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Created January 1, 2018 18:57
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# run unique baby names from the babynames package through the sorting hat
# used in
# to check the distribution of results
# house lookup ------------------------------------------------------------
houses <- c("0" = "Hufflepuff",
"1" = "Gryffindor",
"2" = "Ravenclaw",
"3" = "Slytherin",
"4" = "Hufflepuff",
"5" = "Gryffindor",
"6" = "Ravenclaw",
"7" = "Slytherin",
"8" = "Hufflepuff",
"9" = "Gryffindor",
"a" = "Ravenclaw",
"b" = "Slytherin",
"c" = "Hufflepuff",
"d" = "Gryffindor",
"e" = "Ravenclaw",
"f" = "Slytherin"
# get unique names --------------------------------------------------------
student_names <- unique(babynames::babynames$name)
# Get house name ----------------------------------------------------------
get_house <- function(student_name){
name_hash <- digest::sha1(tolower(student_name))
house_index <- substr(name_hash, 1, 1)
house <- houses[house_index]
# main --------------------------------------------------------------------
house_results <- lapply(student_names, get_house)
housedf <- data.frame(cbind(house_results), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
dplyr::count(housedf, unlist(housedf$house_results))
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Thank you very much for the informative survey of the command line arugment paser packages!

re: this code, I think convert hex to decimal and take mod might be less tedious.

# run unique baby names from the babynames package through the sorting hat
# used in
# to check the distribution of results

# house lookup ------------------------------------------------------------
houses <- c("Hufflepuff", "Gryffindor", "Ravenclaw", "Slytherin")

# get unique names --------------------------------------------------------
student_names <- unique(babynames::babynames$name)

# Get house name ----------------------------------------------------------
get_house <- function(student_name){
  name_hash <- digest::sha1(tolower(student_name))
  house_index <- strtoi(substr(name_hash, 1, 1), base = 16) %% 4 + 1
  house <- houses[house_index]

# main --------------------------------------------------------------------
house_results <- lapply(student_names, get_house)
housedf <- data.frame(cbind(house_results), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
dplyr::count(housedf, unlist(housedf$house_results))
#> # A tibble: 4 x 2
#>   `unlist(housedf$house_results)`     n
#>   <chr>                           <int>
#> 1 Gryffindor                      23783
#> 2 Hufflepuff                      23587
#> 3 Ravenclaw                       23913
#> 4 Slytherin                       23742

Created on 2018-04-15 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).

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