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Last active June 23, 2020 12:11
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  • Save selenologist/d4b50694e04bcfafbea606a3fe9f94cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Stupid latency compensation rollback system
name = "game-state-recomputation"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["luna <>"]
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
im = "15.0"
use im::OrdMap;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::ops::Bound::{Included, Unbounded};
enum Input {
// Up,
// Left,
// Destroy
type Tick = usize;
type PlayerId = usize;
type PlayerInputs = BTreeMap<(Tick, PlayerId), Input>;
type VariableId = usize;
type VariableValue = usize;
type ChangeId = (PlayerId, VariableId);
type Changes = BTreeSet<ChangeId>;
type ChangesByTick = BTreeMap<Tick, Changes>;
type Values = OrdMap<ChangeId, VariableValue>;
type State = OrdMap<Tick, Values>;
// maximum amount a player input can be behind the server tick
const MAX_STALE_STATE: usize = 4;
fn main() {
let mut state = State::new();
let mut changes_by_tick: ChangesByTick = BTreeMap::new();
let mut sorted_inputs = PlayerInputs::new();
let mut server_tick: Tick = 0;
let mut recompute_from = 0;
let mut last_values = Values::new();
let mut player_tick = BTreeMap::new();
enum Event {
Advance, // Advance server tick
ReceivedInput(Tick, PlayerId, Input) // inputs as they come off the wire
let events: Vec<Event> = vec![
Event::ReceivedInput(0, 0, Input::Create),
Event::ReceivedInput(0, 1, Input::Create),
Event::Advance, // ST 1
Event::Advance, // ST 2
Event::Advance, // ST 3
Event::Advance, // ST 4
Event::ReceivedInput(1, 0, Input::Down),
Event::Advance, // ST 5
Event::ReceivedInput(2, 0, Input::Right),
Event::Advance, // ST 6
fn eval(current_values: &mut Values, tick_changes: &mut Changes,
tick: Tick, pid: PlayerId, input: &Input)
println!("eval tick {} pid {} input {:?}", tick, pid, input);
match input {
Input::Create => {
tick_changes.insert((pid, 0)); // changed x coordinate
tick_changes.insert((pid, 1)); // changed y coordinate
current_values.insert((pid, 0), 0);
current_values.insert((pid, 1), 0);
Input::Right => {
tick_changes.insert((pid, 0)); // changed x coordinate
// the above should happen regardless if the next update actually fails
current_values.entry((pid, 0)).and_modify(|x| { *x += 1 });
Input::Down => {
tick_changes.insert((pid, 1)); // changed y coordinate
current_values.entry((pid, 1)).and_modify(|y| { *y += 1 });
_ => unimplemented!()
let mut advance = |sorted_inputs: &PlayerInputs, server_tick: Tick, mut recompute_from: Tick|
println!("Computing server tick {} from {}", server_tick, recompute_from);
// cleanup bad states
state = {
// invalidate any more recent states
let (keep_state, _discarded) = state.split(&(recompute_from + 1));
// and also any older than permitted
if server_tick > MAX_STALE_STATE+3 {
let oldest_tick = server_tick.saturating_sub(MAX_STALE_STATE + 3);
let (_discarded, keep_state) = keep_state.split(&oldest_tick);
else {
// dirty values during this Advance, including dirty values from last tick
let mut current_changes = Changes::new();
// changes made in a previous computation of this tick should also be considered
// changes this time, so that values that change as a result of recomputation can
// be invalidated and replaced.
fn load_previous_dirty(changes_by_tick: &ChangesByTick,
current_changes: &mut Changes,
previous_tick: Tick)
if let Some(last_advance_changes) = changes_by_tick.get(&previous_tick) {
println!("load tick {} dirty {:?}", previous_tick, last_advance_changes);
// append these changes only to the Advance-wide changes, not to the
// current tick's changes
for changes in last_advance_changes.iter() {
else {
println!("load tick {} dirty failed", previous_tick); // this is normal
fn store_dirty(changes_by_tick: &mut ChangesByTick,
current_changes: &mut Changes,
tick: Tick, tick_changes: Changes)
// add this tick's changes to the changes made this Advance
for change in tick_changes.iter() {
println!("store tick {} dirty {:?}", tick, tick_changes);
// finally store those changes so the next Advance knows what to change
changes_by_tick.insert(tick, tick_changes);
// current values during this Advance
let mut current_values: Values =
if let Some((actual_last_tick, old_values)) = state.get_max() {
println!("Actually computing from state on tick {}: {:?}", actual_last_tick, old_values);
load_previous_dirty(&changes_by_tick, &mut current_changes, *actual_last_tick);
recompute_from = std::cmp::min(recompute_from, *actual_last_tick);
else {
println!("Actually computing from blank state");
let mut store_state = |tick, current_values|
println!("store tick {} values {:?}", tick, current_values);
// and store the current state for this tick
state.insert(tick, current_values);
let mut tick_changes = Changes::new(); // changes made during currently processed tick
let mut previous_tick = recompute_from; // tick on last iteration of this loop
for ((tick, pid), input) in sorted_inputs.range((Included((recompute_from, 0)), Unbounded)) {
// probably a better way to do these deref in the destructure above but I can't do it
let tick = *tick;
let pid = *pid;
if tick > previous_tick {
load_previous_dirty(&changes_by_tick, &mut current_changes, tick);
// get the changes for the previous tick this Advance by replacing
// tick_changes with an empty one
let previous_tick_changes = std::mem::replace(&mut tick_changes, Changes::new());
// store changes for the previous tick, adding them to current_changes too
store_dirty(&mut changes_by_tick, &mut current_changes,
previous_tick, previous_tick_changes);
// store the state at the end of the last tick,
// as the the start of this new tick
store_state(tick, current_values.clone());
previous_tick = tick;
eval(&mut current_values, &mut tick_changes, tick, pid, input);
// handle any changes made in the final tick.
store_dirty(&mut changes_by_tick, &mut current_changes, previous_tick, tick_changes);
// store current state as current server tick
store_state(server_tick, current_values.clone());
println!("Dirty values: {:?}", current_changes);
println!("Actual changes:");
let mut changes_count = 0;
for (pid, vid) in current_changes.iter() {
let (pid, vid) = (*pid, *vid);
let last = last_values.get(&(pid, vid));
let current = current_values.get(&(pid, vid));
if last != current {
println!(" {} {}: {:?} -> {:?}", pid, vid, last, current);
changes_count += 1;
println!(" ({} changes / {} dirty)", changes_count, current_changes.len());
last_values = current_values;
for event in events.into_iter() {
match event {
Event::ReceivedInput(tick, pid, input) => {
let oldest_tick = server_tick.saturating_sub(MAX_STALE_STATE + 2);
// remove inputs older than permitted
sorted_inputs = sorted_inputs.split_off(&(oldest_tick, 0));
if tick > server_tick {
panic!("Player {} sent tick {} ahead of server tick {}", pid, tick, server_tick);
else if tick < oldest_tick {
panic!("Player {} sent tick {} that was {} frames older than limit {} st {}",
pid, tick,
oldest_tick - tick, oldest_tick, server_tick);
let player_last_tick = player_tick
if tick <= *player_last_tick && tick > 0 {
panic!("Player {} sent out of order or duplicate tick {} after last tick {}",
pid, tick, *player_last_tick);
else {
*player_last_tick = tick;
sorted_inputs.insert((tick, pid), input);
if tick <= recompute_from {
// recompute next Advance from the oldest tick received since the last Advance
recompute_from = tick;
Event::Advance => {
server_tick += 1;
advance(&sorted_inputs, server_tick, recompute_from);
// default to latest server tick for next recompute tick
recompute_from = server_tick;
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