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Created March 29, 2017 15:26
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GREENSBORO, N.C. – The UNCG women’s basketball team won’t let the light burn out on the 2016-17 season, moving on to the semifinals of the Women’s Basketball Invitational. The Spartans will take on the Panthers of Milwaukee in the semis Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at Fleming Gymnasium. The game will be broadcasted on the SoCon Digital Network.\nThe first 200 fans in attendance will receive free food at the gate, courtesy of Barberitos.\nTicketing for the postseason matchup will be handled just like a regular season game, with general admission tickets costing five dollars for adults, three dollars for seniors over the age of 55 and children under the age of 12. All UNCG faculty, staff and students will receive admission free of charge. Gates will open at 6:00 p.m.\nThe Spartans advanced to the semifinals after a thrilling 87-84 victory over Brown in the quarterfinal round on Sunday in Greensboro. UNCG trailed by as much as 14 points before storming back in the second half to overtake the bears.\nBailey Williams (Harrisonburg, Va./Spotswood) scored 15 of her game-high 27 points in the final 10 minutes to lead the Blue and Gold to victory. Williams also dished out six assists without committing a single turnover. Nadine Soliman (Cairo, Egypt/Mokattam Language School) netted 19 points, while Te’ja Twitty (Rutherfordton, N.C./Rutherfordton-Spindale Central) added 12 points and a team-high eight rebounds.\nThe Panthers opened the WBI with an 81-53 win over Southern Illinois and advanced to Thursday’s game with a 67-57 road victory over St. Francis in Loretto, Pennsylvania. Milwaukee shot just 37.3-percent from the floor but made up for the lack of consistent shooting by making 18-of-21 free throws. Steph Kostowicz and Jamie Reit led the way with 15 points apiece.\nKostowicz leads the Panthers in scoring at 15.3 points per game, while also pulling down a team-high 8.0 rebounds per contest. Milwaukee rakes in an average of 39.1 boards per game. The Panthers out-rebound their opponents by an average of 7.3 rebounds per game, the 22nd highest margin in the nation.\n-UNCG- \n \n \n ", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "252800" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "844220283263377409.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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The All-America center — who is the team’s leading scorer and rebounder — will not return to the NCAA women’s tournament.\nThe 6-foot-3 junior was an imposing presence all year on the inside, creating havoc for Irish opponents trying to guard her. Turner was averaging 15.3 points, 7.1 rebounds and 2.5 blocks per game before suffering the injury (video here).\nThe Irish (32-3) were leading Purdue 45-31 with 48.4 seconds before the half when Turner jumped for a pass from Irish sophomore guard Arike Ogunbowale. When Turner came down, her left knee buckled and she immediately fell to the floor in pain.\nTurner was not helped off and returned to the bench for the second half to encourage her teammates, which left Irish fans with a hope she had just suffered a sprain. The Irish won the game, 88-82, in overtime to advance to the Sweet 16. \n\nThe top-seeded Irish will face the fifth-seeded Ohio State Buckeyes (27-6) at 7 p.m. Friday at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky. The game will be broadcast on ESPN2.\n\n\n\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "844218409306996737.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Joyce Center" } ], "description" : "The Notre Dame Fighting Irish men's basketball team is the intercollegiate men's basketball program representing the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, United States. The program competes in the Atlantic Coast Conference of NCAA Division I. On September 12, 2012, Notre Dame announced they would be moving to the Atlantic Coast Conference; they joined the conference on July 1, 2013. The school holds two national championships in basketball. They were named the 1927 and 1936 national champions by the Helms Foundation. They have also played in the NCAA Tournament 31 times, good for 9th all time, and reached the Final Four in 1978. They play their home games in the Purcell Pavilion at the Edmund P. Joyce Center. They are also the first Big East team to go undefeated at home two straight seasons. Jeff Sagarin and ESPN listed the program 12th in the college basketball all-time rankings in the ESPN College Basketball Encyclopedia. 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In the absence of solid information, the self-described “fantasy doctor” weighed in.\nOn his website, Dr. Selene Parekh wrote of Turner’s injury — suffered Sunday in the Irish’s Round of 32 win over Purdue: “Depending on issues, could miss some playing time. Best case – sprain. Worse case – ligament injury or bone bruising.” \n(Dr. Parekh has not evaluated Turner personally. He’s just going off what he saw on television.)\nWe’re optimists, so let’s assume a best case scenario. What do Harvard doctors tell us about the expected recovery time of a knee sprain? \n\n“How long a knee sprain lasts depends on the type of knee sprain, the severity of your injury, your rehabilitation program and the types of sports you play. In general, milder Grade I and Grade II MCL or LCL sprains heal within 2 to 4 weeks, but other types of knee sprains may take 4 to 12 months.”\nThat would put Turner’s return to the court anywhere from April 2 to April 16. The women’s championship game is April 2. \nThe Irish next play the Ohio State Buckeyes on Friday in Lexington, Ky. \n\nNOTRE DAME SENIOR ATTAINS #1 WORLD RANKING\nLee Kiefer, a two-time Olympian and three-time NCAA champion, made history Sunday when the Notre Dame senior became the first American woman to win the FIE Grand Prix and attain the No. 1 world ranking in the foil discipline.\n“Besides an Olympic medal, obtaining a world No. 1 ranking has always been my dream,” Kiefer told U.S. Fencing.\nKiefer — who is 31-0 this year — and the Irish will compete at the NCAA championship, which starts Thursday in Indianapolis.\nPARAOLYMPIAN MEDALIST ACCEPTED INTO NOTRE DAME\nRemember Sam Grewe? \n\nThe 2012 Notre Dame football team “adopted” the Goshen native right before his leg was amputated to stem the spread of a rare bone cancer. Grewe joined the team on the field during their run up to the BCS National Championship Game.\nGrewe was declared cancer-free nearly a year after the amputation, competed afterward in track and field and won a silver medal at the 2016 Rio Paraolympic Games in the high jump. \nGrewe tweeted Monday that he was accepted into Notre Dame. Congratulations to him and all those who received their admissions decisions recently!\n\nPOLL UPDATES\nMen’s Lacrosse\nMidfielder Sergio Perkovic was announced Monday at the ACC Offensive Player of the Week following a three-goal effort against Virginia.\nThe Irish men (4-1) remain at No. 2 after beating the Cavaliers, 11-10, in overtime to open ACC play. Virginia slipped from No. 12 to No. 15 in this week’s Inside Lacrosse poll.\n\nNotre Dame next plays at 2 p.m. Saturday against Ohio State (9-0), which jumped from No. 17 all the way to No. 4 in the new poll. The Buckeyes beat then-No. 11 Towson and then-No. 1 Denver in the last week. (The Tigers are now No. 16, while the Pioneers have fallen all the way to No. 7.)\nWomen’s Lacrosse\nThe Irish women (8-4) dropped from No. 10 to No. 16 in the Inside Lacrosse poll following a 14-11 loss at Towson and a 15-5 loss at Virginia. Virginia (4-4) is now ranked No. 20, while Towson moved up from No. 20 to No. 15. \nThe Irish next play the Syracuse Orange (8-2), who dropped from No. 6 to No. 8 in this week’s poll following a 19-12 loss to No. 3 Florida and a 17-16 overtime win over Harvard, who is unranked.\nMen’s Hockey\nThe Irish (21-11-5) slipped from No. 10 to No. 12 in the USCHO rankings following their Hockey East tournament semifinal loss to UMass-Lowell.\nTODAY’S SCHEDULE\n6:05 p.m.: Notre Dame baseball (6-12) will host Northern Illinois (4-15) at Frank Eck Stadium. The Irish took two of three from the Pitt Panthers this past weekend and are 2-3 in ACC play. WatchND will broadcast the game online; WHME 103.1 FM will broadcast the game in the South Bend area.\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "844134005872254976.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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In the conference it trails only Kentucky in basketball wins, SEC tournament titles, and is third behind Kentucky and LSU in SEC regular season conference titles. Alabama is coached by Anthony Grant, who began his tenure with the Crimson Tide before the 2009-10 season.\nThe men's basketball program spent most of its history in the shadow of the football team, but has risen in stature over the past four decades. Under former coach Mark Gottfried, the team achieved a No. 1 national ranking briefly in 2003, and competed for a NCAA Regional Tournament Championship in 2004. The program was notable as a regular conference basketball contender in the 1980s and early 1990s under the direction of coach Wimp Sanderson and in the 1970s under coach C. M. Newton. Alabama has eight NCAA Sweet 16 appearances. In the 2003-04 season, the men's team defeated a #1-seeded team in the NCAA Tournament, and reached the Elite Eight round where they lost to the eventual national champion, Connecticut.", "league" : "", "alias" : [ "University of Alabama Crimson Tide Basketball", "University of Alabama Mens Basketball", "University of Alabama Men's Basketball", "University of Alabama Basketball", "Alabama Crimson Tide Men's Basketball", "Alabama Crimson Tide Mens Basketball", "Alabama Crimson Tide Basketball", "Alabama Men's Basketball", "Alabama Mens Basketball", "Alabama Basketball" ] }, "strName" : "Alabama Crimson Tide", "state" : "Alabama", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431fa6803fa030800005d" }, "city" : { "strName" : "Tuscaloosa", "strAlias" : "Tuscaloosa" }, "color" : "990B1B", "_id" : { "$oid" : "50993439eb64f13a05000081" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:288102", "strName" : "Coleman Coliseum", "strShort" : "Colma", "location" : { "city" : "Tuscaloosa", "state" : "Alabama" } }, "strAlias" : "BAMA", "name" : { "strName" : "Alabama", "strNick" : "Crimson Tide", "strShort" : "ALA", "strFirst" : "Alabama" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:57.624+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9251800775527954, 0.0748199000954628 ] ], "text" : "Women’s Basketball makes WNIT Sweet 16, one of its best showings in nearly 20 years — come support the ladies!", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9251800775527954 }, "classificationWithLeague" : { "league" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : { "$oid" : "503431e46803fa030800003a" }, "tweetLeague" : [ { "leagueName" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : "503431e46803fa030800003a", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 1.1591282131758529E-5, "leagueId" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c", "teamWriterName" : "Alabama Tide", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "503431fa6803fa030800005d" }, "teamName" : "Akron Zips", "teamProbability" : 0.31027455010003835 }, { "leagueName" : "NCAA BASKETBALL", "teamId" : "550c67e412a9bc98be91cfa4", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 0.012729037628521449, "leagueId" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b", "teamWriterName" : "Alabama Crimson Tide", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "50993439eb64f13a05000081" }, "teamName" : "UC Davis Aggies", "teamProbability" : 0.20231679894273535 } ], "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "team" : "Akron Zips", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c" }, "classificationThresholdReached" : false, "isEqualToWritersTeam" : false, "teamProbability" : 0.31027455010003835 }, "article" : { "title" : "Women’s Basketball makes WNIT Sweet 16, one of its best showings in nearly 20 years", "content" : "\n All eyes are naturally on Nick Saban today entering his 11th campaign in Tuscaloosa, but, even so, there is another coach whose team should have you excited: Kristy Curry and the Alabama Women’s basketball team.\nAs usual, the Tide started off hot against a weaker OOC slate. Then, as conference play rolled around, it seemed as though an outmanned ‘Bama team was going to get demolished by the likes of Kentucky, Mississippi State, South Carolina, and, of course, Tennessee. For the first half of the conference slate, that would prove to be true. Going into Valentine’s day, Alabama was 4-9 in the SEC, and had just concluded a 5-game losing streak. On February 16th, the Tide hosted Tennessee, winning for just the second time since 1984 and making it two-in-a-row for Curry’s squad. \nThat victory turned the corner for ‘Bama. Alabama would go 6-3 down the stretch, beating the Lady Vols twice and making it to the SEC Quartfinals. When given an NIT bid, the ladies have done as good a job as you could ask. Led by veteran Meoshonti Knight, Ashley Williams, and SEC Newcomer of the year, Jordan Lewis, Alabama has won two games at home to advance to the WNIT Sweet 16, its best postseason showing since 2010. Aside from 2010, you’d have to go back to the end of the great Rick Moody era, 2002, to find another showing this good by the program. \nSince Moody led the Tide to eight straight NCAA appearances, ending in 1999, Alabama has not made the Dance. Kristy Curry may just have the team to do it next year. Alabama is a younger team, with its three best players returning next year. Still, they could use some #ButtsInSeats this week: the 2016 season isn’t over yet. \n\nThis is a rare public plea, but if you can, please go out and support the women’s team this Thursday as they attempt to reach the WNIT Elite 8.\nBest of luck to the ladies and Roll Tide\n—\nWho: Alabama Crimson Tide (19-13, 11th SEC) versus Tulane Green Wave (18-14, AAC Tourney runner-up)\nDate: March 23, 2017 \nTime &amp; Place: Coleman Coliseum, 7:00 p.m. central\nTicket Information: $6 general admission; first 100 students enter free. Contact or 1-205-348-3592 if you hate the monstrous new generic website Alabama wasted money on. \n\nTelevision: CBS Sports, Fox College Sports\nStreaming: CTSM On-Demand\nBracket: Right here.\n\n\n\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "844116767266029568.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Playing in front of their home fans, Washington rode a hot second half to the Sweet 16.\n3 Things\n\nHuskies guard Kelsey Plum set an women’s D1 single-season scoring record during the contest, passing Jackie Stiles with her 1,064th point of the year in the third quarter — which sucks for the Sooners, but is still pretty cool. Plum ended the night with her first career double-double and 38 points.\nThe Sooners only took 8 free throws all night and made 6, compared to 28 and 18 for UW. \nThis is what should be happening every time the officials review a play. Get it together, men:\n\n3 Stars\n\nNormally I would put all Sooners here because, you know, this is a Sooners site. But I guess I’ll make an exception for Kelsey Plum and her historical awesomeness. She finished the night with 1,080 points on the year.\nGioya Carter led the Sooners with 17 points in just 16 minutes off the bench. Her OU career is now over.\nVionise Pierre-Louise got into early foul trouble which limited her minutes, but she still managed 7 rebounds and 4 blocks to lead the team in both categories.\n\nThe Big Picture\nWashington will advance to Sweet 16 action in Oklahoma City now, leaving behind its own home court to play in OU’s backyard. It will face Kim Mulkey’s Baylor squad (yes, that Kim Mulkey).\nOU starters Peyton Little and Maddie Manning just played their last game in the crimson and cream, as did Carter, T’ona Edwards, Derica Wyatt and Shaya Kellogg. OU ends the year 23-10 (13-5 Big 12), a solid season, but not one Sherri Coale is likely satisfied with. She’ll work all offseason to improve a squad now led by Gabbi Ortiz and Chelsea Dungee.\n\n\n \n\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "844031106068500485.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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On Monday night, the same held true in the rematch. Syracuse fell, 95-65 in the second round NCAA Tournament matchup in Storrs, Conn.\nJust like last time, UConn started out hot from the floor and just kept it going. The Orange, on the other hand, simply couldn’t hit enough shots to keep up. Brutally efficient as always, the Huskies shot over 62 percent from the floor, including Kia Nurse, Gabby Williams and Napheesa Collier going a combined 27-for-35. \nSU, on the other hand, hit just 43.3 percent of 60 shots from the field. They were 8-of-20 from three, but simply could not get to the free throw line and failed to beat UConn on the boards. The Orange won the turnover battle by one, but again -- far from enough to beat the spot-on shooting from Connecticut, who had three players score 20 or more.\nIn her final collegiate game, ACC Women’s Player of the Year Alexis Peterson made it count, leading Syracuse with 25 points on 10-of-22 shooting. Fellow seniors Briana Day and Brittney Sykes also chipped in with 13 and 15 points, respectively. However, no other Orange player hit double digits (Gabby Cooper was the closest, with nine). \n\nIt’s a crushing loss, even if an expected one for SU. A year after a surprise Final Four berth, their season ends in the second round. They’ll graduate quite a few important seniors, which makes next season all the more exciting and frightening all at once.\nCongrats to Coach Hillsman and the team on a job well done this year. And good luck to those seniors in the upcoming WNBA Draft, too.\n\n\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843998262638137344.jpeg", "portrait" : false } }, "steps" : [ { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-21T02:13:04.000+0000" }, "name" : "scrapping" }, { "status" : false, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T22:13:22.056+0000" }, "name" : "goldstandard" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T22:13:22.067+0000" }, "name" : "vectorization" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T22:13:22.317+0000" }, "name" : "classification" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T22:13:23.095+0000" }, "name" : "algorithm_validation" } ], "vec" : { "$binary" : 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Between the 1966–67 and 1990–91 seasons, the Red Wings made the playoffs only eight times in 25 seasons. During the last 11 years of this stretch, only five of the league's 21 teams did not make the postseason, yet the Wings still managed to miss the playoffs five times. This rough period for the team provoked the nickname of the \"Dead Wings.\" Near the end of that 25-year period, however, the Red Wings advanced to the conference finals twice. Since then the Red Wings have been one of the most successful NHL teams in the last quarter century, with six regular season first place finishes, and winning the Stanley Cup four times in six Finals appearances. 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Macomb County Player of the Year, Sade Lemons.\nBringing her in has made a world of difference for us, Ritchie said. She turned out to be the league MVP so it worked out well for her too.\n \r\nAdvertisement\r\n\nThe Sterling Heights grad has helped lead the Monarchs to the NJCAA National Tournament for just the second time in school history.\nMCC meets third-seed Monroe Community College at 10 a.m. on Tuesday in the first round of the 16-team bracket in Harrison, Arkansas.\nBut winning the MCCAA Eastern Conference tournament seemed like a pipe dream prior to the start of conference play. The Monarchs were beaten six times by 30 points or more.\nI kept telling the girls that we were going to win the league this year and we were going to go to Nationals, Ritchie said. And I meant that. I felt once we got everyone back we could go on a run like that.\nThe Monarchs won their first 13 games in the Eastern Conference before dropping the regular season finale to Delta.\nIt was demoralizing to get beat by 30 so many times, but we did play some good teams and we were undermanned, Ritchie said. I knew we were good enough to win the league, but didnt know wed win 13 games in a row.\nWeve normally been good right off the bat and have been able to stay consistent, Ritchie added. This year we were terrible and made it to Nationals.\nThe Monarchs got their revenge on Delta to win the womens District H championship at SC4 Fieldhouse. Lemons, who was named the tournament MVP, tossed in 14 points Ashley Wilson added 12.\nIts been a long process for us over the last eight years, but especially this year, Ritchie said. We started out so poorly. Went through a variety of personnel changes and what has sort of sifted through has been a pretty good synergy is the word wed use.\nWhat also makes this a rarity is that MCC plays with eight freshmen.\nThats somewhat shocking in itself we had the kind of success that we did, Ritchie said. Were a defensive team first and weve done a good job of that all season. Thats really what has carried us through.\nRitchie isnt looking for this team to settle for where its at.\nWeve got to get into the mode of playing another championship game, Ritchie said. Were going to do what weve done all year and adapt offensively. Even though were playing the number-three seed in the country I think we have a pretty good chance.\nMonroe Community College is a high-scoring team, scoring over 100 points six times this season.\nDelta averaged 80 points in the league and we held them to 46 to other day, Ritchie said. We have to gear it up and get ready to compete.\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1500000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843977490024583170.jpeg", "portrait" : true } } },
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The program is classified in the NCAA's Division I, and the team competes in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Since playing its first official season in 1900-1901, the Orange has established a strong reputation as the fifth winningest men's Division I basketball team of all-time, and currently holds an active NCAA-record 43 consecutive winning seasons.\nIn its 36th year under current head coach Jim Boeheim, the team has compiled an all-time record 34 20-win seasons, including ten Big East regular season championships, five Big East Tournament championships, 29 NCAA Tournament appearances, and three appearances in the national title game. In those games, the Orange lost to Indiana in 1987 and Kentucky in 1996, before defeating Kansas for the title in 2003. 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SU is coming off an 85-65 first-round win over No. 9 seed Iowa State, a game in which three Orange scorers tallied over 20 points, including a career-high 24 from freshman 3-point specialist Gabby Cooper. UConn enters the contest fresh off a commanding 116-55 win over No. 16 seed Albany in its first round matchup, the 17th time this season that the Huskies have scored at least 90 points.\nHere’s what to know about UConn ahead of Monday’s matchup.\nAll-time series: Connecticut leads, 38-12\nLast time they played: The Huskies smashed SU, 82-51, in the 2016 NCAA national championship game in Indianapolis. Breanna Stewart led the charge for UConn, posting 24 points in the program’s record fourth-straight national title win. Cornelia Fondren had 16 points for the Orange on 60 percent shooting, but SU shot just 10.5 percent from 3 in the defeat.\nThe UConn report: The Huskies are the undisputed best women’s team in the nation, and have beaten 10 ranked team this season. Their closest game of the year was against then-No. 4 Maryland, winning by only six over the Terrapins. UConn has scored over 100 points an NCAA-leading five times this season, and has four players averaging double-digit points, with two averaging over 20.\nKatie Lou Samuelson is the Huskies’ star, averaging 20.8 points per game over an average of 31.3 minutes per game. She’s made 112 3-pointers on 259 attempts, good for 43.2 percent. The Huskies have the No. 3 scoring offense in the country, averaging 87.5 points per game, and the No. 6 scoring defense in the country, allowing an average of just 53.8 points per game.\ currently gives the Huskies a 49 percent chance to win the tournament, and a 98 percent chance to beat the Orange on Monday.\nHow SU beats UConn: After UConn’s opening round game against No. 16 Albany, Huskies head coach Geno Auriemma said that before every game, he asks his assistant coaches what his team would have to do to lose. Against the Great Danes, the coaching staff said that the team would have to miss “a lot” of shots. But against No. 8 SU on Monday, a team that was arguably underseeded and last met the Huskies in the national championship game, UConn doesn’t have as much room for failure as it did against Albany.\nFor the Orange to win, it will have to put together a perfect game in all facets. Brittney Sykes and Alexis Peterson will need to match or exceed their combined scoring average of nearly 43, and Gabby Cooper will have to step up from behind the arc like she did against Iowa State. The only way to beat a powerful offense like UConn is to match it shot for shot. So Sykes, Peterson and Cooper will all probably have to finish the game with over 20 points for the second straight game.\nDefensively, SU needs to focus on shutting down Samuelson. The sophomore sharpshooter ranks fourth in 3-pointers made and 12th in 3-point shooting percentage in the nation. She also averages 3.39 3-pointers per game, and the Orange zone can’t let her get hot from beyond the arc.\nThe Huskies aren’t used to playing in close games, so if the Orange can keep Monday’s game within ten points, it has potential to pull the upset. Samuelson is the only UConn player that averages more than 31 minutes per game. A tightly contested game could potentially tire out a UConn side that isn’t used to running for 40 minutes straight, and give a well-conditioned SU team the upper hand.\nStat to know: 108 —  The Huskies have won 108 straight games, the all-time mark in the NCAA. Nov. 17, 2014, was the last time UConn lost, dropping an 88-86 overtime game at Stanford. UConn has not been ranked lower than No. 3 during the streak and boasts a dominant 155-1 record over its past 156 games.\nPlayer to watch: Katie Lou Samuelson, Guard, No. 33\nSamueslon is UConn’s replacement for Stewart, who graduated last year and now plays for the Seattle Storm of the WNBA, and she’s all but filled the role perfectly for the Huskies this season. She’s shooting 49.3 percent from the field, and her 20.8 points per game ranks No. 1 for the Huskies. Samuelson is also one of four finalists for the Naismith Trophy, which is awarded annually to college basketball’s player of the year. Napheesa Collier, a forward for the Huskies, was named a finalist as well.\n\n\t\t\t\tPublished on March 19, 2017 at 3:29 pm\n\n\t\t\t\t\tContact Matt:\n\t\t\t\t\n" }, "steps" : [ { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T22:30:04.000+0000" }, "name" : "scrapping" }, { "status" : false, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.370+0000" }, "name" : "goldstandard" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.389+0000" }, "name" : "vectorization" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.525+0000" }, "name" : "classification" }, { "status" : false, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.754+0000" }, "name" : "goldstandard" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.790+0000" }, "name" : "vectorization" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:05.931+0000" }, "name" : "classification" }, { "status" : true, "date" : { "$date" : "2017-03-20T18:30:06.336+0000" }, "name" : "algorithm_validation" }, 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They’ve won 108 consecutive games now dating back a few years. The two teams met in last year’s National Championship, as you may remember. UConn came away with an 82-51 victory.\nWhile Syracuse put in some nice work this regular season, the committee didn’t agree. The 21-10 (at the time) Orange were handed an eight-seed and put into UConn’s deadly region. This, for better or worse, is now their fate.\nIf you’d like to read up on some more facts from this series (which dates back to 1980), we can direct you here. For thoughts from the UConn Blog, there are a few here about the game, and what they predict will happen tonight. We also return the favor over there. \n\nTonight’s game tips off at 6:30 p.m. ET on ESPN2. This is your pre-, in- and post-game thread for all things around Syracuse’s tough matchup this evening. G’ORANGE!\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843950290013491201.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Dustin Safranek FOR AMERICAN-STATESMANFacts and Figures\nWhen: Friday (6 p.m. and 8 p.m. CT) and Sunday (11 a.m.)\nWhere: Rupp Arena (23,500 capacity)\nTV: ESPN2\nSemis: No. 3 seed Texas (25-8) will play the winner of Monday night’s game between No. 2 Stanford (29-5) and No. 7 Kansas State (23-10). Top seed Notre Dame (32-3) will play No. 5 Ohio State (28-6).\nTickets: Tournament packages are $30 for adults between 19 and 64. Packages for fans 65 and older and 18 and younger are $20.\nPayment: Tickets are available on or by calling 800-255-4883. Fans can also purchase at the arena ticket window.\nNotes: Texas has played against both of its potential Friday opponents. Stanford defeated Texas 71-59 at home in UT’s first game of the season. Texas defeated Kansas State in two close games in the Big 12, winning 63-58 in Austin and 69-61 in Manhattan. … Order of Friday games to be determined Tuesday.\n \n \n \n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNews on Bevo Beat is free and unlimited. Access to the rest of comes with an American-Statesman digital subscription, which also includes and the ePaper edition. Subscribe at\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "8640000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843926822043684864.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Syracuse annually brings in one of the strongest recruiting classes in the country.", "official_websites" : [ "" ], "alias" : [ "Syracuse University Men's Basketball", "Syracuse University Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Basketball" ], "sport" : "Basketball", "mascot" : "Syracuse University Otto the Orange", "league" : "", "championships" : [ "2003 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament" ] }, "strName" : "Syracuse Orange", "state" : "New York", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "type" : "team", "city" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strAlias" : "Syracuse" }, "color" : "EB5A0C", "_id" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:288423", "strName" : "Carrier Dome", "strShort" : "Carri", "location" : { "city" : "Syracuse", "state" : "New York" } }, "strAlias" : "SYR", "name" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strNick" : "Orange", "strShort" : "SYR", "strFirst" : "Syracuse" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:58.575+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9909714460372925, 0.009028526023030281 ] ], "text" : "Syracuse women’s basketball opponent preview: What you need to know about Connecticut:", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9909714460372925 }, "classificationWithLeague" : { "league" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : { "$oid" : "503431e46803fa030800003a" }, "tweetLeague" : [ { "leagueName" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : "503431e46803fa030800003a", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 1.945994419571253E-13, "leagueId" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "teamName" : "Akron Zips", "teamProbability" : 0.9410316560201453 }, { "leagueName" : "NCAA BASKETBALL", "teamId" : "50993439eb64f13a050000a9", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 0.016095487638339047, "leagueId" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "teamName" : "", "teamProbability" : 0.15969596769707725 } ], "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "team" : "Akron Zips", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c" }, "classificationThresholdReached" : true, "isEqualToWritersTeam" : false, "teamProbability" : 0.9410316560201453 }, "article" : { "title" : "Syracuse women’s basketball opponent preview: What to know about Connecticut", "content" : "\n\n\t\t\t\tNo. 8 seed Syracuse (22-10, 11-5 Atlantic Coast) is set to take on No. 1 seed Connecticut (33-0, 16-0 American Athletic) at 6:30 p.m. on Monday in Storrs, Connecticut. SU is coming off an 85-65 first-round win over No. 9 seed Iowa State, a game in which three Orange scorers tallied over 20 points, including a career-high 24 from freshman 3-point specialist Gabby Cooper. UConn enters the contest fresh off a commanding 116-55 win over No. 16 seed Albany in its first round matchup, the 17th time this season that the Huskies have scored at least 90 points.\nHere’s what to know about UConn ahead of Monday’s matchup.\nAll-time series: Connecticut leads, 38-12\nLast time they played: The Huskies smashed SU, 82-51, in the 2016 NCAA national championship game in Indianapolis. Breanna Stewart led the charge for UConn, posting 24 points in the program’s record fourth-straight national title win. Cornelia Fondren had 16 points for the Orange on 60 percent shooting, but SU shot just 10.5 percent from 3 in the defeat.\nThe UConn report: The Huskies are the undisputed best women’s team in the nation, and have beaten 10 ranked team this season. Their closest game of the year was against then-No. 4 Maryland, winning by only six over the Terrapins. UConn has scored over 100 points an NCAA-leading five times this season, and has four players averaging double-digit points, with two averaging over 20.\nKatie Lou Samuelson is the Huskies’ star, averaging 20.8 points per game over an average of 31.3 minutes per game. She’s made 112 3-pointers on 259 attempts, good for 43.2 percent. The Huskies have the No. 3 scoring offense in the country, averaging 87.5 points per game, and the No. 6 scoring defense in the country, allowing an average of just 53.8 points per game.\ currently gives the Huskies a 49 percent chance to win the tournament, and a 98 percent chance to beat the Orange on Monday.\nHow SU beats UConn: After UConn’s opening round game against No. 16 Albany, Huskies head coach Geno Auriemma said that before every game, he asks his assistant coaches what his team would have to do to lose. Against the Great Danes, the coaching staff said that the team would have to miss “a lot” of shots. But against No. 8 SU on Monday, a team that was arguably underseeded and last met the Huskies in the national championship game, UConn doesn’t have as much room for failure as it did against Albany.\nFor the Orange to win, it will have to put together a perfect game in all facets. Brittney Sykes and Alexis Peterson will need to match or exceed their combined scoring average of nearly 43, and Gabby Cooper will have to step up from behind the arc like she did against Iowa State. The only way to beat a powerful offense like UConn is to match it shot for shot. So Sykes, Peterson and Cooper will all probably have to finish the game with over 20 points for the second straight game.\nDefensively, SU needs to focus on shutting down Samuelson. The sophomore sharpshooter ranks fourth in 3-pointers made and 12th in 3-point shooting percentage in the nation. She also averages 3.39 3-pointers per game, and the Orange zone can’t let her get hot from beyond the arc.\nThe Huskies aren’t used to playing in close games, so if the Orange can keep Monday’s game within ten points, it has potential to pull the upset. Samuelson is the only UConn player that averages more than 31 minutes per game. A tightly contested game could potentially tire out a UConn side that isn’t used to running for 40 minutes straight, and give a well-conditioned SU team the upper hand.\nStat to know: 108 —  The Huskies have won 108 straight games, the all-time mark in the NCAA. Nov. 17, 2014, was the last time UConn lost, dropping an 88-86 overtime game at Stanford. UConn has not been ranked lower than No. 3 during the streak and boasts a dominant 155-1 record over its past 156 games.\nPlayer to watch: Katie Lou Samuelson, Guard, No. 33\nSamueslon is UConn’s replacement for Stewart, who graduated last year and now plays for the Seattle Storm of the WNBA, and she’s all but filled the role perfectly for the Huskies this season. She’s shooting 49.3 percent from the field, and her 20.8 points per game ranks No. 1 for the Huskies. Samuelson is also one of four finalists for the Naismith Trophy, which is awarded annually to college basketball’s player of the year. Napheesa Collier, a forward for the Huskies, was named a finalist as well.\n\n\t\t\t\tPublished on March 19, 2017 at 3:29 pm\n\n\t\t\t\t\tContact Matt:\n\t\t\t\t\n" } },
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The program is classified in the NCAA's Division I, and the team competes in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Since playing its first official season in 1900-1901, the Orange has established a strong reputation as the fifth winningest men's Division I basketball team of all-time, and currently holds an active NCAA-record 43 consecutive winning seasons.\nIn its 36th year under current head coach Jim Boeheim, the team has compiled an all-time record 34 20-win seasons, including ten Big East regular season championships, five Big East Tournament championships, 29 NCAA Tournament appearances, and three appearances in the national title game. In those games, the Orange lost to Indiana in 1987 and Kentucky in 1996, before defeating Kansas for the title in 2003. Syracuse annually brings in one of the strongest recruiting classes in the country.", "official_websites" : [ "" ], "alias" : [ "Syracuse University Men's Basketball", "Syracuse University Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Basketball" ], "sport" : "Basketball", "mascot" : "Syracuse University Otto the Orange", "league" : "", "championships" : [ "2003 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament" ] }, "strName" : "Syracuse Orange", "state" : "New York", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "city" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strAlias" : "Syracuse" }, "color" : "EB5A0C", "_id" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:288423", "strName" : "Carrier Dome", "strShort" : "Carri", "location" : { "city" : "Syracuse", "state" : "New York" } }, "strAlias" : "SYR", "name" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strNick" : "Orange", "strShort" : "SYR", "strFirst" : "Syracuse" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:58.575+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9842527508735657, 0.01574723981320858 ] ], "text" : "NCAA Tournament 2017: Syracuse women’s basketball vs. UConn TV listings, time, history &amp; more", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9842527508735657 }, "article" : { "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "6732000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843809450372808707.jpeg", "portrait" : false }, "title" : "NCAA Tournament: Syracuse women’s basketball vs. UConn TV listings, history & more", "content" : "\n Teams: No. 8 Syracuse Orange (22-10, 11-5) vs. No. 1 UConn Huskies (33-0, 16-0)\nDay &amp; Time: Monday, March 20, 6:30 p.m. ET\nVenue: Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, Conn.\nTV: ESPN2\nRadio: Syracuse IMG Network, WAER 88.3, Sirius 93/XM 193\nUConn Blog: The UConn Blog (obviously)\nRivalry: 38-12, Connecitcut\nCurrent Streak: 24, Huskies\nFirst Meeting: Syracuse actually won the first seven games in this series, which should make that 38-12 disadvantage even more jarring. Game one was a 73-68 victory for the Orange women at home in the old Big East days (1980).\nLast Meeting: The Orange lost to UConn, 82-51 in last spring’s national title game. Connecticut led pretty much the whole way, but Syracuse battled back at various points, pushing UConn through the third until SU was officially buried in the fourth. As you probably assumed, the Orange women lived and died by the three ball. A breakthrough third quarter was the only period where things were really falling for them beyond the arc.\n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports\n \n \n \nHead Coaches: SU: Quentin Hillsman (11th Year, 241-126); Connecticut: Geno Auriemma (32nd Year, 988-134) \n\nHead Coach Bio: Auriemma moved from Italy to the U.S. when he was seven, and he’s been here ever since. He was an assistant with the St. Joseph’s women’s team, Bishop Kendrick High School (Penn.) and Virginia, before taking over the UConn women’s basketball job in 1985.\nAfter three seasons of middling basketball, UConn won 24 games in 1988-89, the first of 29 straight seasons (and counting) of NCAA Tournament berths. Auriemma’s team made their first Final Four in 1991, and won their first championship in 1995. He’s won 11 national titles, 22 conference tournament championships and three Olympic gold medals. \n\nAmong his many accolades, perhaps the most impressive is the current 108-game winning streak for the UConn women’s team. The Huskies have only lost one game since the start of the 2013-14 season.\nLast Year: UConn went 38-0 and beat Syracuse in the national title game (we discussed above). It was their fourth straight championship.\nLast Game: The Huskies ran through Albany, 116-55 in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. They were up a ton after one quarter and everything just rolled downhill from there.\n\"Fear Me, I've Killed Hundreds of Timelords\": Pick your poison with this team. Katie Lou Samuelson and Napheesa Collier both score more than 20 points per game, and either could potentially beat the Orange on their own. Samuelson’s one of the country’s top three-point shooters, and Collier averages 20 points and nearly nine boards per game. Either getting hot from the field could end any slim chance Syracuse has to begin with.\n\nIf Syracuse Wins: It automatically ranks among the most stunning upsets in NCAA Tournament (men’s or women’s) history. The Orange march on to the Sweet 16 with a pretty realistic shot to get back to the Final Four, and who knows after that.\nIf Syracuse Loses: It’s not a surprising result, and honestly, there’s nothing shameful about it at all. Sure, we’d prefer to win, but a loss would not mean this season was a failure. More than anything, it would be a bummer for these seniors, who accomplished a whole hell of a lot in their careers and were unfortunately set to face UConn in round two here.\nFun Fact No. 1: Syracuse has beaten a No. 1-ranked UConn women’s team before. On January 2, 1996, the Huskies showed up at Manley Field House to face a 5-4 Orangewomen squad, and expected to win yet another game going away. They left with a 62-59 defeat -- one of the sport’s largest upsets to that point. That was also the last time SU beat Connecticut. \nFun Fact No. 2: UConn hasn’t lost before the Sweet 16 since 1993. That’s not fun. Just proof (I guess?) that it has happened before.\n" } },
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"$type" : "00" }, "article" : { "title" : "Another mid-major will be test for Canes women’s basketball", "content" : "\nBeware the mid-majors.\nThe Miami Hurricanes had their season ended last year by one of those non-glamour teams, South Dakota State, in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. And it nearly happened again on Saturday as 13th-seeded Florida Gulf Coast was a couple of plays away from stunning the fourth-seeded and 16th-ranked Canes.\nHost Miami escaped 62-60 and advanced to play on Monday night at 9 against … another mid-major, 12th-seeded Quinnipiac in a second-round NCAA Tournament game at the Watsco Center.\nIf the Canes advance, they will play either top-seed South Carolina or No. 8 Arizona State in a Sweet 16 game on Saturday at Stockton, California.\nQuinnipiac had never won an NCAA Tournament game before beating Dwyane Wade’s alma mater Marquette 68-65 on Saturday.\nBut on the night when NCAA pairings were announced, one Marquette player said she had never heard of Quinnipiac. Miami players are unlikely to make such a mistake.\nHere’s a quick primer on the Bobcats:\n▪ They are 28-6 and have won 11 games in a row. College Insider recently ranked them the nation’s fifth-best mid-major team — two spots ahead of South Dakota State and 14 better than FGCU.\n▪ Over the past three seasons, the Bobcats are 54-6 in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, winning the league’s regular-season title all three years.\n▪ Even though they dominated their league, they didn’t place a single player on their All-Conference first team, and that’s because the Bobcats have balanced scoring. Nobody averages more than 10.6 points.\n“Quinnipiac is a really good team — I’m not surprised they moved on [over Marquette],” said FGCU coach Karl Smesko, whose team lost 66-56 to Quinnipiac on Nov. 11. “Quinnipiac can score.”\nBut Miami should have several advantages over the Bobcats, including experience. Quinnipiac starts four sophomores and one one senior while Miami opens with three seniors and two juniors.\nSize is another Miami edge, especially with 6-3 Emese Hof, 6-2 Erykah Davenport and 6-1 Keyona Hayes.\nMiami, by virtue of its Atlantic Coast Conference membership, has played a much tougher schedule and also has the quickness of guards Jessica Thomas and Adrienne Motley.\nHowever, Miami’s three top guards shot a combined 7 for 25 against FGCU, and the Canes scored zero points on the fast break while turning the ball over 20 times.\nThe Canes also made just 1 of 14 on three-pointers, a fact that disturbs coach Katie Meier.\n“We need three-pointers. I mean, we do,” Meier said, emphasizing the point. “But we’ll get there. I promise.”\nQuinnipiac is already there. The Bobcats made themselves very comfortable on Miami’s home court, shooting 52.8 percent from the floor Saturday.\nMeier said that she has never once — in her entire career — looked ahead, which means she and her staff are now on information overload, studying the Bobcats.\nTheir scouting report will likely have lots to say about 6-0 forward Jen Fay, a slick ballhandler who scored 20 points in the win over Marquette, making 9-of-16 shots. She missed last season because of a knee injury but has recovered nicely, averaging 10.2 points\nTwo other players to watch are 5-8 senior guard Adily Martucci and 5-11 Aryn McClure. Martucci, who averages 10.6 points, came up with the defensive play of the game, a timely block in the final seconds, to beat Marquette. McClure, the 2016 MAAC Rookie of the Year, averages 8.8 points.\n“My staff is tremendous,” Meier said when asked about coming up with a Quinnipiac scouting report. “We have a great [basketball] IQ on this team. My players are going to want my game plan, and they’re going to want it pretty quick. \n“We’re going to be ready.”\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "811680" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843646193355907077.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Syracuse annually brings in one of the strongest recruiting classes in the country.", "official_websites" : [ "" ], "alias" : [ "Syracuse University Men's Basketball", "Syracuse University Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Basketball" ], "sport" : "Basketball", "mascot" : "Syracuse University Otto the Orange", "league" : "", "championships" : [ "2003 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament" ] }, "strName" : "Syracuse Orange", "state" : "New York", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "city" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strAlias" : "Syracuse" }, "color" : "EB5A0C", "_id" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:288423", "strName" : "Carrier Dome", "strShort" : "Carri", "location" : { "city" : "Syracuse", "state" : "New York" } }, "strAlias" : "SYR", "name" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strNick" : "Orange", "strShort" : "SYR", "strFirst" : "Syracuse" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:58.575+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9759936928749084, 0.024006368592381477 ] ], "text" : "NCAA Tournament 2017: Syracuse women’s basketball preview Q&amp;A with @theUConnBlog", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9759936928749084 }, "classificationWithLeague" : { "league" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : { "$oid" : "503431e46803fa030800003a" }, "tweetLeague" : [ { "leagueName" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : "503431e46803fa030800003a", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 2.530529534200736E-8, "leagueId" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "teamName" : "Akron Zips", "teamProbability" : 0.9627253454772706 }, { "leagueName" : "NCAA BASKETBALL", "teamId" : "50993439eb64f13a050000b4", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 3.4879663507939365E-4, "leagueId" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "teamName" : "Minnesota Golden Gophers", "teamProbability" : 0.21825187594353043 } ], "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "team" : "Akron Zips", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c" }, "classificationThresholdReached" : true, "isEqualToWritersTeam" : false, "teamProbability" : 0.9627253454772706 }, "article" : { "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "12912534" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843559963926679554.jpeg", "portrait" : false }, "title" : "NCAA Tournament: Syracuse women’s basketball preview Q&A with the UConn Blog", "content" : "\n The Syracuse Orange women’s basketball team (22-10), has the misfortune of facing the buzzsaw that is the UConn Huskies (33-0) in the second round of the 2017 NCAA Tournament on Monday, March 20. You may recall we last faced UConn in the National Championship last April. Syracuse lost that game, 82-51.\nBefore things tip off in Storrs, Conn., we wanted to chat with our “friends” at the UConn Blog about the game and other related items. Check out our Q&amp;A with Daniel Connolly below, and we’ll include a link to our responses over there once they’re live.\nObviously it's been several years since UConn's lost a game, but there have been some close calls here and there. How have a select few teams managed to hang close with the Huskies during the winning streak?\nThe closest calls have actually all come this season, as they've only three games during the streak have been single-digit wins. The recipe for this team is to get the forwards Napheesa Collier and Gabby Williams into foul trouble because UConn only plays seven deep. Next, you need to protect the ball well. This team loves to get turnovers and then throw the ball all the way up the court to Kia Nurse for the layup. \nKeep them out of transition. You also need to hit your shots on offense and hope they have a bad night shooting. That's a lot of luck, but that's what's happened in the close calls. \n\nFinally, Syracuse can't play UConn scared. Even the 16-seed Albany at least played the Huskies tough on Saturday even if they eventually got destroyed. Just come out and play your game.\nThe score didn't show it in last year's title game, but Syracuse put up a fight for a bit. That's not a question. More just a comment.\nI would agree. The Orange just ran into the ultimate buzzsaw, unfortunately. I believe that's the greatest college basketball team you'll ever see and any team would've lost but definitely credit to them for battling. I enjoyed the Final Four last year because it wasn't the typical powerhouses, it was a bunch of up-and-coming programs. I expect Syracuse to get back there in the near future.\nSyracuse spent most of the season in the polls and had a profile more indicative of a 5- or 6-seed. Would you rather face someone else in round two? Or does it not matter much anymore?\nAs someone covering the team, I always want to see the most exciting game and I think this one should be fun. At least there's some history here unlike Iowa State (Or Duquesne last year). As for the fans, I don't think anyone really thinks they have a chance at losing until at least the Elite Eight so it doesn't matter much to them. \n\nObviously we hate each other. But not as much in women's hoops, right?\nI don't see why we should. It's not like we had any great Big East battles back in the day or anything outside of last year's title game. But who knows? Maybe this is the start of a nice little northeast women's basketball rivalry and we can up the hatred in the next couple of years.\n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports\n \n \n \nWichita State: Discuss.\nI don't really feel a charge either way on this. It's good to get another big game on the schedule because the conference season can drag. But it also feels like a panic move. This conference absolutely needs basketball help though. Outside of UConn and Louisville, the American has three tournament wins in its four years since they changed the name: Two from Cincinnati, one from Memphis. The Shockers will be a boost there, but if there's a future without Marshall, I'm a little more concerned. Maybe they're bringing them in because UConn's about to bolt to a Power 5 conference. I can dream, right?\nWhich team left in the tournament field scares you the most?\nMaryland. Without a doubt. They played UConn extremely tough back in December and gave the Huskies their toughest game of the season. There were times down the stretch of that game I really felt like the Terps were going to win. The Huskies took a couple big leads, one in the third quarter even, and Maryland kept fighting back. I've been saying their the biggest threat ever since that game, so I'm really hoping they meet to decide who goes to the Final Four in Bridgeport.\nI'm sure you think UConn wins this game. What's your score prediction?\nYou would be correct. If Syracuse hits their threes they can keep it close for most of the game. Still think UConn comes away with a pretty comfortable win. I won't guess a score but I think they'll win by 23.\n***\nThanks again to Daniel for taking the time on these. Be sure to follow @TheUConnBlog for everything on the Huskies’ women’s basketball team.\n" } },
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"Syracuse", "venues" : [ { "id" : "/m/0wz24st", "from" : "1980", "to" : "", "name" : "Carrier Dome" } ], "coach" : "Jim Boeheim", "description" : "The Syracuse Orange men's basketball program is an intercollegiate men's basketball team representing Syracuse University. The program is classified in the NCAA's Division I, and the team competes in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Since playing its first official season in 1900-1901, the Orange has established a strong reputation as the fifth winningest men's Division I basketball team of all-time, and currently holds an active NCAA-record 43 consecutive winning seasons.\nIn its 36th year under current head coach Jim Boeheim, the team has compiled an all-time record 34 20-win seasons, including ten Big East regular season championships, five Big East Tournament championships, 29 NCAA Tournament appearances, and three appearances in the national title game. In those games, the Orange lost to Indiana in 1987 and Kentucky in 1996, before defeating Kansas for the title in 2003. Syracuse annually brings in one of the strongest recruiting classes in the country.", "official_websites" : [ "" ], "alias" : [ "Syracuse University Men's Basketball", "Syracuse University Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "The Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Men's Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Orange Basketball", "Syracuse Mens Basketball", "Syracuse Basketball" ], "sport" : "Basketball", "mascot" : "Syracuse University Otto the Orange", "league" : "", "championships" : [ "2003 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament" ] }, "strName" : "Syracuse Orange", "state" : "New York", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "type" : "team", "city" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strAlias" : "Syracuse" }, "color" : "EB5A0C", "_id" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:288423", "strName" : "Carrier Dome", "strShort" : "Carri", "location" : { "city" : "Syracuse", "state" : "New York" } }, "strAlias" : "SYR", "name" : { "strName" : "Syracuse", "strNick" : "Orange", "strShort" : "SYR", "strFirst" : "Syracuse" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:58.575+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9895126223564148, 0.010487428866326809 ] ], "text" : "Syracuse women’s basketball opponent preview: What to know about Connecticut:", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9895126223564148 }, "classificationWithLeague" : { "league" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : { "$oid" : "503431e46803fa030800003a" }, "tweetLeague" : [ { "leagueName" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : "503431e46803fa030800003a", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 1.830777951296492E-8, "leagueId" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "503431d06803fa030800001c" }, "teamName" : "Akron Zips", "teamProbability" : 0.9955517164682132 }, { "leagueName" : "NCAA BASKETBALL", "teamId" : "50993439eb64f13a050000ae", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 2.311331360124456E-4, "leagueId" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b", "teamWriterName" : "Syracuse Orange", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000d6" }, "teamName" : "Maryland Terrapins", "teamProbability" : 0.6622491985974328 } ], "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "team" : "Akron Zips", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c" }, "classificationThresholdReached" : true, "isEqualToWritersTeam" : false, "teamProbability" : 0.9955517164682132 }, "article" : { "title" : "Syracuse women’s basketball opponent preview: What to know about Connecticut", "content" : "\n\n\t\t\t\tNo. 8 seed Syracuse (21-10, 11-5 Atlantic Coast) is set to take on No. 1 seed Connecticut (33-0, 16-0 American Athletic) at 6:30 PM Monday in Storrs, Connecticut. SU is coming off an 82-62 first-round win over No. 9 seed Iowa State, a game in which three Orange scorers tallied over 20 points, including a career-high 24 from freshman 3-point specialist Gabby Cooper. UConn enters the contest fresh off a 116-55 win over No. 16 seed Albany in its first round matchup, the 16th time this season that the Huskies have scored at least 90 points.\nHere’s what to know about UConn ahead of Monday’s matchup.\nAll-time series: Connecticut leads, 38-12\nLast time they played: The Huskies smashed SU, 82-51, in the 2016 NCAA national championship game in Indianapolis. Breanna Stewart led the charge for UConn, posting 24 points in the program’s record fourth-straight national title win. Cornelia Fondren had 16 points for the Orange on 60 percent shooting, but SU shot just 10 percent from 3 in the defeat.\nThe UConn report: The Huskies are the undisputed best women’s team in the nation, and have beaten 10 ranked team this season. Their closest game of the year was against then-No. 4 Maryland, winning by only six over the Terrapins. UConn has scored over 100 points an NCAA-leading five times this season, and has four players averaging double-digit points-per-game, with two averaging over 20.\nKatie Lou Samuelson is the Huskies’ star, averaging 20.8 points per game over an average of 31.3 minutes per game. She’s made 112 3-pointers on 259 attempts, good for a 43.2 percent average. The Huskies have the third-best scoring offense in the country, averaging 87.5 points per game, and the sixth-best scoring defense in the country, allowing an average of just 53.8 points per game.\ currently gives the Huskies a 49 percent chance to win the tournament, and a 98 percent chance to beat the Orange on Monday.\nHow SU beats UConn: After UConn’s opening round game against No. 16 Albany, Huskies head coach Geno Auriemma said that before every game, he asks his assistant coaches what his team would have to do to lose. Against the Great Danes, the coaching staff said that the team would have to miss “a lot” of shots. But against No. 8 SU on Monday, a team that was arguably underseeded and last met the Huskies in the national championship game, UConn doesn’t have as much room for failure as it did against Albany.\nFor the Orange to win, it will have to put together a perfect game in all facets. Brittney Sykes and Alexis Peterson will need to match or exceed their combined points-per-game average of nearly 46, and Gabby Cooper will have to step up from behind the arc like she did against Iowa State. The only way to beat a high-scoring team like UConn is to match it shot for shot, so Sykes, Peterson and Cooper will all probably have to finish the game with over 20 points for the second-straight game.\nDefensively, SU needs to focus on shutting down Samuelson. The sophomore sharpshooter has the third-most 3-pointers made this season, and the third-highest 3-point shooting percentage in the nation. She also averages 3.38 3-pointers per game, and the Orange zone can’t let her get hot from beyond the arc.\nThe Huskies aren’t used to playing in close games, so if the Orange can keep Monday’s game within ten points, it has potential to pull the upset. Samuelson is the only UConn player that averages more than 30 minutes per game. A four-quarter game could potentially tire out a UConn side that isn’t used to running for 40 minutes straight, and give a well-conditioned SU team the upper hand.\nStat to know: 108 —  The Huskies have won 108-straight games, the all-time mark in the NCAA. Nov. 17, 2014, was the last time UConn lost, dropping an 88-86 overtime game at Stanford. UConn has not been ranked lower than No. 3 during the streak, and boasts a 153-1 record over its past 154 games.\nPlayer to watch: Katie Lou Samuelson, Guard, No. 33\nSamueslon is UConn’s replacement for Breanna Stewart, who graduated last year and now plays for the Seattle Storm of the WNBA, and she’s all but filled the role perfectly for the Huskies this season. She’s shooting 49.3 percent from the field, and her 20.8 points per game are tops for the Huskies. Samuelson is also one of four finalists for the Naismith Trophy, which is awarded annually to college basketball’s player of the year. Napheesa Collier, a forward for the Huskies, was named a finalist as well.\n\n\t\t\t\tPublished on March 19, 2017 at 3:29 pm\n\n\t\t\t\t\tContact Matt:\n\t\t\t\t\n" } },
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"$type" : "00" }, "lsmt_result" : { "predicted_team" : { "slug" : "ohio-state-buckeyes-basketball", "numSportsDataId" : "857462b3-0ab6-4d26-9669-10ca354e382b", "conference" : { "strName" : "Big Ten", "numId" : "Big Ten", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" } }, "score" : { "$numberLong" : "0" }, "strShortName" : "Ohio State", "algorithmIndex" : { "$numberLong" : "163" }, "division" : { "strName" : "I", "numId" : "I", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" } }, "league" : { "strName" : "ncaa basketball", "_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "algorithmIndex" : { "$numberLong" : "6" }, "score" : { "$numberLong" : "0" }, "strCode" : "ncaab" }, "modified" : { "$date" : "2015-07-23T19:55:08.312+0000" }, "strSportsDirectId" : "/sport/basketball/team:2500", "metrocode" : "535", "googleKnowledge" : { "colors" : [ "Grey", "Scarlet" ], "images" : [ { "id" : "/m/0ccmrjn" } ], "mid" : "/m/02q8r_1", "location" : "Columbus", "venues" : [ { "id" : "/m/0wz24dl", "from" : "1998", "to" : "", "name" : "Value City Arena at the Jerome Schottenstein Center" } ], "coach" : "Thad Matta", "description" : "The Ohio State men's basketball team represents The Ohio State University in NCAA Division I college basketball competition. The Buckeyes are a member of the Big Ten Conference. The Buckeyes won their only National Championship in 1960 and have made a total of 21 NCAA Tournament appearances. The Buckeyes share a classic rivalry with the Michigan Wolverines, in which OSU has an 83–70 series lead. The Ohio State University is one of only two teams to make an NCAA tournament appearance every decade since the 1930s.\nThe Buckeyes play their home games at Value City Arena in TheJerome Schottenstein Center which opened in 1998. The official capacity of the center is 19,200. Ohio State ranks 18th in the nation in average home attendance.\nThad Matta was named the head coach of Ohio State in 2004 to replace coach Jim O'Brien after being involved in NCAA violations which cost Ohio State over 113 wins between 1998 and 2002.", "official_websites" : [ "" ], "alias" : [ "Ohio State Buckeyes Basketball", "OSU Buckeyes Men's Basketball", "OSU Buckeyes Mens Basketball", "OSU Buckeyes Basketball", "Ohio State University Men's Basketball", "Ohio State University Mens Basketball", "Ohio State University Basketball", "Ohio State Men's Basketball", "Ohio State Mens Basketball", "Ohio State Basketball" ], "sport" : "Basketball", "mascot" : "Ohio State University Brutus Buckeye", "league" : "", "championships" : [ "1960 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament" ] }, "strName" : "Ohio State Buckeyes", "state" : "Ohio", "idParent" : { "$oid" : "503431d36803fa0308000020" }, "city" : { "strName" : "Columbus", "strAlias" : "Columbus" }, "color" : "AD0C34", "_id" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000c3" }, "venue" : { "id" : "/sport/basketball/venue:634713", "strName" : "Schottenstein Center", "strShort" : "VCA", "location" : { "city" : "Columbus", "state" : "Ohio" } }, "strAlias" : "OSU", "name" : { "strName" : "Ohio St.", "strNick" : "Buckeyes", "strShort" : "OSU", "strFirst" : "Ohio St" }, "created" : { "$date" : "2012-11-06T16:00:58.081+0000" } }, "threshold_reached" : true, "results" : [ [ 0.9746612310409546, 0.025338802486658096 ] ], "text" : "Ohio State women’s basketball advanced to the Sweet 16 with 82-68 win over Kentucky", "prediction_league_code" : "ncaab", "prediction_pos" : 0, "prediction_league_id" : { "$oid" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b" }, "prediction_league" : 0.9746612310409546 }, "classificationWithLeague" : { "league" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : { "$oid" : "503431ef6803fa030800004c" }, "tweetLeague" : [ { "leagueName" : "NCAA FOOTBALL", "teamId" : "503431ef6803fa030800004c", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 2.1125850213589673E-8, "leagueId" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c", "teamWriterName" : "Ohio State Buckeyes", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "503431d36803fa0308000020" }, "teamName" : "Nevada Wolf Pack", "teamProbability" : 0.34061184197775185 }, { "leagueName" : "NCAA BASKETBALL", "teamId" : "50993439eb64f13a050000b4", "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "teamWriterProbability" : 6.65851354893071E-5, "leagueId" : "50081f46b10f2c06a4c6ed6b", "teamWriterName" : "Ohio State Buckeyes", "teamWriterId" : { "$oid" : "5099343aeb64f13a050000c3" }, "teamName" : "Minnesota Golden Gophers", "teamProbability" : 0.30280225776767633 } ], "leagueProbability" : 1.0, "team" : "Nevada Wolf Pack", "leagueId" : { "$oid" : "50081f58b10f2c06a4c6ed6c" }, "classificationThresholdReached" : false, "isEqualToWritersTeam" : false, "teamProbability" : 0.34061184197775185 }, "article" : { "title" : "NCAA women’s basketball tournament 2017 final score: Ohio State advances to Sweet 16 with 82-68 win over Kentucky", "content" : "\n Wins never come easy in the NCAA tournament, and Sunday’s matchup between Ohio State and Kentucky bore that out. After leading by as many as 19 points, the Buckeyes had to fend off a wild comeback by the Wildcats to notch a 82-68 victory and advance to Sweet 16.\nKentucky, playing on its home floor, never had a lead, but pulled to within one point with six minutes remaining in the fourth quarter. Ohio State then went on a 12-2 run over the next four minutes to pull away.\nKelsey Mitchell, the Big Ten’s player of the year, bounced back from less than stellar performances her past two games, scoring 21 points to lead the Buckeyes. 19 of those 21 came in the first half, though, as the Wildcats threw traps and double teams at Ohio State’s star. It meant the Buckeyes needed others to step up, and that’s exactly what Shayla Cooper, Tori McCoy, and Linnae Harper did.\nCooper scored 15 and grabbed eight rebounds, while McCoy put up a double-double with 14 and 12. Harper, though, who started her college career with Kentucky, was the ultimate X-factor. The junior from Chicago affected every facet of the game, finishing with 12 points, 10 rebounds, eight assists, and two steals. \n\nThe Wildcats were led by senior Makayla Epps, who scored 21 points. Fellow senior Evelyn Akhator added 14 points and a monster 23 rebounds, while sophomore Maci Morris scored 12.\nMitchell started the game in a great rhythm, scoring 10 of Ohio State’s first 12 points. Akhator scored the first six for Kentucky, and she, Epps, and Morris scored all but two of the team’s points in the first quarter. After a tight ten minutes, the Buckeyes held a 20-16 lead.\nThe second quarter began with a 14-2 Ohio State run, with Cooper knocking down a three-pointer and a jumper in that span. Mitchell hit a three and a jumper of her own, and the lead was 34-18 with six minutes remaining in the half. \n\nSierra Calhoun knocked down a pair of threes and Harper hit a jumper, as the scarlet and gray continued to turn it on. Mitchell scored the squad’s final four points of the frame, sending the Buckeyes to the locker room with a commanding 46-31 advantage.\nThe 19 first half points for Mitchell came on 7-for-11 shooting. Meanwhile, Ohio State held Kentucky to a dismal 29 percent from the floor, including just 1-for-8 from three-point range.\nThe Buckeyes scored the first four points after the half thanks to layups by McCoy and Calhoun, but the Wildcats battled back, going on a 10-2 run and then following that up with a 7-0 run. Epps and Morris led the way on offense, and a locker room adjustment to start doubling Mitchell paid dividends.\nMitchell was just 1-for-6 in the quarter and turned the ball over twice. Kentucky had cut the lead to just eight points with ten minutes to play.\nIn the final frame, an Epps jumper and a Morris triple cut the lead to three right out of the gate. Harper responded by scoring four straight against her former teammates, but Epps kept making shots, and an elbow jumper made it a 65-64 ballgame.\nThat’s when Ohio State went on the run that would ultimately put the game out of reach. Cooper scored eight of the team’s final 10 points, stepping up as Mitchell was taken away by Kentucky’s defense.\nSo the Buckeyes are Sweet 16 bound. They await the winner of tonight’s Notre Dame-Purdue second round game. The Irish are the top seed in the region, while the Boilermakers eliminated Ohio State from the Big Ten tournament two weekends ago, so regardless of opponent, moving on to the Elite 8 will be the greatest challenge the team has faced to date this season.\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "1440000" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843534963303694336.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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"$type" : "00" }, "article" : { "title" : "Hayes beats the clock as UM women’s basketball team survives FGCU upset bid", "content" : "\n\nUniversity of Miami women’s basketball coach Katie Meier wasn’t in the mood to apologize for a couple of close officiating calls that went her way or a two-point escape against a lower-seeded opponent.\n Shortly after the fourth-seeded Canes had defeated No. 13 Florida Gulf Coast 62-60 in a first-round NCAA Tournament game on Saturday night at the Watsco Center, Meier asked a rhetorical question.\n “I can be happy, right?”\n Yes, Meier is allowed to be thrilled, if not about how well her team played at least in the mere fact that Miami (24-8) advanced to play host to 12th-seeded Quinnipiac (28-6) on Monday night. Quinnipiac upset fifth-seeded Marquette 68-65 earlier Saturday.\n The Canes survived FGCU (26-9) despite losing star guard Adrienne Motley, who fouled out with 1:53 left in the game.\n \n\n\nMotley’s performance — she scored just four points on 1-of-6 shooting — was one of many things to go wrong for Miami. The Canes turned the ball over 20 times, scored zero points on the fast break and made just 1 of 14 three-point attempts.\n But the Canes were saved by 6-1 senior forward Keyona Hayes, who posted up 5-9 guard Taylor Gradinjan for the game’s winning basket with 1.5 seconds left. Gradinjan fell while trying to guard the much-stronger Hayes, but no offensive foul was called.\n “It’s disappointing, but that’s what the refs thought it was,” Gradinjan said of the no-call.\n Hayes had a different perspective.\n “It’s the NCAA Tournament, and it’s the last couple of seconds of the game — I’m just happy the refs let us play,” said Hayes, who finished with game highs in points (16) and rebounds (10). “It was a good no-call.”\n Meier said her film study of the Eagles indicated they would try to draw charges, and she was pleased that Hayes was “balanced” when she went up for her winning shot.\n After Hayes’ bucket off glass put the Canes up 62-60, the Eagles had one last chance. From just inside half-court on the left side, they tried a long inbounds lob that was broken up by Miami’s Keyanna Harris, ending the game.\n The Eagles wanted a call on that play, too.\n “It’s frustrating,” Eagles reserve Haley Laughter said, “but you can’t base the game on one or two plays.”\n \n\n\nIndeed, the Eagles didn’t play exceptional basketball, either. They shot just 37.5 percent from the floor, got just two fastbreak points and were outrebounded 41-26.\n Using superior size, Miami outscored the Eagles 12-2 on second-chance points and led by as many as 13 points in the second quarter. Besides Hayes, Miami also got double-figure scoring from reserve forward Emese Hof, who added 14 points.\n But the Eagles, who were just 2 of 18 on first-half three-pointers, started to find their range in the second half, making 7 of 16 from long distance.\n Meanwhile, Miami’s guards were not hitting. Motley, Jessica Thomas and Laura Cornelius — Miami’s three best perimeter threats — combined to make just 7 of 25 shots.\n In the final minute, Harris made two free throws to give Miami a 60-57 lead. But Gradinjan made a three-pointer from the right corner to tie the score with 7.1 seconds left.\n Meier indicated that forward Erykah Davenport didn’t get over to that corner in her defensive rotation.\n “Clearly, Davenport shouldn’t have pinched off the corner to give her that shot,” Meier said. “I may have yelled at her in the locker room, but I wasn’t going to waste a timeout to yell at her then.”\n UM closed the game out with Hayes, who became the first Canes player to post an NCAA Tournament double-double since Pepper Wilson in 2013.\n “I felt her,” Hayes said about the defense of Gradinjan on the final basket. “She’s a lot smaller. I just took my time and laid the ball up.”\n No apology necessary.\n \n\n", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "811680" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843283257085083648.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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Center in Louisville on Saturday afternoon.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe 12th-seeded Flyers, who had a brief lead in the third quarter, suffered through long scoring droughts. They made just 20 of 63 shots on the day. The Flyers also made just 14 trips to the foul line, hitting on 79 percent.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFifth-seeded Tennessee (20-11) hit 42 percent from the floor and converted 22 of 33 free throws.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIt took a major comeback for the Flyers to get back in the game.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDayton hit just 15 percent (3-for-19) from the floor in the opening quarter to enter the second quarter on the short end of a 20-9 margin.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDayton closed the half with a 16-6 run to tie the game at 29-29 at the break.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTennessee advances to the second round Monday to face fourth-seeded Louisville.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "8928160" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "843239148500766721.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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The donations will be given to the campaign set up on Belden’s behalf.\n \n \n \n \n \n “He’s been at every single women’s basketball game, men’s basketball game, football, swimming and diving – he loves Aggies and Aggie sports,” Michalke, a friend of Belden’s, said over the plane’s microphone. “It’s unfortunate that he suffered this accident, but I think that having the Aggie family united behind this can help him in his time of need.”\n \n \n \n \n \n Belden suffered a concussion, a broken back, three broken ribs, a broken collar bone, two pelvic fractures and a collapsed lung in the accident, according to a message shared by class of ‘55 A&amp;M graduate Robert Winckler. Belden underwent several hours of surgery Monday night, according to a Facebook post shared by his mother.\n \n \n \n \n \n As of Thursday afternoon, he was no longer in intensive care, current yell leader Spenser Old said.\n \n \n \n \n \n “He’s one of those guys that would take the shirt off his back to make sure you’re doing well and go to extensive lengths to make sure that people are happy and that people are doing well,” Old said. “He always puts people before himself, so it’s unfortunate to see this. He’s also one of the most positive people I know, so if anyone is going to recover from this with a good attitude, it’s going to me him.”\n \n \n \n \n \n In one day’s time, Belden’s campaign had collected $4,969 from 116 donors, just shy of the $5,018 goal. The GoFundMe can be found at\n \n \n \n\n ", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "705600" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "842829010442772480.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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"prediction_league" : 0.866010308265686 }, "article" : { "title" : "Women’s Basketball to Host WBI Quarterfinals Sunday Against Brown at Fleming Gymnasium", "content" : "\n \n \n \n \n \n 03-17-2017\n \n \n\t\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n GREENSBORO, N.C. – Coming off of a 45-37 victory over Charleston Southern in the opening round Thursday, UNCG will host Brown Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Quarterfinals of the Women’s Basketball Invitational at Fleming Gymnasium. The game will be streamed live on the SoCon Digital Network, links to live coverage will be available at\nTicketing for the postseason matchup will be handled just like a regular season game, with general admission tickets costing five dollars for adults, three dollars for seniors over the age of 55 and children under the age of 12. All UNCG faculty, staff and students will receive admission free of charge. Gates will open at 1:00 p.m.\nThe Spartans used a dominant performance inside the lane to overtake the Buccaneers of Charleston Southern on Thursday. UNCG outscored CSU 36-12 in the paint during the game and shot 50-percent from the field, while holding the Bucs to just 19-percent shooting from the floor.\nAlexis Pitchford (Orlando, Florida/Winter Park) and Nadine Soliman (Cairo, Egypt/Mokattam Language School) led the Blue and Gold with nine points apiece, while Te’ja Twitty (Rutherfordton, N.C./Rutherfordton-Spindale Central) posted eight points and four rebounds.\nBrown earned a spot in the quarterfinals with an 81-75 win over UMBC on Thursday. The Bears received 22 points and 10 rebounds from Shayna Mehta, while Erika Steeves also chipped in 22 points. Brown netted 15 three-pointers in the game, tying the school record.\nThe Bears average 71.9 points per game, knocking down an average of 7.5 threes a contest. Brown shoots 41.7-percent from the field, including 35.5-percent on attempts from behind the arc.\nJustine Gaziano leads four players who average double figures in scoring at 16.6 points per game, while Mehta sits in second at 15.4 PPG. Steeves leads the way with 8.4 rebounds per contest.\nSunday’s game will be the first-ever home postseason game for the Blue and Gold since joining Division I in 1991. UNCG is 2-3 all-time in postseason action.\n-UNCG- \n \n \n ", "image" : { "size" : { "$numberLong" : "252800" }, "src" : "", "edited" : "842807010852831233.jpeg", "portrait" : false } } },
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