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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Fantasy Football Draft Order
@Grab(group='commons-cli', module='commons-cli', version='1.1')
class DraftOrder {
static main(args) {
def cli = new CliBuilder(header: '\nAvailable options (use -h for help):\n')
cli.with {
h(longOpt: 'help', 'Usage Information', required: false)
t(longOpt: 'teams', "File which contains the team names", args: 1, required: true)
s(longOpt: 'seeds', 'File which contains the a list of random prime numbers used for randomization', args: 1, required: false)
//These are simply prime numbers which were randomly selected out of
//the first million prime numbers, this helps ensure the random generator
//acts a bit more randomly. 20 numbers were chosen, as that represents the
//number of players on a team
def defaultSeeds = [66749, 303917, 1206479, 2848493, 3950599,
4448099, 5903789, 7157273, 8853661, 9068069,
10462607, 11435833, 12085699, 12956927, 13504571,
13833433, 14162821, 14381797, 15373511, 15485581]
def randomSeeds = defaultSeeds
def teams = []
def opt = cli.parse(args)
def teamFileName = opt.t ?: opt.teams
def teamData = new File(teamFileName).text
teamData.eachLine { teams << it }
def seedsFileName = opt.s ?: opt.seeds
if (seedsFileName) {
def seedsData = new File(seedsFileName).text
seedsData.eachLine {
randomSeeds << (it as int)
def results = teams.collectEntries { [it, 0] } //Everyone starts with 0 points
randomSeeds.eachWithIndex { randomSeed, roundNumber ->
//Randomly sort the team names with the random prime number
//The random order is then randomly shuffled each round.
Collections.shuffle(teams, new Random(randomSeed))
println "Random Team Order for Round ${roundNumber + 1}\n${teams}"
//Iterate over the list, and add the total to the user's current score -- adding one, as the counter starts at 0
teams.eachWithIndex { teamName, index ->
results[teamName] = results[teamName] + index + 1
println "\n\nFinal Results. Lowest point total receives first pick:\n ${results.entrySet().sort{it.value}}"
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