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Last active June 28, 2022 21:46
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Function Combinators with Ramda

Function Combinators with Ramda

Original Idea comes from Avaq/combinators.js.

Name # Haskell Ramda Crocks Functional Signature Functor m ⇒ Function f, g, h Evaluation
identity I id identity identity a → a
constant K const always constant a → b → a
eager application¹ A ($) call (() → b) → b
lazy application thunkify, partial (a → b) → a → (() → b)
thrush T (&) applyTo applyTo a → (a → b) → b
tap tap tap (a → b) → a → a
flip C flip flip flip (a → b → c) → b → a → c f(b, a)
compose B (.), fmap² map², o composeB (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c (b → c) → m b → m c f(g(a))
substitution S ap² ap² substitution (a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c m (b → c) → m b → m c f(a, g(a))
chain chain² (a → b → c) → (b → a) → b → c (a → m c) → m a → m c f(g(b), b)
duplication W join² unnest² (a → a → b) → a → b m (m b) → m b f(a, a)
lift converge, lift converge (b → c → d) → (a → b) → (a → c) → a → d (b → c → d) → m b → m c → m d f(g(a), h(a))
useWith useWith compose2 (c → d → e) → (a → c) → (b → d) → a → b → e f(g(a), h(b))
psi P on on psi (b → b → c) → (a → b) → a → a → c f(g(a1), g(a2))
"compose inner" map³ (a → d → c) → (b → d) → (a → b → c) Functor n ⇒ m (d → c) → n d → m n c f(a, g(b))
"lift partial" map (d → b → c) → (a → d) → (a → b → c) Functor n ⇒ (d → n c) → m d → m n c f(g(a), b)
unit unit () → undefined

¹) The A-combinator can be implemented as an alias of the I-combinator. Its implementation in Haskell exists because the infix nature gives it some utility. Its implementation in Ramda exists because it is overloaded with additional functionality.

²) Algebras like ap have different implementations for different types. They work like Function combinators only for Function inputs.

³) (mfd2c, nd) => map( fd2c => map(fd2c)(nd) )( mfd2c )

⁴) (fd2nc, md) => map(fd2nc, md)

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