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Created March 17, 2023 19:20
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prepare to gather the ticket details and call to Sendbird for the agent’s Sendbird credentials.
const collectDataToPassToModal = async () => {
//Get current user/agent's details for fetching Sendbird Credentials and passing to the calls modal.
const agentData = await'loggedInUser'); //
const ticketCreatorData = await'contact'); //
//Any unique identifier from the agent can be used in Sendbird.
//Additionally, it would be possible at this point to create the user in Sendbird.
//Here we only fetch the user but you could try to fetch the user and if that fails create a new user using the server.js functions.
const sendbirdUser = await fetchSendbirdUserCredentials(agentData.loggedInUser.org_agent_id) //
return {agentData, ticketCreatorData, sendbirdUser}
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