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Last active July 7, 2021 11:05
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NetClass v8 client-side manager
@echo off
goto init
echo NetClass v8 Client manager
title NetClass v8 Client manager
:: Run script in administrator privilege;
net file 1>NUL 2>NUL
if not '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
echo Trying to run the script in administrator privilege...
powershell Start-Process -FilePath "%0" -ArgumentList "%cd%" -verb runas
echo If you cannot see any new window running with administrator privilege, please run this file manually with administrator privilege...
goto done-exit
echo 1: Stop NetClass v8 service
echo 2: Start NetClass v8 service
echo 3: Download unicorn HTTPS to indirect firewall
echo 4: Stop Virus Chaser service
echo 5: Exit
set /p N=Enter:
if %N%==1 goto stop-service
if %N%==2 goto start-service
if %N%==3 goto download-uhttps
if &N&==4 goto stop-service-viruschaser
if %N%==5 goto done-exit
goto invalid-command
:: Stop NetClass v8 service;
echo Stopping all NetClass v8 service...
powershell -Command "& Stop-Service NC8*"
goto done
:: Stop Virus Chaser Service;
echo Stopping all Virus Chaser Service...
powershell -Command "& Stop-Service -Name \"Virus Chaser Agent\""
goto done
:: Start NetClass v8 service;
echo Starting NC8MoniteringService service...
powershell -Command "& Start-Service NC8MoniteringService"
goto done
:: Download unicorn HTTPS to indirect firewall
echo Downloading unicorn HTTPS for Windows...
powershell -Command "& curl -o %appdata%\\uhttps-installer.exe"
echo Executing installer...
goto done
echo Invalid command...
echo Press any key to return to menu.
pause >NUL 2>&1
goto init
echo All tasks have been completed!
echo Press any key to return to menu.
pause >NUL 2>&1
goto init
echo Press any key to exit.
pause >NUL
exit /b
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