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Last active May 1, 2024 04:29
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FastAPI lifespan-scoped (singleton) dependencies
# Example of how I use it in my project. This file cannot be run as-is.
# The only difference with the example in the fastapi_singleton module docstring is
# the use of a subclassed FastAPI application to define type annotations
import fastapi
import fastapi_singleton
from . import config, schemas
from .db import Database
router = fastapi.APIRouter()
deps = fastapi_singleton.Dependencies()
class Application(fastapi.FastAPI):
"""Tiny wrapper to add better auto-completion and type-checking on application state."""
# Set in create_app
def conf(self) -> config.ServerConfig:
return self.state.config
def conf(self, value: config.ServerConfig) -> None:
self.state.config = value
# Set in _db
def db(self) -> Database:
return self.state.db
def db(self, value: Database) -> None:
self.state.db = value
def create_app(conf: config.ServerConfig) -> Application:
app = Application(...)
app.conf = conf
return app
# Dependencies
async def _db(app: Application) -> AsyncIterator[Database]:
"""Provide database."""
db = Database(app.conf)
app.db = db
yield db
# no tear-down
@router.get("/models", response_model=List[schemas.Model])
def get_models(db: Database = _db) -> List[schemas.Model]:
"""Get available models."""
return db.get_models()
import os
from .app import create_app
from .config import read_config
config_file = os.environ["APP_CONFIG_FILE"]
conf = read_config(config_file)
app = create_app(conf)
# This file is complete, and should run as-is.
Add support for lifespan-scoped (named singleton in most DI frameworks) dependencies to ``fastapi``.
``fastapi.Depends`` is called on every request. This wraps ``fastapi.FastAPI.on_event("startup"|"shutdown")``
and ``fastapi.Depends``, so as to provide a way to register lifespan-scoped dependencies.
.. code-block:: python
from typing import AsyncIterator
import fastapi
import fastapi_singleton
# For demo purposes
class Database:
def __init__(self, db_url): ...
async def start(self): ...
async def shutdown(self): ...
router = fastapi.APIRouter()
deps = fastapi_singleton.Dependencies()
async def get_database(app: fastapi.FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[Database]:
config = app.state.config
db = Database(config.db_url)
await db.start()
yield db
await db.shutdown()
def get_users(db: Database = get_database):
def create_app(config):
app = fastapi.FastAPI()
app.state.config = config
# ...
.. note::
So as to keep things simple, the implementation has one caveat: the dependency is
systematically setup/shutdown with the application, regardless of whether its
dependant is called.
.. seealso::
import contextlib
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Dict
import fastapi
DependencyType = Callable[[Any], AsyncIterator[Any]]
_sentinel_start = object()
_sentinel_shutdown = object()
class Dependencies:
"""Dependency container."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._registry: Dict[DependencyType, Any] = {} # dependency function -> value
def singleton(self, func: DependencyType) -> Any:
Register a singleton dependency provider.
:return: A (unresolved) dependency, which can be used wherever the return
value of ``fastapi.Depends()`` would be used.
def get_value() -> Any:
value = self._registry[func]
if value is _sentinel_start:
raise RuntimeError("Application not started yet.")
if value is _sentinel_shutdown:
raise RuntimeError("Application already shut down.")
return value
self._registry[func] = _sentinel_start
return fastapi.Depends(get_value)
def connect(self, app: fastapi.FastAPI) -> None:
"""Connect registered dependencies with the application."""
for dep in self._registry:
# Defining functions in a for-loop is error-prone (watch out for early binding)
# and kinda ugly
self._connect_one(app, dep)
def _connect_one(self, app: fastapi.FastAPI, dep: DependencyType) -> None:
# Don't instantiate the context manager yet, otherwise it can only be used once
cm_factory = contextlib.asynccontextmanager(dep)
stack = contextlib.AsyncExitStack()
async def startup() -> None:
resolved = await stack.enter_async_context(cm_factory(app))
self._registry[dep] = resolved
async def shutdown() -> None:
await stack.pop_all().aclose()
self._registry[dep] = _sentinel_shutdown
app.add_event_handler("startup", startup)
app.add_event_handler("shutdown", shutdown)
import contextlib
import pytest
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
from app import create_app
from config import ServerConfig
def mk_client():
stack = contextlib.ExitStack()
def inner(conf):
app = create_app(conf)
client = TestClient(app)
return client
with stack:
yield inner
def test_example(mk_client):
client = mk_client(ServerConfig(...))
# Complete tests for
from typing import AsyncIterator, List
import fastapi
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
import fastapi_singleton
class Application(fastapi.FastAPI):
"""Test annotations allow for subclassing without having ``mypy`` bark."""
router = fastapi.APIRouter()
deps = fastapi_singleton.Dependencies()
async def get_events(app: Application) -> AsyncIterator[List[str]]:
events =
yield events
@router.get("/", response_model=List[str])
def index(events: List[str] = get_events) -> List[str]:
return events
def create_app(events: List[str]) -> Application:
app = Application() = events
return app
def test_fastapi_singleton() -> None:
events: List[str] = []
app = create_app(events)
with TestClient(app) as client:
assert events == ["start"]
response = client.get("/")
assert response.json() == ["start", "/"]
assert events == ["start", "/"]
assert events == ["start", "/", "shutdown"]
# ♪ One More Time ♪
# Make sure the context manager isn't exhausted the first time
with TestClient(app) as client:
assert events == ["start", "/", "shutdown", "start"]
assert events == ["start", "/", "shutdown", "start", "shutdown"]
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Thanks for this 😄

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Thanks! This should really be a PyPi library!

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