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Last active October 21, 2022 10:45
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  • Save segunadebayo/f6fb8d1f1deb32fefc45a18980cd85bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save segunadebayo/f6fb8d1f1deb32fefc45a18980cd85bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const config = {
conditions: {
light: {
value: ".light &",
description: "Light mode",
dark: {
value: ".dark &",
description: "Dark mode",
highContrast: {
value: "@media (forced-colors: active)",
description: "High contrast mode",
semanticTokens: {
colors: {
type: "color",
primary: {
description: "The primary color",
value: { light: "{}", dark: "{pink.200}" },
tokens: {
colors: {
type: "color",
gray: {
value: "#ccc",
components: {
button: {
description: "Button component",
primary: {
bg: {
type: "color",
value: "",
const token = {
type: "color",
name: "dark:colors.gray.200",
value: "#000",
description: "The testubg",
path: ["gray", "200"],
meta: {
condition: "dark",
private: false,
const token = {
type: "color",
name: "dark:colors.gray.200",
value: "{}",
description: "The testubg",
condition: "dark",
path: ["gray", "200"],
meta: {
private: false,


Rename assets to chunks

A chunk will look like this

const file = {
  base: ``,
  utilities: ``,
  recipes: ``,

When the files are changed:

  • we merge/dedupe utilities, recipes
  • we replace global styles


Allow create jsx components from factory directly. This is useful for custom components.

const Button = chakra("button",{
    --test: "fontSizes.xl",
    fontSize: "clamp(var(--test), 20px)"

Extract css prop from every component-like jsx elements.

function App() {
  return <Button css={{ fontSize: "40px" }}>Welcome</Button>;


const dict = new TokenDictionary({
  tokens: {},
  semanticTokens: {},


dict.allTokens.forEach((token) => {
  if (token.attributes.category === "space") {
    const negativeToken = negate(token);

// value | attribute | name

  name: "colors",
  type: "value",
  match: (token) => token.attributes.category === "colors",
  transform(token) {
    return "....";

  name: "css-var",
  resolveReference: true,
  formatter: ({ dictionary }) => {},

  format: "css-var",
  output(result) {},
class TokenDictionary {
  _values = [];
  constructor({ tokens, semanticTokens }) {
    const walkFn = (value, paths) => {
      _values.push({ value, paths });

    walkObject(tokens, walkFn, {
      stop(value) {
        return isObject(value) && "value" in value;

  compile() {}

  getReferenceRegex() {}

  findReference() {}

  resolveReference() {}
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