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Created February 26, 2019 11:44
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import tactic.norm_num
import data.nat.modeq
import data.zmod.basic
namespace MATH2222.Assignment1
section Question4
open nat
open nat.modeq
lemma eq_of_modeq {n m k : ℕ} (w : n ≡ m [MOD k]) (h : m < k) : ∃ s, k*s+m = n :=
rcases exists_eq_mul_right_of_dvd (dvd_of_modeq w.symm) with ⟨s, g⟩,
lemma modeq_of_eq {n m : ℕ} (h : n = m) (k : ℕ): n ≡ m [MOD k] :=
by rw h
-- @[simp] lemma zmod.cast_self_eq_zero' {n : ℕ} {h : n > 0} : (n : zmod ⟨n, h⟩) = 0 :=
-- zmod.cast_self_eq_zero
@[simp] lemma prod_zmod (n : ℕ+) : Π xs : list ℕ, ((( xs) : ℕ) : zmod n) = ( (λ x, (x : zmod n))) :=
lemma residue_3_has_residue_3_prime_factor (n : ℕ) : ∃ k : ℕ, prime (4*k+3) ∧ (4*k+3) ∣ (4*n+3) :=
have q : 4*n+3 > 0, sorry,
-- by_cases (∃ k : ℕ, 4*k+3 ∈ factors), -- nope, not decidable!
by_cases (∃ p ∈ factors (4*n+3), p ≡ 3 [MOD 4]),
-- Either one of the factors is 3 mod 4, and we're done
{ rcases h with ⟨p, f, m⟩,
rcases eq_of_modeq m (by norm_num) with ⟨w, rfl⟩,
use w,
have pp : prime (4 * w + 3), apply mem_factors f,
exact pp,
exact (mem_factors_iff_dvd q pp).1 f
-- Otherwise, all of the factors are 1 mod 4, and we get a contradiction
simp at h,
have h' : ∀ x ∈ factors (4*n+3), x ≡ 1 [MOD 4], sorry,
have h'' : ∀ x ∈ factors (4*n+3), (x : zmod 4) = 1, sorry,
clear h h',
have w := prod_factors q,
replace w := congr_arg (λ n : ℕ, (n : zmod 4)) w,
dsimp at w,
rw prod_zmod at w,
rw list.map_congr h'' at w,
simp at w,
erw [zero_mul] at w,
simp at w,
cases w,
end Question4
end MATH2222.Assignment1
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