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Selena Deckelmann selenamarie

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selenamarie / foss_skills.txt
Created July 12, 2013 20:35
This is a list of skills & concepts taught in "first patch", "beginner" and "introductory" free/open source software training programs I've been part of or read about. Anything I'm missing?
"Technical" skills:
* Distributed revision control
* Pair programming
* Testing
* Documentation
* Automation (for build, testing and deployment)
"Non-technical" skills:
* Finding documentation/help
* Mentoring
Monitor, you were
a single point of failure
i will not miss, much.
import pika
parameters = pika.URLParameters('STUFF HERE')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel =
channel.queue_declare(queue='socorro.priority', durable=True)
with open('/tmp/uuid_list1000', 'r') as file:
for uuid in
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key="socorro.priority", body=uuid, properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2))
print 'done with', uuid
selena@zhongzong:chesnok #522 12:15 :) hexo migrate wordpress ~/Downloads/selenadeckelmann.wordpress.2013-10-19.xml
Fetching /Users/selena/Downloads/selenadeckelmann.wordpress.2013-10-19.xml.
Parsing XML.
1716 posts migrated.
selenamarie / gist:7208066
Created October 29, 2013 02:05
finding busted json
for i in `seq 1 59`; do
psql breakpad -c "SELECT 1 from raw_crashes where json_object_field_text(raw_crash, 'AdapterVendorID') is not NULL and json_object_field_text(raw_crash, 'AdapterDeviceID') is NOT NULL and date_processed >= '2013-10-26 17:09:${num}+00'::timestamptz AND date_processed <= '2013-10-26 17:09:${num2}+00'::timestamptz"
echo $i
selenamarie /
Last active August 14, 2016 17:53
Lamb Vindaloo Nachos

Mutton Curry Nachos

  • Leftover Mutton Curry (see below)
  • Tortilla Chips
  • 1/4 cup extra sharp cheddar

Fill a bowl 1/2 way with chips. Grate some cheese on top. Cover with re-heated curry.

Mutton Curry

WITH j_1 AS (
SELECT subject
FROM wb_v_latest_triples a
a.predicate = 'type' AND a.obj_value = ''
WITH j_2 AS (
SELECT subject
FROM wb_v_latest_triples a
selenamarie /
Last active January 3, 2016 01:49
PyLadies PDX guiding principles

We focus on catering to everyone that comes to our classes. We aim for 100% understanding.

We want you to learn from each other. We'd like the people you meet here to be colleagues for the rest of your career, regardless of what you do.

Starting out anything new is very hard. We base our course work on 20+ years of experiencing doing, but not teaching. We have a huge gap to overcome in our teaching. Sometimes, our pacing is off, or our explanations fall flat. Our job is to do better next time; your job is to let us know -- ask questions in class, and tell us after class what doesn't work for you.

Our spaces are designed for learning. Come ready to collaborate with others, try new, difficult and unfamiliar things.

We want you to be confident experimentors who can communicate with other programmers.

data input:

List of Product Versions

nightly aurora beta release 29.0a1 28.0a2 27.0b 26.0