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Last active December 24, 2020 08:49
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Solution to the bus toy problem Khety created for me
global busString
extern sprintf
section .data
busStringFormat: db "%ld more people are allowed onto the bus.", 10, 0
busOutOfSpace: db "No more people can fit on the bus.", 10, 0
section .bss
output_buff: resb 5000
section .text
xor rax, rax
cmp rdi, rsi
jg no_more_room
sub rsi, rdi
mov rax, rsi
jmp return
xor rax, rax
sub rsp, 8
call busCount
cmp rax, 0
je no_more_room_return
; diff now in rax
mov r8, rax
xor eax, eax
mov rdi, output_buff
mov rsi, busStringFormat
mov rdx, r8
call sprintf
mov rax, output_buff
add rsp, 8
mov rax, busOutOfSpace
add rsp, 8
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
char* busString(int64_t, int64_t);
int main(void) {
printf("%s", busString(50, 60));
printf("%s", busString(50, 49));
return 0;
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Finally works!

alex@home:~/Code/Khety$ nasm -felf64 bus.s && gcc bus.c bus.o -no-pie && ./a.out 
10 more people are allowed onto the bus.
No more people can fit on the bus.

I had gotten quite stuck with a segfault because I was not realigning the stack to 16 bits, so I asked this question on StackOverflow:

Peter Cordes (the legend himself) helped me and now it works. Tbh I still don't deeply understand stack alignment or why it matters, so I guess that's something I'll have to look into.

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