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Created April 5, 2020 01:55
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An example of simple immutable RxJs store in Angular.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { PuppiesModule } from './puppies.module';
import { Puppy } from './puppy.model';
@Injectable({ providedIn: PuppiesModule })
export class PuppiesStoreService {
// Make _puppiesSource private so it's not accessible from the outside,
// expose it as puppies$ observable (read-only) instead.
// Write to _puppiesSource only through specified store methods below.
private readonly _puppiesSource = new BehaviorSubject<Puppy[]>([]);
// Exposed observable (read-only).
readonly puppies$ = this._puppiesSource.asObservable();
constructor() {}
// Get last value without subscribing to the puppies$ observable (synchronously).
getPuppies(): Puppy[] {
return this._puppiesSource.getValue();
private _setPuppies(puppies: Puppy[]): void {;
addPuppy(puppy: Puppy): void {
const puppies = [...this.getPuppies(), puppy];
removePuppy(puppy: Puppy): void {
const puppies = this.getPuppies().filter(p => !==;
adoptPuppy(puppy: Puppy): void {
const puppies = this.getPuppies().map(p => === ? new Puppy({ ...p, ...{ adopted: true } }) : p
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formloco commented May 8, 2021

thx seid, this helped mee out a lot

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cetubig commented May 23, 2021

Where is the http call?

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