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Last active February 1, 2023 17:27
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Bash PowerShell Bash Example PowerShell Example
find Get-ChildItem find . -type f -name "matchme" Get-ChildItem -Filter "matchme" -Recurse -File
ls Get-ChildItem ls -R dir/ Get-ChildItem '.\dir' -Recurse
which Get-Command which python Get-Command python
env Get-ChildItem env: env Get-ChildItem env:
echo echo echo $ENV{'PATH'} echo $Env:path
grep Select-String grep 'foobar' file.txt Select-String -Path '.\file.txt'-Pattern 'foobar'
cp Copy-Item cp -R src/ dst/ Copy-Item -Path '.\src' -Destination '.\dst' -Recurse
cd Set-Location cd dir Set-Location -Path '.\dir'
pwd Get-Locatin
rm Remove-Item rm -rf dir Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -LiteralPath '.\dir'
alias Get-Alias alias ls Get-Alias -Definition Get-ChildItem
cat Get-Content cat file.txt Get-Content file.txt
clear cls, clear
touch New-Item touch file.txt New-Item file.txt
tail Get-Content tail -n10 file.txt Get-Content -Tail 10 .\file.txt
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