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Created November 26, 2013 21:35
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This file contains some of the exercises found in "A Gentle Introduction to ML".
(* This file contains some of the exercises found in "A Gentle Introduction to ML" *)
(* right here: *)
(* Compiled using Moscow ML compiler version 2.01 *)
fun double x = 2 * x;
fun inc x = x + 1;
fun adda s = s ^ "a";
fun triple x = 3 * x;
fun times4 x = double(double x);
fun times6 x = double(triple x);
fun times9 x = triple(triple x);
fun aveI(x, y) = (x + y) div 2;
fun aveR(x, y) = (x + y) / 2.0;
fun duplicate s = s ^ s;
fun quadricate s = duplicate s ^ duplicate s;
fun octicate s = quadricate s ^ quadricate s;
fun hexadecicate s = octicate s ^ octicate s;
fun clip s = substring(s, 0, size s - 1);
fun middle s = substring(s, size s div 2, 1);
fun dtrunc s = substring(s, 1, size s - 2);
fun incFirst s = implode(chr(ord(hd(explode s)) + 1)::nil) ^ substring(s, 1, size s - 1);
fun switch s = substring(s, size s div 2, size s div 2) ^ substring(s, 0, size s div 2);
fun dubmid s = substring(s, 0, size s div 2 + 1) ^ substring(s, size s div 2, size s div 2 + 1);
(* val fone = fn : int -> int list *)
fun fone(x:int) = [x,x,x];
(* val 'a ftwo = fn : 'a -> 'a * 'a * 'a *)
fun ftwo(x) = (x,x,x);
(* val fthree = fn : string * string -> string list *)
fun fthree(x,y) = [x ^ "b", y];
(* val 'a ffour = fn : int * string * 'a -> int * 'a *)
fun ffour(x,y,z) = (x + (size y), z)
val first = hd o explode;
val second = hd o tl o explode;
val third = hd o tl o tl o explode;
val fourth = hd o tl o tl o tl o explode;
(* I'm getting errors, I can't contatente a char *)
(*fun roll s = fourth s ^ first s ^ second s ^ third s;*)
(*fun exch s = second s ^ first s ^ third s ^ fourth s;*)
fun madeup(a, b, c) = b + size(c)::a;
fun factorial 0 = 1
| factorial n = n * factorial(n - 1);
fun t 0 = 0
| t n = 2 + t(n - 1);
fun d 0 = "de"
| d n = "dd" ^ d(n - 1) ^ "da";
fun h 0 = 1
| h n = h(n - 1) + h(n - 1);
fun m(a, 0) = 0
| m(a, b) = a + m(a, b - 1);
fun f 0 = 0
| f n = 1 - f(n - 1);
fun g 0 = 0
| g n = g(n - 1) + 2 * n - 1;
fun l 0 = 0
| l n = n mod 10 + l(n div 10);
fun j 0 = nil
| j n = (n mod 2)::j(n div 2);
fun sumto 0 = 0
| sumto n = n + sumto(n - 1);
fun listfrom 0 = nil
| listfrom n = n::listfrom(n - 1);
fun strcpy(s, 0) = ""
| strcpy(s, n) = s ^ strcpy(s, n - 1);
fun power(a, 0) = 1
| power(a, b) = a * power(a, b - 1);
fun listcpy(a, 0) = nil
| listcpy(a, b) = a::listcpy(a, b - 1);
fun sumEvens 0 = 0
| sumEvens 1 = 0
| sumEvens n = n + sumEvens(n - 2);
fun listOdds 0 = nil
| listOdds 1 = [1]
| listOdds n = n::listOdds(n - 2);
fun nat 0 = "zero"
| nat n = "succ(" ^ nat(n - 1) ^ ")";
fun listTo 0 = nil
| listTo n = listTo(n - 1) @ [n];
fun sum nil = 0
| sum(h::t) = h + sum t;
fun doublist nil = nil
| doublist(h::t) = 2 * h :: doublist t;
fun len nil = 0
| len(h::t) = 1 + len t;
fun triplist nil = nil
| triplist(h::t) = 3 * h :: triplist t;
fun duplist nil = nil
| duplist(h::t) = h::h::duplist t;
fun prodlist nil = 1
| prodlist(h::t) = h * prodlist t;
fun vallist nil = nil
| vallist(h::t) = ord(h)::vallist t;
fun rev nil = nil
| rev(h::t) = (rev t) @ [h];
fun space nil = nil
| space(h::t) = h::" "::space t;
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