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Last active April 17, 2021 19:48
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ERC777 with history
contract ERC777WithHistory is ERC777 {
struct BalanceSnapshot {
uint256 timestamp;
uint256 balance;
* @dev Each account has a history of how it's balance changed over time
mapping(address => BalanceSnapshot[]) balanceSnapshots;
string memory name_,
string memory symbol_,
address[] memory defaultOperators_
ERC777(name_, symbol_, defaultOperators_)
* @dev This function returns a balance of the account at any moment of history
function balanceAt(address account, uint256 timestamp) external view returns (uint256) {
BalanceSnapshot[] storage accountHistory = balanceSnapshots[account];
// if the timestamp is earlier than the first balance snapshot - it's balance is 0
// or if there is no history for account - it's balance is 0
uint256 historyLength = accountHistory.length;
if (historyLength == 0 || timestamp < accountHistory[0].timestamp) {
return 0;
uint256 lastIndex = historyLength.sub(1);
// if the timestamp is more recent than the last balance snapshot - it's balance is the last balance
if (timestamp >= accountHistory[lastIndex].timestamp) {
return accountHistory[lastIndex].balance;
// otherwise - binary search based lookup
uint256 snapshotIdx = balanceSnapshotLookup(accountHistory, 0, lastIndex, timestamp);
return accountHistory[snapshotIdx].balance;
* @dev This function helps the user save some fee money, when they call some other function that
* invokes balanceOf(account, timestamp). By calling this function the user deletes their history except the most
* recent entry. The user should understand that after invoking that function, they are no longer able to prove their
* balance history.
function clearAccountHistory() external {
BalanceSnapshot[] storage accountHistory = balanceSnapshots[_msgSender()];
uint256 historyLength = accountHistory.length;
// if the callers history is empty or contains only one snapshot - return
if (historyLength < 2) {
// otherwise delete callers history except the most recent snapshot
BalanceSnapshot memory recentSnapshot = accountHistory[historyLength.sub(1)];
delete balanceSnapshots[_msgSender()];
// called on every transfer by _beforeTokenTransfer()
function updateAccountHistory(address account, uint256 accountBalance) internal {
BalanceSnapshot[] storage accountHistory = balanceSnapshots[account];
// if history is empty - just add new entry
uint256 historyLength = accountHistory.length;
if (historyLength == 0) {
accountHistory.push(BalanceSnapshot(block.timestamp, accountBalance));
} else {
BalanceSnapshot storage lastSnapshot = accountHistory[historyLength.sub(1)];
if (lastSnapshot.timestamp == block.timestamp) {
// if there are multiple updates during one block - only save the most recent balance per block
lastSnapshot.balance = accountBalance;
} else {
// otherwise just add new balance snapshot
accountHistory.push(BalanceSnapshot(block.timestamp, accountBalance));
// Uses binary search to find the closest to timestamp balance snapshot
function balanceSnapshotLookup(
BalanceSnapshot[] storage accountHistory,
uint256 begin,
uint256 end,
uint256 timestamp
) internal view returns (uint256) {
// split in half
uint256 midLeft = begin.add((end.sub(begin)) / 2);
uint256 midRight = midLeft.add(1);
uint256 leftTimestamp = accountHistory[midLeft].timestamp;
uint256 rightTimestamp = accountHistory[midRight].timestamp;
// if we're in between (left is lower, right is higher) or if we found exact value - return its index
if ((leftTimestamp <= timestamp && rightTimestamp > timestamp)) {
return midLeft;
if (rightTimestamp == timestamp) {
return midRight;
// if we're higher than both left and right, repeat for the left side
if (leftTimestamp < timestamp && rightTimestamp < timestamp) {
return balanceSnapshotLookup(accountHistory, midRight, end, timestamp);
// if we're lower than both left and right, repeat for the right side
if (leftTimestamp > timestamp && rightTimestamp > timestamp) {
return balanceSnapshotLookup(accountHistory, begin, midLeft, timestamp);
// it is impossible, because we checked boundaries before
return Utils.MAX_UINT;
* Using openzeppelins hook to update history on every change
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal override virtual {
if (from != Utils.EMPTY_ADDRESS) {
updateAccountHistory(from, balanceOf(from).sub(amount));
if (to != Utils.EMPTY_ADDRESS) {
updateAccountHistory(to, balanceOf(to).add(amount));
super._beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, amount);
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