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Created October 10, 2014 16:51
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(ns biology.squid
(:use hard.core hard.input hard.tween unity.messages)
(:require unity.core))
(defn squid-start [this])
(defn squid-update [this]
(let [h (get-axis :horizontal)
v (get-axis :vertical)
body (component this "Rigidbody")
tail (find-name "squid|t.017")]
(when (key? "space") (.AddRelativeForce body -200 0 0))
(.AddRelativeTorque body (* h 100) 0 (* v 100))))
(defn get-tent [suffix]
(mapv find-name
(mapv #(str "squid|" % suffix)
["t" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i"])))
(def tcaplens [0.5 1.5 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.5 1.45 1.45 1.45])
(defn rig-squid []
(let [squid (clone! (resource "squid"))]
(mapv (fn [suf]
(let [tentvec (get-tent suf)]
(fn [idx gob]
(let [capcol (.AddComponent gob UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider)
body (.AddComponent gob UnityEngine.Rigidbody)
(set! (.center capcol) (vec3 [0 0.5 0]))
(set! (.radius capcol) (float (- 0.25 (* idx 0.01))))
(set! (.height capcol) (float (get tcaplens idx)))
(set! (.mass body) (float (- 0.06 (* idx 0.002))))
(set! (.drag body)(float 0.5))
(set! (.angularDrag body) (float 0.5))
(set! (.useGravity body) false)
(let [joint (.AddComponent gob UnityEngine.HingeJoint)
limits (JointLimits. )
ts (-v + (-v * (-v - (vec3 squid) (vec3 gob)) [0 1 1]))
lra (StringGroup/rotateVector3 (vec3 ts) (Quaternion/AngleAxis 90 (vec3 [0 0 1])))
localaxis (.InverseTransformDirection (.transform gob) (vec3 lra))
lmin (float (+ (* -3 idx) -15))
lmax (float (+ (* 3 idx) 15))
(set! (.axis joint) lra)
(set! (.useLimits joint) true)
(set! (.min limits) lmin)
(set! (.max limits) lmax)
(set! (.limits joint) limits)
(set! (.connectedBody joint) (component (get (vec (cons squid tentvec)) idx) "Rigidbody")))))
[".001" ".002" ".003" ".004" ".005" ".006" ".007" ".008" ])))
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