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Created November 10, 2019 06:12
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"pep8_max_line_length": 120,
//Add the underline rules to your colorscheme
//Look under Solarized - Light and CTRL + F for anaconda:
// If true anaconda draws gutter marks on line with errors.
"anaconda_gutter_marks": true,
If anaconda_gutter_marks is true, this determines what theme is used.
Theme 'basic' only adds dots and circles to gutter.
Other available themes are 'alpha', 'bright', 'dark', 'hard', "retina"
(for retina displays) and 'simple'. To see icons that will be used for
each theme check gutter_icon_themes folder in Anaconda package.
"anaconda_gutter_theme": "basic",
If 'outline' (default), anaconda will outline error lines.
If 'fill', anaconda will fill the lines.
If 'solid_underline', anaconda will draw a solid underline below regions.
If 'stippled_underline', anaconda will draw a stippled underline below regions.
If 'squiggly_underline', anaconda will draw a squiggly underline below regions.
If 'none', anaconda will not draw anything on error lines.
"anaconda_linter_mark_style": "none",
// Anaconda will remove all the lint marks from the buffer,
// while the user is typing by default (I prefer they stay)
"anaconda_linter_persistent": true,
If this is set to false, anaconda will not underline errors.
"anaconda_linter_underlines": true,
If this is set to true, anaconda will show errors inline.
"anaconda_linter_phantoms": false,
A list of pep8 error numbers to ignore.
The list of error codes is in this file:
Search for "Ennn:", where nnn is a 3-digit number.
E309 is ignored by default as it conflicts with pep257 E211
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