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Last active August 10, 2023 14:59
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a search engine in 200 lines
import re
import math
import operator
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import numpy as np
class Tokenizer:
def __init__(self, stop_words, ):
self.stop_words = stop_words
def token_generator(self, s):
letters_and_digits_only = re.compile('[a-z0-9]+')
for token in letters_and_digits_only.findall(s.lower()):
if token not in self.stop_words:
yield token
class Scorer:
def get_tf_idf(tf, number_of_pages, df):
weighted_tf = 1 + math.log10(tf)
idf = math.log10(number_of_pages / df)
return weighted_tf * idf
class Indexer:
def __init__(self, tokenizer, scorer):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.scorer = scorer
def get_count_index(self, pages):
# count terms
count_index = defaultdict(list)
for url, content, links in pages:
counts = Counter(self.tokenizer.token_generator(content))
for token, count in counts.items():
count_index[token].append((url, count))
return count_index
def get_weighted_index(self, count_index, number_of_pages):
# add tf-idf weights
weighted_index = defaultdict(list)
for token, docs in count_index.items():
df = len(docs)
for url, count in docs:
weight = self.scorer.get_tf_idf(count, number_of_pages, df)
weighted_index[token].append((url, weight))
return weighted_index
def get_normalized_index(self, weighted_index):
# normalize tf-idf weights
weights_by_url = defaultdict(list)
for docs in weighted_index.values():
for url, weight in docs:
normalized_index = defaultdict(list)
for term, docs in weighted_index.items():
for url, weight in docs:
doc_norm = np.linalg.norm(weights_by_url.get(url))
if doc_norm == 0:
normalized_weight = weight
normalized_weight = round(weight / doc_norm, 3)
normalized_index[term].append((url, normalized_weight))
return normalized_index
def get_index(self, pages):
number_of_pages = len(pages)
count_index = self.get_count_index(pages)
weighted_index = self.get_weighted_index(count_index, number_of_pages)
normalized_index = self.get_normalized_index(weighted_index)
return normalized_index
class PageRank:
def __init__(self, scorer):
self.max_iterations = 10000
self.teleport_rate = 0.1
self.page_rank = None
self.scorer = scorer
def get_cosine_similarity_scores(self, index, number_of_pages, query):
query_terms = set(query.split())
related_terms = set(term for term in query_terms if term in index)
query_tf_idfs = {term: self.scorer.get_tf_idf(1, number_of_pages, len(index[term])) for term in related_terms}
query_vector_norm = np.linalg.norm(list(query_tf_idfs.values()))
scores = defaultdict(int)
for term in related_terms:
query_term_weight = query_tf_idfs.get(term) / query_vector_norm
for url, weight in index[term]:
scores[url] += weight * query_term_weight
return sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
def split_link_weight(number_of_pages, url, links):
if not links:
return 1 / number_of_pages
if url in links:
return 1 / len(links)
return 0
def create_transition_matrix(self, pages):
urls = [url for url, content, links in pages]
number_of_pages = len(pages)
transition_probabilities = [
self.split_link_weight(number_of_pages, url, links) for url in urls
for url, content, links in pages
transition_matrix = np.matrix(transition_probabilities)
markov_transition_matrix = self.teleport(number_of_pages, transition_matrix)
return markov_transition_matrix
def teleport(self, number_of_pages, transition_matrix):
return transition_matrix * (1 - self.teleport_rate) + self.teleport_rate / number_of_pages
def power_method(self, number_of_pages, transition_matrix):
# initial ranking score is 1/N for every page
ranks = [1 / number_of_pages] * number_of_pages
for i in range(self.max_iterations):
new_ranks = ranks * transition_matrix
logging.debug(f"step {i} {new_ranks}")
if np.allclose(ranks, new_ranks):
ranks = new_ranks
return ranks.reshape(-1, ).tolist().pop()
def create_page_rank(self, pages):
transition_matrix = self.create_transition_matrix(pages)
logging.debug(f"transition_matrix {transition_matrix}")
ranks = self.power_method(len(pages), transition_matrix)
urls = [page[0] for page in pages]
page_rank = {
url: round(rank, 3)
for url, rank in zip(urls, ranks)
return page_rank
class SearchEngine():
def __init__(self, indexer, ranker):
self.indexer = indexer
self.ranker = ranker
self.index = self.page_rank = self.number_of_pages = None
def start(self, pages):
self.index = self.indexer.get_index(pages)
self.page_rank = self.ranker.create_page_rank(pages)
self.number_of_pages = len(pages)
def search(self, query):
cosine_similarity_scores = self.ranker.get_cosine_similarity_scores(self.index, self.number_of_pages, query)
logging.debug(f"cosine_similarity_scores {cosine_similarity_scores}")
final_scores = [(url, score * self.page_rank.get(url)) for url, score in cosine_similarity_scores]
results = sorted(final_scores, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
return results
def test_search_engine(pages):
stop_words = {"the", "a", "an", "is", "this", "to"}
tokenizer = Tokenizer(stop_words)
scorer = Scorer()
indexer = Indexer(tokenizer, scorer)
ranker = PageRank(scorer)
engine = SearchEngine(indexer, ranker)
logging.debug(f"page_rank {engine.page_rank}")
while True:
query = input("search > ")
if query:
results =
if results:
print("no results")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO fuzzy search
# TODO lexrank summarizer
# TODO integrate with the async crawler
pages = [
("", "oh romeo wherefore art thou?", ["", "", ""]),
("", "These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends", ["", ""]),
("", "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.", ["", ""]),
("", "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.", ["", ""]),
("", "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.", ["", ""]),
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