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Created June 11, 2021 20:05
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const { IgApiClient } = require('instagram-private-api');
const ig = new IgApiClient();
(async () => {
await ig.simulate.preLoginFlow();
const auth = await ig.account.login(process.env.USERNAME, process.env.PASSWORD);
const followersFeed = ig.feed.accountFollowers(;
const followingFeed = ig.feed.accountFollowing(;
Getting followers
const followers = await getAllItemsFromFeed(followersFeed);
Getting following
const following = await getAllItemsFromFeed(followingFeed);
Making a new map of users username
const users = new Set({ username }) => username));
Filtering through the ones who aren't following you
const notFollowingYou = following.filter(({ username }) => !users.has(username))
Looping through and unfollowing each user;
for (const user of notFollowingYou) {
adding a 1000, so it can always be above 1 seconds delay.
const time = Math.round(Math.random() * (6000)) + 1000;
setTimeout(async () => {
await ig.friendship.destroy(;
console.log(`unfollowed ${user.username}`)
}, time)
const getAllItemsFromFeed = async (feed) => {
let items = [];
do {
items = items.concat(await feed.items());
} while(feed.isMoreAvailable());
return items;
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