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Created May 18, 2020 17:10
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const fs = require('fs').promises;
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
const gzipSize = require('gzip-size');
const { filesize } = require('humanize');
const wpDeps = require('./wp-deps.json');
const filesFolder = './files'
const handleExternal = (dep, ext) => {
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'wc-blocks-data-store': 'wc-blocks-data',
if (dep.match(/wp-/)) {
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if (dep.match(/^wc-/)) {
return dep + '.js';
return dep + ext;
const handleInternal = (dep) => {
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'wp-polyfill': 'wp-polyfill',
'wc-blocks-data-store': 'wc-blocks-data',
if (wcHandleMap[dep]) {
return wcHandleMap[dep];
if (dep.match(/^wp-/)) {
return dep.replace(/^wp-/, '');
return dep;
.then(files => files.filter(file => file.match('frontend.js')))
.then(blocks =>
block => {
return fs
.readFile(`${filesFolder}/${block.replace('.js', '.asset.json')}`)
.then(dep => (JSON.parse(dep)).dependencies)
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if (dep.match(/^wc-/)) {
return fs.readFile(`${filesFolder}/${handleInternal(dep)}.asset.json`)
.then(d => (JSON.parse(d)).dependencies)
.then(d => [dep, ...d])
if (dep.match(/^wp-/)) {
return wpDeps[`${handleInternal(dep)}.js`] ? [dep, ...wpDeps[`${handleInternal(dep)}.js`].dependencies] : dep
return dep;
.then(m => Promise.all(m))
.then(m => m.flat(Infinity))
.then(deps => => {
if (dep.match(/^wc-/)) {
return fs.readFile(`${filesFolder}/${handleInternal(dep)}.asset.json`)
.then(d => (JSON.parse(d)).dependencies)
.then(d => [dep, ...d])
if (dep.match(/^wp-/)) {
return wpDeps[`${handleInternal(dep)}.js`] ? [dep, ...wpDeps[`${handleInternal(dep)}.js`].dependencies] : dep
return dep;
.then(m => Promise.all(m))
.then(e => [block, e])
.then(m => Promise.all(m))
.then(m =>[key, value]) => [key, value.flat(Infinity)]))
.then(m =>[key, value]) => [key, [ Set(value)]]))
.then(m =>[key, value]) => {
const values = => {
const fileSize = gzipSize.sync(readFileSync(`${filesFolder}/${handleExternal(f, '.min.js')}`))
return [f, fileSize, filesize(fileSize)]
.sort((f1, f2) => f2[1] - f1[1])
return [key, values];
.then(e => e.sort((f1, f2) => f2[1][1] - f1[1][1]))
.then(m => Object.fromEntries(m))
.then(e => console.log(e))
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