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Last active November 15, 2015 16:42
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
# globals
arr0 = []
arr1 = []
n = 0
# logic
# (main())
def main(): # C-style Python-programming :D
global arr0, arr1, n
#init("") # file input
init() # keyboard input
ans = solve()
#print(" ".join(map(str,arr0)))
#print(" ".join(map(str,arr1)))
def init(file = None): # initing globals
global arr0, arr1, n
def takeArr(s):
arr = s.split()
arr = list(map(float, arr))
return arr
def isSorted(arr):
return all(
arr[i] <= arr[i+1]
for i in range(len(arr)-1)
if file is None:
arr0 = takeArr(input())
arr1 = takeArr(input())
f = open(file, "r")
arr0 = takeArr(f.readline().strip())
arr1 = takeArr(f.readline().strip())
n = len(arr0)
if len(arr1) != n:
raise ValueError(
"Me needs two sorted arrays of the **same size**"
if not(isSorted(arr0) and isSorted(arr1)):
raise ValueError(
"Me needs two **sorted** arrays of the same size"
def solve_brute_way(): # O(n*log(n))
global arr0, arr1, n
arr = arr0 + arr1
# len(arr) % 2 == 0
# always true, because
# len(arr) == 2 * n
return (arr[n-1] + arr[n]) / 2
def solve_O_n(): # O(n)
global arr0, arr1, n
i = i0 = i1 = 0
v0 = v1 = None
# like merge-function in merging sort
while i <= n:
v0 = v1
if i0 != n and (i1 == n or arr0[i0] <= arr1[i1]):
v1 = arr0[i0]
i0 += 1
v1 = arr1[i1]
i1 += 1
i += 1
return (v0 + v1) / 2
def solve():
global arr0, arr1, n
#if n <= 50:
# return solve_brute_way()
return solve_O_n()
# some testing stuff
# (run_tests())
def run_tests():
profiles = ["no intersection"
, "inclusion"
, "intersection"
, "same distribution"]
count = 1000
def check():
b = solve_brute_way()
s = solve_O_n()
return b == s
def run_tests(profile, count):
results = [init_test(profile, random.randint(600,1600))
and check()
for _ in range(count)]
return results
def count_hits(results):
results = filter(lambda x:x, results)
results = list(results)
return len(results)
for profile in profiles:
sch = run_tests(profile, count)
sch = count_hits(sch)
s = "Profile: " + str(profile) + "\n"
s += " Count: " + str(count) + "\n"
s += "Success: " + str(100 * (1 - sch / count)) + "%\n"
def init_rand(l, a0 = 0, b0 = 99
, a1 = None, b1 = None):
global arr0, arr1, n
if a1 is None:
a1 = a0
if b1 is None:
b1 = b0
n = l
def takeRandArr(l, a, b):
arr = [
for _ in range(l)
return arr
arr0 = takeRandArr(l, a0, b0)
arr1 = takeRandArr(l, a1, b1)
def init_test(i, l = random.randint(6,16)):
global arr0, arr1, n
n = l
coin_tails = random.random() > 0.5
if i == 0 or i == "no intersection":
if coin_tails:
init_rand(n, 0, 20, 100, 120)
init_rand(n, 100, 120, 0, 20)
elif i == 1 or i == "inclusion":
init_rand(n, -20, 20)
if coin_tails:
arr0 = [x*2 for x in arr0]
arr1 = [x*2 for x in arr0]
elif i == 2 or i == "intersection":
if coin_tails:
init_rand(n, 0, 20, 10, 30)
init_rand(n, 10, 30, 0, 20)
else: # same distribution
# (example)
# 0.0295352153364562 0.037738769734166344 0.08236269858055989 0.09379663070374322 0.12094422034464702 0.13291900146059443 0.15069403686159166 0.158137851013037 0.18771930275575954 0.20560791979164172 0.21738352915016468 0.3119019682129427 0.34755824579011263 0.38256926566224403 0.3888911126999911 0.41009784024109963 0.4797199773745219 0.5635786716370051 0.5642726395504967 0.5775296315513274 0.6025282714584975 0.7168311868198883 0.7463431160211368 0.7592923890840861 0.8431183590504937 0.8651719119250607 0.9219947568546539 0.9395478113311354 0.9532673239895981 0.9817050270165614
# 0.11442494857900087 0.13584662907140954 0.1420899477184585 0.15599231487109166 0.157154302379932 0.15801950024266997 0.18724681022209055 0.21158548455124715 0.22987804412689117 0.2913380352006518 0.297686193263789 0.3118391853888065 0.378879751699975 0.43310717657765074 0.4453404647668069 0.4494128519676691 0.457893756651482 0.4919949833308297 0.5901224960165474 0.6545925406274127 0.7193440159448474 0.8249635562995055 0.8734872097449103 0.9057237851160254 0.9244835135216061 0.9257452468163365 0.9282402073415297 0.9372102600996493 0.9473293092222195 0.9840384744388788
# answer: 0.4392238206722288
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