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Created February 27, 2017 20:44
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open tactic
open smt_tactic
def pointwise_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal."
run_command attribute.register `pointwise_attribute
def pointwise_2_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise_2,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal, generating two subgoals."
run_command attribute.register `pointwise_2_attribute
/- Try to apply one of the given lemas, it succeeds if one of them succeeds. -/
meta def any_apply : list name → tactic unit
| [] := failed
| (c::cs) := (mk_const c >>= fapply) <|> any_apply cs
meta def smt_simp : tactic unit := using_smt $ intros >> try simp
meta def smt_ematch : tactic unit := using_smt $ intros >> add_lemmas_from_facts >> try ematch
meta def pointwise (and_then : tactic unit) : tactic unit :=
do cs ← attribute.get_instances `pointwise,
try (any_apply cs >> and_then)
meta def pointwise_2 (and_then : tactic unit) : tactic unit :=
do cs ← attribute.get_instances `pointwise_2,
try (any_apply cs >> repeat_at_most 2 and_then)
attribute [pointwise] funext
meta def blast : tactic unit := smt_simp >> pointwise blast >> pointwise_2 blast -- pointwise equality of functors creates two goals
notation `♮` := by abstract { blast }
@[pointwise] lemma {u v} pair_equality {α : Type u} {β : Type v} { X: α × β }: (X^.fst, X^.snd) = X := begin induction X, blast end
@[pointwise] lemma {u v} pair_equality_1 {α : Type u} {β : Type v} { X: α × β } { A : α } ( p : A = X^.fst ) : (A, X^.snd) = X := begin induction X, blast end
@[pointwise] lemma {u v} pair_equality_2 {α : Type u} {β : Type v} { X: α × β } { B : β } ( p : B = X^.snd ) : (X^.fst, B) = X := begin induction X, blast end
attribute [pointwise] subtype.eq
def {u} auto_cast {α β : Type u} {h : α = β} (a : α) := cast h a
@[simp] lemma {u} auto_cast_identity {α : Type u} (a : α) : @auto_cast α α (by smt_ematch) a = a := ♮
notation `⟦` p `⟧` := @auto_cast _ _ (by smt_ematch) p
universe variables u v
structure Category :=
(Obj : Type u)
(Hom : Obj → Obj → Type v)
(identity : Π X : Obj, Hom X X)
(compose : Π { X Y Z : Obj }, Hom X Y → Hom Y Z → Hom X Z)
(left_identity : ∀ { X Y : Obj } (f : Hom X Y), compose (identity _) f = f)
(right_identity : ∀ { X Y : Obj } (f : Hom X Y), compose f (identity _) = f)
(associativity : ∀ { W X Y Z : Obj } (f : Hom W X) (g : Hom X Y) (h : Hom Y Z),
compose (compose f g) h = compose f (compose g h))
attribute [simp] Category.left_identity
attribute [simp] Category.right_identity
@[reducible] definition CategoryOfTypes : Category :=
Obj := Type u,
Hom := λ a b, a → b,
identity := λ a, id,
compose := λ _ _ _ f g, g ∘ f,
left_identity := ♮,
right_identity := ♮,
associativity := ♮
universe variables u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3
structure Functor (C : Category.{ u1 v1 }) (D : Category.{ u2 v2 }) :=
(onObjects : C^.Obj → D^.Obj)
(onMorphisms : Π { X Y : C^.Obj },
C^.Hom X Y → D^.Hom (onObjects X) (onObjects Y))
(identities : ∀ (X : C^.Obj),
onMorphisms (C^.identity X) = D^.identity (onObjects X))
(functoriality : ∀ { X Y Z : C^.Obj } (f : C^.Hom X Y) (g : C^.Hom Y Z),
onMorphisms (C^.compose f g) = D^.compose (onMorphisms f) (onMorphisms g))
attribute [simp] Functor.identities
attribute [simp] Functor.functoriality
-- We define a coercion so that we can write `F X` for the functor `F` applied to the object `X`.
-- One can still write out `onObjects F X` when needed.
instance Functor_to_onObjects { C D : Category }: has_coe_to_fun (Functor C D) :=
{ F := λ f, C^.Obj -> D^.Obj,
coe := Functor.onObjects }
@[reducible] definition IdentityFunctor ( C: Category ) : Functor C C :=
onObjects := id,
onMorphisms := λ _ _ f, f,
identities := ♮,
functoriality := ♮
@[reducible] definition FunctorComposition { C D E : Category } ( F : Functor C D ) ( G : Functor D E ) : Functor C E :=
onObjects := λ X, G (F X),
onMorphisms := λ _ _ f, G^.onMorphisms (F^.onMorphisms f),
identities := ♮,
functoriality := ♮
namespace Functor
notation F `∘` G := FunctorComposition F G
end Functor
structure NaturalTransformation { C D : Category } ( F G : Functor C D ) :=
(components: Π X : C^.Obj, D^.Hom (F X) (G X))
(naturality: ∀ { X Y : C^.Obj } (f : C^.Hom X Y),
D^.compose (F^.onMorphisms f) (components Y) = D^.compose (components X) (G^.onMorphisms f))
-- This defines a coercion so we can write `α X` for `components α X`.
instance NaturalTransformation_to_components { C D : Category } { F G : Functor C D } : has_coe_to_fun (NaturalTransformation F G) :=
{ F := λ f, Π X : C^.Obj, D^.Hom (F X) (G X),
coe := NaturalTransformation.components }
-- We'll want to be able to prove that two natural transformations are equal if they are componentwise equal.
@[pointwise] lemma NaturalTransformations_componentwise_equal
{ C D : Category }
{ F G : Functor C D }
( α β : NaturalTransformation F G )
( w : ∀ X : C^.Obj, α X = β X ) : α = β :=
induction α with αc,
induction β with βc,
have hc : αc = βc, from funext w,
by subst hc
@[reducible] definition IdentityNaturalTransformation { C D : Category } (F : Functor C D) : NaturalTransformation F F :=
components := λ X, D^.identity (F X),
naturality := ♮
@[reducible] definition vertical_composition_of_NaturalTransformations
{ C D : Category }
{ F G H : Functor C D }
( α : NaturalTransformation F G )
( β : NaturalTransformation G H ) : NaturalTransformation F H :=
components := λ X, D^.compose (α X) (β X),
naturality := begin
eblast_using [ Category.associativity, NaturalTransformation.naturality ]
@[reducible] definition horizontal_composition_of_NaturalTransformations
{ C D E : Category }
{ F G : Functor C D }
{ H I : Functor D E }
( α : NaturalTransformation F G )
( β : NaturalTransformation H I ) : NaturalTransformation (FunctorComposition F H) (FunctorComposition G I) :=
components := λ X : C^.Obj, E^.compose (β (F X)) (I^.onMorphisms (α X)),
naturality := begin
eblast_using [ Category.associativity, Functor.functoriality, NaturalTransformation.naturality ]
definition whisker_on_left
{ C D E : Category }
( F : Functor C D )
{ G H : Functor D E }
( α : NaturalTransformation G H ) :
NaturalTransformation (FunctorComposition F G) (FunctorComposition F H) :=
horizontal_composition_of_NaturalTransformations (IdentityNaturalTransformation F) α
definition whisker_on_right
{ C D E : Category }
{ F G : Functor C D }
( α : NaturalTransformation F G )
( H : Functor D E ) :
NaturalTransformation (FunctorComposition F H) (FunctorComposition G H) :=
horizontal_composition_of_NaturalTransformations α (IdentityNaturalTransformation H)
@[reducible] definition ProductCategory (C : Category.{u1 v1}) (D : Category.{u2 v2}) : Category :=
Obj := C^.Obj × D^.Obj,
Hom := (λ X Y : C^.Obj × D^.Obj, C^.Hom (X^.fst) (Y^.fst) × D^.Hom (X^.snd) (Y^.snd)),
identity := λ X, (C^.identity (X^.fst), D^.identity (X^.snd)),
compose := λ _ _ _ f g, (C^.compose (f^.fst) (g^.fst), D^.compose (f^.snd) (g^.snd)),
left_identity := ♮,
right_identity := ♮,
associativity := begin
eblast_using [ Category.associativity ]
namespace ProductCategory
notation C `×` D := ProductCategory C D
end ProductCategory
@[reducible] definition ProductFunctor { A B C D : Category } ( F : Functor A B ) ( G : Functor C D ) : Functor (A × C) (B × D) :=
onObjects := λ X, (F X^.fst, G X^.snd),
onMorphisms := λ _ _ f, (F^.onMorphisms f^.fst, G^.onMorphisms f^.snd),
identities := ♮,
functoriality := ♮
namespace ProductFunctor
notation F `×` G := ProductFunctor F G
end ProductFunctor
definition ProductNaturalTransformation { A B C D : Category } { F G : Functor A B } { H I : Functor C D } (α : NaturalTransformation F G) (β : NaturalTransformation H I) : NaturalTransformation (F × H) (G × I) :=
components := λ X, (α X^.fst, β X^.snd),
naturality :=
eblast_using [ NaturalTransformation.naturality ]
namespace ProductNaturalTransformation
notation α `×` β := ProductNaturalTransformation α β
end ProductNaturalTransformation
definition ProductCategoryAssociator
( C : Category.{ u1 v1 } )
( D : Category.{ u2 v2 } )
( E : Category.{ u3 v3 } )
: Functor ((C × D) × E) (C × (D × E)) :=
onObjects := λ X, (X^.fst^.fst, (X^.fst^.snd, X^.snd)),
onMorphisms := λ _ _ f, (f^.fst^.fst, (f^.fst^.snd, f^.snd)),
identities := ♮,
functoriality := ♮
@[reducible] definition TensorProduct ( C: Category ) := Functor ( C × C ) C
structure PreMonoidalCategory
extends carrier : Category :=
(tensor : TensorProduct carrier)
namespace PreMonoidalCategory
notation X `⊗` Y := (PreMonoidalCategory.tensor _)^.onObjects (X, Y)
notation f `⊗` g := (PreMonoidalCategory.tensor _)^.onMorphisms (f, g)
end PreMonoidalCategory
instance PreMonoidalCategory_coercion : has_coe PreMonoidalCategory Category :=
@[reducible] definition PreMonoidalCategory.tensorObjects ( C : PreMonoidalCategory ) ( X Y : C^.Obj ) : C^.Obj := C^.tensor (X, Y)
@[reducible] definition PreMonoidalCategory.tensorMorphisms ( C : PreMonoidalCategory ) { W X Y Z : C^.Obj } ( f : C^.Hom W X ) ( g : C^.Hom Y Z ) : C^.Hom (C^.tensor (W, Y)) (C^.tensor (X, Z)) := C^.tensor^.onMorphisms (f, g)
@[reducible] definition PreMonoidalCategory.interchange
( C : PreMonoidalCategory )
{ U V W X Y Z: C^.Obj }
( f : C^.Hom U V )( g : C^.Hom V W )( h : C^.Hom X Y )( k : C^.Hom Y Z ) :
@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (U, X) (W, Z) ((C^.compose f g), (C^.compose h k)) = C^.compose (@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (U, X) (V, Y) (f, h)) (@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (V, Y) (W, Z) (g, k)) :=
@Functor.functoriality (C × C) C C^.tensor (U, X) (V, Y) (W, Z) (f, h) (g, k)
definition left_associated_triple_tensor ( C : PreMonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) : Functor ((C × C) × C) C :=
FunctorComposition (C^.tensor × IdentityFunctor C) C^.tensor
definition right_associated_triple_tensor ( C : PreMonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) : Functor (C × (C × C)) C :=
FunctorComposition (IdentityFunctor C × C^.tensor) C^.tensor
@[reducible] definition Associator ( C : PreMonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
(left_associated_triple_tensor C)
(FunctorComposition (ProductCategoryAssociator C C C) (right_associated_triple_tensor C))
@[reducible] definition Pentagon { C: PreMonoidalCategory } ( associator : Associator C ) :=
let α ( X Y Z : C^.Obj ) := associator ((X, Y), Z) in
∀ W X Y Z : C^.Obj,
C^.compose (α (W ⊗ X) Y Z) (α W X (Y ⊗ Z))
= C^.compose (C^.compose (C^.tensorMorphisms (α W X Y) (C^.identity Z)) (α W (X ⊗ Y) Z)) (C^.tensorMorphisms (C^.identity W) (α X Y Z))
structure MonoidalCategory
extends carrier : PreMonoidalCategory :=
(associator_transformation : Associator carrier)
(pentagon : Pentagon associator_transformation)
instance MonoidalCategory_coercion : has_coe MonoidalCategory.{u v} PreMonoidalCategory.{u v} :=
@[reducible] definition MonoidalCategory.tensorObjects ( C : MonoidalCategory ) ( X Y : C^.Obj ) : C^.Obj := C^.tensor (X, Y)
@[reducible] definition MonoidalCategory.tensorMorphisms ( C : MonoidalCategory ) { W X Y Z : C^.Obj } ( f : C^.Hom W X ) ( g : C^.Hom Y Z ) : C^.Hom (C^.tensor (W, Y)) (C^.tensor (X, Z)) := C^.tensor^.onMorphisms (f, g)
@[reducible] definition MonoidalCategory.interchange
( C : MonoidalCategory )
{ U V W X Y Z: C^.Obj }
( f : C^.Hom U V )( g : C^.Hom V W )( h : C^.Hom X Y )( k : C^.Hom Y Z ) :
@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (U, X) (W, Z) ((C^.compose f g), (C^.compose h k)) = C^.compose (@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (U, X) (V, Y) (f, h)) (@Functor.onMorphisms _ _ C^.tensor (V, Y) (W, Z) (g, k)) :=
@Functor.functoriality (C × C) C C^.tensor (U, X) (V, Y) (W, Z) (f, h) (g, k)
definition TensorProductOfTypes : TensorProduct CategoryOfTypes :=
onObjects := λ p, prod p.1 p.2,
onMorphisms := λ _ _ p, λ q, (p.1 q.1, p.2 q.2),
identities := ♮,
functoriality := ♮
definition MonoidalCategoryOfTypes : MonoidalCategory :=
CategoryOfTypes with
tensor := TensorProductOfTypes,
associator_transformation := {
components := λ p, λ t, (t.1.1,(t.1.2, t.2)),
naturality := ♮
pentagon := ♮
local attribute [reducible] lift_t coe_t coe_b
definition tensor_on_left { C: MonoidalCategory.{u v} } ( Z: C^.Obj ) : Functor.{u v u v} C C :=
onObjects := λ X, C^.tensorObjects Z X,
onMorphisms := λ X Y f, C^.tensorMorphisms (C^.identity Z) f,
identities := begin
rewrite Functor.identities (C^.tensor),
functoriality := begin
rewrite - C^.interchange,
rewrite C^.left_identity
@[reducible] definition pentagon_3step_1 ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
let α := C^.associator_transformation in
(α × IdentityNaturalTransformation (IdentityFunctor C))
@[reducible] definition pentagon_3step_2 ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
let α := C^.associator_transformation in
(ProductCategoryAssociator C C C × IdentityFunctor C)
((IdentityFunctor C × C^.tensor) × IdentityFunctor C))
@[reducible] definition pentagon_3step_3 ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
let α := C^.associator_transformation in
(ProductCategoryAssociator C C C × IdentityFunctor C)
(ProductCategoryAssociator C (C × C) C))
(IdentityNaturalTransformation (IdentityFunctor C) × α)
@[reducible] definition pentagon_3step ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
(pentagon_3step_1 C)
(pentagon_3step_2 C))
(pentagon_3step_3 C)
@[reducible] definition pentagon_2step_1 ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
let α := C^.associator_transformation in
((C^.tensor × IdentityFunctor C) × IdentityFunctor C)
@[reducible] definition pentagon_2step_2 ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
let α := C^.associator_transformation in
(ProductCategoryAssociator (C × C) C C)
(IdentityFunctor (C × C) × C^.tensor))
@[reducible] definition pentagon_2step ( C : MonoidalCategory.{ u v } ) :=
(pentagon_2step_1 C)
(pentagon_2step_2 C)
lemma pentagon_in_terms_of_natural_transformations
( C : MonoidalCategory ) :
pentagon_2step C = pentagon_3step C :=
repeat { unfold whisker_on_right }
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