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Created August 18, 2017 12:39
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Super simple server side rendering with React and styled-components
const express = require('express');
ignore: /\/(build|node_modules|.svg)\//,
presets: ['env', 'react-app']
const universal = require('./universal');
const app = express();
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8080);
// TODO: Add middlewares for logging, gzip compression etc here
// Handle index route as universal
app.get('/', universal);
app.get('/index.html', (req, res) => res.redirect('/'));
// Serve static files from the build/ folder
// Handle all other requests through React
app.get('*', universal);
// Start the application
app.listen(app.get('port'), () => console.log(`Server is running at port ${app.get('port')}`));
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const React = require('react');
const { renderToString } = require('react-dom/server');
const { StaticRouter } = require('react-router-dom');
const { ServerStyleSheet } = require('styled-components');
// This is your main App component, shared between front-end and back-end
const { default: App } = require('../src/containers/App');
// Read the index html template on start.
const indexFile = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'index.html'), 'utf8');
// HACK: Need to set these to make sure they are set (yet undefined).
global.window = undefined;
global.document = undefined;
module.exports = function universalLoader(req, res) {
const css = new ServerStyleSheet();
const context = {};
// Create the markup from the React application
const markup = renderToString(
<StaticRouter context={context} location={req.url}>
<App />
// If a redirect was rendered - redirect to the correct URL
if (context.url) {
return res.redirect(context.url);
// Hydrate the HTML template with both React DOM and styled-components styles
// The HTML file has placeholders for both the markup and the style tags
const html = indexFile
.replace('{{SSR}}', markup)
.replace('{{CSS}}', css.getStyleTags());
// Send the response back to the user
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