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import Mathlib
/-- Call `sage` -/
def sageOutput (args : Array String) : IO String := do { cmd := "sage", args := args }
/-- Parse a string containing a list of integers. Should be a proper parser! -/
def String.parseNatList (l : String) : List ℕ :=
(((l.drop 1).dropRight 2).split (. = ' ')).map
(fun s => s.stripSuffix ",") |> .map String.toNat!
/-- An "unsafe" function that calls `sage` to find the prime factors of a number. -/
unsafe def sagePrimeFactorsUnsafe (n : ℕ) : List ℕ :=
let args := #["-c", s!"print(prime_factors({n}))"] ;
match unsafeBaseIO (sageOutput args).toBaseIO with
| .ok l => l.parseNatList
| .error _ => []
An "opaque" wrapper around the unsafe function.
This prevents the `unsafe` label propagating to definitions that use it,
but also prevent Lean from knowing anything about the implementation.
@[implemented_by sagePrimeFactorsUnsafe]
opaque sagePrimeFactors (n : ℕ) : List ℕ
def p := 22801763489
/-- info: [2, 7, 47, 309403] -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval sagePrimeFactors (p - 1)
def rdiv (n : ℕ) (m : ℕ) : ℕ := if n % m = 0 then rdiv (n / m) m else n
decreasing_by sorry
def rdiv' (n : ℕ) (ms : List ℕ) : ℕ := ms.foldl rdiv n
def safePrimeFactors (n : ℕ) : Finset ℕ :=
let candidates := sagePrimeFactors n
if candidates.all Nat.Prime && rdiv' n candidates = 1 then
Nat.primeFactors n
theorem safePrimeFactors_eq_primeFactors {n : ℕ} : safePrimeFactors n = Nat.primeFactors n := by
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