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Created February 16, 2014 00:50
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om data :fn usage
(sug/defcomp report
[data owner]
(fn [_ state]
(dom/li nil (prn-str (str (rand-int 100)) data) ))})
(sug/defcomp button
[data owner]
(fn [_ state]
(dom/ul nil
(sug/make report (:neg data) {:fn (fn [d] (conj d {:odd (filter odd? (:vals d))}))})
(sug/make report (:pos data) {})
(sug/defcomp router
[data owner]
(fn [_ state]
(dom/div nil
(sug/make button data {:fn (fn [d] (conj d {:neg {:vals (filter neg? (:things d) )}}) )})
(sug/make button data {:fn (fn [d] (conj d {:pos {:vals(filter pos? (:things d) )}}) )})
(dom/hr nil "")
)) })
(def DAT (atom {:things [2 4 6 8 -2 -4 -6 -8] :neg {:vals []} :pos {:vals []}}) )
(om/root DAT router (.getElementById js/document "main"))
(swap! DAT update-in [:things] #(conj % 3))
(swap! DAT update-in [:things 0] #(* % -1))
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