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Last active January 21, 2024 07:19
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import utils.loadInput
import scala.collection.immutable.List
@main def main: Unit =
// card and money pairs
val testInput = """32T3K 765
|T55J5 684
|KK677 28
|KTJJT 220
|QQQJA 483""".stripMargin
val input = loadInput("day07.txt")
assert(part1(testInput) == 6440)
assert(part1(input) == 252656917)
assert(part2(testInput) == 5905)
assert(part2(input) == 253499763)
def part1(testInput: String) = {
val priorities = "AKQJT98765432".zipWithIndex.toMap
val result = testInput.split("\n").flatMap { line =>
val Array(cards, money) = line.split(" ")
val value = money.toInt
val sortedCards = cards.groupBy(identity).view.mapValues(_.length).toList.sorted(_._2 - _._2)
toRule(cards, value, sortedCards)
.sorted((one, two) =>, priorities)) { (rule, idx) => (idx + 1) * rule.value }
def part2(testInput: String) = {
val priorities = "AKQT98765432J".zipWithIndex.toMap
val result = testInput.split("\n").flatMap { line =>
val Array(cards, money) = line.split(" ")
val value = money.toInt
val (js, ls) = cards.groupBy(identity).view.mapValues(_.length).toList.partition(_._1 == 'J')
val sortedCards = (js, ls) match
case (List(), _) => ls.sorted(_._2 - _._2).reverse
case (_, List()) => js
case _ =>
val others = ls.sorted(_._2 - _._2).reverse
(others.head._1, others.head._2 + js.head._2) :: others.tail
toRule(cards, value, sortedCards.reverse)
}.sorted((one, two) =>, priorities)) { (rule, idx) => (idx + 1) * rule.value }
trait Rule:
val order: Int
val value: Int
val cards: String
def compare(other: Rule, priorities: Map[Char, Int]): Int = {
if (this.getClass != other.getClass ) other.order - order
else {
val left = cards.flatMap(c => priorities.get(c))
val right = => priorities.get(c)) => x._1.compareTo(x._2)).find(_ != 0).getOrElse(0)
case class AllSame(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 0
case class FourOf(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 1
case class FullHouse(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 2
case class ThreeOf(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 3
case class TwoPair(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 4
case class OnePair(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 5
case class HighCard(value: Int, cards: String) extends Rule:
val order = 6
def toRule(cards: String, value: Int, sortedCards: List[(Char, Int)]): Option[Rule] = {
sortedCards match
case List((_, 5)) => Some(AllSame(value, cards))
case List((_, 1), (_, 4)) => Some(FourOf(value, cards))
case List((_, 2), (_, 3)) => Some(FullHouse(value, cards))
case List((_, 1), (_, 1), (_, 3)) => Some(ThreeOf(value, cards))
case List((_, 1), (_, 2), (_, 2)) => Some(TwoPair(value, cards))
case List((_, 1), (_, 1), (_, 1), (_, 2)) => Some(OnePair(value, cards))
case _ => Some(HighCard(value, cards))
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