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Last active January 22, 2021 11:11
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Voting system for ERC777 with history
contract Voting {
using SafeMath for uint256;
enum VoteStatus {
enum VotingResult {
struct VotingDetails {
uint256 myTokenTotalSupplySnapshot;
uint256 createdAt;
uint256 duration;
uint256 totalAccepted;
uint256 totalRejected;
bool executed;
string description;
mapping(address => VoteStatus) voteByAccount;
event VotingStarted(uint256 indexed votingId);
event VotePlaced(uint256 indexed votingId, address voter, VoteStatus status, uint256 voteWeight);
event VotingExecuted(uint256 indexed votingId, VotingResult result);
uint256 votingIdsCounter;
mapping(uint256 => VotingDetails) votings;
address myToken;
constructor(address _myToken) public {
myToken = _myToken;
function startVoting(uint256 duration, string calldata description) external {
// checking inputs
require(IERC20(myToken).balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, "You should possess at least some tokens to be able to start a voting");
// creating new voting
uint256 votingId = votingIdsCounter++;
votings[votingId] = VotingDetails(
emit VotingStarted(votingId);
function vote(uint256 votingId, VoteStatus status) external {
VotingDetails storage votingDetails = votings[votingId];
// checking inputs
require(votingDetails.createdAt > 0, "The voting does not exist");
require(status != VoteStatus.NONE, "Invalid vote");
require(votingDetails.createdAt != block.timestamp, "Unable to vote right after the voting's start");
require(votingDetails.createdAt.add(votingDetails.duration) > block.timestamp, "Too late to vote");
require(votingDetails.voteByAccount[msg.sender] == VoteStatus.NONE, "The voter already voted");
uint256 accountWeight = IERC777WithHistory(myToken).balanceAt(msg.sender, votingDetails.createdAt);
require(accountWeight > 0, "The caller is unable to vote");
votingDetails.voteByAccount[msg.sender] = status;
Add here a subtracting of previous vote and remove 'already voted' require from above
if you want to implement re-vote scheme
change this to votingDetails.totalAccepted.add(1) if you want '1 account = 1 vote' scheme
(dont forget to check for any required to vote balance and also change executeVoting() votingThreshold part)
if (status == VoteStatus.ACCEPT) {
votingDetails.totalAccepted = votingDetails.totalAccepted.add(accountWeight);
} else {
votingDetails.totalRejected = votingDetails.totalRejected.add(accountWeight);
emit VotePlaced(votingId, msg.sender, status, accountWeight);
function executeVoting(uint256 votingId) external {
VotingDetails storage votingDetails = votings[votingId];
// checking inputs
require(votingDetails.createdAt > 0, "The voting does not exist");
require(!votingDetails.executed, "The voting was already executed");
require(votingDetails.createdAt.add(votingDetails.duration) < block.timestamp, "To early to execute");
// calculating voting result
// the voting considered successful only when total voted weight is more than 20% of total supply
uint256 votingThreshold = votingDetails.myTokenTotalSupplySnapshot.mul(Utils.VOTING_THRESHOLD_PERCENT) / 100;
VotingResult result;
if (votingDetails.totalAccepted.add(votingDetails.totalRejected) >= votingThreshold) {
if (votingDetails.totalAccepted > votingDetails.totalRejected) {
result = VotingResult.ACCEPT;
} else {
result = VotingResult.REJECT;
} else {
result = VotingResult.NOT_APPLIED;
votingDetails.executed = true;
emit VotingExecuted(votingId, result);
Put here any automatic action you want which would execute only when result == VotingResult.ACCEPT
function getVoteOf(uint256 votingId, address voter) external view returns (VoteStatus) {
VotingDetails storage votingDetails = votings[votingId];
return votingDetails.voteByAccount[voter];
function getVoting(uint256 votingId) external view returns (
uint256 createdAt,
uint256 duration,
string memory description,
bool executed,
uint256 totalAccepted,
uint256 totalRejected
) {
VotingDetails storage votingDetails = votings[votingId];
return (
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