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Last active August 25, 2019 01:04
Nqueens without relying on global state (no backtracking)
def twoD_from_nD(l):
for i in l:
if len([x for x in i if type(x) is list]) > 0:
yield from twoD_from_nD(i)
yield i
def threatened(solution, column):
if column in solution:
return True
j = 1
for i in range(len(solution), 0, -1):
if abs(column - solution[i-1]) == j:
return True
j += 1
return False
def nqueens(n, solution=[]):
if len(solution) == n:
return solution
paths = []
for column in range(n):
if not threatened(solution, column):
paths.append(nqueens(n, solution + [column]))
paths = [p for p in paths if len(p) != 0]
if len(solution) == 0: # base case
return [i for i in twoD_from_nD(paths)]
return paths
var {range} = require('range')
function isThreatened(board, pos) {
return board.includes(pos) ||
board.any((e, i, a) =>
a.length - i === Math.abs(e - pos)
function nqueens(n, board=[]) {
let moves = range(n).filter(e=>
!isThreatened(board, e)
return board.length === n - 1
? moves
nqueens(n, board.concat([move])).map(sol=>
).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.concat(cur), []);
#lang racket
; decided to try in Lisp now and make it more pure-functional (no state anywhere!)
(require srfi/1) ; gives us drop-right
(define (horizontal-threat? board column)
(member column board))
(define (diagonal-threat? board column (distance 1))
(if (zero? (length board))
(if (= (abs (- column (last board)))
(diagonal-threat? (drop-right board 1) column (+ distance 1)))))
(define (threatened? board column)
(or (horizontal-threat? board column)
(diagonal-threat? board column)))
(define (group-into n l)
(if (empty? l) l (cons (take l n) (group-into n (list-tail l n)))))
(define (nqueens n (board '()))
(if (= (length board) n)
(let ((solutions
(map (λ (col) (nqueens n (append board (list col))))
(filter (λ (col)
(not (threatened? board col)))
(range n)))))
(if (empty? board) ; base case
(group-into n (flatten solutions))
(length (nqueens 8))
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