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Created November 27, 2019 05:56
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Pulls data from the majorIncidents feed every 10 minutes, printing a summary of nearby incidents.
import math, json, time, re
import urllib.request
MI_URL = ""
def get_features_from_net():
start = time.time()
data = urllib.request.urlopen(MI_URL).read()
loadtime = time.time()
result = json.loads(data)["features"]
jsontime = time.time()
print("Downloaded new data at {}\nLoading took {:.5f}s\nDecoding took {:.5f}s\nTotal {:.6f}s\n".format(
time.ctime(loadtime), loadtime - start, jsontime - loadtime, jsontime - start))
return result
RADIUS_LIMIT = 100 # view things within 100km
UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60 * 10 # 10 minutes
# for some reason RFS gives coordinates in [lon, lat] format, so we do this too
MY_COORDS = [0, 0]
deg2rad = lambda deg: math.pi * deg / 180
def geodist(x, y): # adapted from
R = 6371 # mean radius of earth, in km
# destructure coords to lat/lon
lon1, lat1 = x
lon2, lat2 = y
phi1 = deg2rad(lat1)
phi2 = deg2rad(lat2)
deltaphi = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1) / 2
deltalambda = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1) / 2
a = math.sin(deltaphi) * math.sin(deltaphi) \
+ math.cos(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) * math.sin(deltalambda) \
* math.sin(deltalambda)
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
return R * c # output is distance in km
# original:
# getpoint =
# lambda feature:
# feature["geometry"]["geometries"][0]["coordinates"] if "geometries" in feature["geometry"] else feature["geometry"]["coordinates"]
def getpoint(feature):
# if there are multiple geometries for this feature
if "geometries" in feature["geometry"]:
# first geometry seems to always be the point, probably should check this though
return feature["geometry"]["geometries"][0]["coordinates"]
# if there's only one geometry it should just be a point
return feature["geometry"]["coordinates"]
gettitle = lambda feature: feature["properties"]["title"]
# returns (index, distance, coordinate)
def points_by_distance(features, ref_coord):
# extract coordinates from the feature list,
# attaching the feature index and distance to ref_coord to them
def makepoint(index_and_feature):
index, feature = index_and_feature # unpack index and feature
point = getpoint(feature)
return (index, geodist(ref_coord, point), point)
points = map(makepoint, enumerate(features))
# now return the points as a list sorted by distance
return sorted(points, key = lambda p: p[1])
# gets properties and distances of events within the specified radius in km
def within(features, sorted_points, radius):
for p in sorted_points:
if p[1] > radius:
break # stop when radius exceeded
yield (p[1], features[p[0]]["properties"])
STATUS_REGEX = re.compile(r"STATUS: ([^<]+)")
TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r"TYPE: ([^<]+)")
while True:
#features = json.loads(open("majorIncidents.json").read())["features"]
features = get_features_from_net()
sorted_points = points_by_distance(features, MY_COORDS)
print("Closest event: {:6.2f} km away, {}\n".format(
sorted_points[0][1], gettitle(features[sorted_points[0][0]])))
print("Within {} km:".format(RADIUS_LIMIT))
any_within = False
for (distance, prop) in within(features, sorted_points, RADIUS_LIMIT):
any_within = True
# attempt to pull status and type strings from description
def from_desc(regex, default="<unknown>"):
match =["description"])
if match:
return default
status = from_desc(STATUS_REGEX)
ftype = from_desc(TYPE_REGEX)
print("* {:6.2f} km {:>16}: {}\t- {} {}".format(
distance, prop["category"], prop["title"], status, ftype))
if "guid" in prop:
print(" {}\n".format(prop["guid"]))
if not any_within:
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