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Last active December 17, 2015 15:09
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Save sent-hil/8d09ebaa3a9f1b8cf525 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1. Comments prefixed with // & space.
// right
2. No blank lines between for & next line.
for _, name := range notAllowedSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(sourceName, name) || strings.HasSuffix(targetName, name) {
3. If last line is return, add blank line above.
result := do_something_else()
return result
4. Declare `var` right above they're used, not at top of function,
unless in global scope.
5. No blank lines between }}.
6. Group code together by chunks, if more than 1 line.
// hard to read
relationshipsURL := nodeURL + "/relationships/all"
response := sendRequest("GET", relationshipsURL, "")
relations, err := jsonArrayDecode(response)
7. Error checking if statements shouldn't have else.
// leads to node style callback staircase
if err != nil {
} else {
neo4j.UpdateNode(sourceId, sourceContent)
8. Fail as loudly as possible, log unexcepted data.
if sourceName == "" {
// log here
9. Wrap at 80, no less than 60; second & more lines should have more
return fmt.Sprintf(
id, id, name)
10. Avoid creating strings with +, use fmt.Sprintf()
url := "amqp://" + user + ":" + password + "@" + host + ":" + port
11. Anonymous return values.
// right
func say(word string) string {}
// wrong
func say(word string) (greeting string) {}
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