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meta def blast : tactic unit := using_smt $ return ()
structure Category :=
(Obj : Type)
(Hom : Obj → Obj → Type)
structure Functor (C : Category) (D : Category) :=
(onObjects : C^.Obj → D^.Obj)
(onMorphisms : Π { X Y : C^.Obj },
C^.Hom X Y → D^.Hom (onObjects X) (onObjects Y))
meta def blast : tactic unit := using_smt $ return ()
structure Category :=
(Obj : Type)
(Hom : Obj → Obj → Type)
structure Functor (C : Category) (D : Category) :=
(onObjects : C^.Obj → D^.Obj)
(onMorphisms : Π { X Y : C^.Obj },
C^.Hom X Y → D^.Hom (onObjects X) (onObjects Y))
universe variables u v u1 u2 v1 v2
set_option pp.universes true
open smt_tactic
meta def blast : tactic unit := using_smt $ intros >> add_lemmas_from_facts >> repeat_at_most 3 ematch
notation `♮` := by blast
structure semigroup_morphism { α β : Type u } ( s : semigroup α ) ( t: semigroup β ) :=
(map: α → β)
open tactic
open smt_tactic
meta def blast : tactic unit := using_smt $ intros >> add_lemmas_from_facts >> try ematch >> try simp
universe variables u v
structure Category :=
(Obj : Type u)
(Hom : Obj → Obj → Type v)
universe variables u v
structure Category :=
(Obj : Type u)
(Hom : Obj → Obj → Type v)
universe variables u1 v1 u2 v2
structure Functor (C : Category.{ u1 v1 }) (D : Category.{ u2 v2 }) :=
(onObjects : C^.Obj → D^.Obj)
open tactic
open smt_tactic
def pointwise_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal."
run_command attribute.register `pointwise_attribute
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Stephen Morgan, Scott Morrison
open tactic
open smt_tactic
def pointwise_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal."
open tactic
open smt_tactic
def pointwise_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal."
run_command attribute.register `pointwise_attribute
open tactic
open smt_tactic
def pointwise_attribute : user_attribute := {
name := `pointwise,
descr := "A lemma that proves things are equal using the fact they are pointwise equal."
run_command attribute.register `pointwise_attribute
// Run a search
function runSearch() {
$('#popup-cite .search-spinner').removeSpinner().addSpinner();
$.getJSON('', { 'q': 'planar algebras' }, fetchCallback);
// Callback to run when search completes.
function fetchCallback(response) {