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Last active January 6, 2019 02:48
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Solution for Supermarket Queue Kata ( [edit: added comments for Pete education]
def queue_time(customers, n):
# keep track of time
wait = 0
# pool of people currently checking out at a register
checkers_out = []
# how many customers to load into queue.
# equals either the number of registers UNLESS
# there are less customers than registers, in which case
# all remaining customers are loaded up
load = n if n < len(customers) else len(customers)
# fill the checkout lanes!
for i in range(load):
# take the customers in the registers out of the line
customers = customers[load:]
# we keep looping through until everyone has finished going through the registers and no one is left
# checking stuff out
while len(checkers_out) != 0:
# so we get the lowest wait time of everyone currently checking out
# and add that to how long we've been waiting
wait += min(checkers_out)
# then subtract that amount of time from everyone in the list.
# that means whoever had the minimum wait time is now done!
checkers_out = [i-min(checkers_out) for i in checkers_out]
# go through the checkout registers. People who are done checking out
# (ie, equal 0) are replaced with a new customer if there are anymore,
# otherwise they'll be left at zero and removed after this loop
for i in range(len(checkers_out)):
if checkers_out[i] == 0:
if len(customers) > 0:
checkers_out[i] = customers[0]
customers = customers[1:]
# get rid of everyone with zero wait time! (this happens
# when there's no one in the queue to replace the current
# people who've reached 0, but there are still others checking out.
checkers_out = [i for i in checkers_out if i != 0]
# all done, return our wait time!
return wait
print(queue_time([2,2,3,3,4,4], 2)) # prints 9! Rest of Codewars tests also pass <3
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