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Last active February 24, 2020 17:00
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Web Services with Clojure
;; Example use of Java annotations in Clojure.
;; The example uses javax.jws package to build a simle web service.
;; Make sure you have Clojure and Java.
;; This example uses Clojure 1.8.0 and JDK8.
;; Create the following folder structure:
;; | webCalculator
;; | > src
;; | > com
;; | > example
;; | > service
;; | - calculator.clj
;; | > classes
;; Navigate to 'webCalculator' folder and launch the REPL at Command Prompt:
;; "<path to jdk>/bin/java.exe" -cp "<path to clojure>/clojure-1.8.0.jar;src;classes;. clojure.main
;; (I'm on Windows 10 - Do what you need to do for your OS.)
;; At REPL type:
;; (load "com/example/service/calculator")
;; (compile 'com.example.service.calculator)
;; (def ep (com.example.service.calculator/endpoint))
;; Now we're going to create the client classes from our published web service.
;; "<path to jdk>/bin/wsimport.exe" -d classes -s src -keep -verbose http://localhost:1965/calculator?wsdl
;; Finally run client from another REPL:
;; (let [service (com.example.service.calculator.CalculatorTypeService.)
;; calculator (.getCalculatorTypePort service)]
;; (println "2+3: " (.add calculator 2 3))
;; (println "4+7: " (.add calculator 4 7)))
;; When done you should stop the endpoint in the first REPL:
;; (.stop ep)
(ns com.example.service.calculator
(javax.jws WebService WebMethod)
( Endpoint)))
(defprotocol Calculator
(add [this a b]))
^{WebService {:targetNamespace ""}}
CalculatorType []
(^{WebMethod []} add [this a b] (+ a b)))
(defn endpoint []
(Endpoint/publish "http://localhost:1965/calculator" (CalculatorType.)))
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