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Created December 19, 2018 01:07
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Recursive power function for MacOS nasm
section .data
section .text
global start
global power
; ro ro fite
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov r12, [rbp+16] ; 3 (base)
mov r13, [rbp+24] ; 4 (power)
imul rdi, r12
cmp r13, 1 ; if r13==1 return
je return
dec r13
push r13
push r12
call power ; woah recuuuuurrrssiOnN
mov rsp, rbp ; realign the stuck after we f-d it up by pushing
pop rbp
push 4 ; rsp+24
push 3 ; rsp+16
mov rdi, 1
call power
mov rax, 0x2000001 ; exit()
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