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Last active April 1, 2022 14:58
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Convert files from ANSI to UTF-16LE

Convert files from ANSI to UTF-16LE.

This gist is released under GLWTPL.

type ANSI2Unicode /? for detailed help.

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
if "%~1" == "/?" (
echo Convert files from Unicode to ANSI
echo Syntax: ANSI2Unicode codepage inputdirectory [outputdirectory]
echo codepage is the code page corresponding to the encoding of the text files to be converted.
echo inputdirectory is the directory where text files to be converted are.
echo outputdirectory is the directory where converted text files are stored in.
echo If outputdirectory is omitted, the outputdirectory is defaulted to inputdirectory_Unicode.
goto :eof
if [%1] == [] (
echo Missing parameter code page.
goto help
if [%2] == [] (
echo Missing parameter inputdirectory.
goto help
) else (
if not exist "%~2" (
echo Directory "%~2" not found.
goto :eof
if [%3] == [] (
set "_OUTPUTDIRECTORY=%~2_Unicode"
) else (
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%I in ('chcp') do set "_OLDCODEPAGE=%%I"
md "%_OUTPUTDIRECTORY%" 2> nul
chcp 1252 > nul
for %%I in ("%~2\*") do set /p=ÿþ<nul > "%_OUTPUTDIRECTORY%\%%~nxI"
chcp %_OLDCODEPAGE% > nul
%ComSpec% /u /c ANSI2UnicodeSub %1 %2 "%_OUTPUTDIRECTORY%"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Invalid code page.
goto :eof
echo Files in "%~2" are converted from code page %~1 to Unicode and saved in "%_OUTPUTDIRECTORY%".
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%I in ('chcp') do set "_OLDCODEPAGE=%%I"
chcp %~1 > nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 exit 1
for %%I in ("%~2\*") do type "%%~I" >> "%~3\%%~nxI"
chcp %_OLDCODEPAGE% > nul
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