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Created September 12, 2019 19:45
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(defn self-serve-info [state]
(let [items (retail-cart-items)
kitchen-stuff? (< (count items) (count (keys @CART)))]
[:h1 "Self Serve Items"]
[:h2 "please pick up the following items from the Fridge or the Retail Shelf:"]
(for [[k items] (group-by :category items)]
^{:key (hash k)}
[:h1.category (id->category k)]
(for [item items]
^{:key (hash item)}
[retail-item (get @CART (:id item)) item])) ])) ]
(when kitchen-stuff?
[:h2 "The rest of your order is being prepared and will be ready shortly!"])]
[:button {:onClick (fn [e] (swap! state assoc :view :checkout-complete))}
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