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Created January 27, 2016 03:52
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(ns virtual.test
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]])
[css.units :as units]
[css.core :as css]
[dollar.bill :as $ :refer [$]]
[cljs.pprint :as pprint]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn ratom? [v] (instance? reagent.ratom/RAtom v))
(defn preparse [v]
(cond (integer? v) (str v "px")
(keyword? v) (clj->js v)
(number? v) (str v)
(vector? v) (mapv preparse v)
:else v))
(defn parse [v]
(let [res
(cond (string? v) ( v)
(vector? v) (mapv parse v)
:else [v])]
(if (or (sequential? res)(array? res))
(case (count res) 0 nil 1 (first res) (vec res))
(defn virtual-css [data]
(zipmap (keys data) (map (comp parse preparse) (vals data))))
(defn render-css-block [rule m]
(str "\n" rule " {\n"
(apply str (mapcat (fn [[k v]]
(interleave ["" (clj->js k) (str v)] [" " ":" ";\n"])) m)) "}"))
($/append (first ($ "head")) ($ "<div id='virtual'></div>"))
(def vdata (r/atom (virtual-css
{:window-width 1280
:divider-width "0.5em"})))
(def r1 (reaction (units/* (:window-width @vdata) 0.25)))
(defn shelfs []
[:style (render-css-block
{:top (:menu-height @vdata)
:width @r1 })])
(defn handles []
[:style (render-css-block
".shelf.left .handle"
{:left @r1
:width (:divider-width @vdata)})])
(defn workspace []
[:style (render-css-block
{:left (units/+ @r1 (:divider-width @vdata))})])
(defn interface []
[:div [shelfs][handles][workspace]])
(r/render-component interface (first ($ "#virtual")))
(swap! vdata update-in [:divider-width] #(units/- % 5))
(swap! vdata update-in [:window-width] #(units/+ % 100))
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hybrid om/next reagent UI

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