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Created August 16, 2013 06:47
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* Enable debug mode. Quform will try to display any fatal PHP errors or exceptions at
* your form. It's useful to have this enabled while developing your form, but
* you should set this to false on production sites.
define('QUFORM_DEBUG', true);
define('QUFORM_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once QUFORM_ROOT . '/common.php';
* Success message, displayed when the form is successfully submitted
$config['successMessage'] = 'Your message has been sent, thank you.';
* Whether or not to send the notification email. You may wish to disable this if you are
* saving the form data to the database for example. true or false
$config['email'] = false;
* Configure the recipients of the notification email message. For a single
* recipient use the following format:
* $config['recipients'] = '';
* You can add multiple email addresses by adding one on each line inside an
* array, enclosed in quotes, separated by commas. E.g.
* $config['recipients'] = array(
* '',
* ''
* );
$config['recipients'] = '';
* Set the "From" address of the emails. You should set this to the contact
* email address of your website. Some hosts require that the email
* address is one that is associated with your hosting account.
* You can set this to be an email address string e.g.
* $config['from'] = '';
* Or you can also include a name with your email address using an array e.g.
* $config['from'] = array('' => 'Company');
* Or you can set it to use a submitted email address. This example will get the
* submitted address in the 'email' field. E.g.
* $config['from'] = '%email%';
$config['from'] = '';
* The subject of the notification email message. %first_name% will be replaced
* with the form submitted value in the first_name field.
$config['subject'] = 'All elements example';
* Set the "Reply-To" email address of the notification email to
* the email address submitted in the email field.
$config['replyTo'] = '%email%';
* The file containing the HTML body of the notification email.
$config['emailBody'] = '/emails/notification.php';
* Whether or not to show empty fields from the notification email. true or false
$config['showEmptyFields'] = false;
* Whether or not to send an autoreply email. true or false
$config['autoreply'] = false;
* Sets the autoreply recipient to the email address submitted to the email field
* If you want the email to show from their name submitted from the name field as well, you
* can use the code:
* $config['autoreplyRecipient'] = array('%email%' => '%name%');
$config['autoreplyRecipient'] = '%email%';
* The subject of the autoreply email
$config['autoreplySubject'] = 'Thanks for your message, %name%';
* Set the "From" address of the autoreply email.
* See the comment at the $config['from'] setting for options.
$config['autoreplyFrom'] = '';
* The file containing the HTML body of the autoreply email
$config['autoreplyBody'] = '/emails/autoreply.php';
* Redirect the user when the form is successfully submitted by entering a URL here.
* By default, users are not redirected.
* $config['redirect'] = '';
$config['redirect'] = '';
* Whether or not to save the form data to a database. true or false
* You can configure the database settings further down in this file. See the documentation
* for help.
$config['database'] = true;
* Whether or not to save uploaded files to the server. true or false
$config['saveUploads'] = true;
* The path to save any uploaded files. This folder must be writeable by the
* web server, you may need to set the folder permissions to 777 on Linux servers.
$config['uploadPath'] = QUFORM_ROOT . '/uploads';
* Set this to the URL of the above folder to be sent links to uploaded
* files in the notification email. E.g.
* $config['uploadUrl'] = '';
$config['uploadUrl'] = '';
* (Optional) Configure your SMTP settings, only 'host' is required. If your server
* needs authentication, set your username and password. If these settings are left
* blank the emails will be sent using the PHP mail() function.
* host - SMTP server (e.g.
* port - SMTP port (e.g. 25)
* username - SMTP username
* password - SMTP password
* encryption - SMTP encryption (e.g. ssl or tls)
$config['smtp'] = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 25,
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'encryption' => 'ssl'
// Add the visitor IP to the email
$config['extra']['IP address'] = Quform::getIPAddress();
$textInput = new Quform_Element('text_input', 'Text input');
$textInput2 = new Quform_Element('text_input2', 'Text input 2');
$textInput3 = new Quform_Element('text_input3', 'Text input 3');
$textInput4 = new Quform_Element('text_input4', 'Text input 4');
$textInput5 = new Quform_Element('text_input5', 'Text input 5');
$textInput6 = new Quform_Element('text_input6', 'Text input 6');
$textInput7 = new Quform_Element('text_input7', 'Text input 7');
function process(Quform $form, array &$config)
// Process the form
if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
// Custom code section #1 - see documentation for examples
// End custom code section #1
try {
$attachments = array();
$elements = $form->getElements();
// Process uploaded files
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Quform_Element_File
&& array_key_exists($element->getName(), $_FILES)
&& is_array($_FILES[$element->getName()])) {
$file = $_FILES[$element->getName()];
if (is_array($file['error'])) {
// Process multiple upload field
foreach ($file['error'] as $key => $error) {
if ($error === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$fileData = array(
'path' => $file['tmp_name'][$key],
'filename' => Quform_Element_File::filterFilename($file['name'][$key]),
'type' => $file['type'][$key],
'size' => $file['size'][$key]
if ($config['saveUploads'] && $element->getSave()) {
$result = Quform_Element_File::saveUpload($config['uploadPath'], $config['uploadUrl'], $fileData, $element);
if (is_array($result)) {
$fileData = $result;
if ($element->getAttach()) {
$attachments[] = $fileData;
} else {
// Process single upload field
if ($file['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$fileData = array(
'path' => $file['tmp_name'],
'filename' => Quform_Element_File::filterFilename($file['name']),
'type' => $file['type'],
'size' => $file['size']
if ($config['saveUploads'] && $element->getSave()) {
$result = Quform_Element_File::saveUpload($config['uploadPath'], $config['uploadUrl'], $fileData, $element);
if (is_array($result)) {
$fileData = $result;
if ($element->getAttach()) {
$attachments[] = $fileData;
} // element exists in $_FILES
} // foreach element
// Save to a MySQL database
if ($config['database']) {
// Connect to MySQL
mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'root') or die(mysql_error());
// Select the database
mysql_select_db('toyplanet') or die(mysql_error());
// Set the connection encoding
if (strtolower(QUFORM_CHARSET) == 'utf-8') {
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8") or die(mysql_error());
$upload = $form->getValue('upload');
if (isset($upload[0])) {
$filename = $upload[0]['filename'];
$path = $upload[0]['path'];
$query .= "`upload_filename` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($filename) . "',";
$query .= "`name` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($path) . "',";
// Build the query
$query = "INSERT INTO concurso_aviones SET ";
$query .= "`Nombre` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input')) . "',";
$query .= "`Email` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input2')) . "',";
$query .= "`Provincia` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input3')) . "',";
$query .= "`Ticket` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input4')) . "',";
$query .= "`Apellidos` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input5')) . "',";
$query .= "`Ciudad` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input6')) . "',";
$query .= "`Tienda` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('text_input7')) . "';"; // Careful! The last line ends in a semi-colon
// Execute the query
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// Close the connection
if ($config['email']) {
// Get a new PHPMailer instance
$mailer = Quform::newPHPMailer($config['smtp']);
// Set the from information
$from = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['from']);
if ($from['email']) {
$mailer->From = $from['email'];
$mailer->FromName = $from['name'];
// Set the Reply-To header of the email as the submitted email address from the form
if (!empty($config['replyTo'])) {
$replyTo = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['replyTo']);
if ($replyTo['email']) {
$mailer->AddReplyTo($replyTo['email'], $replyTo['name']);
// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['subject']);
// Set the recipients
foreach ((array) $config['recipients'] as $recipient) {
// Set the message body HTML
include QUFORM_ROOT . $config['emailBody'];
$mailer->AltBody = 'To view this email please use HTML compatible email software.';
// Add any attachments
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$mailer->AddAttachment($attachment['path'], $attachment['filename'], 'base64', $attachment['type']);
// Send the notification message
// Autoreply email
if ($config['autoreply']) {
$autoreplyRecipient = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['autoreplyRecipient']);
if ($autoreplyRecipient['email']) {
// Create the autoreply message
$mailer = Quform::newPHPMailer($config['smtp']);
// Set the from address
$autoreplyFrom = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['autoreplyFrom']);
if ($autoreplyFrom['email']) {
$mailer->From = $autoreplyFrom['email'];
$mailer->FromName = $autoreplyFrom['name'];
// Set the recipient
$mailer->AddAddress($autoreplyRecipient['email'], $autoreplyRecipient['name']);
// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['autoreplySubject']);
// Set the message body HTML
include QUFORM_ROOT . $config['autoreplyBody'];
$mailer->AltBody = 'To view this email please use HTML compatible email software.';
// Send the autoreply
// Custom code section #2 - see documentation for examples
// End custom code section #2
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
// Form data failed validation
return false;
// Form processed successfully
return true;
if (process($form, $config)) {
$result = array('type' => 'success');
if (strlen($config['redirect'])) {
$result['redirect'] = $config['redirect'];
} else {
$result['message'] = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['successMessage']);
} else {
$result = array('type' => 'error', 'error' => $form->getError(), 'elementErrors' => $form->getElementErrors());
if (isset($_POST['quform_ajax']) && $_POST['quform_ajax'] == 1) {
$response = '<textarea>' . Quform::jsonEncode($result) . '</textarea>';
} else {
if (isset($result['type'], $result['redirect']) && $result['type'] == 'success' && strlen($result['redirect']) && !headers_sent()) {
header('Location: ' . $result['redirect']);
require_once 'nojs.php';
$response = ob_get_clean();
echo $response;
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