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Last active November 8, 2021 02:28
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  • Save sensvos/76670f5234638e0352f57dd780e853be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sensvos/76670f5234638e0352f57dd780e853be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build installed version of the engine with the capability to package a project with Test and Debug configuration
Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph ^
-target="Make Installed Build Win64" ^
-script="Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml" ^
-set:HostPlatformOnly=false ^
-set:HostPlatformDDCOnly=false ^
-set:WithWin64=true ^
-set:WithWin32=false ^
-set:WithMac=false ^
-set:WithAndroid=false ^
-set:WithIOS=false ^
-set:WithTVOS=false ^
-set:WithLinux=false ^
-set:WithLinuxAArch64=false ^
-set:WithHTML5=false ^
-set:WithPS4=false ^
-set:WithXboxOne=false ^
-set:WithXboxOne=false ^
-set:WithSwitch=false ^
-set:WithDDC=false ^
-set:WithLumin=false ^
-set:WithLuminMac=false ^
-set:SignExecutables=false ^
-set:WithFullDebugInfo=false ^
-set:GameConfigurations="Debug;DebugGame;Development;Shipping;Test" ^
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