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Created October 26, 2016 21:54
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Backend for AssetBundle Graph Tool
using UnityEngine;
using RelationsInspector.Backend;
using AssetBundleGraph;
using RelationsInspector;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Linq;
public class BundleBuildBackend : MinimalBackend<NodeData, string>
// colors
static readonly Color LightGreen = new Color( 0.25f, 1f, 0.25f, 1f );
static readonly Color Orange = new Color( 1f, 0.75f, 0.25f, 1f );
static readonly Color LightBlue = new Color( 0.25f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f );
static readonly Color LightRed = new Color( 1f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1f );
static readonly Color LightGrey = new Color( 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1f );
// mapping node kind to color
public static Dictionary<NodeKind, ColorLegendEntry> NodeKindColor = new Dictionary<NodeKind, ColorLegendEntry>()
{ NodeKind.LOADER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Loader" , color = LightGrey } },
{ NodeKind.FILTER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Filter" , color = LightBlue } },
{ NodeKind.IMPORTSETTING_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Importsetting" , color = } },
{ NodeKind.MODIFIER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Modifier" , color = Color.cyan } },
{ NodeKind.GROUPING_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() { text = "Grouping" , color = LightGreen} },
{ NodeKind.PREFABBUILDER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Prefab builder" , color = Color.yellow } },
{ NodeKind.BUNDLECONFIG_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Bundleconfig" , color = Orange } },
{ NodeKind.BUNDLEBUILDER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Bundle builder" , color = LightRed } },
{ NodeKind.EXPORTER_GUI, new ColorLegendEntry() {text = "Exporter" , color = LightGrey } }
static ColorLegendEntry[] colorLegend = NodeKindColor.Values.ToArray();
// backend instance state
SaveData saveData;
private bool showLegend;
public override IEnumerable<NodeData> Init( object target )
saveData = target as SaveData;
if ( saveData == null )
yield break;
foreach ( NodeData data in saveData.Nodes )
yield return data;
public override IEnumerable<Relation<NodeData, string>> GetRelations( NodeData entity )
var leavingConnections = saveData.Connections.Where( c => c.FromNodeId == entity.Id );
foreach ( var leavingConnection in leavingConnections )
var other = saveData.Nodes.Find( n => n.Id == leavingConnection.ToNodeId );
yield return new Relation<NodeData, string>( entity, other, string.Empty );
var enteringConnections = saveData.Connections.Where( c => c.ToNodeId == entity.Id );
foreach ( var enteringConnection in enteringConnections )
var other = saveData.Nodes.Find( n => n.Id == enteringConnection.FromNodeId );
yield return new Relation<NodeData, string>( other, entity, string.Empty );
public override Rect OnGUI()
if ( GUILayout.Button( "Start", EditorStyles.toolbarButton ) )
var newSaveData = SaveData.LoadFromDisk();
api.ResetTargets( new object[] { newSaveData }, typeof(BundleBuildBackend) );
showLegend = GUILayout.Toggle( showLegend, "Legend", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( false ) );
if ( showLegend )
string title = "Relation types";
var boxSize = ColorLegendBox.GetSize( title, colorLegend );
float boxPosX = EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - boxSize.x - 10;
float boxPosY = 42;
ColorLegendBox.Draw( new Rect( boxPosX, boxPosY, boxSize.x, boxSize.y ), title, colorLegend );
return base.OnGUI();
public override void OnEntitySelectionChange( NodeData[] selection )
if ( selection.Length == 1 )
// spawn an inspectorhelper for the node and select it
var inspectorHelper = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NodeGUIInspectorHelper>();
inspectorHelper.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
inspectorHelper.UpdateNode( new NodeGUI( selection[ 0 ] ) );
Selection.activeObject = inspectorHelper;
base.OnEntitySelectionChange( selection );
public override Rect DrawContent( NodeData entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext )
{ = = GetNodeKindColor( entity.Kind );
return DrawUtil.DrawContent( new GUIContent( entity.Name ), drawContext );
//return base.DrawContent( entity, drawContext );
public override string GetEntityTooltip( NodeData entity )
return string.Empty;
public static Color GetNodeKindColor( NodeKind nodeKind )
ColorLegendEntry colorEntry;
bool kindColorExists = NodeKindColor.TryGetValue( nodeKind, out colorEntry );
return kindColorExists ? colorEntry.color : Color.grey;
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seldomU commented Oct 26, 2016

Put this file into an editor folder. There should appear a new backend in RelationsInspector, called BundleBuildBackend. Select it and press its Start button. The AssetBundle Graph Tool has be installed.

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