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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save seizadi/bdba832c6938e029a803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Welcome to the OpenStack Deployment with Chef Workshop. These instructions are tailored to provide the minimal configuration for doing the walk-through. There is an expectation of Chef familiarity, but the steps are the same used in the presentation.

User shell commands will start with '$' or '#' for the 'root' user on the Virtualbox image.

1. Install Virtualbox. We are currently using 4.3.20. You may download it from

2. Install Vagrant. We are currently using 1.7.2. You may download it from

3. Install the Chef Development Kit. We are currently using 0.1.0. You may download it from

4. The Chef repository for the session is the stable/icehouse branch from Stackforge. You may download it from

5. Install the following Vagrant plugins:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-chef-zero
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

6. Check that the plugins are successfully installed:

$ vagrant plugin list
  vagrant-berkshelf (4.0.2)
  vagrant-chef-zero (0.7.1)
  vagrant-omnibus (1.4.1)

7. In your openstack-chef-repo, make sure you are on the stable/icehouse branch.

$ cd openstack-chef-repo
$ git co stable/icehouse

8. Use Berkshelf to download the Chef cookbooks specified in the Berksfile.

$ berks vendor .cookbooks

9. Set an environment file to specify which Vagrantfile to use, for example:

$ export VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile-aio-nova

10. Install the Virtualbox image we will be using for the demo from one of the mirrors:

10.a Look at for list of current images if 14.04LTS does not work for you.

10.b It does not look like the Vagrant files in stable/icehouse have support for Ubuntu 14.04LTS

$ vagrant box add ubuntu-14.04

11. Start up the Vagrant virtual machine with the following command:

$ vagrant up ubuntu1404

12. SSH into the Vagrant virtual machine once it has completed the installation:

$ vagrant ssh ubuntu1404

13. Become the 'root' user:

$ sudo su -

14. Source the openrc file to configure the root user's environment for OpenStack:

# source openrc

15. List the Nova Compute services that are running:

# nova service-list

16. List the Nova Compute hypervisors that are running:

# nova hypervisor-list

17. List the images available for creating instances:

# nova image-list

18. Boot a very small test instance:

# nova boot test1 --image cirros --flavor 1 --poll

19. List the instances that are currently running:

# nova list

21. Inspect the running test instance:

# nova show test1

22. SSH into the image, the user is 'cirros' and the password is 'cubswin:)':

# ssh cirros@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 90:c5:8c:9c:f7:73:b4:54:cf:15:0d:28:54:7f:e7:19.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
cirros@'s password:
$ uptime
 06:55:23 up 2 min, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.01

23. Connect to the OpenStack Dashboard:


24. Create a zero.rb file for interacting with your Vagrant deployed OpenStack:

chef_server_url   ''
node_name         'mray'
client_key        '.chef/mray.pem'

knife[:openstack_username] = "admin"
knife[:openstack_password] = "admin"
knife[:openstack_tenant]   = "admin"
knife[:openstack_auth_url] = ""

25. Test with commands

knife node list -c zero.rb

26. Logout of the instance and exit the Vagrant virtual machine. Destroy the Vagrant VM:

$ vagrant destroy ubuntu1404 -f
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