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Created September 3, 2014 23:17
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Mnesia Add New Column In Production Environment Without Losing Data
%%% @author aardvocate
%%% @copyright (C) 2014, <COMPANY>
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%%% Created : 03. Sep 2014 11:02 PM
%%% This module provides a method will add new mnesia columns to an already running mnesia instance without losing data.
%%% This has only been tested on Tables with very small data. If you have a Table with millions of sensitive data,
%%% make sure you KNOW what you are doing before runing this module. I advice you take a backup first for starters.
%%% Also this module is basic and barebones, it doesn't take into consideration for instance mnesia running on multiple nodes,
%%% on multiple machines. If you have erlang on multiple nodes, one solution is to run the module on each of your nodes.
%%% This module did not use LOCKING, so it is better to make sure no other process is writing to your tables while this module
%%% is running. Alternately, you can replace the qlc: aspects with mnesia:read/ and use locks as you wish. But also take
%%% note that if you have 100M rows in the mnesia table, this might take a while to run. You can put this in a gen_server:cast
%%% so as to make it non-blocking.
%% API
-export([start/1, add_column/4]).
start(MnesiaDir) ->
application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir),
add_column(TableName, ExistingColumns, NewColum, NewColumnDefaulValue) ->
ReadFun = fun() ->
Query = qlc:q([R || R <- mnesia:table(TableName)]),
{atomic, Records} = mnesia:transaction(ReadFun),
Columns = lists:reverse([NewColum | lists:reverse(ExistingColumns)]),
mnesia:create_table(TableName, [{attributes, Columns}]),
MnesiaData = generate_mnesia_data(Records, NewColumnDefaulValue),
F = fun() -> lists:foreach(fun mnesia:write/1, MnesiaData) end,
prepend(X, Tuple) ->
TupleAsList = lists:reverse(tuple_to_list(Tuple)),
list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([X | TupleAsList])).
generate_mnesia_data(Records, Default) ->
generate_mnesia_data(Records, Default, []).
generate_mnesia_data([H | Records], Default, Acc) ->
NewRecord = prepend(Default, H),
generate_mnesia_data(Records, Default, [NewRecord | Acc]);
generate_mnesia_data([], _Default, Acc) ->
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oladipo commented May 2, 2017

Did you ever consider using mnesia:transform_table/3 ?

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