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Last active November 14, 2021 13:35
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Create YouTube MKVs from FLAC album
#! /bin/bash
if [ ! -f "$cover" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$cover" ]; then
echo "No cover image found."
for f in *.flac
time=$(date +%s)
duration=$(ffprobe -i "$f" -show_entries format=duration -of csv=p=0 -v quiet)
album=$(ffprobe -i "$f" -show_entries format_tags=album -of csv=p=0 -v quiet)
title=$(ffprobe -i "$f" -show_entries format_tags=title -of csv=p=0 -v quiet)
track=$(ffprobe -i "$f" -show_entries format_tags=track -of csv=p=0 -v quiet)
disc=$(ffprobe -i "$f" -show_entries format_tags=disc -of csv=p=0 -v quiet)
if [ -z "$disc" ]; then
final="$album — $track. $title"
final="$album — $disc.$track. $title"
printf "Track data:\n\tfile: $f\n\ttitle: $title\n\talbum: $album\n\tduration: $duration\n\tdisc: $disc\n\ttrack: $track\n\tfinal title: $final\n"
echo "Transcoding $final..."
ffmpeg -i "$f" -loop 1 -t "$duration" -i $cover -c:a copy -c:v libvpx-vp9 -s 1080x1080 -v quiet "$final".mkv
time=$(($(date +%s)-time))
echo "Took $time seconds."
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As YouTube does not support lossless audio, I thought it would be best to demonstrate what I believe the best possible case for uploading a lossless format to YouTube, as a copy of the .flac file with a repeated image, ideally the album cover.

Matroska is NOT listed on the list of supported YouTube formats, though WebM, essentially a subset of the Matroska container, is listed. Even though this is the case, Matroska files CAN be uploaded to YouTube, including ones with FLAC encoded audio.

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