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Created May 19, 2013 14:26
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simplified TestClient with rest framework
import time
from urlparse import urlparse
from django.conf import settings
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import FakePayload, Client
class TestApiClient(object):
def __init__(self):
Sets up a fresh ``TestApiClient`` instance.
self.client = Client()
def get_content_type(self, short_format):
Given a short name (such as ``json`` or ``xml``), returns the full content-type
for it (``application/json`` or ``application/xml`` in this case).
if format == "json":
return "application/json"
if format == "xml":
return "application/xml"
def get(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
Performs a simulated ``GET`` request to the provided URI.
Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``GET``, lets you
send along ``GET`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
things that read off the ``GET`` params. Example::
from rest_framework.test import TestApiClient
client = TestApiClient()
response = client.get('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json', 'title__startswith': 'a', 'limit': 20, 'offset': 60})
Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
with the correct authentication data already setup.
All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
``TestClient``. See
for details.
content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
kwargs['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type
# GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
if data is not None:
kwargs['data'] = data
if authentication is not None:
kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication
return self.client.get(uri, **kwargs)
def post(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
Performs a simulated ``POST`` request to the provided URI.
Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``POST`` the
``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.
from rest_framework.test import TestApiClient
client = TestApiClient()
response ='/api/v1/entry/', data={
'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
'slug': 'another-post',
'title': 'Another Post',
'user': '/api/v1/user/1/',
Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
with the correct authentication data already setup.
All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
``TestClient``. See
for details.
content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
kwargs['content_type'] = content_type
if data is not None:
kwargs['data'] = data
if authentication is not None:
kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication
return, **kwargs)
def put(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
Performs a simulated ``PUT`` request to the provided URI.
Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PUT`` the
``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.
from rest_framework.test import TestApiClient
client = TestApiClient()
response = client.put('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
'slug': 'another-post',
'title': 'Another Post',
'user': '/api/v1/user/1/',
Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
with the correct authentication data already setup.
All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
``TestClient``. See
for details.
content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
kwargs['content_type'] = content_type
if data is not None:
kwargs['data'] = data
if authentication is not None:
kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication
return self.client.put(uri, **kwargs)
def patch(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
Performs a simulated ``PATCH`` request to the provided URI.
Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PATCH`` the
``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.
from rest_framework.test import TestApiClient
client = TestApiClient()
response = client.patch('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
'slug': 'another-post',
'title': 'Another Post',
'user': '/api/v1/user/1/',
Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
with the correct authentication data already setup.
All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
``TestClient``. See
for details.
content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
kwargs['content_type'] = content_type
if data is not None:
kwargs['data'] = data
if authentication is not None:
kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication
# This hurts because Django doesn't support PATCH natively.
parsed = urlparse(uri)
r = {
'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(kwargs['data']),
'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type,
'PATH_INFO': self.client._get_path(parsed),
'QUERY_STRING': parsed[4],
'wsgi.input': FakePayload(kwargs['data']),
return self.client.request(**r)
def delete(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
Performs a simulated ``DELETE`` request to the provided URI.
Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``DELETE``, lets you
send along ``DELETE`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
things that read off the ``DELETE`` params. Example::
from rest_framework.test import TestApiClient
client = TestApiClient()
response = client.delete('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json'})
Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
with the correct authentication data already setup.
All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
``TestClient``. See
for details.
content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
kwargs['content_type'] = content_type
# GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
if data is not None:
kwargs['data'] = data
if authentication is not None:
kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication
return self.client.delete(uri, **kwargs)
class ResourceTestCase(TestCase):
A useful base class for the start of testing rest_framework APIs.
def setUp(self):
super(ResourceTestCase, self).setUp()
self.api_client = TestApiClient()
def assertHttpOK(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 200.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
def assertHttpCreated(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 201.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 201)
def assertHttpAccepted(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning either a HTTP 202 or a HTTP 204.
return self.assertTrue(resp.status_code in [202, 204])
def assertHttpMultipleChoices(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 300.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 300)
def assertHttpSeeOther(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 303.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 303)
def assertHttpNotModified(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 304.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 304)
def assertHttpBadRequest(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 400.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
def assertHttpUnauthorized(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 401.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 401)
def assertHttpForbidden(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 403.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403)
def assertHttpNotFound(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 404.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
def assertHttpMethodNotAllowed(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 405.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 405)
def assertHttpConflict(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 409.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 409)
def assertHttpGone(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 410.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 410)
def assertHttpTooManyRequests(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 429.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 429)
def assertHttpApplicationError(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 500.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 500)
def assertHttpNotImplemented(self, resp):
Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 501.
return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 501)
def assertValidJSONResponse(self, resp):
Given a ``HttpResponse`` coming back from using the ``client``, assert that
you get back:
* An HTTP 200
* The correct content-type (``application/json``)
* The content is valid JSON
def assertValidXMLResponse(self, resp):
Given a ``HttpResponse`` coming back from using the ``client``, assert that
you get back:
* An HTTP 200
* The correct content-type (``application/xml``)
* The content is valid XML
def assertValidYAMLResponse(self, resp):
Given a ``HttpResponse`` coming back from using the ``client``, assert that
you get back:
* An HTTP 200
* The correct content-type (``text/yaml``)
* The content is valid YAML
def assertValidPlistResponse(self, resp):
Given a ``HttpResponse`` coming back from using the ``client``, assert that
you get back:
* An HTTP 200
* The correct content-type (``application/x-plist``)
* The content is valid binary plist data
def assertKeys(self, data, expected):
This method ensures that the keys of the ``data`` match up to the keys of
It covers the (extremely) common case where you want to make sure the keys of
a response match up to what is expected. This is typically less fragile than
testing the full structure, which can be prone to data changes.
self.assertEqual(sorted(data.keys()), sorted(expected))
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