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Created December 2, 2012 12:11
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Minification with newlines using the Rails 3 asset pipeline

Retaining line numbers with the Rails asset pipeline

By default the Rails 3 asset pipeline uses the Uglifier gem to optimize and minify your Javascript. One of its many optimisations is to remove all whitespace, turning your Javascript into one very long line of code.

Whist removing all the newlines helps to reduce the file size, it has the disadvantage of making your Javascript harder to debug. If you've tried to track down Javascript errors in minified Javascript files you'll know the lack of whitespace does make life harder.

Luckily there is a simple solution: to configure Uglifier to add newlines back into the code after it performs its optimisations. And if you're serving your files correctly gzip'd, the newlines add only a small increase to the final file size.

You can configure Uglifier to add the newlines by setting the following in your Rails 3 config/production.rb file:

# Ensure this only runs in the :assets bundler group
if defined? Uglifier
  config.assets.js_compressor =
    # Add new lines
    :beautify => true,
    # Don't add indentation
    :beautify_options => {:indent_level => 0}

You'll notice we have to tell Uglifier not to indent the code. By default it reindents the entire source using 4 spaces per indent, which can add many more bytes than simply adding newlines. And though indentation does make it more readable, it won't really make your life easier when tracking down production errors, and as you'll see below is probably not worth the cost.

YUI Compressor can also be configured to do this by specifying --line-break 0.

Google Closure Compiler unfortunately has no such option.

Affect on file size

Below are comparisons of the different Uglifier options against a fairly large Rails application consisting of 142 Javascript and Coffeescript assets.

For this application the assets:precompile task generates a single application.js file, as well as a corresponding application.js.gz file. We use the .gz version to compare file sizes, as this represents the final download size that the end-user will experience (that is, assuming your server is set up correctly).

No compression

First we find the baseline file size by disabling Uglifier optimizations altogether:

config.assets.compress = false

The resulting application.js.gz size: 244KB

Rails default

If left to its own devices, Uglifier removes all the whitespace. This is the default Rails configuration, and results in the smallest file size, but with all your code on a single line.

The resulting application.js.gz size: 140KB

With newlines

Telling Uglifier to add only newlines:

if defined? Uglifier
  config.assets.js_compressor =
    :beautify => true,
    :beautify_options => {:indent_level => 0}

The resulting application.js.gz size: 148KB

The cost of adding the newlines was 8KB which, considering the benefits, is probably worth it.

What about tabs too?

If you wanted really pretty code you can omit the :indent_level option and let Uglifier reindent the code using 4 spaces per indent:

if defined? Uglifier
  config.assets.js_compressor =
    :beautify => true

The resulting application.js.gz size: 159 KB

The cost of retaining newlines /and/ indenting the code was 19KB, as opposed to 8KB for newlines only.

My recommendation

If you are using a Javascript error tracker, or you want to more easily debug Javascript code on production, then configuring Uglifier (or your asset compiler of choice) to include newlines gains you quite a lot for a relatively small size increase.

In the future source maps might save the day, allowing you to minify and recompile your Javascript to your heart's content, but given neither Uglifier nor CoffeeScript can generate source maps (yet) your best option is to simply include those newlines.

Configuring Jammit

If you're using Jammit instead of the Rails asset pipeline you can add one of the following to your assets.yml file.


javascript_compressor: uglifier
  beautify: true
    indent_level: 0


javascript_compressor: yui
  line_break: 0
# Uncompressed
$ rake assets:precompile; ls -l public/assets/application.js* ~/Dropbox/Codez/amen/amen
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 1085829 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 249038 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js.gz
# Standard
$ rake assets:precompile; ls -l public/assets/application.js*
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 534897 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 143074 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js.gz
# :beautify => true
$ rake assets:precompile; ls -l public/assets/application.js*
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 785503 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 162218 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js.gz
# :beautify => true,
# :beautify_options => {:indent_level => 0}
$ rake assets:precompile; ls -l public/assets/application.js*
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 617419 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 tlucas staff 151255 26 Jul 12:52 public/assets/application.js.gz
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