse,
> /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12870, // "XMLDocument"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLDocument,
< /* mCreate */ XMLDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10587, // "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SecurityPolicyViolationEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SecurityPolicyViolationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9163, // "SVGFEColorMatrixElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEColorMatrixElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEColorMatrixElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2011, // "DataTransferItem"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransferItem,
> /* mCreate */ DataTransferItem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5664, // "Location"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Location,
< /* mCreate */ Location_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6119, // "MediaQueryList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaQueryList,
> /* mCreate */ MediaQueryList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7447, // "PerformancePaintTiming"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1235, // "CaretStateChangedEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformancePaintTiming,
< /* mCreate */ PerformancePaintTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CaretStateChangedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ CaretStateChangedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CaretStateChangedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 10308, // "SVGTextContentElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextContentElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTextContentElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5995, // "MediaKeyError"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyError,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeyError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8746, // "SVGAnimatedAngle"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedAngle,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedAngle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12063, // "UserInteraction"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UserInteraction,
< /* mCreate */ UserInteraction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ UserInteraction_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7945, // "PresentationConnectionCloseEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 32,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionCloseEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11776, // "TextEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ TextEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5136, // "IDBIndex"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBIndex,
> /* mCreate */ IDBIndex_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9187, // "SVGFEComponentTransferElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 29,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEComponentTransferElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEComponentTransferElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1998, // "DataTransfer"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransfer,
> /* mCreate */ DataTransfer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9825, // "SVGLength"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLength,
< /* mCreate */ SVGLength_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7002, // "OscillatorNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OscillatorNode,
> /* mCreate */ OscillatorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ OscillatorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13157, // "XRRenderState"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRRenderState,
< /* mCreate */ XRRenderState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRRenderState_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11817, // "TextMetrics"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextMetrics,
> /* mCreate */ TextMetrics_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 725, // "CSS2Properties"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSS2Properties,
< /* mCreate */ CSS2Properties_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 572, // "BaseAudioContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BaseAudioContext,
> /* mCreate */ BaseAudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11527, // "TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion"
< /* mNameLength */ 32,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5609, // "KeyboardEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyboardEvent,
> /* mCreate */ KeyboardEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12658, // "WebGLUniformLocation"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8005, // "PresentationReceiver"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLUniformLocation,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLUniformLocation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLUniformLocation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationReceiver,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationReceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationReceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2166, // "DeviceOrientationEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10097, // "SVGPreserveAspectRatio"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceOrientationEvent,
< /* mCreate */ DeviceOrientationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DeviceOrientationEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPreserveAspectRatio,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPreserveAspectRatio_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7652, // "PlacesObservers"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesObservers,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesObservers_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesObservers_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12216, // "VRMockController"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRMockController,
> /* mCreate */ VRMockController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRMockController_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3374, // "GamepadLightIndicator"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadLightIndicator,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadLightIndicator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadLightIndicator_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5831, // "MediaCapabilities"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaCapabilities,
> /* mCreate */ MediaCapabilities_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaCapabilities_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3910, // "HTMLDocument"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDocument,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3751, // "HTMLCanvasElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLCanvasElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLCanvasElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12768, // "WindowGlobalChild"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowGlobalChild,
< /* mCreate */ WindowGlobalChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WindowGlobalChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3268, // "GainNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GainNode,
> /* mCreate */ GainNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GainNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4151, // "HTMLImageElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLImageElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 448, // "AudioWorklet"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioWorklet,
> /* mCreate */ AudioWorklet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioWorklet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1311, // "CharacterData"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CharacterData,
> /* mCreate */ CharacterData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1276, // "ChannelSplitterNode"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4768, // "HTMLTableColElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelSplitterNode,
< /* mCreate */ ChannelSplitterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChannelSplitterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableColElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableColElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11627, // "TestInterfaceMaplike"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplike,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceMaplike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceMaplike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3701, // "HTMLBaseElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBaseElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLBaseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1849, // "DOMMatrixReadOnly"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10565, // "ScrollViewChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScrollViewChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ScrollViewChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ScrollViewChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 10814, // "SpeechGrammarList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrixReadOnly,
< /* mCreate */ DOMMatrixReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrixReadOnly_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammarList,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1660, // "ConvolverNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConvolverNode,
< /* mCreate */ ConvolverNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ConvolverNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9145, // "SVGFEBlendElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEBlendElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEBlendElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7418, // "PerformanceObserverEntryList"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceObserverEntryList,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceObserverEntryList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PerformanceObserverEntryList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6661, // "MozStorageAsyncStatementParams"
> /* mNameLength */ 30,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageAsyncStatementParams,
> /* mCreate */ MozStorageAsyncStatementParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozStorageAsyncStatementParams_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3268, // "GainNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GainNode,
< /* mCreate */ GainNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GainNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10258, // "SVGSwitchElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSwitchElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGSwitchElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10616, // "Selection"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3591, // "GridTrack"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Selection,
< /* mCreate */ Selection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridTrack,
> /* mCreate */ GridTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1544, // "Comment"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Comment,
> /* mCreate */ Comment_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11956, // "TreeColumns"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeColumns,
< /* mCreate */ TreeColumns_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TreeColumns_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3549, // "GridArea"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridArea,
> /* mCreate */ GridArea_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridArea_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10780, // "SpeechGrammar"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammar,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3408, // "GamepadServiceTest"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadServiceTest,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadServiceTest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadServiceTest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2049, // "DebuggerNotification"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DebuggerNotification,
< /* mCreate */ DebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11750, // "TestingDeprecatedInterface"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestingDeprecatedInterface,
> /* mCreate */ TestingDeprecatedInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestingDeprecatedInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 770, // "CSSCounterStyleRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSCounterStyleRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSCounterStyleRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10330, // "SVGTextElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTextElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8005, // "PresentationReceiver"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationReceiver,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationReceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationReceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6205, // "MediaSource"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaSource,
> /* mCreate */ MediaSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9835, // "SVGLengthList"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLengthList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGLengthList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6354, // "MediaStreamTrackEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrackEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9676, // "SVGFETurbulenceElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFETurbulenceElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFETurbulenceElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8543, // "Range"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Range,
> /* mCreate */ Range_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5788, // "MatchPattern"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchPattern,
< /* mCreate */ MatchPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MatchPattern_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9790, // "SVGGraphicsElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGraphicsElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGGraphicsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7313, // "PerformanceMark"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceMark,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceMark_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12137, // "VRDisplayCapabilities"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplayCapabilities,
> /* mCreate */ VRDisplayCapabilities_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRDisplayCapabilities_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9217, // "SVGFECompositeElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2914, // "GPUComputePassEncoder"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFECompositeElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFECompositeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUComputePassEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ GPUComputePassEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUComputePassEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11088, // "SpeechSynthesisUtterance"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisUtterance,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisUtterance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisUtterance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5684, // "MIDIConnectionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIConnectionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIConnectionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIConnectionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8515, // "RTCTrackEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1221, // "CaretPosition"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCTrackEvent,
< /* mCreate */ RTCTrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCTrackEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CaretPosition,
> /* mCreate */ CaretPosition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7037, // "PaintRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaintRequest,
< /* mCreate */ PaintRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12776, // "Window"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Window,
> /* mCreate */ Window_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4747, // "HTMLTableCellElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableCellElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableCellElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9947, // "SVGMetadataElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMetadataElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGMetadataElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3534, // "GleanImpl"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GleanImpl,
< /* mCreate */ GleanImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GleanImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8296, // "RTCDataChannel"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDataChannel,
> /* mCreate */ RTCDataChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 9145, // "SVGFEBlendElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5769, // "MIDIPort"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIPort,
> /* mCreate */ MIDIPort_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MIDIPort_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11366, // "SyncMessageSender"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEBlendElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEBlendElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SyncMessageSender,
> /* mCreate */ SyncMessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SyncMessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3935, // "HTMLEmbedElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLEmbedElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLEmbedElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1725, // "Crypto"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Crypto,
> /* mCreate */ Crypto_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6134, // "MediaQueryListEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaQueryListEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaQueryListEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 13279, // "XRViewport"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRViewport,
> /* mCreate */ XRViewport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRViewport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5055, // "IDBCursor"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBCursor,
< /* mCreate */ IDBCursor_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2049, // "DebuggerNotification"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DebuggerNotification,
> /* mCreate */ DebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11793, // "TextDecoder"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextDecoder,
> /* mCreate */ TextDecoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3972, // "HTMLFontElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFontElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLFontElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5322, // "ImageBitmapRenderingContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageBitmapRenderingContext,
> /* mCreate */ ImageBitmapRenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12130, // "VRDisplayEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRDisplayEvent,
< /* mCreate */ VRDisplayEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRDisplayEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 972, // "CSSRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 907, // "CSSMozDocumentRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8763, // "SVGAnimatedBoolean"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSMozDocumentRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSMozDocumentRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedBoolean,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedBoolean_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5107, // "IDBFileHandle"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFileHandle,
< /* mCreate */ IDBFileHandle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9347, // "SVGFEDropShadowElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDropShadowElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEDropShadowElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6661, // "MozStorageAsyncStatementParams"
< /* mNameLength */ 30,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageAsyncStatementParams,
< /* mCreate */ MozStorageAsyncStatementParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozStorageAsyncStatementParams_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5029, // "HiddenPluginEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HiddenPluginEvent,
> /* mCreate */ HiddenPluginEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ HiddenPluginEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4391, // "HTMLOListElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOListElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4098, // "HTMLHeadingElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHeadingElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLHeadingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9608, // "SVGFESpecularLightingElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFESpecularLightingElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFESpecularLightingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9966, // "SVGNumber"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGNumber,
> /* mCreate */ SVGNumber_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9294, // "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDisplacementMapElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEDisplacementMapElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 422, // "AudioTrack"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioTrack,
> /* mCreate */ AudioTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11696, // "TestInterfaceSetlikeNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceSetlikeNode,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceSetlikeNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceSetlikeNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 75, // "Addon"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Addon,
> /* mCreate */ Addon_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Addon_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1569, // "ConsoleInstance"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConsoleInstance,
< /* mCreate */ ConsoleInstance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ConsoleInstance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6850, // "Node"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Node,
> /* mCreate */ Node_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7847, // "Presentation"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3170, // "GPUSwapChain"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Presentation,
< /* mCreate */ Presentation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Presentation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUSwapChain,
> /* mCreate */ GPUSwapChain_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUSwapChain_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 196, // "AnimationPlaybackEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationPlaybackEvent,
< /* mCreate */ AnimationPlaybackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AnimationPlaybackEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2109, // "DeprecationReportBody"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeprecationReportBody,
> /* mCreate */ DeprecationReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DeprecationReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12560, // "WebGLSampler"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLSampler,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLSampler_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLSampler_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10292, // "SVGTSpanElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTSpanElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTSpanElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5350, // "ImageCapture"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageCapture,
< /* mCreate */ ImageCapture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ImageCapture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6030, // "MediaKeySession"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeySession,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeySession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6567, // "MozDocumentMatcher"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozDocumentMatcher,
< /* mCreate */ MozDocumentMatcher_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozDocumentMatcher_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5871, // "MediaControlService"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaControlService,
> /* mCreate */ MediaControlService_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaControlService_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11134, // "StaticRange"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StaticRange,
< /* mCreate */ StaticRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1742, // "CustomElementRegistry"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CustomElementRegistry,
> /* mCreate */ CustomElementRegistry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1674, // "CreateOfferRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CreateOfferRequest,
< /* mCreate */ CreateOfferRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CreateOfferRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2573, // "FileSystemFileEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemFileEntry,
> /* mCreate */ FileSystemFileEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 4359, // "HTMLMeterElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMeterElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMeterElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12145, // "VREyeParameters"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12462, // "WebGLActiveInfo"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VREyeParameters,
< /* mCreate */ VREyeParameters_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VREyeParameters_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLActiveInfo,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLActiveInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLActiveInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10275, // "SVGSymbolElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSymbolElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGSymbolElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8994, // "SVGAnimationElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimationElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimationElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3751, // "HTMLCanvasElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLCanvasElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLCanvasElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7496, // "PerformanceServerTiming"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceServerTiming,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceServerTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PerformanceServerTiming_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9809, // "SVGImageElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7978, // "PresentationConnectionList"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionList,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 861, // "CSSKeyframeRule"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGImageElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSKeyframeRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSKeyframeRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11326, // "StyleSheetList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheetList,
< /* mCreate */ StyleSheetList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6866, // "NodeIterator"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NodeIterator,
> /* mCreate */ NodeIterator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6586, // "MozDocumentObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozDocumentObserver,
< /* mCreate */ MozDocumentObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozDocumentObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8348, // "RTCIceCandidate"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCIceCandidate,
> /* mCreate */ RTCIceCandidate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCIceCandidate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13362, // "XULTextElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULTextElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULTextElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULTextElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5227, // "IDBRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBRequest,
> /* mCreate */ IDBRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12538, // "WebGLRenderingContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLRenderingContext,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4532, // "HTMLParamElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLParamElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLParamElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12754, // "WindowContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowContext,
< /* mCreate */ WindowContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WindowContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4603, // "HTMLQuoteElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLQuoteElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLQuoteElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12509, // "WebGLQuery"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLQuery,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLQuery_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 219, // "AnimationTimeline"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationTimeline,
> /* mCreate */ AnimationTimeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AnimationTimeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 654, // "BroadcastChannel"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BroadcastChannel,
> /* mCreate */ BroadcastChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 943, // "CSSPageRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7262, // "Performance"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSPageRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSPageRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Performance,
> /* mCreate */ Performance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4992, // "HashChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HashChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ HashChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12664, // "WebGLTransformFeedback"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLTransformFeedback,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLTransformFeedback_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLTransformFeedback_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13304, // "XULElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13317, // "XULCommandEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULCommandEvent,
> /* mCreate */ XULCommandEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULCommandEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3306, // "GamepadButton"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadButton,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadButton_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadButton_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 196, // "AnimationPlaybackEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationPlaybackEvent,
> /* mCreate */ AnimationPlaybackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AnimationPlaybackEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2220, // "Document"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Document,
< /* mCreate */ Document_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5180, // "IDBMutableFile"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBMutableFile,
> /* mCreate */ IDBMutableFile_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 81, // "AddonEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonEvent,
< /* mCreate */ AddonEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AddonEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9406, // "SVGFEFuncBElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncBElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncBElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6205, // "MediaSource"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaSource,
< /* mCreate */ MediaSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 877, // "CSSKeyframesRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSKeyframesRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSKeyframesRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4174, // "HTMLInputElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11146, // "StereoPannerNode"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLInputElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLInputElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StereoPannerNode,
> /* mCreate */ StereoPannerNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StereoPannerNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 12797, // "WindowGlobalChild"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowGlobalChild,
> /* mCreate */ WindowGlobalChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WindowGlobalChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 4568, // "HTMLPreElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLPreElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLPreElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4031, // "HTMLFrameElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFrameElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2670, // "FocusEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FocusEvent,
> /* mCreate */ FocusEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2702, // "FontFaceSetLoadEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFaceSetLoadEvent,
< /* mCreate */ FontFaceSetLoadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FontFaceSetLoadEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10005, // "SVGPathSegList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPathSegList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPathSegList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8719, // "SVGAnimateTransformElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateTransformElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateTransformElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10488, // "Screen"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Screen,
> /* mCreate */ Screen_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2300, // "DynamicsCompressorNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DynamicsCompressorNode,
< /* mCreate */ DynamicsCompressorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DynamicsCompressorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 433, // "AudioTrackList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioTrackList,
> /* mCreate */ AudioTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioTrackList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11199, // "StreamFilter"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StreamFilter,
< /* mCreate */ StreamFilter_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StreamFilter_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6986, // "OffscreenCanvas"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OffscreenCanvas,
> /* mCreate */ OffscreenCanvas_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ OffscreenCanvas_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7078, // "ParentProcessMessageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ParentProcessMessageManager,
< /* mCreate */ ParentProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ParentProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6831, // "NetworkInformation"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NetworkInformation,
> /* mCreate */ NetworkInformation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ NetworkInformation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11212, // "StreamFilterDataEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 271, // "AudioBufferSourceNode"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StreamFilterDataEvent,
< /* mCreate */ StreamFilterDataEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StreamFilterDataEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioBufferSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ AudioBufferSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioBufferSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4956, // "HTMLUnknownElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLUnknownElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLUnknownElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12911, // "XMLHttpRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequest,
> /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10390, // "SVGTitleElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTitleElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTitleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8116, // "PromiseDebugging"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PromiseDebugging,
> /* mCreate */ PromiseDebugging_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PromiseDebugging_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2848, // "GPUCanvasContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCanvasContext,
< /* mCreate */ GPUCanvasContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUCanvasContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10120, // "SVGRadialGradientElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRadialGradientElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGRadialGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1182, // "CanvasPattern"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasPattern,
< /* mCreate */ CanvasPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5084, // "IDBDatabase"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBDatabase,
> /* mCreate */ IDBDatabase_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10182, // "SVGScriptElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGScriptElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGScriptElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4583, // "HTMLProgressElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLProgressElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLProgressElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1039, // "CSSSupportsRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5297, // "IdleDeadline"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IdleDeadline,
> /* mCreate */ IdleDeadline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IdleDeadline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 3801, // "HTMLDataElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSSupportsRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSSupportsRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDataElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDataElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7580, // "PlacesBookmark"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1117, // "CanonicalBrowsingContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanonicalBrowsingContext,
> /* mCreate */ CanonicalBrowsingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CanonicalBrowsingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 5623, // "KeyframeEffect"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesBookmark,
< /* mCreate */ PlacesBookmark_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PlacesBookmark_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyframeEffect,
> /* mCreate */ KeyframeEffect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ KeyframeEffect_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11864, // "TimeRanges"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TimeRanges,
< /* mCreate */ TimeRanges_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7037, // "PaintRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaintRequest,
> /* mCreate */ PaintRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 542, // "AuthenticatorResponse"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorResponse,
< /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1911, // "DOMRect"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRect,
> /* mCreate */ DOMRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6624, // "MozSharedMap"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2791, // "GPUBindGroup"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozSharedMap,
< /* mCreate */ MozSharedMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozSharedMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBindGroup,
> /* mCreate */ GPUBindGroup_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUBindGroup_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 831, // "CSSGroupingRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSGroupingRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSGroupingRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2028, // "DataTransferItemList"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransferItemList,
> /* mCreate */ DataTransferItemList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2557, // "FileSystemEntry"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemEntry,
< /* mCreate */ FileSystemEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4133, // "HTMLIFrameElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLIFrameElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLIFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4256, // "HTMLMapElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMapElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMapElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2323, // "Element"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Element,
> /* mCreate */ Element_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13047, // "XRInputSourceArray"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourceArray,
< /* mCreate */ XRInputSourceArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourceArray_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 181, // "AnimationEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationEvent,
< /* mCreate */ AnimationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10038, // "SVGPoint"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPoint,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPoint_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3495, // "GeolocationPositionError"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationPositionError,
< /* mCreate */ GeolocationPositionError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4068, // "HTMLHRElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHRElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLHRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12702, // "WebSocket"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12044, // "UDPSocket"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebSocket,
< /* mCreate */ WebSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UDPSocket,
> /* mCreate */ UDPSocket_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ UDPSocket_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5609, // "KeyboardEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyboardEvent,
< /* mCreate */ KeyboardEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8882, // "SVGAnimatedNumberList"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedNumberList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedNumberList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9947, // "SVGMetadataElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMetadataElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGMetadataElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8647, // "Response"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Response,
> /* mCreate */ Response_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1502, // "ClonedErrorHolder"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ClonedErrorHolder,
< /* mCreate */ ClonedErrorHolder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ClonedErrorHolder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1437, // "ChromeNodeList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeNodeList,
> /* mCreate */ ChromeNodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChromeNodeList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5210, // "IDBOpenDBRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBOpenDBRequest,
< /* mCreate */ IDBOpenDBRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7580, // "PlacesBookmark"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesBookmark,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesBookmark_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesBookmark_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 708, // "CDATASection"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CDATASection,
< /* mCreate */ CDATASection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8935, // "SVGAnimatedRect"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedRect,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9716, // "SVGForeignObjectElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4723, // "HTMLTableCaptionElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGForeignObjectElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGForeignObjectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableCaptionElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableCaptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6901, // "NotifyPaintEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NotifyPaintEvent,
< /* mCreate */ NotifyPaintEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ NotifyPaintEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11777, // "Text"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Text,
> /* mCreate */ Text_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3681, // "Audio"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAudioElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLAudioElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10616, // "Selection"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Selection,
> /* mCreate */ Selection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3249, // "GPUValidationError"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUValidationError,
< /* mCreate */ GPUValidationError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUValidationError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13164, // "XRReferenceSpaceEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRReferenceSpaceEvent,
> /* mCreate */ XRReferenceSpaceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRReferenceSpaceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3630, // "HTMLAnchorElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAnchorElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLAnchorElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11485, // "TestFunctions"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestFunctions,
> /* mCreate */ TestFunctions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestFunctions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6046, // "MediaKeyStatusMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyStatusMap,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeyStatusMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6134, // "MediaQueryListEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaQueryListEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaQueryListEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9127, // "SVGEllipseElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGEllipseElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGEllipseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 13303, // "XSLTProcessor"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XSLTProcessor,
> /* mCreate */ XSLTProcessor_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6866, // "NodeIterator"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NodeIterator,
< /* mCreate */ NodeIterator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2641, // "FluentPattern"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentPattern,
> /* mCreate */ FluentPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FluentPattern_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2914, // "GPUComputePassEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUComputePassEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ GPUComputePassEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUComputePassEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2983, // "GPUFence"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUFence,
> /* mCreate */ GPUFence_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUFence_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10927, // "SpeechRecognitionError"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionError,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2290, // "DragEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DragEvent,
> /* mCreate */ DragEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10292, // "SVGTSpanElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTSpanElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTSpanElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9740, // "SVGGElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9347, // "SVGFEDropShadowElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDropShadowElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEDropShadowElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2776, // "GPU"
> /* mNameLength */ 3,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPU,
> /* mCreate */ GPU_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPU_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 13421, // "console"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::console,
> /* mCreate */ console_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10731, // "SimpleGestureEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6567, // "MozDocumentMatcher"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SimpleGestureEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozDocumentMatcher,
> /* mCreate */ MozDocumentMatcher_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozDocumentMatcher_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5253, // "IDBVersionChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBVersionChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ IDBVersionChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2484, // "FileReader"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileReader,
> /* mCreate */ FileReader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3717, // "HTMLBodyElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBodyElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLBodyElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 362, // "AudioParamMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioParamMap,
> /* mCreate */ AudioParamMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioParamMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11810, // "TextTrackCue"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackCue,
< /* mCreate */ TextTrackCue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3396, // "GamepadPose"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadPose,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 8046, // "PrioEncoder"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PrioEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ PrioEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PrioEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5638, // "L10nOverlays"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::L10nOverlays,
< /* mCreate */ L10nOverlays_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ L10nOverlays_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11212, // "StreamFilterDataEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StreamFilterDataEvent,
> /* mCreate */ StreamFilterDataEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StreamFilterDataEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 219, // "AnimationTimeline"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4323, // "HTMLMenuItemElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMenuItemElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMenuItemElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1789, // "DOMImplementation"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationTimeline,
< /* mCreate */ AnimationTimeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AnimationTimeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMImplementation,
> /* mCreate */ DOMImplementation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5769, // "MIDIPort"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIPort,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIPort_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIPort_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9388, // "SVGFEFuncAElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncAElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncAElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 806, // "CSSFontFeatureValuesRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSFontFeatureValuesRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSFontFeatureValuesRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8273, // "RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 654, // "BroadcastChannel"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BroadcastChannel,
< /* mCreate */ BroadcastChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3874, // "HTMLDirectoryElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDirectoryElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDirectoryElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5580, // "JSWindowActorParent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSWindowActorParent,
< /* mCreate */ JSWindowActorParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ JSWindowActorParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7551, // "PermissionStatus"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PermissionStatus,
> /* mCreate */ PermissionStatus_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3475, // "GeolocationPosition"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationPosition,
< /* mCreate */ GeolocationPosition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GeolocationPosition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10478, // "Sanitizer"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Sanitizer,
> /* mCreate */ Sanitizer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Sanitizer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12831, // "WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface"
< /* mNameLength */ 38,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface,
< /* mCreate */ WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13062, // "XRInputSource"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSource,
> /* mCreate */ XRInputSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRInputSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8668, // "SVGAngle"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAngle,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAngle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 34, // "AbortSignal"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbortSignal,
> /* mCreate */ AbortSignal_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4549, // "HTMLPictureElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLPictureElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLPictureElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11451, // "TCPSocketEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocketEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TCPSocketEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TCPSocketEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8951, // "SVGAnimatedString"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedString,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedString_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1867, // "DOMParser"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMParser,
> /* mCreate */ DOMParser_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3066, // "GPURenderBundleEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderBundleEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ GPURenderBundleEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPURenderBundleEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2411, // "EventTarget"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventTarget,
> /* mCreate */ EventTarget_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10640, // "ServiceWorkerContainer"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorkerContainer,
< /* mCreate */ ServiceWorkerContainer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorkerContainer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1502, // "ClonedErrorHolder"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ClonedErrorHolder,
> /* mCreate */ ClonedErrorHolder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ClonedErrorHolder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5029, // "HiddenPluginEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HiddenPluginEvent,
< /* mCreate */ HiddenPluginEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ HiddenPluginEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11997, // "TreeContentView"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeContentView,
> /* mCreate */ TreeContentView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TreeContentView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9889, // "SVGMPathElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 831, // "CSSGroupingRule"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMPathElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGMPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSGroupingRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSGroupingRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13188, // "XRSession"
> /* mNameOffset */ 11883, // "TimeEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSession,
< /* mCreate */ XRSession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRSession_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 92, // "AddonInstall"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonInstall,
< /* mCreate */ AddonInstall_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AddonInstall_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 1585, // "ConstantSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ConstantSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ ConstantSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ConstantSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 2246, // "DocumentTimeline"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentTimeline,
< /* mCreate */ DocumentTimeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DocumentTimeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TimeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TimeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4133, // "HTMLIFrameElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLIFrameElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLIFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4511, // "HTMLParagraphElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLParagraphElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLParagraphElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1325, // "CheckerboardReportService"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CheckerboardReportService,
< /* mCreate */ CheckerboardReportService_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CheckerboardReportService_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12349, // "VideoTrackList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoTrackList,
> /* mCreate */ VideoTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VideoTrackList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1088, // "CallbackDebuggerNotification"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CallbackDebuggerNotification,
< /* mCreate */ CallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2936, // "GPUComputePipeline"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUComputePipeline,
> /* mCreate */ GPUComputePipeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUComputePipeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 0, // "APZHitResultFlags"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::APZHitResultFlags,
< /* mCreate */ APZHitResultFlags_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ APZHitResultFlags_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12899, // "XMLDocument"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLDocument,
> /* mCreate */ XMLDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10463, // "SVGViewElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGViewElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGViewElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3717, // "HTMLBodyElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLBodyElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLBodyElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11902, // "TrackEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TrackEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9460, // "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEGaussianBlurElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEGaussianBlurElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8080, // "ProcessingInstruction"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProcessingInstruction,
< /* mCreate */ ProcessingInstruction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4747, // "HTMLTableCellElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableCellElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLTableCellElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 972, // "CSSRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5008, // "Headers"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Headers,
> /* mCreate */ Headers_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 422, // "AudioTrack"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioTrack,
< /* mCreate */ AudioTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11289, // "StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 36,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4098, // "HTMLHeadingElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHeadingElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLHeadingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2823, // "GPUBuffer"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBuffer,
> /* mCreate */ GPUBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 564, // "BarProp"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BarProp,
< /* mCreate */ BarProp_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4706, // "HTMLStyleElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLStyleElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLStyleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13377, // "XULTreeElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULTreeElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULTreeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULTreeElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3581, // "GridLines"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridLines,
> /* mCreate */ GridLines_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridLines_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8677, // "SVGAnimateElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12066, // "webkitURL"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URL,
> /* mCreate */ URL_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6030, // "MediaKeySession"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeySession,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeySession_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12062, // "URL"
> /* mNameLength */ 3,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URL,
> /* mCreate */ URL_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7220, // "PeerConnectionImpl"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PeerConnectionImpl,
< /* mCreate */ PeerConnectionImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PeerConnectionImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 12958, // "XPathEvaluator"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathEvaluator,
< /* mCreate */ XPathEvaluator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12233, // "VRMockDisplay"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRMockDisplay,
> /* mCreate */ VRMockDisplay_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRMockDisplay_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1520, // "CloseEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CloseEvent,
< /* mCreate */ CloseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8133, // "PromiseRejectionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PromiseRejectionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PromiseRejectionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7945, // "PresentationConnectionCloseEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 32,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionCloseEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2359, // "Event"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Event,
> /* mCreate */ Event_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7771, // "PopupBlockedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopupBlockedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PopupBlockedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3972, // "HTMLFontElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFontElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLFontElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6808, // "NamedNodeMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NamedNodeMap,
< /* mCreate */ NamedNodeMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8080, // "ProcessingInstruction"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProcessingInstruction,
> /* mCreate */ ProcessingInstruction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11929, // "TransitionEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1931, // "DOMRectReadOnly"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TransitionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TransitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRectReadOnly,
> /* mCreate */ DOMRectReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7291, // "PerformanceEntryEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceEntryEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceEntryEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PerformanceEntryEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6496, // "MimeType"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MimeType,
> /* mCreate */ MimeType_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 687, // "BrowsingContextGroup"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BrowsingContextGroup,
< /* mCreate */ BrowsingContextGroup_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ BrowsingContextGroup_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13429, // "mozRTCIceCandidate"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCIceCandidate,
> /* mCreate */ mozRTCIceCandidate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ mozRTCIceCandidate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6009, // "MediaKeyMessageEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyMessageEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeyMessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 118, // "AddonManagerPermissions"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonManagerPermissions,
> /* mCreate */ AddonManagerPermissions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AddonManagerPermissions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3784, // "HTMLDListElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDListElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4690, // "HTMLSpanElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSpanElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLSpanElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11721, // "TestingDeprecatedInterface"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestingDeprecatedInterface,
< /* mCreate */ TestingDeprecatedInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestingDeprecatedInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11560, // "TestInterfaceIterableSingle"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableSingle,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableSingle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableSingle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3856, // "HTMLDialogElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4408, // "HTMLObjectElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDialogElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDialogElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ HTMLDialogElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLObjectElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLObjectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5145, // "IDBKeyRange"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBKeyRange,
< /* mCreate */ IDBKeyRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5561, // "JSWindowActorChild"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSWindowActorChild,
> /* mCreate */ JSWindowActorChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ JSWindowActorChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1776, // "DOMException"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMException,
< /* mCreate */ DOMException_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 13469, // "mozRTCSessionDescription"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCSessionDescription,
> /* mCreate */ mozRTCSessionDescription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ mozRTCSessionDescription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9790, // "SVGGraphicsElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGraphicsElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGGraphicsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3769, // "HTMLCollection"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLCollection,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10436, // "SVGUnitTypes"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5350, // "ImageCapture"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGUnitTypes,
< /* mCreate */ SVGUnitTypes_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageCapture,
> /* mCreate */ ImageCapture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ImageCapture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3155, // "GPUShaderStage"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUShaderStage,
< /* mCreate */ GPUShaderStage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUShaderStage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13375, // "XULPopupElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULPopupElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULPopupElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULPopupElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7370, // "PerformanceNavigationTiming"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceNavigationTiming,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceNavigationTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PerformanceNavigationTiming_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1276, // "ChannelSplitterNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChannelSplitterNode,
> /* mCreate */ ChannelSplitterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChannelSplitterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8102, // "ProgressEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProgressEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ProgressEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5157, // "IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange,
> /* mCreate */ IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9659, // "SVGFETileElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFETileElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFETileElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12268, // "VRStageParameters"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRStageParameters,
> /* mCreate */ VRStageParameters_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRStageParameters_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 10898, // "SpeechRecognitionAlternative"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionAlternative,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionAlternative_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionAlternative_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 9637, // "SVGFESpotLightElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFESpotLightElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFESpotLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10478, // "Sanitizer"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6085, // "MediaKeys"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Sanitizer,
< /* mCreate */ Sanitizer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Sanitizer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeys,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeys_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2936, // "GPUComputePipeline"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUComputePipeline,
< /* mCreate */ GPUComputePipeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUComputePipeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2628, // "FluentBundle"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentBundle,
> /* mCreate */ FluentBundle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FluentBundle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11278, // "StyleSheet"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheet,
< /* mCreate */ StyleSheet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2833, // "GPUBufferUsage"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBufferUsage,
> /* mCreate */ GPUBufferUsage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUBufferUsage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6064, // "MediaKeySystemAccess"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeySystemAccess,
< /* mCreate */ MediaKeySystemAccess_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8432, // "RTCRtpReceiver"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpReceiver,
> /* mCreate */ RTCRtpReceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpReceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2470, // "File"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::File,
< /* mCreate */ File_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6217, // "MediaStream"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStream,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStream_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7551, // "PermissionStatus"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PermissionStatus,
< /* mCreate */ PermissionStatus_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 10626, // "ServiceWorker"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorker,
> /* mCreate */ ServiceWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12239, // "VRStageParameters"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRStageParameters,
< /* mCreate */ VRStageParameters_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRStageParameters_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9239, // "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6718, // "MozStorageStatementRow"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageStatementRow,
< /* mCreate */ MozStorageStatementRow_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozStorageStatementRow_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7789, // "PopupPositionedEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopupPositionedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PopupPositionedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PopupPositionedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7348, // "PerformanceNavigation"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceNavigation,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceNavigation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9676, // "SVGFETurbulenceElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFETurbulenceElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFETurbulenceElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5180, // "IDBMutableFile"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBMutableFile,
< /* mCreate */ IDBMutableFile_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 6322, // "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 31,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7329, // "PerformanceMeasure"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceMeasure,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceMeasure_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 1325, // "CheckerboardReportService"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CheckerboardReportService,
> /* mCreate */ CheckerboardReportService_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CheckerboardReportService_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2681, // "FontFace"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFace,
< /* mCreate */ FontFace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FontFace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12852, // "Worklet"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Worklet,
> /* mCreate */ Worklet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Worklet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8904, // "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio"
< /* mNameLength */ 30,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1039, // "CSSSupportsRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSSupportsRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSSupportsRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12479, // "WebGLFramebuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLFramebuffer,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLFramebuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLFramebuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10663, // "ServiceWorkerRegistration"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorkerRegistration,
> /* mCreate */ ServiceWorkerRegistration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorkerRegistration_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4307, // "HTMLMenuElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12092, // "UserInteraction"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMenuElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMenuElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UserInteraction,
> /* mCreate */ UserInteraction_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ UserInteraction_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1947, // "DOMRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRequest,
< /* mCreate */ DOMRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9849, // "SVGLineElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLineElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGLineElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9266, // "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10242, // "SVGStyleElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStyleElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGStyleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10345, // "SVGTextPathElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextPathElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTextPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5984, // "MediaError"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaError,
> /* mCreate */ MediaError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6986, // "OffscreenCanvas"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OffscreenCanvas,
< /* mCreate */ OffscreenCanvas_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ OffscreenCanvas_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1167, // "CanvasGradient"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasGradient,
> /* mCreate */ CanvasGradient_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 461, // "AudioWorkletNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioWorkletNode,
< /* mCreate */ AudioWorkletNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioWorkletNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3495, // "GeolocationPositionError"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationPositionError,
> /* mCreate */ GeolocationPositionError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 293, // "AudioContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioContext,
< /* mCreate */ AudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3895, // "HTMLDivElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDivElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDivElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4408, // "HTMLObjectElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLObjectElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLObjectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11805, // "TextEncoder"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ TextEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3285, // "GamepadAxisMoveEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadAxisMoveEvent,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadAxisMoveEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadAxisMoveEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1849, // "DOMMatrixReadOnly"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMMatrixReadOnly,
> /* mCreate */ DOMMatrixReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMMatrixReadOnly_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6821, // "Navigator"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Navigator,
< /* mCreate */ Navigator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 1142, // "CanvasCaptureMediaStream"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasCaptureMediaStream,
> /* mCreate */ CanvasCaptureMediaStream_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CanvasCaptureMediaStream_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2210, // "Directory"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2955, // "GPUDevice"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Directory,
< /* mCreate */ Directory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUDevice,
> /* mCreate */ GPUDevice_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUDevice_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12461, // "WebGLContextEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLContextEvent,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLContextEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLContextEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5651, // "Localization"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Localization,
> /* mCreate */ Localization_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Localization_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5684, // "MIDIConnectionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIConnectionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIConnectionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIConnectionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12641, // "WebGLSync"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLSync,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLSync_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLSync_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2655, // "FluentResource"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8500, // "RTCStatsReport"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentResource,
< /* mCreate */ FluentResource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FluentResource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCStatsReport,
> /* mCreate */ RTCStatsReport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCStatsReport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4788, // "HTMLTableElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 1351, // "ChildProcessMessageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChildProcessMessageManager,
> /* mCreate */ ChildProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChildProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5421, // "InspectorFontFace"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InspectorFontFace,
< /* mCreate */ InspectorFontFace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ InspectorFontFace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4307, // "HTMLMenuElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMenuElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMenuElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10419, // "SVGTransformList"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTransformList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTransformList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1520, // "CloseEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CloseEvent,
> /* mCreate */ CloseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7106, // "Path2D"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Path2D,
< /* mCreate */ Path2D_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Path2D_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12589, // "WebGLSampler"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLSampler,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLSampler_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLSampler_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8133, // "PromiseRejectionEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PromiseRejectionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PromiseRejectionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 13242, // "XRSpace"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSpace,
> /* mCreate */ XRSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3339, // "GamepadEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadEvent,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11910, // "TouchEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TouchEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TouchEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TouchEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1903, // "DOMQuad"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMQuad,
< /* mCreate */ DOMQuad_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMQuad_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2746, // "FrameCrashedEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FrameCrashedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ FrameCrashedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FrameCrashedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11854, // "TimeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TimeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TimeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8969, // "SVGAnimatedTransformList"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedTransformList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedTransformList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 9050, // "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 35,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8763, // "SVGAnimatedBoolean"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedBoolean,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedBoolean_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5995, // "MediaKeyError"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyError,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeyError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4464, // "Option"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12190, // "VRFieldOfView"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRFieldOfView,
> /* mCreate */ VRFieldOfView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRFieldOfView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6776, // "MutationObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MutationObserver,
< /* mCreate */ MutationObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7908, // "PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 36,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2359, // "Event"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Event,
< /* mCreate */ Event_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2220, // "Document"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Document,
> /* mCreate */ Document_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9239, // "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 10780, // "SpeechGrammar"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammar,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammar_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6470, // "MessagePort"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessagePort,
< /* mCreate */ MessagePort_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4117, // "HTMLHtmlElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHtmlElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLHtmlElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12037, // "webkitURL"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URL,
< /* mCreate */ URL_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 943, // "CSSPageRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSPageRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSPageRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1867, // "DOMParser"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMParser,
< /* mCreate */ DOMParser_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11869, // "TextTrackList"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackList,
> /* mCreate */ TextTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9771, // "SVGGradientElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGradientElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8668, // "SVGAngle"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAngle,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAngle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4082, // "HTMLHeadElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHeadElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLHeadElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7178, // "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentRequestUpdateEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12047, // "URLSearchParams"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3194, // "GPUTextureUsage"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::URLSearchParams,
< /* mCreate */ URLSearchParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 740, // "CSSAnimation"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSAnimation,
< /* mCreate */ CSSAnimation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CSSAnimation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTextureUsage,
> /* mCreate */ GPUTextureUsage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUTextureUsage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12679, // "WebGLVertexArrayObject"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLVertexArrayObject,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLVertexArrayObject_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4656, // "HTMLSlotElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSlotElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLSlotElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 327, // "AudioListener"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioListener,
< /* mCreate */ AudioListener_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioListener_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11067, // "SpeechSynthesisEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12335, // "VisualViewport"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VisualViewport,
< /* mCreate */ VisualViewport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 894, // "CSSMediaRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSMediaRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSMediaRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2764, // "FrameLoader"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8656, // "SVGAElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FrameLoader,
< /* mCreate */ FrameLoader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FrameLoader_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 4568, // "HTMLPreElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLPreElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLPreElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 9752, // "SVGGeometryElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGeometryElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGGeometryElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3110, // "GPURenderPipeline"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderPipeline,
< /* mCreate */ GPURenderPipeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPURenderPipeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2992, // "GPUMapMode"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUMapMode,
> /* mCreate */ GPUMapMode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUMapMode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7713, // "PluginArray"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2690, // "FontFaceSet"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PluginArray,
< /* mCreate */ PluginArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFaceSet,
> /* mCreate */ FontFaceSet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FontFaceSet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8805, // "SVGAnimatedInteger"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedInteger,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedInteger_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11893, // "TimeRanges"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TimeRanges,
> /* mCreate */ TimeRanges_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11499, // "TestInterfaceIterableDouble"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableDouble,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableDouble_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableDouble_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2655, // "FluentResource"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentResource,
> /* mCreate */ FluentResource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FluentResource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9485, // "SVGFEImageElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEImageElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12765, // "WheelEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WheelEvent,
> /* mCreate */ WheelEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6946, // "OfflineAudioContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::OfflineAudioContext,
> /* mCreate */ OfflineAudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ OfflineAudioContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
< /* mNameOffset */ 12736, // "WheelEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WheelEvent,
< /* mCreate */ WheelEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 9521, // "SVGFEMergeNodeElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3374, // "GamepadLightIndicator"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMergeNodeElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEMergeNodeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadLightIndicator,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadLightIndicator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadLightIndicator_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3733, // "HTMLButtonElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLButtonElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLButtonElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 1886, // "DOMPointReadOnly"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMPointReadOnly,
> /* mCreate */ DOMPointReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMPointReadOnly_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4446, // "HTMLOptionElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3923, // "HTMLElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11067, // "SpeechSynthesisEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8556, // "ReportBody"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ReportBody,
> /* mCreate */ ReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12350, // "WaveShaperNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WaveShaperNode,
< /* mCreate */ WaveShaperNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WaveShaperNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3023, // "GPUPipelineLayout"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUPipelineLayout,
> /* mCreate */ GPUPipelineLayout_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUPipelineLayout_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 18, // "AbortController"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbortController,
< /* mCreate */ AbortController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7470, // "PerformanceResourceTiming"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceResourceTiming,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceResourceTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4723, // "HTMLTableCaptionElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableCaptionElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableCaptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 1464, // "ChromeWorker"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeWorker,
> /* mCreate */ ChromeWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChromeWorker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5623, // "KeyframeEffect"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::KeyframeEffect,
< /* mCreate */ KeyframeEffect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ KeyframeEffect_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8364, // "RTCPeerConnection"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnection,
> /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6105, // "MediaMetadata"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaMetadata,
< /* mCreate */ MediaMetadata_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaMetadata_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 478, // "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse"
> /* mNameLength */ 30,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorAssertionResponse,
> /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorAssertionResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorAssertionResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9442, // "SVGFEFuncRElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncRElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncRElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12987, // "XPathEvaluator"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathEvaluator,
> /* mCreate */ XPathEvaluator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8273, // "RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7668, // "PlacesVisit"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesVisit,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesVisit_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesVisit_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11400, // "TCPServerSocketEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPServerSocketEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TCPServerSocketEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TCPServerSocketEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8782, // "SVGAnimatedEnumeration"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedEnumeration,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedEnumeration_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7520, // "PerformanceTiming"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceTiming,
< /* mCreate */ PerformanceTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12247, // "VRPose"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRPose,
> /* mCreate */ VRPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10549, // "ScrollAreaEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9889, // "SVGMPathElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScrollAreaEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ScrollAreaEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMPathElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGMPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12449, // "WebGLBuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLBuffer,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 433, // "AudioTrackList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioTrackList,
< /* mCreate */ AudioTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioTrackList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 3581, // "GridLines"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridLines,
< /* mCreate */ GridLines_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridLines_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 376, // "AudioProcessingEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioProcessingEvent,
> /* mCreate */ AudioProcessingEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioProcessingEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12257, // "VTTCue"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12286, // "VTTCue"
< /* mNameOffset */ 6606, // "MozQueryInterface"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozQueryInterface,
< /* mCreate */ MozQueryInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozQueryInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13360, // "XULMenuElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULMenuElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULMenuElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULMenuElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6434, // "MessageEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MessageEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9294, // "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDisplacementMapElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEDisplacementMapElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 75, // "Addon"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Addon,
< /* mCreate */ Addon_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Addon_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 13025, // "XRFrame"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRFrame,
< /* mCreate */ XRFrame_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRFrame_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11326, // "StyleSheetList"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheetList,
> /* mCreate */ StyleSheetList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 7123, // "PaymentAddress"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentAddress,
< /* mCreate */ PaymentAddress_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PaymentAddress_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 9116, // "SVGElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6808, // "NamedNodeMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NamedNodeMap,
> /* mCreate */ NamedNodeMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7725, // "PluginCrashedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PluginCrashedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PluginCrashedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PluginCrashedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 12882, // "XMLHttpRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequest,
< /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13030, // "XRBoundedReferenceSpace"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRBoundedReferenceSpace,
> /* mCreate */ XRBoundedReferenceSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRBoundedReferenceSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 351, // "AudioParam"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioParam,
< /* mCreate */ AudioParam_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioParam_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9905, // "SVGMarkerElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMarkerElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGMarkerElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10950, // "SpeechRecognitionEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9585, // "SVGFEPointLightElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEPointLightElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEPointLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5801, // "MatchPatternSet"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchPatternSet,
< /* mCreate */ MatchPatternSet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MatchPatternSet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1604, // "ContentFrameMessageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ContentFrameMessageManager,
> /* mCreate */ ContentFrameMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ContentFrameMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6505, // "MimeTypeArray"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1958, // "DOMStringList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MimeTypeArray,
< /* mCreate */ MimeTypeArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMStringList,
> /* mCreate */ DOMStringList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10005, // "SVGPathSegList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPathSegList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPathSegList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2348, // "ErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8244, // "RTCCertificate"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCCertificate,
< /* mCreate */ RTCCertificate_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCCertificate_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2399, // "EventSource"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventSource,
> /* mCreate */ EventSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ EventSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10814, // "SpeechGrammarList"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammarList,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1947, // "DOMRequest"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRequest,
> /* mCreate */ DOMRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4532, // "HTMLParamElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLParamElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLParamElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3339, // "GamepadEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadEvent,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 572, // "BaseAudioContext"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BaseAudioContext,
< /* mCreate */ BaseAudioContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4638, // "HTMLSelectElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSelectElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLSelectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8842, // "SVGAnimatedLengthList"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedLengthList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedLengthList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10364, // "SVGTextPositioningElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextPositioningElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTextPositioningElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12218, // "VRPose"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRPose,
< /* mCreate */ VRPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3856, // "HTMLDialogElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDialogElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDialogElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ HTMLDialogElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10449, // "SVGUseElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6586, // "MozDocumentObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozDocumentObserver,
> /* mCreate */ MozDocumentObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozDocumentObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 3558, // "GridDimension"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGUseElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGUseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridDimension,
> /* mCreate */ GridDimension_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridDimension_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 753, // "CSSConditionRule"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6305, // "MediaStreamTrack"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSConditionRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSConditionRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamTrack,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3612, // "HTMLAllCollection"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAllCollection,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLAllCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9217, // "SVGFECompositeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFECompositeElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFECompositeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4048, // "HTMLFrameSetElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFrameSetElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLFrameSetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7348, // "PerformanceNavigation"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceNavigation,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceNavigation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2791, // "GPUBindGroup"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBindGroup,
< /* mCreate */ GPUBindGroup_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUBindGroup_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7447, // "PerformancePaintTiming"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformancePaintTiming,
> /* mCreate */ PerformancePaintTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 861, // "CSSKeyframeRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSKeyframeRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSKeyframeRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8460, // "RTCRtpTransceiver"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpTransceiver,
> /* mCreate */ RTCRtpTransceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpTransceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11234, // "StructuredCloneHolder"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StructuredCloneHolder,
< /* mCreate */ StructuredCloneHolder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StructuredCloneHolder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12420, // "WebExtensionPolicy"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebExtensionPolicy,
> /* mCreate */ WebExtensionPolicy_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebExtensionPolicy_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6419, // "MessageChannel"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageChannel,
< /* mCreate */ MessageChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11839, // "TextTrackCue"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrackCue,
> /* mCreate */ TextTrackCue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10898, // "SpeechRecognitionAlternative"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionAlternative,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionAlternative_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionAlternative_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 0, // "APZHitResultFlags"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::APZHitResultFlags,
> /* mCreate */ APZHitResultFlags_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ APZHitResultFlags_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5454, // "InstallTriggerImpl"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InstallTriggerImpl,
< /* mCreate */ InstallTriggerImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ InstallTriggerImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 589, // "BatteryManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BatteryManager,
> /* mCreate */ BatteryManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ BatteryManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 362, // "AudioParamMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioParamMap,
< /* mCreate */ AudioParamMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioParamMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3612, // "HTMLAllCollection"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAllCollection,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLAllCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6831, // "NetworkInformation"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NetworkInformation,
< /* mCreate */ NetworkInformation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ NetworkInformation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12024, // "U2F"
> /* mNameLength */ 3,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::U2F,
> /* mCreate */ U2F_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ U2F_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2484, // "FileReader"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileReader,
< /* mCreate */ FileReader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7313, // "PerformanceMark"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceMark,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceMark_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1452, // "ChromeUtils"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeUtils,
< /* mCreate */ ChromeUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChromeUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 907, // "CSSMozDocumentRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSMozDocumentRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSMozDocumentRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8543, // "Range"
< /* mNameLength */ 5,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Range,
< /* mCreate */ Range_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3837, // "HTMLDetailsElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDetailsElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDetailsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1911, // "DOMRect"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRect,
< /* mCreate */ DOMRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8259, // "RTCDTMFSender"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDTMFSender,
> /* mCreate */ RTCDTMFSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 9864, // "SVGLinearGradientElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLinearGradientElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGLinearGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5849, // "MediaCapabilitiesInfo"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaCapabilitiesInfo,
> /* mCreate */ MediaCapabilitiesInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaCapabilitiesInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4869, // "HTMLTextAreaElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTextAreaElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTextAreaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3352, // "GamepadHapticActuator"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadHapticActuator,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadHapticActuator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadHapticActuator_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11289, // "StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 36,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6095, // "MediaList"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaList,
> /* mCreate */ MediaList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4672, // "HTMLSourceElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 8824, // "SVGAnimatedLength"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSourceElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLSourceElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedLength,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedLength_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7789, // "PopupPositionedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopupPositionedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PopupPositionedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PopupPositionedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5936, // "MediaElementAudioSourceNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaElementAudioSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ MediaElementAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaElementAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7744, // "PointerEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PointerEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PointerEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PointerEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9116, // "SVGElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12309, // "VideoTrack"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5410, // "InputEvent"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoTrack,
< /* mCreate */ VideoTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VideoTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InputEvent,
> /* mCreate */ InputEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11353, // "SubtleCrypto"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SubtleCrypto,
< /* mCreate */ SubtleCrypto_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SubtleCrypto_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10707, // "ShadowRoot"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ShadowRoot,
> /* mCreate */ ShadowRoot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2399, // "EventSource"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventSource,
< /* mCreate */ EventSource_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ EventSource_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6718, // "MozStorageStatementRow"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageStatementRow,
> /* mCreate */ MozStorageStatementRow_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozStorageStatementRow_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12816, // "Worker"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Worker,
< /* mCreate */ Worker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Worker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11163, // "Storage"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Storage,
> /* mCreate */ Storage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6154, // "MediaRecorder"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12973, // "XMLSerializer"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaRecorder,
< /* mCreate */ MediaRecorder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLSerializer,
> /* mCreate */ XMLSerializer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5410, // "InputEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InputEvent,
< /* mCreate */ InputEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 11256, // "StructuredCloneTester"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StructuredCloneTester,
> /* mCreate */ StructuredCloneTester_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StructuredCloneTester_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12612, // "WebGLSync"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLSync,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLSync_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLSync_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1877, // "DOMPoint"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMPoint,
> /* mCreate */ DOMPoint_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DOMPoint_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 376, // "AudioProcessingEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioProcessingEvent,
< /* mCreate */ AudioProcessingEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AudioProcessingEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10718, // "SharedWorker"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SharedWorker,
> /* mCreate */ SharedWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10874, // "webkitSpeechRecognition"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognition,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2210, // "Directory"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Directory,
> /* mCreate */ Directory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8187, // "PushManagerImpl"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushManagerImpl,
< /* mCreate */ PushManagerImpl_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PushManagerImpl_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10436, // "SVGUnitTypes"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGUnitTypes,
> /* mCreate */ SVGUnitTypes_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 142, // "AnalyserNode"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2263, // "DocumentType"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnalyserNode,
< /* mCreate */ AnalyserNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AnalyserNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DocumentType,
> /* mCreate */ DocumentType_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 5744, // "MIDIOutput"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIOutput,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIOutput_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIOutput_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7204, // "PaymentResponse"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentResponse,
> /* mCreate */ PaymentResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PaymentResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8656, // "SVGAElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10168, // "SVGSVGElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSVGElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGSVGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10120, // "SVGRadialGradientElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRadialGradientElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGRadialGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6530, // "MouseScrollEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MouseScrollEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MouseScrollEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1732, // "CryptoKey"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CryptoKey,
< /* mCreate */ CryptoKey_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CryptoKey_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11199, // "StreamFilter"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StreamFilter,
> /* mCreate */ StreamFilter_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StreamFilter_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2506, // "FileSystemDirectoryEntry"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemDirectoryEntry,
< /* mCreate */ FileSystemDirectoryEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6261, // "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamAudioSourceNode,
> /* mCreate */ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1704, // "CredentialsContainer"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CredentialsContainer,
> /* mCreate */ CredentialsContainer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CredentialsContainer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 9937, // "SVGMatrix"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMatrix,
> /* mCreate */ SVGMatrix_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 509, // "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse"
< /* mNameLength */ 32,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorAttestationResponse,
< /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorAttestationResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorAttestationResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6064, // "MediaKeySystemAccess"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeySystemAccess,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeySystemAccess_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11163, // "Storage"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Storage,
< /* mCreate */ Storage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 926, // "CSSNamespaceRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSNamespaceRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSNamespaceRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5788, // "MatchPattern"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchPattern,
> /* mCreate */ MatchPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MatchPattern_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
< /* mNameOffset */ 4323, // "HTMLMenuItemElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMenuItemElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMenuItemElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5055, // "IDBCursor"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBCursor,
> /* mCreate */ IDBCursor_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10097, // "SVGPreserveAspectRatio"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPreserveAspectRatio,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPreserveAspectRatio_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 13002, // "XPathExpression"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XPathExpression,
> /* mCreate */ XPathExpression_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3520, // "GleanCategory"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1025, // "CSSStyleSheet"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GleanCategory,
< /* mCreate */ GleanCategory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GleanCategory_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSStyleSheet,
> /* mCreate */ CSSStyleSheet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 9460, // "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEGaussianBlurElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEGaussianBlurElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3041, // "GPUQueue"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUQueue,
> /* mCreate */ GPUQueue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUQueue_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7860, // "PresentationAvailability"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationAvailability,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationAvailability_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationAvailability_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12254, // "VRServiceTest"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRServiceTest,
> /* mCreate */ VRServiceTest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRServiceTest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8593, // "ResizeObserver"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserver,
< /* mCreate */ ResizeObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3110, // "GPURenderPipeline"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderPipeline,
> /* mCreate */ GPURenderPipeline_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPURenderPipeline_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5065, // "IDBCursorWithValue"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBCursorWithValue,
< /* mCreate */ IDBCursorWithValue_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2300, // "DynamicsCompressorNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DynamicsCompressorNode,
> /* mCreate */ DynamicsCompressorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DynamicsCompressorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13315, // "XULFrameElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULFrameElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULFrameElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10763, // "SourceBufferList"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SourceBufferList,
> /* mCreate */ SourceBufferList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SourceBufferList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9503, // "SVGFEMergeElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10060, // "SVGPolygonElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMergeElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEMergeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPolygonElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGPolygonElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7908, // "PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 36,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9835, // "SVGLengthList"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLengthList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGLengthList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1351, // "ChildProcessMessageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChildProcessMessageManager,
< /* mCreate */ ChildProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChildProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7113, // "PathUtils"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PathUtils,
> /* mCreate */ PathUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PathUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2109, // "DeprecationReportBody"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeprecationReportBody,
< /* mCreate */ DeprecationReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DeprecationReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13391, // "XULTextElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULTextElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULTextElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULTextElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10258, // "SVGSwitchElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSwitchElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGSwitchElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 10449, // "SVGUseElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGUseElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGUseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4376, // "HTMLModElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLModElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLModElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8102, // "ProgressEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProgressEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ProgressEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6400, // "MessageBroadcaster"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessageBroadcaster,
< /* mCreate */ MessageBroadcaster_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MessageBroadcaster_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 306, // "AudioDestinationNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioDestinationNode,
> /* mCreate */ AudioDestinationNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioDestinationNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7978, // "PresentationConnectionList"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnectionList,
< /* mCreate */ PresentationConnectionList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnectionList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13406, // "XULTreeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULTreeElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULTreeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULTreeElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1477, // "Clipboard"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Clipboard,
< /* mCreate */ Clipboard_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Clipboard_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3139, // "GPUShaderModule"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUShaderModule,
> /* mCreate */ GPUShaderModule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUShaderModule_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12923, // "XMLHttpRequestUpload"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XMLHttpRequestUpload,
< /* mCreate */ XMLHttpRequestUpload_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XMLHttpRequestUpload_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3225, // "GPUUncapturedErrorEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUUncapturedErrorEvent,
> /* mCreate */ GPUUncapturedErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUUncapturedErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13198, // "XRSessionEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9922, // "SVGMaskElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSessionEvent,
< /* mCreate */ XRSessionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XRSessionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMaskElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGMaskElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12520, // "WebGLRenderbuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLRenderbuffer,
< /* mCreate */ WebGLRenderbuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebGLRenderbuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13290, // "XRWebGLLayer"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRWebGLLayer,
> /* mCreate */ XRWebGLLayer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRWebGLLayer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9849, // "SVGLineElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGLineElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGLineElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12303, // "ValidityState"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ValidityState,
> /* mCreate */ ValidityState_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4690, // "HTMLSpanElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSpanElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLSpanElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1392, // "ChromeMessageBroadcaster"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeMessageBroadcaster,
> /* mCreate */ ChromeMessageBroadcaster_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChromeMessageBroadcaster_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11704, // "TestInterfaceSetlike"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceSetlike,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceSetlike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceSetlike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 4975, // "HTMLVideoElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLVideoElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLVideoElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7113, // "PathUtils"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PathUtils,
< /* mCreate */ PathUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PathUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7398, // "PerformanceObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceObserver,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PerformanceObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2613, // "FlexLineValues"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FlexLineValues,
< /* mCreate */ FlexLineValues_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FlexLineValues_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10640, // "ServiceWorkerContainer"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ServiceWorkerContainer,
> /* mCreate */ ServiceWorkerContainer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ServiceWorkerContainer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10145, // "SVGRect"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRect,
< /* mCreate */ SVGRect_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5016, // "HeapSnapshot"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HeapSnapshot,
> /* mCreate */ HeapSnapshot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ HeapSnapshot_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13392, // "console"
< /* mNameLength */ 7,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::console,
< /* mCreate */ console_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4015, // "HTMLFormElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFormElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLFormElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5540, // "JSProcessActorParent"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSProcessActorParent,
< /* mCreate */ JSProcessActorParent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ JSProcessActorParent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11725, // "TestInterfaceSetlikeNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceSetlikeNode,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceSetlikeNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceSetlikeNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11451, // "TCPSocketEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TCPSocketEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TCPSocketEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TCPSocketEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12651, // "WebGLTexture"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLTexture,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLTexture_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLTexture_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10565, // "ScrollViewChangeEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScrollViewChangeEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ScrollViewChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ScrollViewChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10731, // "SimpleGestureEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SimpleGestureEvent,
> /* mCreate */ SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5084, // "IDBDatabase"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBDatabase,
< /* mCreate */ IDBDatabase_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8382, // "RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent,
> /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1704, // "CredentialsContainer"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CredentialsContainer,
< /* mCreate */ CredentialsContainer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ CredentialsContainer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 81, // "AddonEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonEvent,
> /* mCreate */ AddonEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AddonEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 13288, // "XULCommandEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULCommandEvent,
< /* mCreate */ XULCommandEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULCommandEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10153, // "SVGRectElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRectElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGRectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4939, // "HTMLUListElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12508, // "WebGLFramebuffer"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLUListElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLUListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLFramebuffer,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLFramebuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLFramebuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1311, // "CharacterData"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CharacterData,
< /* mCreate */ CharacterData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7138, // "PaymentMethodChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentMethodChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PaymentMethodChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PaymentMethodChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6217, // "MediaStream"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStream,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStream_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8842, // "SVGAnimatedLengthList"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedLengthList,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedLengthList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11764, // "TextDecoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextDecoder,
< /* mCreate */ TextDecoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1985, // "DOMTokenList"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMTokenList,
> /* mCreate */ DOMTokenList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2365, // "EventCallbackDebuggerNotification"
< /* mNameLength */ 33,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventCallbackDebuggerNotification,
< /* mCreate */ EventCallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ EventCallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13114, // "XRInputSourcesChangeEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRInputSourcesChangeEvent,
> /* mCreate */ XRInputSourcesChangeEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRInputSourcesChangeEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 118, // "AddonManagerPermissions"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonManagerPermissions,
< /* mCreate */ AddonManagerPermissions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ AddonManagerPermissions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1417, // "ChromeMessageSender"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeMessageSender,
> /* mCreate */ ChromeMessageSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChromeMessageSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9543, // "SVGFEMorphologyElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 3066, // "GPURenderBundleEncoder"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMorphologyElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEMorphologyElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderBundleEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ GPURenderBundleEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPURenderBundleEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8647, // "Response"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Response,
< /* mCreate */ Response_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3155, // "GPUShaderStage"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUShaderStage,
> /* mCreate */ GPUShaderStage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUShaderStage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 980, // "CSSRuleList"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSRuleList,
< /* mCreate */ CSSRuleList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 708, // "CDATASection"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CDATASection,
> /* mCreate */ CDATASection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12264, // "VTTRegion"
> /* mNameOffset */ 5778, // "MatchGlob"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VTTRegion,
< /* mCreate */ VTTRegion_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VTTRegion_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchGlob,
> /* mCreate */ MatchGlob_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MatchGlob_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8364, // "RTCPeerConnection"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9127, // "SVGEllipseElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCPeerConnection,
< /* mCreate */ RTCPeerConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCPeerConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGEllipseElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGEllipseElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8432, // "RTCRtpReceiver"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpReceiver,
< /* mCreate */ RTCRtpReceiver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpReceiver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6606, // "MozQueryInterface"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozQueryInterface,
> /* mCreate */ MozQueryInterface_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MozQueryInterface_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8296, // "RTCDataChannel"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDataChannel,
< /* mCreate */ RTCDataChannel_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5421, // "InspectorFontFace"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InspectorFontFace,
> /* mCreate */ InspectorFontFace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ InspectorFontFace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 3306, // "GamepadButton"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadButton,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadButton_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadButton_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 8677, // "SVGAnimateElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 7050, // "PaintRequestList"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaintRequestList,
< /* mCreate */ PaintRequestList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6470, // "MessagePort"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MessagePort,
> /* mCreate */ MessagePort_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13331, // "XULMenuElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULMenuElement,
< /* mCreate */ XULMenuElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ XULMenuElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1972, // "DOMStringMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMStringMap,
> /* mCreate */ DOMStringMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 10038, // "SVGPoint"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6879, // "NodeList"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPoint,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPoint_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::NodeList,
> /* mCreate */ NodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10856, // "SpeechRecognition"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2965, // "GPUDeviceLostInfo"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognition,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 10997, // "SpeechRecognitionResultList"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechRecognitionResultList,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechRecognitionResultList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechRecognitionResultList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUDeviceLostInfo,
> /* mCreate */ GPUDeviceLostInfo_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUDeviceLostInfo_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5778, // "MatchGlob"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MatchGlob,
< /* mCreate */ MatchGlob_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MatchGlob_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3910, // "HTMLDocument"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDocument,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLDocument_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1807, // "DOMLocalization"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMLocalization,
< /* mCreate */ DOMLocalization_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMLocalization_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2148, // "DeviceMotionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceMotionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ DeviceMotionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DeviceMotionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4359, // "HTMLMeterElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMeterElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMeterElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4271, // "HTMLMarqueeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMarqueeElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLMarqueeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1437, // "ChromeNodeList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeNodeList,
< /* mCreate */ ChromeNodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChromeNodeList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12394, // "WebExtensionContentScript"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebExtensionContentScript,
> /* mCreate */ WebExtensionContentScript_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebExtensionContentScript_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8311, // "RTCDataChannelEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDataChannelEvent,
< /* mCreate */ RTCDataChannelEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCDataChannelEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10832, // "webkitSpeechGrammarList"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammarList,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11341, // "SubmitEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SubmitEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SubmitEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5964, // "MediaEncryptedEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaEncryptedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ MediaEncryptedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4849, // "HTMLTemplateElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTemplateElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTemplateElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4464, // "Option"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOptionElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOptionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2833, // "GPUBufferUsage"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBufferUsage,
< /* mCreate */ GPUBufferUsage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUBufferUsage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 9424, // "SVGFEFuncGElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEFuncGElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEFuncGElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 6530, // "MouseScrollEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MouseScrollEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MouseScrollEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9521, // "SVGFEMergeNodeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 21,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMergeNodeElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEMergeNodeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11881, // "TouchEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TouchEvent,
< /* mCreate */ TouchEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TouchEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3475, // "GeolocationPosition"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GeolocationPosition,
> /* mCreate */ GeolocationPosition_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GeolocationPosition_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6741, // "MozWritableSharedMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozWritableSharedMap,
< /* mCreate */ MozWritableSharedMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozWritableSharedMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 509, // "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse"
> /* mNameLength */ 32,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AuthenticatorAttestationResponse,
> /* mCreate */ AuthenticatorAttestationResponse_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AuthenticatorAttestationResponse_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5984, // "MediaError"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaError,
< /* mCreate */ MediaError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6793, // "MutationRecord"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MutationRecord,
> /* mCreate */ MutationRecord_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 894, // "CSSMediaRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSMediaRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSMediaRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9503, // "SVGFEMergeElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEMergeElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEMergeElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6261, // "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 26,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaStreamAudioSourceNode,
< /* mCreate */ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2423, // "FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody"
> /* mNameLength */ 32,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody,
> /* mCreate */ FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FeaturePolicyViolationReportBody_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1487, // "ClipboardEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7123, // "PaymentAddress"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ClipboardEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ClipboardEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 10308, // "SVGTextContentElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextContentElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTextContentElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentAddress,
> /* mCreate */ PaymentAddress_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PaymentAddress_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5363, // "ImageCaptureErrorEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 22,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageCaptureErrorEvent,
< /* mCreate */ ImageCaptureErrorEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ImageCaptureErrorEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5891, // "MediaController"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaController,
> /* mCreate */ MediaController_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaController_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12712, // "WebrtcGlobalInformation"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebrtcGlobalInformation,
< /* mCreate */ WebrtcGlobalInformation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WebrtcGlobalInformation_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11184, // "StorageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StorageManager,
> /* mCreate */ StorageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ StorageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9976, // "SVGNumberList"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGNumberList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGNumberList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4082, // "HTMLHeadElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLHeadElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLHeadElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 644, // "BlobEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BlobEvent,
< /* mCreate */ BlobEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3089, // "GPURenderPassEncoder"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderPassEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ GPURenderPassEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPURenderPassEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4290, // "HTMLMediaElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLMediaElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLMediaElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9771, // "SVGGradientElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGradientElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGGradientElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4805, // "HTMLTableRowElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTableRowElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTableRowElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9266, // "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2823, // "GPUBuffer"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUBuffer,
< /* mCreate */ GPUBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 6519, // "MouseEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MouseEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MouseEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 604, // "BeforeUnloadEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BeforeUnloadEvent,
> /* mCreate */ BeforeUnloadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11753, // "TextClause"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextClause,
< /* mCreate */ TextClause_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TextClause_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1732, // "CryptoKey"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CryptoKey,
> /* mCreate */ CryptoKey_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ CryptoKey_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6692, // "MozStorageStatementParams"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MozStorageStatementParams,
< /* mCreate */ MozStorageStatementParams_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MozStorageStatementParams_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12614, // "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10060, // "SVGPolygonElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPolygonElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPolygonElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2365, // "EventCallbackDebuggerNotification"
> /* mNameLength */ 33,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::EventCallbackDebuggerNotification,
> /* mCreate */ EventCallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ EventCallbackDebuggerNotification_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10495, // "ScreenLuminance"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScreenLuminance,
< /* mCreate */ ScreenLuminance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ScreenLuminance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5275, // "IIRFilterNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IIRFilterNode,
> /* mCreate */ IIRFilterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IIRFilterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11485, // "TestFunctions"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1182, // "CanvasPattern"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestFunctions,
< /* mCreate */ TestFunctions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestFunctions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CanvasPattern,
> /* mCreate */ CanvasPattern_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 1631, // "ContentProcessMessageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ContentProcessMessageManager,
< /* mCreate */ ContentProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ContentProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8220, // "PushSubscriptionOptions"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PushSubscriptionOptions,
> /* mCreate */ PushSubscriptionOptions_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PushSubscriptionOptions_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3817, // "HTMLDataListElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDataListElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDataListElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8695, // "SVGAnimateMotionElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateMotionElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateMotionElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3194, // "GPUTextureUsage"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUTextureUsage,
< /* mCreate */ GPUTextureUsage_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUTextureUsage_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2189, // "DeviceProximityEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceProximityEvent,
> /* mCreate */ DeviceProximityEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DeviceProximityEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8447, // "RTCRtpSender"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCRtpSender,
< /* mCreate */ RTCRtpSender_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCRtpSender_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4493, // "HTMLOutputElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLOutputElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLOutputElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12320, // "VideoTrackList"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VideoTrackList,
< /* mCreate */ VideoTrackList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VideoTrackList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8549, // "Report"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Report,
> /* mCreate */ Report_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Report_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2690, // "FontFaceSet"
> /* mNameOffset */ 259, // "AudioBuffer"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFaceSet,
< /* mCreate */ FontFaceSet_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FontFaceSet_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AudioBuffer,
> /* mCreate */ AudioBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AudioBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5817, // "MathMLElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 10199, // "SVGSetElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MathMLElement,
< /* mCreate */ MathMLElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGSetElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGSetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5561, // "JSWindowActorChild"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::JSWindowActorChild,
< /* mCreate */ JSWindowActorChild_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ JSWindowActorChild_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10529, // "ScriptProcessorNode"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScriptProcessorNode,
> /* mCreate */ ScriptProcessorNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ScriptProcessorNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1693, // "Credential"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Credential,
< /* mCreate */ Credential_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ Credential_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11904, // "Touch"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Touch,
> /* mCreate */ Touch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Touch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3572, // "GridLine"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridLine,
< /* mCreate */ GridLine_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridLine_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13266, // "XRViewerPose"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRViewerPose,
> /* mCreate */ XRViewerPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRViewerPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5755, // "MIDIOutputMap"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIOutputMap,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIOutputMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIOutputMap_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 4168, // "Image"
> /* mNameLength */ 5,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLImageElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLImageElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4222, // "HTMLLegendElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 13227, // "XRSessionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRSessionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ XRSessionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRSessionEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 12549, // "WebGLRenderbuffer"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLegendElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLLegendElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLRenderbuffer,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLRenderbuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLRenderbuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3769, // "HTMLCollection"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLCollection,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLCollection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9752, // "SVGGeometryElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGGeometryElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGGeometryElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1919, // "DOMRectList"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRectList,
< /* mCreate */ DOMRectList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 13140, // "XRPose"
> /* mNameLength */ 6,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRPose,
> /* mCreate */ XRPose_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRPose_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5704, // "MIDIInput"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MIDIInput,
< /* mCreate */ MIDIInput_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MIDIInput_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5310, // "ImageBitmap"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageBitmap,
> /* mCreate */ ImageBitmap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8058, // "ProcessMessageManager"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ProcessMessageManager,
< /* mCreate */ ProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11134, // "StaticRange"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::StaticRange,
> /* mCreate */ StaticRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12805, // "WindowRoot"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12538, // "WebGLQuery"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WindowRoot,
< /* mCreate */ WindowRoot_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ WindowRoot_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLQuery,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLQuery_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3352, // "GamepadHapticActuator"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadHapticActuator,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadHapticActuator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadHapticActuator_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 181, // "AnimationEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AnimationEvent,
> /* mCreate */ AnimationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8331, // "RTCDtlsTransport"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCDtlsTransport,
< /* mCreate */ RTCDtlsTransport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCDtlsTransport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 10390, // "SVGTitleElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTitleElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGTitleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 4656, // "HTMLSlotElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLSlotElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLSlotElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3630, // "HTMLAnchorElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAnchorElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLAnchorElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 13440, // "mozRTCSessionDescription"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::mozRTCSessionDescription,
< /* mCreate */ mozRTCSessionDescription_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ mozRTCSessionDescription_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13147, // "XRReferenceSpace"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XRReferenceSpace,
> /* mCreate */ XRReferenceSpace_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XRReferenceSpace_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2131, // "DeviceLightEvent"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2331, // "ElementInternals"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DeviceLightEvent,
< /* mCreate */ DeviceLightEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DeviceLightEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ElementInternals,
> /* mCreate */ ElementInternals_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ElementInternals_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3874, // "HTMLDirectoryElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLDirectoryElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLDirectoryElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 4048, // "HTMLFrameSetElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLFrameSetElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLFrameSetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5494, // "IntersectionObserverEntry"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IntersectionObserverEntry,
< /* mCreate */ IntersectionObserverEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ IntersectionObserverEntry_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5638, // "L10nOverlays"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::L10nOverlays,
> /* mCreate */ L10nOverlays_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ L10nOverlays_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1764, // "CustomEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CustomEvent,
< /* mCreate */ CustomEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 5923, // "MediaDevices"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaDevices,
> /* mCreate */ MediaDevices_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ MediaDevices_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 8500, // "RTCStatsReport"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RTCStatsReport,
< /* mCreate */ RTCStatsReport_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ RTCStatsReport_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11088, // "SpeechSynthesisUtterance"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesisUtterance,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesisUtterance_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesisUtterance_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5121, // "IDBFileRequest"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFileRequest,
< /* mCreate */ IDBFileRequest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 2702, // "FontFaceSetLoadEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 20,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FontFaceSetLoadEvent,
> /* mCreate */ FontFaceSetLoadEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FontFaceSetLoadEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1742, // "CustomElementRegistry"
< /* mNameLength */ 21,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CustomElementRegistry,
< /* mCreate */ CustomElementRegistry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3277, // "Gamepad"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Gamepad,
> /* mCreate */ Gamepad_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ Gamepad_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4706, // "HTMLStyleElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLStyleElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLStyleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9322, // "SVGFEDistantLightElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEDistantLightElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEDistantLightElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10153, // "SVGRectElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGRectElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGRectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3935, // "HTMLEmbedElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLEmbedElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLEmbedElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 6376, // "MerchantValidationEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MerchantValidationEvent,
< /* mCreate */ MerchantValidationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MerchantValidationEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 4583, // "HTMLProgressElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLProgressElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLProgressElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3427, // "GamepadTouch"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadTouch,
> /* mCreate */ GamepadTouch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GamepadTouch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 7178, // "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PaymentRequestUpdateEvent,
< /* mCreate */ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 1631, // "ContentProcessMessageManager"
> /* mNameLength */ 28,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ContentProcessMessageManager,
> /* mCreate */ ContentProcessMessageManager_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ContentProcessMessageManager_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9031, // "SVGClipPathElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGClipPathElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGClipPathElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 790, // "CSSFontFaceRule"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSFontFaceRule,
> /* mCreate */ CSSFontFaceRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3591, // "GridTrack"
> /* mNameOffset */ 6821, // "Navigator"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridTrack,
< /* mCreate */ GridTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridTrack_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Navigator,
> /* mCreate */ Navigator_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3923, // "HTMLElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 11,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1776, // "DOMException"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMException,
> /* mCreate */ DOMException_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 11466, // "TelemetryStopwatch"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TelemetryStopwatch,
< /* mCreate */ TelemetryStopwatch_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TelemetryStopwatch_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7370, // "PerformanceNavigationTiming"
> /* mNameLength */ 27,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceNavigationTiming,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceNavigationTiming_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PerformanceNavigationTiming_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6850, // "Node"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Node,
< /* mCreate */ Node_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 3664, // "HTMLAudioElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLAudioElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLAudioElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 10330, // "SVGTextElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 9086, // "SVGDefsElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGTextElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGTextElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 254, // "Attr"
< /* mNameLength */ 4,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Attr,
< /* mCreate */ Attr_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGDefsElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGDefsElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 5096, // "IDBFactory"
< /* mNameLength */ 10,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IDBFactory,
< /* mCreate */ IDBFactory_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9716, // "SVGForeignObjectElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 23,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGForeignObjectElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGForeignObjectElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 8529, // "RadioNodeList"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::RadioNodeList,
< /* mCreate */ RadioNodeList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 7239, // "PeerConnectionObserver"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PeerConnectionObserver,
> /* mCreate */ PeerConnectionObserver_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PeerConnectionObserver_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1464, // "ChromeWorker"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12525, // "WebGLProgram"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeWorker,
< /* mCreate */ ChromeWorker_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ ChromeWorker_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLProgram,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLProgram_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLProgram_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 9566, // "SVGFEOffsetElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEOffsetElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGFEOffsetElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 1552, // "CompositionEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CompositionEvent,
> /* mCreate */ CompositionEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 1877, // "DOMPoint"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMPoint,
< /* mCreate */ DOMPoint_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ DOMPoint_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< },
< {
< /* mNameOffset */ 11025, // "SpeechSynthesis"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesis,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesis_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesis_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2506, // "FileSystemDirectoryEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 24,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemDirectoryEntry,
> /* mCreate */ FileSystemDirectoryEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3089, // "GPURenderPassEncoder"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderPassEncoder,
< /* mCreate */ GPURenderPassEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPURenderPassEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2865, // "GPUColorWrite"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUColorWrite,
> /* mCreate */ GPUColorWrite_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUColorWrite_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10242, // "SVGStyleElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGStyleElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGStyleElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 8719, // "SVGAnimateTransformElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimateTransformElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGAnimateTransformElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2028, // "DataTransferItemList"
< /* mNameLength */ 20,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransferItemList,
< /* mCreate */ DataTransferItemList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 8608, // "ResizeObserverEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ResizeObserverEntry,
> /* mCreate */ ResizeObserverEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ResizeObserverEntry_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 12175, // "VRFrameData"
> /* mNameOffset */ 1452, // "ChromeUtils"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRFrameData,
< /* mCreate */ VRFrameData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRFrameData_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ChromeUtils,
> /* mCreate */ ChromeUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ ChromeUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10020, // "SVGPatternElement"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2896, // "GPUCommandEncoder"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGPatternElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGPatternElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCommandEncoder,
> /* mCreate */ GPUCommandEncoder_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUCommandEncoder_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5439, // "InspectorUtils"
< /* mNameLength */ 14,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::InspectorUtils,
< /* mCreate */ InspectorUtils_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ InspectorUtils_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7771, // "PopupBlockedEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PopupBlockedEvent,
> /* mCreate */ PopupBlockedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 3558, // "GridDimension"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridDimension,
< /* mCreate */ GridDimension_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GridDimension_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 13344, // "XULFrameElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 15,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::XULFrameElement,
> /* mCreate */ XULFrameElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ XULFrameElement_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 3050, // "GPURenderBundle"
> /* mNameOffset */ 7652, // "PlacesObservers"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPURenderBundle,
< /* mCreate */ GPURenderBundle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPURenderBundle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PlacesObservers,
> /* mCreate */ PlacesObservers_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PlacesObservers_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 6496, // "MimeType"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MimeType,
< /* mCreate */ MimeType_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 9187, // "SVGFEComponentTransferElement"
> /* mNameLength */ 29,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGFEComponentTransferElement,
> /* mCreate */ SVGFEComponentTransferElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 3408, // "GamepadServiceTest"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GamepadServiceTest,
< /* mCreate */ GamepadServiceTest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GamepadServiceTest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 5494, // "IntersectionObserverEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 25,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::IntersectionObserverEntry,
> /* mCreate */ IntersectionObserverEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ IntersectionObserverEntry_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11560, // "TestInterfaceIterableSingle"
< /* mNameLength */ 27,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceIterableSingle,
< /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceIterableSingle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceIterableSingle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 639, // "Blob"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Blob,
> /* mCreate */ Blob_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 9905, // "SVGMarkerElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGMarkerElement,
< /* mCreate */ SVGMarkerElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 6046, // "MediaKeyStatusMap"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaKeyStatusMap,
> /* mCreate */ MediaKeyStatusMap_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 46, // "AbstractRange"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AbstractRange,
< /* mCreate */ AbstractRange_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 7274, // "PerformanceEntry"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PerformanceEntry,
> /* mCreate */ PerformanceEntry_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 622, // "BiquadFilterNode"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::BiquadFilterNode,
< /* mCreate */ BiquadFilterNode_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ BiquadFilterNode_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 8585, // "Request"
> /* mNameLength */ 7,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Request,
> /* mCreate */ Request_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 11968, // "TreeContentView"
< /* mNameLength */ 15,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeContentView,
< /* mCreate */ TreeContentView_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ TreeContentView_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 6505, // "MimeTypeArray"
> /* mNameLength */ 13,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MimeTypeArray,
> /* mCreate */ MimeTypeArray_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 8969, // "SVGAnimatedTransformList"
< /* mNameLength */ 24,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SVGAnimatedTransformList,
< /* mCreate */ SVGAnimatedTransformList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 5386, // "ImageData"
> /* mNameLength */ 9,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ImageData,
> /* mCreate */ ImageData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12204, // "VRMockDisplay"
> /* mNameOffset */ 4191, // "HTMLLIElement"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRMockDisplay,
< /* mCreate */ VRMockDisplay_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRMockDisplay_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLLIElement,
> /* mCreate */ HTMLLIElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 2776, // "GPU"
< /* mNameLength */ 3,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPU,
< /* mCreate */ GPU_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPU_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12204, // "VRFrameData"
> /* mNameLength */ 11,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRFrameData,
> /* mCreate */ VRFrameData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ VRFrameData_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 11800, // "TextTrack"
< /* mNameLength */ 9,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TextTrack,
< /* mCreate */ TextTrack_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11931, // "TrackEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TrackEvent,
> /* mCreate */ TrackEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 12079, // "UserProximityEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 18,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UserProximityEvent,
< /* mCreate */ UserProximityEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ UserProximityEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 12490, // "WebGLContextEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 17,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLContextEvent,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLContextEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGLContextEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2628, // "FluentBundle"
< /* mNameLength */ 12,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FluentBundle,
< /* mCreate */ FluentBundle_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FluentBundle_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 11677, // "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject"
> /* mNameLength */ 26,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceMaplikeObject_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceMaplikeObject_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10587, // "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 28,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SecurityPolicyViolationEvent,
< /* mCreate */ SecurityPolicyViolationEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 721, // "CSS"
> /* mNameLength */ 3,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSS,
> /* mCreate */ CSS_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 4922, // "HTMLTrackElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLTrackElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLTrackElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2723, // "FormData"
> /* mNameLength */ 8,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FormData,
> /* mCreate */ FormData_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2746, // "FrameCrashedEvent"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FrameCrashedEvent,
< /* mCreate */ FrameCrashedEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ FrameCrashedEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 2879, // "GPUCommandBuffer"
> /* mNameLength */ 16,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUCommandBuffer,
> /* mCreate */ GPUCommandBuffer_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUCommandBuffer_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 2531, // "FileSystemDirectoryReader"
< /* mNameLength */ 25,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FileSystemDirectoryReader,
< /* mCreate */ FileSystemDirectoryReader_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 11974, // "TreeColumn"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TreeColumn,
> /* mCreate */ TreeColumn_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TreeColumn_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 725, // "CSS2Properties"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSS2Properties,
> /* mCreate */ CSS2Properties_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2983, // "GPUFence"
< /* mNameLength */ 8,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUFence,
< /* mCreate */ GPUFence_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ GPUFence_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 254, // "Attr"
> /* mNameLength */ 4,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Attr,
> /* mCreate */ Attr_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ nullptr
< /* mNameOffset */ 12225, // "VRServiceTest"
> /* mNameOffset */ 2276, // "DominatorTree"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::VRServiceTest,
< /* mCreate */ VRServiceTest_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ VRServiceTest_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DominatorTree,
> /* mCreate */ DominatorTree_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ DominatorTree_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 4603, // "HTMLQuoteElement"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::HTMLQuoteElement,
< /* mCreate */ HTMLQuoteElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 12108, // "UserProximityEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 18,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::UserProximityEvent,
> /* mCreate */ UserProximityEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ UserProximityEvent_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10488, // "Screen"
< /* mNameLength */ 6,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::Screen,
< /* mCreate */ Screen_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 3003, // "GPUOutOfMemoryError"
> /* mNameLength */ 19,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GPUOutOfMemoryError,
> /* mCreate */ GPUOutOfMemoryError_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GPUOutOfMemoryError_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 847, // "CSSImportRule"
< /* mNameLength */ 13,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::CSSImportRule,
< /* mCreate */ CSSImportRule_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mNameOffset */ 92, // "AddonInstall"
> /* mNameLength */ 12,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::AddonInstall,
> /* mCreate */ AddonInstall_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ AddonInstall_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10832, // "webkitSpeechGrammarList"
< /* mNameLength */ 23,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechGrammarList,
< /* mCreate */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ SpeechGrammarList_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 3601, // "GridTracks"
> /* mNameLength */ 10,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::GridTracks,
> /* mCreate */ GridTracks_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ GridTracks_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 5871, // "MediaControlService"
< /* mNameLength */ 19,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::MediaControlService,
< /* mCreate */ MediaControlService_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ MediaControlService_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> /* mNameOffset */ 7885, // "PresentationConnection"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::PresentationConnection,
> /* mCreate */ PresentationConnection_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ PresentationConnection_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 1931, // "DOMRectReadOnly"
> /* mNameOffset */ 12439, // "WebGL2RenderingContext"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGL2RenderingContext,
> /* mCreate */ WebGL2RenderingContext_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ WebGL2RenderingContext_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11025, // "SpeechSynthesis"
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DOMRectReadOnly,
< /* mCreate */ DOMRectReadOnly_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mEnabled */ nullptr
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::SpeechSynthesis,
> /* mCreate */ SpeechSynthesis_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ SpeechSynthesis_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
< /* mNameOffset */ 10511, // "ScreenOrientation"
< /* mNameLength */ 17,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ScreenOrientation,
< /* mCreate */ ScreenOrientation_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 12708, // "WebGLVertexArrayObject"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::WebGLVertexArrayObject,
> /* mCreate */ WebGLVertexArrayObject_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< /* mNameOffset */ 2011, // "DataTransferItem"
< /* mNameLength */ 16,
< /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::DataTransferItem,
< /* mCreate */ DataTransferItem_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mNameOffset */ 2613, // "FlexLineValues"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::FlexLineValues,
> /* mCreate */ FlexLineValues_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ FlexLineValues_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 11604, // "TestInterfaceJSMaplike"
> /* mNameLength */ 22,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::TestInterfaceJSMaplike,
> /* mCreate */ TestInterfaceJSMaplike_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
> /* mEnabled */ TestInterfaceJSMaplike_Binding::ConstructorEnabled
> },
> {
> /* mNameOffset */ 1487, // "ClipboardEvent"
> /* mNameLength */ 14,
> /* mConstructorId */ constructors::id::ClipboardEvent,
> /* mCreate */ ClipboardEvent_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects,
< 4, 6, 0, 1, 1, 17, 8, 9, 8, 9, 12, 3, 1, 4, 9, 6,
< 7, 10, 3, 3, 27, 16, 3, 6, 19, 2, 0, 32, 34, 1, 4, 0,
< 2, 23, 8, 7, 1, 33, 5, 40, 8, 9, 7, 5, 34, 29, 2, 11,
< 4, 4, 39, 3, 2, 16, 33, 20, 28, 5, 3, 49, 1, 2, 3, 43,
< 45, 4, 87, 30, 4, 87, 2, 6, 6, 35, 1, 2, 9, 1, 1, 136,
< 1, 162, 30, 36, 12, 5, 44, 42, 2, 128, 79, 0, 10, 2, 8, 10,
< 13, 2, 21, 9, 61, 4, 48, 22, 7, 3, 54, 1, 67, 22, 28, 4,
< 11, 6, 24, 0, 17, 17, 9, 65, 14, 67, 13, 1, 96, 70, 10, 12,
< 0, 7, 31, 1, 24, 18, 10, 8, 2, 69, 2, 1, 3, 83, 162, 1,
< 79, 34, 74, 47, 73, 8, 0, 4, 21, 15, 1, 69, 51, 1, 92, 81,
< 4, 29, 7, 22, 2, 10, 22, 7, 23, 26, 470, 71, 4, 32, 0, 45,
< 519, 31, 0, 3, 5, 40, 8, 160, 12, 141, 3, 56, 64, 93, 20, 1,
< 0, 122, 18, 0, 114, 1, 2, 8, 7, 357, 84, 67, 26, 79, 269, 7,
< 0, 102, 99, 94, 7, 32, 95, 7, 30, 48, 7, 21, 123, 13, 44, 27,
< 62, 50, 87, 358, 218, 13, 6, 1, 111, 2, 858, 1, 6, 14, 314, 71,
< 1, 759, 47, 7, 19, 564, 231, 6, 234, 462, 587, 0, 52, 3, 11, 1,
> 3, 55, 0, 1, 2, 11, 1, 7, 3, 2, 39, 3, 39, 32, 79, 2,
> 12, 50, 21, 3, 19, 10, 12, 1, 147, 4, 0, 78, 5, 9, 24, 0,
> 14, 40, 6, 1, 5, 146, 19, 69, 4, 3, 13, 2, 24, 21, 29, 2,
> 47, 2, 50, 5, 6, 29, 3, 10, 37, 13, 40, 6, 32, 1, 70, 1,
> 2, 19, 26, 8, 12, 48, 2, 72, 42, 35, 3, 8, 4, 14, 5, 5,
> 2, 86, 1, 17, 31, 1, 25, 23, 109, 26, 25, 0, 21, 26, 12, 55,
> 23, 24, 17, 6, 15, 3, 21, 25, 6, 2, 23, 9, 57, 65, 207, 6,
> 21, 1, 16, 0, 3, 3, 5, 57, 14, 163, 17, 1, 25, 76, 8, 50,
> 0, 1, 16, 3, 2, 2, 2, 91, 1, 221, 3, 1, 2, 61, 34, 4,
> 77, 51, 253, 236, 43, 26, 0, 3, 39, 5, 2, 13, 35, 2, 35, 78,
> 5, 63, 55, 12, 7, 18, 166, 209, 214, 7, 204, 127, 70, 33, 0, 49,
> 262, 15, 0, 15, 1, 54, 9, 195, 166, 262, 1, 111, 19, 317, 115, 4,
> 0, 4, 169, 0, 173, 4, 1, 16, 26, 185, 56, 21, 25, 112, 31, 7,
> 0, 5, 28, 42, 97,1065, 59, 15, 77, 220, 115, 48, 66, 2, 186, 7,
> 477, 230, 105,1179, 14, 3, 6, 2, 16, 8, 74, 1, 5, 103, 253, 28,
> 6, 191, 69, 28, 101, 405, 414, 27, 510, 835, 61, 0, 42, 3, 1, 10,
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/RTCStatsReportBinding.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/RTCStatsReportBinding.cpp
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> }
> void
> Get(mozilla::dom::RTCStatsReport* self, JSContext* cx, const nsAString& aKey, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> {
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::RTCStatsReport>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return;
> }
> }
> if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &result)) {
> aRv.NoteJSContextException(cx);
> return;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rvalDecl(cx);
> rvalDecl = &result.toObject();
> aRetVal.set(rvalDecl);
Common subdirectories: ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/test and ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/test
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/TestInterfaceJSMaplikeSetlikeIterableBinding.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/TestInterfaceJSMaplikeSetlikeIterableBinding.cpp
> #include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
> #include "mozilla/dom/TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.h"
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> int32_t
> Get(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceJSMaplike* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceJSMaplike>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> int32_t rvalDecl;
> if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, result, "Return value of Get", &rvalDecl)) {
> aRv.NoteJSContextException(cx);
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> return rvalDecl;
> }
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> int32_t
> Get(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> int32_t rvalDecl;
> if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, result, "Return value of Get", &rvalDecl)) {
> aRv.NoteJSContextException(cx);
> return int32_t(0);
> }
> return rvalDecl;
> }
> getInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplike", "getInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplike.getInternal", 1)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> FastErrorResult rv;
> int32_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetInternal(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv));
> if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplike.getInternal"))) {
> return false;
> }
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setInt32(int32_t(result));
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo getInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)getInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplike },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplike>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> JS_FNSPEC("getInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&getInternal_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
< static_assert(13 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
> static_assert(14 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
< static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[15];
< static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[15];
> static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[16];
> static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[16];
< 4,
< 15,
> 5,
> 16,
< { sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[13] }
> { sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[14] }
< static_assert(4 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.iteratorAliasMethodIndex) - 1),
> static_assert(5 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.iteratorAliasMethodIndex) - 1),
< static_assert(15 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
> static_assert(16 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
> namespace TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject_Binding {
> namespace MaplikeHelpers {
> void
> Clear(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapClear(cx, backingObj)) {
> return;
> }
> return;
> }
> bool
> Delete(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return false;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> bool aRetVal;
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return false;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return false;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapDelete(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &aRetVal)) {
> return false;
> }
> return aRetVal;
> }
> bool
> Has(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return false;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> bool aRetVal;
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return false;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return false;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapHas(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &aRetVal)) {
> return false;
> }
> return aRetVal;
> }
> void
> Set(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self, const nsAString& aKey, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aValue, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(2)) {
> return;
> }
> do {
> JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(aValue);
> argv[1].setObject(*aValue);
> if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, argv[1])) {
> return;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapSet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], argv[1])) {
> return;
> }
> return;
> }
> void
> Get(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self, JSContext* cx, const nsAString& aKey, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> {
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return;
> }
> }
> if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &result)) {
> aRv.NoteJSContextException(cx);
> return;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rvalDecl(cx);
> rvalDecl = &result.toObject();
> aRetVal.set(rvalDecl);
> }
> } // namespace MaplikeHelpers
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> setInternal(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.setInternal");
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "setInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.setInternal", 2)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> arg1(cx);
> if (args[1].isObject()) {
> arg1 = &args[1].toObject();
> } else {
> cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
> return false;
> }
> // NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
> static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetInternal(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1))>, "Should be returning void here");
> MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetInternal(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1);
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setUndefined();
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo setInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)setInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> clearInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "clearInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> // NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
> static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ClearInternal())>, "Should be returning void here");
> MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ClearInternal();
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setUndefined();
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo clearInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)clearInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> deleteInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "deleteInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.deleteInternal", 1)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->DeleteInternal(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0))));
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setBoolean(result);
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo deleteInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)deleteInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> hasInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "hasInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.hasInternal", 1)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->HasInternal(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0))));
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setBoolean(result);
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo hasInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)hasInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> getInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "getInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.getInternal", 1)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> FastErrorResult rv;
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
> // NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
> static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetInternal(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), &result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
> MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetInternal(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), &result, rv);
> if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.getInternal"))) {
> return false;
> }
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> if (result) {
> JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(result);
> }
> args.rval().setObjectOrNull(result);
> if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo getInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)getInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> get_size(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "size", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> uint32_t result = JS::MapSize(cx, backingObj);
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> args.rval().setNumber(result);
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo size_getterinfo = {
> { get_size },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Getter,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> entries(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "entries", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> // TODO (Bug 1173651): Xrays currently cannot wrap iterators. Change
> // after bug 1023984 is fixed.
> if (xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj)) {
> JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "Xray wrapping of iterators not supported.");
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if (!JS::MapEntries(cx, backingObj, &v)) {
> return false;
> }
> result = &v.toObject();
> JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(result);
> args.rval().setObject(*result);
> if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval())) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo::ArgType entries_methodinfo_argTypes[] = { JSJitInfo::ArgTypeListEnd };
> static const JSTypedMethodJitInfo entries_methodinfo = {
> {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)entries },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> true, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> },
> entries_methodinfo_argTypes
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> keys(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "keys", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> // TODO (Bug 1173651): Xrays currently cannot wrap iterators. Change
> // after bug 1023984 is fixed.
> if (xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj)) {
> JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "Xray wrapping of iterators not supported.");
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if (!JS::MapKeys(cx, backingObj, &v)) {
> return false;
> }
> result = &v.toObject();
> JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(result);
> args.rval().setObject(*result);
> if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval())) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo::ArgType keys_methodinfo_argTypes[] = { JSJitInfo::ArgTypeListEnd };
> static const JSTypedMethodJitInfo keys_methodinfo = {
> {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)keys },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> true, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> },
> keys_methodinfo_argTypes
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> values(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "values", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> // TODO (Bug 1173651): Xrays currently cannot wrap iterators. Change
> // after bug 1023984 is fixed.
> if (xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj)) {
> JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "Xray wrapping of iterators not supported.");
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if (!JS::MapValues(cx, backingObj, &v)) {
> return false;
> }
> result = &v.toObject();
> JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(result);
> args.rval().setObject(*result);
> if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval())) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo::ArgType values_methodinfo_argTypes[] = { JSJitInfo::ArgTypeListEnd };
> static const JSTypedMethodJitInfo values_methodinfo = {
> {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)values },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> true, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> },
> values_methodinfo_argTypes
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> forEach(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.forEach");
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "forEach", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> arg0(cx);
> if (args.get(0).isObject()) {
> arg0 = &args.get(0).toObject();
> } else {
> cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 1");
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> arg1(cx);
> if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
> arg1 = args.get(1);
> } else {
> arg1 = JS::UndefinedValue();
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> // Create a wrapper function.
> JSFunction* func = js::NewFunctionWithReserved(cx, ForEachHandler, 3, 0, nullptr);
> if (!func) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> funcObj(cx, JS_GetFunctionObject(func));
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> funcVal(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*funcObj));
> js::SetFunctionNativeReserved(funcObj, FOREACH_CALLBACK_SLOT,
> JS::ObjectValue(*arg0));
> js::SetFunctionNativeReserved(funcObj, FOREACH_MAPLIKEORSETLIKEOBJ_SLOT,
> JS::ObjectValue(*obj));
> if (!JS::MapForEach(cx, backingObj, funcVal, arg1)) {
> return false;
> }
> args.rval().setUndefined();
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo forEach_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)forEach },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> has(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "has", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args.get(0), eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> arg0Val(cx);
> if (!ToJSValue(cx, arg0, &arg0Val)) {
> return false;
> }
> bool result;
> if (!JS::MapHas(cx, backingObj, arg0Val, &result)) {
> return false;
> }
> args.rval().setBoolean(result);
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo::ArgType has_methodinfo_argTypes[] = { JSJitInfo::String, JSJitInfo::ArgTypeListEnd };
> static const JSTypedMethodJitInfo has_methodinfo = {
> {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)has },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasDOMSets, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> true, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> },
> has_methodinfo_argTypes
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> get(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "get", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(void_self);
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args.get(0), eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return false;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> arg0Val(cx);
> if (!ToJSValue(cx, arg0, &arg0Val)) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, arg0Val, &result)) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::ExposeValueToActiveJS(result);
> args.rval().set(result);
> if (!MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval())) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo::ArgType get_methodinfo_argTypes[] = { JSJitInfo::String, JSJitInfo::ArgTypeListEnd };
> static const JSTypedMethodJitInfo get_methodinfo = {
> {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)get },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasDOMSets, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> true, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> },
> get_methodinfo_argTypes
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> static bool
> _addProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val)
> {
> mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(obj);
> // We don't want to preserve if we don't have a wrapper, and we
> // obviously can't preserve if we're not initialized.
> if (self && self->GetWrapperPreserveColor()) {
> PreserveWrapper(self);
> }
> return true;
> }
> static void
> _finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj)
> {
> mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(obj);
> if (self) {
> JS::SetReservedSlot(obj, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::UndefinedValue());
> ClearWrapper(self, self, obj);
> if (size_t mallocBytes = BindingJSObjectMallocBytes(self)) {
> JS::RemoveAssociatedMemory(obj, mallocBytes,
> JS::MemoryUse::DOMBinding);
> }
> AddForDeferredFinalization<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(self);
> }
> }
> static nsWrapperCache*
> _getWrapperCache(JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj)
> {
> mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(obj);
> return self;
> }
> static size_t
> _objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old)
> {
> mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(obj);
> if (self) {
> UpdateWrapper(self, self, obj, old);
> }
> return 0;
> }
> // We deliberately use brace-elision to make Visual Studio produce better initalization code.
> static const JSFunctionSpec sMethods_specs[] = {
> JS_FNSPEC("setInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setInternal_methodinfo), 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("clearInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&clearInternal_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("deleteInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&deleteInternal_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("hasInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&hasInternal_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("getInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&getInternal_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("entries", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&entries_methodinfo), 0, 0, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("keys", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&keys_methodinfo), 0, 0, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("values", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&values_methodinfo), 0, 0, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("forEach", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&forEach_methodinfo), 1, 0, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("has", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&has_methodinfo), 1, 0, nullptr),
> JS_FNSPEC("get", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&get_methodinfo), 1, 0, nullptr),
> };
> static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sMethods[] = {
> { nullptr, &sMethods_specs[0] },
> { nullptr, nullptr }
> };
> static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
> "We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
> static_assert(11 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
> "We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
> // We deliberately use brace-elision to make Visual Studio produce better initalization code.
> static const JSPropertySpec sAttributes_specs[] = {
> JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("size", 0, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &size_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
> JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", JSPROP_READONLY),
> };
> static const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec> sAttributes[] = {
> { nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[0] },
> { nullptr, nullptr }
> };
> static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
> "We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
> static_assert(2 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
> "We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
> static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[13];
> static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[13];
> static const NativePropertiesN<2> sNativeProperties = {
> false, 0,
> false, 0,
> true, 0 /* sMethods */,
> true, 1 /* sAttributes */,
> false, 0,
> false, 0,
> false, 0,
> 5,
> 13,
> sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices,
> {
> { sMethods, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[0] },
> { sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[11] }
> }
> };
> static_assert(5 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.iteratorAliasMethodIndex) - 1),
> "We have an iterator alias index that is oversized");
> static_assert(13 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
> "We have a property info count that is oversized");
> static bool
> _constructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", "constructor", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &args.callee());
> if (!args.isConstructing()) {
> return ThrowConstructorWithoutNew(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject");
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> desiredProto(cx);
> if (!GetDesiredProto(cx, args,
> prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> CreateInterfaceObjects,
> &desiredProto)) {
> return false;
> }
> GlobalObject global(cx, obj);
> if (global.Failed()) {
> return false;
> }
> bool objIsXray = xpc::WrapperFactory::IsXrayWrapper(obj);
> Maybe<JSAutoRealm> ar;
> if (objIsXray) {
> // Since our object is an Xray, we can just CheckedUnwrapStatic:
> // we know Xrays have no dynamic unwrap behavior.
> obj = js::CheckedUnwrapStatic(obj);
> if (!obj) {
> return false;
> }
> ar.emplace(cx, obj);
> if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &desiredProto)) {
> return false;
> }
> }
> FastErrorResult rv;
> auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject::Constructor(global, rv)));
> if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject constructor"))) {
> return false;
> }
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> static_assert(!std::is_pointer_v<decltype(result)>,
> "NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
> if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval(), desiredProto)) {
> MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSClassOps sInterfaceObjectClassOps = {
> nullptr, /* addProperty */
> nullptr, /* delProperty */
> nullptr, /* enumerate */
> nullptr, /* newEnumerate */
> nullptr, /* resolve */
> nullptr, /* mayResolve */
> nullptr, /* finalize */
> _constructor, /* call */
> nullptr, /* hasInstance */
> _constructor, /* construct */
> nullptr, /* trace */
> };
> static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sInterfaceObjectClass = {
> {
> "Function",
> &sInterfaceObjectClassOps,
> &sInterfaceObjectClassObjectOps
> },
> eInterface,
> true,
> prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth,
> sNativePropertyHooks,
> "function TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject() {\n [native code]\n}",
> JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototype
> };
> static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sPrototypeClass = {
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObjectPrototype",
> },
> eInterfacePrototype,
> false,
> prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Depth,
> sNativePropertyHooks,
> nullptr,
> JS::GetRealmObjectPrototype
> };
> bool
> ConstructorEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj)
> {
> return StaticPrefs::dom_expose_test_interfaces();
> }
> static const JSClassOps sClassOps = {
> _addProperty, /* addProperty */
> nullptr, /* delProperty */
> nullptr, /* enumerate */
> nullptr, /* newEnumerate */
> nullptr, /* resolve */
> nullptr, /* mayResolve */
> _finalize, /* finalize */
> nullptr, /* call */
> nullptr, /* hasInstance */
> nullptr, /* construct */
> nullptr, /* trace */
> };
> static const js::ClassExtension sClassExtension = {
> _objectMoved /* objectMovedOp */
> };
> static const DOMJSClass sClass = {
> { "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject",
> &sClassOps,
> &sClassExtension,
> },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count },
> std::is_base_of_v<nsISupports, mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>,
> sNativePropertyHooks,
> FindAssociatedGlobalForNative<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Get,
> GetProtoObjectHandle,
> GetCCParticipant<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>::Get(),
> nullptr,
> _getWrapperCache
> };
> static_assert(1 == DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS,
> "Must have the right minimal number of reserved slots.");
> static_assert(2 >= 2,
> "Must have enough reserved slots.");
> const JSClass*
> GetJSClass()
> {
> return sClass.ToJSClass();
> }
> bool
> Wrap(JSContext* aCx, mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject* aObject, nsWrapperCache* aCache, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector)
> {
> static_assert(!std::is_base_of_v<NonRefcountedDOMObject, mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject>,
> "Shouldn't have wrappercached things that are not refcounted.");
> MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(aObject) ==
> reinterpret_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject*>(aObject),
> "Multiple inheritance for mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject is broken.");
> MOZ_ASSERT(ToSupportsIsCorrect(aObject));
> MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aGivenProto, js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(aGivenProto, aCx));
> MOZ_ASSERT(!aCache->GetWrapper(),
> "You should probably not be using Wrap() directly; use "
> "GetOrCreateDOMReflector instead");
> MOZ_ASSERT(ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(aObject, aCache),
> "nsISupports must be on our primary inheritance chain");
> // If the wrapper cache contains a dead reflector then finalize that
> // now, ensuring that the finalizer for the old reflector always
> // runs before the new reflector is created and attached. This
> // avoids the awkward situation where there are multiple reflector
> // objects that contain pointers to the same native.
> if (JSObject* oldReflector = aCache->GetWrapperMaybeDead()) {
> _finalize(nullptr /* unused */, oldReflector);
> MOZ_ASSERT(!aCache->GetWrapperMaybeDead());
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(aCx, FindAssociatedGlobal(aCx, aObject->GetParentObject()));
> if (!global) {
> return false;
> }
> MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsGlobalObject(global));
> JS::AssertObjectIsNotGray(global);
> // That might have ended up wrapping us already, due to the wonders
> // of XBL. Check for that, and bail out as needed.
> aReflector.set(aCache->GetWrapper());
> if (aReflector) {
> #ifdef DEBUG
> AssertReflectorHasGivenProto(aCx, aReflector, aGivenProto);
> #endif // DEBUG
> return true;
> }
> JSAutoRealm ar(aCx, global);
> JS::Handle<JSObject*> canonicalProto = GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
> if (!canonicalProto) {
> return false;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> proto(aCx);
> if (aGivenProto) {
> proto = aGivenProto;
> // Unfortunately, while aGivenProto was in the compartment of aCx
> // coming in, we changed compartments to that of "parent" so may need
> // to wrap the proto here.
> if (js::GetContextCompartment(aCx) != JS::GetCompartment(proto)) {
> if (!JS_WrapObject(aCx, &proto)) {
> return false;
> }
> }
> } else {
> proto = canonicalProto;
> }
> BindingJSObjectCreator<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject> creator(aCx);
> creator.CreateObject(aCx, sClass.ToJSClass(), proto, aObject, aReflector);
> if (!aReflector) {
> return false;
> }
> aCache->SetWrapper(aReflector);
> creator.InitializationSucceeded();
> MOZ_ASSERT(aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() &&
> aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() == aReflector);
> // If proto != canonicalProto, we have to preserve our wrapper;
> // otherwise we won't be able to properly recreate it later, since
> // we won't know what proto to use. Note that we don't check
> // aGivenProto here, since it's entirely possible (and even
> // somewhat common) to have a non-null aGivenProto which is the
> // same as canonicalProto.
> if (proto != canonicalProto) {
> PreserveWrapper(aObject);
> }
> return true;
> }
> // This may allocate too many slots, because we only really need
> // slots for our non-interface-typed members that we cache. But
> // allocating slots only for those would make the slot index
> // computations much more complicated, so let's do this the simple
> // way for now.
> DEFINE_XRAY_EXPANDO_CLASS(static, sXrayExpandoObjectClass, 1);
> const NativePropertyHooks sNativePropertyHooks[] = { {
> nullptr,
> nullptr,
> nullptr,
> { sNativeProperties.Upcast(), nullptr },
> prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject,
> nullptr,
> &sXrayExpandoObjectClass
> } };
> void
> CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, ProtoAndIfaceCache& aProtoAndIfaceCache, bool aDefineOnGlobal)
> {
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> parentProto(aCx, JS::GetRealmObjectPrototype(aCx));
> if (!parentProto) {
> return;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructorProto(aCx, JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototype(aCx));
> if (!constructorProto) {
> return;
> }
> static Atomic<bool, Relaxed> sIdsInited(false);
> if (!sIdsInited && NS_IsMainThread()) {
> if (!InitIds(aCx, sNativeProperties.Upcast())) {
> return;
> }
> sIdsInited = true;
> }
> JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject);
> JS::Heap<JSObject*>* interfaceCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(constructors::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject);
> dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(aCx, aGlobal, parentProto,
> &sPrototypeClass.mBase, protoCache,
> constructorProto, &sInterfaceObjectClass.mBase, 0, nullptr,
> interfaceCache,
> sNativeProperties.Upcast(),
> nullptr,
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject", aDefineOnGlobal,
> nullptr,
> false,
> nullptr);
> // Set up aliases on the interface prototype object we just created.
> JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto = GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
> if (!proto) {
> *protoCache = nullptr;
> if (interfaceCache) {
> *interfaceCache = nullptr;
> }
> return;
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> aliasedVal(aCx);
> if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, proto, "entries", &aliasedVal)) {
> *protoCache = nullptr;
> if (interfaceCache) {
> *interfaceCache = nullptr;
> }
> return;
> }
> JS::Rooted<jsid> iteratorId(aCx, SYMBOL_TO_JSID(JS::GetWellKnownSymbol(aCx, JS::SymbolCode::iterator)));
> if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(aCx, proto, iteratorId, aliasedVal, 0)) {
> *protoCache = nullptr;
> if (interfaceCache) {
> *interfaceCache = nullptr;
> }
> return;
> }
> }
> JSObject*
> GetConstructorObject(JSContext* aCx)
> {
> return GetConstructorObjectHandle(aCx);
> }
> } // namespace TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject_Binding
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
> already_AddRefed<TestInterfaceMaplike>
> Get(mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject* self, const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv)
> {
> MOZ_ASSERT(self);
> AutoJSAPI jsapi;
> jsapi.Init();
> JSContext* cx =;
> // It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here because
> // all we want is to wrap into _some_ scope and then unwrap to find
> // the reflector, and wrapping has no side-effects.
> JSAutoRealm tempRealm(cx, UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal());
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
> if(!ToJSValue(cx, self, &v)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> // This is a reflector, but due to trying to name things
> // similarly across method generators, it's called obj here.
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx);
> obj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(&v.toObject(), /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false);
> JSAutoRealm reflectorRealm(cx, obj);
> JS::RootedVector<JS::Value> argv(cx);
> if (!argv.resize(1)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> do {
> nsString mutableStr(aKey);
> if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, mutableStr, argv[0])) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> break;
> } while (false);
> JS::Rooted<JSObject*> backingObj(cx);
> bool created = false;
> if (!GetMaplikeBackingObject(cx, obj, (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0), &backingObj, &created)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (created) {
> PreserveWrapper<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject>(self);
> }
> JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
> if (!JS::MapGet(cx, backingObj, argv[0], &result)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> if (result.isUndefined()) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> RefPtr<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike> rvalDecl;
> static_assert(IsRefcounted<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike>::value, "We can only store refcounted classes.");
> {
> // Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
> nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplike, mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike>(result, rvalDecl, cx);
> if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
> return nullptr;
> }
> }
> return rvalDecl.forget();
> }
> getInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
> {
> "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject", "getInternal", DOM, cx,
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
> uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::RELEVANT_FOR_JS));
> auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject*>(void_self);
> if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject.getInternal", 1)) {
> return false;
> }
> binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
> if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
> return false;
> }
> FastErrorResult rv;
> auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TestInterfaceMaplike>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetInternal(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv)));
> if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "TestInterfaceMaplikeObject.getInternal"))) {
> return false;
> }
> MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> if (!result) {
> args.rval().setNull();
> return true;
> }
> if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
> MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsExceptionPending(cx));
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static const JSJitInfo getInternal_methodinfo = {
> { (JSJitGetterOp)getInternal },
> { prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject },
> { PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::TestInterfaceMaplikeObject>::Depth },
> JSJitInfo::Method,
> JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
> JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
> false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
> false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
> false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
> 0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
> };
> static_assert(0 <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
> static_assert(0 < 2, "There is no slot for us");
> MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
> JS_FNSPEC("getInternal", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&getInternal_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
< static_assert(10 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
> static_assert(11 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
< static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[12];
< static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[12];
> static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[13];
> static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[13];
< 4,
< 12,
> 5,
> 13,
< { sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[10] }
> { sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[11] }
< static_assert(4 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.iteratorAliasMethodIndex) - 1),
> static_assert(5 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.iteratorAliasMethodIndex) - 1),
< static_assert(12 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
> static_assert(13 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
< // That threw an exception on the JSContext, and our CallSetup will do
< // the right thing with that.
diff -x '*.json' -x '*.pp' -x '*.mk' -x '*.o' ../.build/gamma-debug-old/dom/bindings/Unified_cpp_dom_bindings1.cpp ../.build/gamma-debug/dom/bindings/Unified_cpp_dom_bindings1.cpp
> #include "/home/sefeng/.local/workspace/mozilla/mozilla-unified3/dom/bindings/test/TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.cpp"
> #error "/home/sefeng/.local/workspace/mozilla/mozilla-unified3/dom/bindings/test/TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.cpp uses PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK, so it cannot be built in unified mode."
> #endif
> #ifdef INITGUID
> #error "/home/sefeng/.local/workspace/mozilla/mozilla-unified3/dom/bindings/test/TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.cpp defines INITGUID, so it cannot be built in unified mode."
> #undef INITGUID
> #endif
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