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Created June 5, 2021 21:49
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Check FlowCrypt repos for outdated versions of GitHub Action
import requests
def has_new_gh_action(repo):
raw_url = f'{repo}/master/.github/workflows/check-for-emails.yml'
raw_action_request = requests.get(raw_url)
if raw_action_request.status_code != 200:
print(f'error checking repo {repo}, status code {raw_action_request.status_code}')
return False
return 'exemptions' in raw_action_request.text
url = ''
flowcrypt_public_repos = requests.get(url).json()
bad_repo_found = False
for repo_json in flowcrypt_public_repos:
repo = repo_json['html_url'].split('/')[-1]
if not has_new_gh_action(repo):
bad_repo_found = True
print(f'{repo} does not have the new action')
if not bad_repo_found:
print('all public repos have the newest action!')
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