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Last active October 31, 2017 05:03
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Converts Bootstrap HTML to ClojureScript Om Code
(ns com.seltzer1717.term.server.parsehtml
( FileReader FileWriter BufferedReader BufferedWriter)
(javax.swing.text.html HTMLEditorKit HTMLEditorKit$ParserCallback HTML$Tag HTML$UnknownTag HTML$Attribute)
(javax.swing.text.html.parser ParserDelegator)))
(def new-elements
#{"section" "article" "main" "aside" "header" "footer" "nav" "figure"
"figcaption" "template" "video" "audio " "track" "source" "embed"
"mark" "progress" "meter" "time" "ruby" "rt" "rp" "bdi" "wbr" "canvas"
"datalist" "keygen" "output" "abbr" "acronym" "bdo" "button" "col"
"colgroup" "del" "fieldset" "frame" "frameset" "iframe" "ins" "label"
"legend" "noframes" "noscript" "object" "optgroup" "q" "s" "span"
"tbody" "tfoot" "thead"})
(def attribute-conversion
{"class" "className"
"tabindex" "tabIndex"
"accesskey" "accessKey"
"spellcheck" "spellCheck"
"contenteditable" "contentEditable"
"hreflang" "hrefLang"
"crossorgin" "crossOrigin"
"autoplan" "autoPlay"
"mediagroup" "mediaGroup"
"onafterprint" "onAfterPrint"
"onbeforeprint" "onBeforePrint"
"onbeforeunload" "onBeforeUnload"
"onhashchange" "onHashChange"
"onmessage" "onMessage"
"onoffline" "onOffline"
"ononline" "onOnline"
"onpagehide" "onPageHide"
"onpageshow" "onPageShow"
"onpopstate" "onPopState"
"onstorage" "onStorage"
"onunload" "onUnload"
"formaction" "formAction"
"formenctype" "formEnctype"
"formmethod" "formMethod"
"formnovalidate" "formNoValidate"
"formtarget" "formTarget"
"autocomplete" "autoComplete"
"novalidate" "noValidate"
"onabort" "onAbort"
"onblur" "onBlur"
"oncancel" "onCancel"
"oncanplay" "onCanPlay"
"oncanplaythrough" "onCanPlayThrough"
"onchange" "onChange"
"onclick" "onClick"
"oncuechange" "onCueChange"
"ondblclick" "onDblClick"
"ondurationchange" "onDurationChange"
"onemptied" "onEmptied"
"onended" "onEnded"
"onerror" "onError"
"onfocus" "onFocus"
"oninput" "onInput"
"oninvalid" "onInvalid"
"onkeydown" "onKeyDown"
"onkeypress" "onKeyPress"
"onkeyup" "onKeyUp"
"onload" "onLoad"
"onloadeddata" "onLoadedData"
"onloadedmetadata" "onLoadedMetadata"
"onloadstart" "onLoadStart"
"onmousedown" "onMouseDown"
"onmouseenter" "onMouseEnter"
"onmouseleave" "onMouseLeave"
"onmousemove" "onMouseMove"
"onmouseout" "onMouseOut"
"onmouseover" "onMouseOver"
"onmouseup" "onMouseUp"
"onmousewheel" "onMouseWhell"
"onpause" "onPause"
"onplay" "onPlay"
"onplaying" "onPlaying"
"onprogress" "onProgress"
"onratechange" "onRateChange"
"onreset" "onReset"
"onresize" "onResize"
"onscroll" "onScroll"
"onseeked" "onSeeked"
"onseeking" "onSeeking"
"onselect" "onSelect"
"onshow" "onShow"
"onstalled" "onStalled"
"onsubmit" "onSubmit"
"onsuspend" "onSuspend"
"ontimeupdate" "onTimeUpdate"
"ontoggle" "onToggle"
"onvolumechange" "onVolumeChange"
"onwaiting" "onWaiting"})
(defn- prepare-environment [in out]
{:buff-reader (BufferedReader. (FileReader. in))
:buff-writer (BufferedWriter. (FileWriter. out))
:indent-size (atom 0)
:indentation (char-array " ")
:tag-text (atom "")})
(defn- handleComment-impl [{:keys [buff-writer indent-size indentation]} chars pos]
(if (not (.isEmpty (.trim (String. chars))))
(do (.newLine buff-writer)
(.write buff-writer indentation 0 @indent-size)
(.write buff-writer ";; ")
(.write buff-writer (.trim (String. chars))))))
(defn- handleEndTag-impl [{:keys [buff-writer tag-text indent-size indentation] :as environment} tag pos]
(if (not (.isEmpty (.trim @tag-text)))
(do (.newLine buff-writer)
(.write buff-writer indentation 0 @indent-size)
(.write buff-writer (str "\"" (.trim @tag-text) "\""))))
(swap! tag-text (constantly ""))
(.write buff-writer ")")
(swap! indent-size - 2))
(defn- start-tag [{:keys [buff-writer indent-size indentation]} tag]
(if (not= "HTML" (.toUpperCase (.toString tag)))
(do (.newLine buff-writer)
(.write buff-writer indentation 0 @indent-size)))
(->> tag
(str "(dom/")
(.write buff-writer))
(swap! indent-size + 2))
(defn- attribute-iteration [{:keys [buff-writer indent-size indentation]} att-names atts size]
(while (.hasMoreElements att-names)
(let [att (.nextElement att-names)
att-name (.toString att)
name-adj (get attribute-conversion att-name att-name)
att-value (.getAttribute atts att-name)]
(.write buff-writer (str ":" name-adj " " "\"" att-value "\""))
(swap! size dec)
(if (pos? @size)
(do (.newLine buff-writer)
(.write buff-writer indentation 0 @indent-size))))))
(defn- handleStartTag-impl [{:keys [buff-writer indent-size indentation] :as environment} tag atts pos]
(start-tag environment tag)
(let [att-names (.getAttributeNames atts)
size (atom (.getAttributeCount atts))]
(.newLine buff-writer)
(.write buff-writer indentation 0 @indent-size)
(.write buff-writer "#js{")
(swap! indent-size + 4)
(attribute-iteration environment att-names atts size)
(.write buff-writer "}")
(swap! indent-size - 4)))
(defn- handleSimpleTag-impl [environment tag atts pos]
(let [tag-name (.toString tag)
newtag? (contains? new-elements (.toString tag-name))
endtag? (= "true" (.getAttribute atts HTML$Attribute/ENDTAG))]
(if newtag?
(if endtag?
(handleEndTag-impl environment tag pos)
(handleStartTag-impl environment tag atts pos))
(do (handleStartTag-impl environment tag atts pos)
(handleEndTag-impl environment tag pos)))))
(defn- handleText-impl [environment chars pos]
(swap! (:tag-text environment) str (String. chars)))
(defn- close-environment [{:keys [buff-reader buff-writer]}]
(.flush buff-writer)
(.close buff-writer)
(.close buff-reader))
(defn convert [in out]
(let [environment (prepare-environment in out)
callback (proxy [HTMLEditorKit$ParserCallback] []
(handleComment [chars pos] (handleComment-impl environment chars pos))
(handleEndTag [tag pos] (handleEndTag-impl environment tag pos))
;; EditorKit only supports HTML 3.2, newer tags/attributes throw errors, does not block
(handleError [msg pos])
(handleSimpleTag [tag atts pos] (handleSimpleTag-impl environment tag atts pos))
(handleStartTag [tag atts pos] (handleStartTag-impl environment tag atts pos))
(handleText [chars pos] (handleText-impl environment chars pos)))
parser (ParserDelegator.)]
(.parse parser (:buff-reader environment) callback true)
(close-environment environment)))
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